Hmmm...I guess it all depends on whether or not the sundae has taken care of his/her level cap quests. If that's the case, the sundae may be waiting on an airship or too broke to purchase a chocobo. All these taken into consideration, I would say the sundae would still win, but it would have to wait for a few hours in order to actually get to FFXI to fight....even then, if the sundae didn't understand the rules of Ballista (or have the gil to join the "match"), then the sundae is outta luck. I bet FFXI would have the same money/time/aggravation problems. They would both end up quitting and running full speed to World of Warcraft. In this case, W0r1d 0f w4rcr4f7 4 teh w1nn4rrr!!!!111!