Stango.. it sounds to me like PvP is not for you. That's part of the excitement.. going through contested or enemy territory, you know you could be in danger at any time.
Also... I don't think level should matter. That's one gripe I have with the honor system. I do think it's extremely neccessary to prevent ganking, but on the other hand, I don't think it should grant free passage through contested or enemy territories.
For example, say I'm a level 6 orc warrior, and I make the journey to Night Elf territories. If I pass some alliance members on the way, should they just let me pass because they don't want a "dishonorable" kill? Meanwhile, since they let me pass, I'm able to get to the Night Elves' newb zones and start stalking youngins. But I guess you can't have everything, and the honor system is kind of a neccessary "keep-em-honest" tool.
Heh.. it appears that I got a bit off track in my post. Sorry. :P