Just wondering if the forums were going to be reorganized soon. It's a bit difficult to find your way around ATM. A system similar to that of the FFXI forums would be wonderful.
I am sure that the admins have a ton of stuff going on right now with all the new content information being added to the website, but it would be nice to have a word on timeframe for the addition of forums.
Alla's posted several times that if the need arises for new forums he makes them. Now how he sees the need I don't know. I will admit it would be nice to have some server forums or something, but look at the amount of servers! Maybe a Horde board and a Alliance board. For now I can't see a server forum would work like in FFXI. Skills, maybe. Jobs, already have forums if you scroll down. Well mini-forums...
I'm hoping for archetype forums. It would be nice to have all the information for each AT in one place. The same goes for skills. Hints and tips for each crafting skill would be awesome.