Ok, im pretty much a go on getting new RAM, but im just wondering if anyone knows wheres a good place to get a good deal.
Ok that was my main question now for those little side things im still confused about. I know that I need two of the same chips in order for things to work properly(Well..ok im still a little vague about that), so does that mean that if I want to upgrade from 256 to say 512 or 1g, I'd need two 256 chips or 2 512 chips?
Another thing about me is that im a cheap bastage =), so would it be cheaper in the long run to just upgrade to 1g(if its reasonable) or go for 512 at the moment and upgrade later.
Seeing as how computer illiterate I am (well, I know software issues, but im completely dumbfounded when it comes to hardware), this might help.
Current Memory hardware:
MEM RIMM 128-MB PC800 32MX2 RO
RIMM Continuity Module (C-RIMM)
Cheers to hopefully solving my horrid in game framerates!