Hopefully Tomec comes back and looks at the post above and below his, 'cause:
We understand the temptation to purchase better items, but Blizzard, and not the seller, does own all in-game property.
Sure, people can "send" items to others, but if you see some person sending out 5, 10, 15 gold increments to a bunch of people, it's kind of obvious.
They could use the people they farm with it and sell it, but that will cut down on their selling much, having to run back to town. Yes, it will exist, but very, very minimally.
Well yea, that would be kinda obvious. However I think you missed my point. Also, Coldcell got my point, at least I think. I was basically trying to say what he said, but in a different form.
What probably happened is you read too much into the items part of my post...
Also by no means was I trying to defend these sites/people, I actually dispise them. However I know that this type of thing will always go on, and you have to learn to deal with it. Sometimes dealing with it takes a ton of time (like getting that archer's ring in FFXI so you could give it to a friend or something to make a sniper's) but you learn to deal with it.
And finally:
but Blizzard, and not the seller, does own all in-game property.
Again, your not buying the "in-game property", your paying someone to farm the "in-game property" for you. Well more precisely, paying someone who is paying other people X amount per hour to make X gold per hour.
This small little loop-hole is what allows these types of sites to exist and do bussiness, and is why nothing any game company can do will put a 100% stop to these.
Again, i'm
NOT trying to defend these sites in any way, shape, or form, i'm simply stating the facts and what is on my mind, which is what forums are for.