OK, I'll start this off with the rules for this thread:
1) Post questions clearly. If you have more than one, please index each question to help the great benefactors of this thread get to the meat of your query.
2) Please keep questions to gameplay only, no "why do Taruen females have horns?" nevermind how absolutely enthrawling that answer would most likely be.
3) We were/are all "n00bs" once, please be respectful and only reply if you have an answer. I would like for this thread to be constructive.
Here's the question that I have, but couldn't find an answer to:
How do you split up stacks of items for trade or sale?
Edit: I should have prefaced my question: I couldn't find it last night, it was late and that darn thing's a novel!
Edited, Wed Nov 24 12:51:11 2004 by KrycisTemp