1. How does the hate system work in the game?
Coming from a heavy tanking background in FFXI, hate in WoW was something of a shock. It's not as focused as in FFXI and bounces around a lot lot more. Generally, damage is a good way to get hate, a little more than in FFXI (blm does a few k MB and mob doesn't flinch from pld). Hate in WoW is slightly shakier than in FFXI where no one other than the pld gets touched for 7 hours of exp.
Also in FFXI, if your party or character has claim you get a boost on the mob's enmity list (why a level 5 character being power levelled will still get hate while being plvlled). Over here there's no such thing because there is no claiming system.
Cure hate is much less potent in WoW than in FFXI. I heal my party members for half their life and still don't get hate; if I did the same thing in FFXI I could probably hold off quite a bit.
FFXI also has 2 kinds of hate, spiked hate (increases quickly, deteriorates quickly too), and consistent hate (increases more steadily, takes longer to deterioriate). Up to this point I don't know or think that WoW has a similar system; I have no idea about hate decay in WoW yet.
In FFXI, the more you hit the enemy (excluding the amount of damage taken), the more hate you had. Basically, every hit added a certain amount of hate, no matter if it was hitting for less than someone hitting more with a longer delay weapon (why tanks in FFXI generally use 1 handed weapons, to ensure shorter delay and more hate). In WoW, however, it seems to be the opposite -- where the total damage taken has more influence on hate than the number of actions done to the mob.