Well, I havent had any on retail yet, but in beta I had a great rush with the constant raids on xroads.
My first official kill would be when I first arrived there and I heard people in local defense saying there was a large amount heading up from gold road. Well me being the rogue that i was, went up to the highest hill near the road south of xroads, and stealthed waiting for the raid to arrive.
when I finaly saw the block of alliance heading up the road, I moved down to the bottom of the hill, and waited for the group to try and take on the gaurds of xroads and a few players(the alliance were all around level 20 btw, and the gaurds were 40, so think of it as a rather hard kill).
When they started to get involved heavily with everything beating on them, I chose to sneak up behind and take out the first lil pesky mage I could see =). Well, by the time I finished with the mage, most of the raid had dispersed to death or fleeing and there were only a few more straglers around the area which we all chose to hunt down.