Author: Staggs.
The suggested levels for this are 17+ - Feel free to group with other person if you like, but for best results, do it alone at level 20+.
North Darkshore, (not Darkshire) - In the Ruins of Mathyra. Follow the road towards to the Ruins, when you see the archway servering as the entrance, make a right turn hugging the outboundaries of the Tower. You will see a number of Myrms around, but keep on heading in a South Eastern angle until you realize you are on the outskirts of the Ruins of Mathrya zone, where no monsters spawn.
To the north of this location, you'll see a few lingering Myrm well spread apart, proceed towards them - you are looking for Cat Figurines in this area. These Cat Figurines are worth 1s each, and spawn just as you pick one up. In this area just outside the Tower - there are 4 Cat Figurine Respawn locations. if you meander around the area between the Tower and the Mine-Dungeon entrance (be sure you search in the areas where they are lined up perfectly ) - You'll find the Cat Figurines.
There is one spawn location by a crooked pillar next to the Mini-Dungeon entrance. The next is due west of that location laying behind a pillar laying on the ground. Just south of that point is a curved, semi-circle ruin - that should help as a land mark. Not too far west of that location is another spawn point for the Figurine at the corner of a broken wall. Just west of that is another spawn point, well hidden between a pillar laying on the ground and a broken wall. ALL spawn points are in visual range of one another, so you know they aren't far apart.
Kill the Mryms, they drop about 50c a pop, and clear the way for you to pick up as many Cat Figurines as you want. But wait, it gets better...
Picking up a Cat Figurine sometimes spawns a level 19 or level 20 Ghost Saber - These cats often don't drop anything, but they rarely drop awesome weapons and armor. To boot, they also drop Glowing Cat Figurines - which summon up a Ghost Saber pet for you for 30 Minutes. If you kill another Ghost Saber cat within that time, and it happens to drop another Glowing Figurine, use it again to find that the pets stack. Instead of one pet helping you, you'll have two. Continue as you like, sometimes you'll have up to 4 Ghost Sabers fighting for you, clearing out Myrms like nothing. Meanwhile, you'll score hundreds of Cat Figurines (which stack into piles of 20) - to later sell for as much gold as you like.
Edited, Wed Nov 24 21:19:50 2004 by Civilz