Just a question.
I played an NE Hunter to lvl 20 during OB. However, I was unable to answer my own question before it ended.
Anyways. My question is this. Does the specific type of pet matter?
For example:
lvl 20 Young Thistle Bear vs. lvl 20 Mangleclaw Bear
lvl 20 Nightsabre vs. lvl 20 Moonstalker Shire
In both examples above, the first pet is one that can be tamed from a low level. Young Thistle Bear and Nightsabres are about lvl 7-9. The second pet's starting level is relatively higher; at around lvl 17 or 18.
So basically, in both examples, once the pets are tamed, they become their respective genre. For example, both Young Thistle Bear and Mangleclaw Bear become just "Bear". Nightsabre and Moonstalker become just "Cat". So theoretically, if both were equal level, they would have the same stats right? Or does the specific type (name of the type of bear/cat) matter?
Please Note: I am merely talking about BASE STATS - not the skills they possess or can learn (that i know ;])