I know that the quests and items in this game are better explained in game than many others...but it would still be nice to get info about quests, items, etc.
When you log into the board, if you could just post some basic info on the quests you have completed it would be helpful. Provide anyhting that may be helpful...where to find the mob or item, strategy issues, special circumstances or gotchas.
The strength of Allah has always been the volume of user-supplied data regarding quests, etc. I always try to figure quests out myself...and in WoW there have only been one or two that have stumped me...but when someone is stumped, it is nice to have a place to go for the info.
And I mean placing the info on the actual item or quest page...not the main WoW forum. :-)
Edited, Tue Dec 7 14:16:57 2004 by lhuffman