1.) When asked to travel out somewhere that is literally 20 minutes or more from a friendly zone by a pickup group, make sure your hearthstone is recharged. Attempting to get out after using a half hour ability to get in is not fun.
2.) While fighting bosses with really cool loot, make sure master looter is on. Stops ninja looting.
3.) When preparing to do an instance that has quests attached to it, make sure the people you invite already have the quests or are willing to go in just for the xp/loot. Standing around 2 hours waiting for them to do it isn't much fun.
4.) Always sell your junk at inns to the bartender. Resetting your hearth point to the middle of nowhere is NOT COOL.
5.) Set your heart point to Ironforge or Stormwind. Easier access points to most gryph locations.
6.) All the cool places are in the other faction's zones. :)