I plan to start a human priest once i get the game a little later today. Can anyone tell me where I need to go to learn tailoring and enchanting, the tradeskills I want to pick up? Thanks for the help, I hope this wasn't too basic a question.
Also in major cities you can ask a guard about where all the major NPCs (Class trainers, Profession trainers, Weapon Master, etc) are located, and he'll give you directions and even place a flag on your mini-map.
Yep, what they said. Stormwind is only a short distance down the road from the human starting area. So if you keep your eyes out for wolves you should easily be able to make the run even at level one. Just follow the road signs. And be sure to ask the guards at the gate where the trainers are. Unlike Ironforge, guards in Stormwind are few and very far between. I often had to run all the way back to the gate to ask directions. I sent Blizzard a suggestion to add a lot more guards, but I guess we won’t find out if they did until we get into game.