Hi, we are Ka'tet, one from many. We enjoy long walks on the beach, beautiful sunsets, and puppies...yeah puppies, and flowers. Hrm, this is Match.com right...no? Damn. Well, since I am here, we are the Ka'tet guild. As of now, we are composed of a core of action oriented, raid loving players. We are long time MMORPG veterans. (I have been playing online RPG's since 1995) If you are serious about raiding and such, play in the evenings pacific time, and weekends, we have a guild for you.
We are an Alliance guild, no damn dirty orcs for us. Min level 18 to join up.
PS. If you are easily offended, or don't have a filthy sense of humor, we are not for you :)
To join, e-mail Amara at deusdivini@hotmail.com with your class, level, and your idea of a perfect date.