it's not soloing place... unless you are 8-10 leve higher
Solo-ing an Elite Instance Dungeon, Which Class/Build?
1) People have been complaining that a Frost Mage and Shadow Priest can't cut even 1 Elite Monster.
2) Paladins complaining that they get mobbed.
3) Hunters complain that their Pets die so often.
4) Rogues say they will be fine once Blizzard fix the MISS bugs.
Any suggestions?
1) they do lot, of dmg. the most dmg in the game... if they can't kill fast then no other class can... btw there are to many link. and agg...
2) what does this mean? sorry no idea :D pld.... are great class.. i can never kill them
3) better having dead pet then char.... but hunter can't solo elite instance.
4) ....miss bug.... ahhhhh i hate posting about the duel over and oever!!!!
Edited, Tue Dec 7 09:06:35 2004 by XvermonX