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Do Final Fantasy players feel threatened? LMAOFollow

#102 Nov 05 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Default
I am an ex FFXI player.

FFXI sucks bigtime compared to WoW, its as simple as that.

WoW is just ahead of the times with FFXI.

But there are still fanboys that love the game for the name FF. I love FF games but FFXI was booring for me, slow and there were about 20 monsters total in game, same freaking armor for everyone?!#@!.. I can go on and on.

Cya FFXI, Hello WoW

#103 Nov 05 2004 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
4,884 posts
#104 Nov 05 2004 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
And this thread continues on... *calls over an infernal to destroy any and all WoW vs FFXI threads that have long since outlived their purpose*
#105 Nov 05 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
935 posts
Hey guys, yes, unfortunately, an FFXI player has wandered into this thread. I just wanted to reply as I thought it was a bit unfair.

I am in complete agreement with you that FFXI has several serious flaws, and there are quite a few people leaving with various new MMOs coming out shortly. More power to them, I am in complete agreement with them, if you don't enjoy FFXI you shouldn't be playing. But for me, there are still several aspects of the game I enjoy.

The reason I have noticed many of the FFXI vs. WoW threads being rated down is quite frankly because they are unbelievably biased. If you want to look at what happens with a fair and honest comparison with WoW and EQ2, check that thread here. Or if you are lazy, it is a very fair comparison of the likes and dislikes this poster has of both games. It also has a rating of 4.86, which is very high for a thread comparing two games.

I think if you really want to try to get a point across to the FFXI community, you should try to do it in a similar fashion as that poster did. To be honest, I have yet to see anything remotely resembling that type of unbiased information in the FFXI forum. All I have seen is people vehement when others try to mention any possible good point of FFXI, and an ensuing flame war. If there is truly no point of FFXI you enjoyed, maybe it's not a good idea to try to compare the two, as no matter what, your post is going to come across with a severe bias.

Anyways, just my two cents.
#106 Nov 05 2004 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
What bothers me is when people enjoy a game so much for a period of time and then they get bored of it and quit and jump to another game, and they point out all the flaws the old game had and they bother the people still playing the game.

I've played many games so far and the only MMOs I can complain about is SWG and Planetside.
#107 Nov 05 2004 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
881 posts
Heh must admit I found this all interesting. I still play FF but about to approach a year on the game and honestly...I'm starting to dislike it strongly. I'm tired of forced grouping, I'm tired of needing "Higher" help for my AF and so forth. I'm into fantasy and came into FF thinking I can play that solo adventurer who works in groups from time to time but is known for running around alone growing in strength and helping others...well...if you played FF you know that isn't possible unless a beast tamer. So now I'm looking at WoW and EQ2 with heavy interest. Only my girlfriend keeps me on FF. Not to mention if I fight another beetle, crab or bad *** bunny I might lose my freaking mind.
#108 Nov 05 2004 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
Also the fact that trying to get AF armor was right around the corner and I knew that would be a HUGE chore, maybe impossible. How am I supposed to get 17 people to help me when I can't find 5 decent people to make a party with? :/

I entered FFXI for most of the same reason other peeps did and thats cuz it was from Square and i must say i quit FFXI for most of the same reason to (to time consuming for no reward, Japanese have 1 YEAR ahead of us and the worst is the gils sellers ; ; etc...)But if there is one thing il always remember, is when I FINALLY got 18 peeps to get my last AF piece, thats where FFXI fun is all about we did 10 AF that night, killed about 20 Notorious monsters, and everybody went home happy. But indeed, to acomplish that in a single night demand ubber luck and patience. I almost cried dammit cuz it demanded me so much time and effort to get all my PLD AF pieces. 2 stupid MONTHS to get them......... after that it gets worst! but i made friends!!

retired PLD lvl 67 Ragnarok
#109 Nov 09 2004 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
I feel like the above poster ^^^^ ; ;

I am a huge fan of FF and Square-Enix in general,but even I as a fanboy cannot tolerate those insane timesink anymore.

Playing WOW has truly made me realize how separating exp/money gain/questing/big reward is not only a bad thing but a very cheap way to extand exponantially the game time.

It is now unacceptable to do a quest for my body AF gear and not doing a single point of exp or no money whatsoever from it.In the same line of thought,doing a quest for near no other reward than gaining fame to get access to quest which grant access to avatar and a couple of useful spell is not enough.The best gear can only be obtained by monster camping or paying insane amount of money.In WOW,I currently have a quest for my warrior which will give me a great armor.I will be able to make exp,cash from loot and get the cool armor piece all just from this one quest.Questing/money gaining/big reward and exp should all go hand in hand.

And those instanced dungeon are incredible indeed ^0^ I would love to be able to say the same thing about FF XI as you can earn big exp,good gear drop and cash from going on a raid to kill the boss unlike the shadowlord mission in FF XI(mission 5-2 which give you money after you finished it but nothing while you are doing it).Instanced dungeon in WOW give me that opportunity and I would not have it otherwise.This is how it was and still is in those single player FF rpg(and they are fun as well).This is how it should of been in FF XI,but alas this is not the case.

Playing WOW made me realize just how flawed mmorpg can get by introducing insane timesink which we perceive as natural and view these as obstacle to surpass in order to feel a huge sense of accomplishment and a small moment of joy and fun(in other word,100+ hours of tedious and boring task for 1 minute of joy as you get what you worked for like buying that haubergeon after all that dull farming and camping for cash).However,in no way whatsoever these timesink are fun.WOW eliminate those timesink and allow us to constantly have moment of fun and joy.

I like the fact that Blizzard designer are asking themselves: Am I actually having fun right now? while designing WOW.This is exactly what it's all about in the end:fun ^0^ Let's hope S-E developer ask themselves the same question while designing Fantasy earth:Is what I am implementing fun? Because massive farming is not fun.Camping NM or HNM for hours is not a fun task.Strict party requirement is not fun and severe for casual gamer(almost end up hating a guy in my static because he can barely play 5-10 hours a week).Boring and dull quest which basically grant mediocre reward is not fun and it's a pain to do them.

I'm buying WOW ^0^

Edited, Tue Nov 9 13:31:12 2004 by kitzkozan
#110 Nov 09 2004 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
460 posts
I am currently playing WoW but I play FFXI and I like both. Do I feel threatened ? No. FFXI is a great game to me but other people hat it. Thats understandable. Not everyone is going to love the same things. My roomate talked me into playing FFXI at release and I did. He quit like a month later at lvl 25 and I went on to play for a full year now and I'm lvl 70. It was a game I liked. He didn't like it.

Now I play the WoW Beta and I love it. It's a great game and it may be the game I play after FFXI is all done for me which is 5 lvls away.

Of course the OP has the right to his/her opinion about FFXI being the worst mmo ect.... but you state it as though it's a known's just your opinion and really has no validity in the statement or question ( not sure which it is) you are saying/asking.
#111 Nov 09 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
707 posts
I used to play FFXI. i just quit this week.

i don't have the time anymore, i got to lv 64, and then school/work/GF started.

i began to play because all my IRL friends were playing. then they left.

I'm gonna play WoW while all my buds are playin too, and if they stop, that's Alright, 'cause i can damn solo :D yay.

hmm, guess i'm gonna have to change my forum handle
-Vert, erm, used to be...
#112 Nov 09 2004 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
Hey, all.

First I would like to start by congratulating those who have started this thread. At first I thought it was just a simple FFXI bashing, but the subsequent posts made this thread an interesting read.

I am a current FFXI player, and am currently weighing the options that each game has to offer. I know that I will not have time to play both, nor do I want to pay dueling playing fees that go along with both games. I do plan on trying the open beta once I am able to download (tonight, tomorrow, Thurs maybe?).

I originally started to play FFXI because a couple of IRL friends started playing it. Instantly I became hooked. I'm currently on my 8th month playing it, and like many others on this thread, it almost seems like work playing this game. Due to all the gilfarmers out there, I can't preform my gil-making tactic effectively anymore. I don't like the fact that I can't both make gil (pfft-any gil would do) and get exp at the same time. I don't like the fact that I'm a lvl 50 pld, and I haven't level, or even exp'ed in three weeks, simply because I have to farm to raise the gil necessary to get the items needed to party effectively.

Enough ranting. The point is, that I'm strapped for time. I spend over 12 hours away from home because work is 50 miles away. 8 hours at work, 1-1.5 hours at the gym, and at least 2 hours everyday just driving. Not to mention I have a fiance and she also demands time for me. FFXI doesn't allow me the luxury of playing for just 30mins-1hr. If I have a 30 minute window, it's practially impossible to do anything in FFXI, save for checking up at the AH and some possible crafting. I am hoping that WoW is a game that I can just pick up for a short amount time that I would be given.

But at this current moment, I have to stay objective and decide what game is best for me to play.
#113 Nov 09 2004 at 4:55 PM Rating: Good
I'm an ffxi player who just got into the WoW open beta. The game is definitely IMO better than FFXI overall. But I don't think I'm going to give up FFXI. Why? One word. Ninjas. I think this is one of the aspects that has kept many people playing FFXI.

What makes FFXI a final fantasy game isn't just chocobos and moogles, it's also the job system. Many FF fans (those who actually played something other than 7 and 10) love the traditional FF jobs. They play FFXI because they want to have a super-cool character that can use "Chakra" just like the monks in tactics or summons Ifrit or something like that.

For me, I love ninjas; so the thought of having an agile character walking around in "Far Eastern" armour with two kunai at my sides and casting magic that involves cool-looking kanji characters floating around me is totally worth putting up with the lameness that has been already mention plenty of times in this thread.

So if you want to be a ninja, monk, samurai, redmage or something like that, that's something that you can't get from WoW or EQ2.
#114 Nov 09 2004 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent

Interesting thread. I feel that I must add to it at least, if nothing else that it may improve FFXI for those stalwart enough to stay in it. I too played FFXI for about a year, and it WAS fun for the first 40 levels, and then the rat race crept up on me. I don't know how long it took me to realize it, but i found myself constantly pressed for time, as I didn't want to waste any % of my time block alloted for exping that evening. In that sense i realized that I was no longer having fun. I feel what imposed this upon me was merely trying to find a group in a timely matter. Timely grouping got rarer and rarer on the way up, as more people ventured into sub jobs to get back to those pre high level fun spots. For me FFXI was definately a job and I tossed the towel in a year ago to wait exclusively for WoW. I can say after playing the stress test beta that I undoubedly had fun about 90% of the time. I think what also ruined FFXI was the whole money thing. You really had to work your **** off to get somewhere or even to save a meager amount of money, which then went towards some greedy farmer ganking NM for drops. While I don't think WoW will be perfect, I think its heading in the right direction. My sincerest wish is that those who had been farming exclusively high level items bottom out soon as they realize there just isnt the demand anymore and the whole bottom drops out on them. Perhaps some of the other people clawing their way up will get a break.

Without a doubt FFXI failed/is failing on one MAJOR problem.
- Forced grouping, was like 2 gagillion nails in the coffin for me.


PS. is there a thing such as a Gagillion? If not maybe I'll get paid for it :) .

#115 Nov 09 2004 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
I am a former FFXI player. I started playing it the day it was released in the US, and played it until May of this year. I quit the game, and then re-subbed a month ago because I really missed playing a mmorpg and my old linkshell buddies.
I got a RDM up to level 23, and its finally dawning on me the reasons I left in the first place. The thing is, the game is very addictive and almost evil in how it puts a hold on you. You waste way too much time with it. What's worse, is you can get so frustrated when you die and lose tons of xp and maybe even delevel. Its insane to think that a wrong turn and you will die and lose a day's worth of xp, or more depending on how long you waited for that last team/pt.

FFXI is designed to make everything excruciatingly painful to do...from the airship pass requirements, to kazham keys, to AF armor...everything is a pain in the ***. Travel time is also nuts in this game...I mean its just plain crazy.

I've only been playing WoW for a week, and so far I LOVE the doesn't feel like a beta at all. The UI is far superior, and the gameplay is more fun. I like the combat feels more like diablo or a regular RPG than "turn-based" style combat.

What really sold me, was last night, fighting underwater dinosaurs in Auberdine. hahah what the heck! that was hilarious...and a lot of fun :) though I almost drowned a few times.
I think its sad how the environment in FFXI is so can't jump in the water in windurst where the dhalmel farm is..why not? that would be funny...but you can't...the game is just too limited. Probably because it has to run in PS2.

Anyway FFXI isn't all bad...obviously it was good enough to keep me entertained for several months. But its not a game I want to get stuck in again....if you play FFXI, give a serious thought to trying WoW or even EQ2. You won't regret it.

#116 Nov 09 2004 at 8:23 PM Rating: Good
80 posts
So, uh. no FFXI gardeners I assume.
#117 Nov 09 2004 at 8:34 PM Rating: Decent
11,852 posts



While there were some good responses in this thread, most of you are full of ****.

If you played FFXI for a year and WoW for four days, and you are now saying that WoW is much better "IMO" you are a fool.

I've played FFXI for a year and have loved a great deal of it. I loved many things about it, and there were certain things that I didn't like.

If you played FFXI for a year and say "I hate forced grouping" then you're an idiot because you should have quit FFXI 11 months ago. In FFXI, the very strongest aspect of play is the amazing synergy of a good group. Yes - there is nothing more annoying than a bad group, or looking for group unsuccessfully, but if you "hate forced grouping" and you played FFXI for a year, you are a real moron.

If you played FFXI for 2 months and got to L31 and want to come and make comparisons, you are a fool because you never got far enough to have a clue what the game is about.

Sorry to be so critical, but so many of the posts in this thread are incredibly stupid.

I apologize to those of you who had good insight to add. There were good posts in this thread, too. I'm just replying to the dumbfounded ones because they just struck me as incredibly stupid and worthy of a harsh flaming.

/end rant
#118 Nov 09 2004 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
I have played many MMO's (The Realm, Ultima Online, Asherons call, DAoC, EQ, Linneage, and a few others) and I started in the stress test on WoW. Blizzard has done an amazing job, they took the best from most of the other games and mixed it all together very well. I have actually been having a blast playing and it has been a huge relief from camping for weeks for a 400k gil erase scroll (lvl 41 whm), waiting for a pt hours on end (damn them rdm's) and the overall grind on FF. I also enjoy the seamless zonelines, no loading and ending up standing in the middle of a train full of fallen evacuees etc... I also like that you run to your corpse (which has an arrow in the mini map showing the direction) as a ghost, not an unarmed and unarmored live toon. The lvling is fun atm, and you can get your craft supplies (Skinning and leatherwork here) as you lvl.

Saying a game sucks is a persons opinion, and if they speak for themselves they shouldn't be bashed for it. To me FF started getting to the suckage stage after waiting hours on end for a pt, I would farm during that time or attempt to camp NM's (damned bots and gilsellers kinda deflated my joy in that).
WoW is a fresh start on a new game, everyone starting at the bottom at the same time. IMO if you try it you may like it if not there are a ton of other games out and one will definately be right for you. For me at the moment it is WoW.
#119 Nov 09 2004 at 11:45 PM Rating: Default
I am lvl 87.8 in goldsmithing.

there is no way im quiting ffxi now /em twitches

I will play both
ffxi on ps2 and WOW on PC MUAHAHHA
#120 Nov 10 2004 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
I don't know you very well, but from this post, I can tell that you're a clueless person.
#121 Nov 10 2004 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
Whoever revived this post, die.
#122 Nov 10 2004 at 3:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
*reads what Kingjord said. Ponders...*

Hmm, guess I'm an idiot. Ignorance is bliss ;_;

Oh yeah, I hope curse of tougue happens to whoever revived this thread...or at least itching way down there.

You know where! *runs off*
#123 Nov 10 2004 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
I quit FFXI after a year (62 BRD, 57 PLD, 37 WHM, 33 WAR, blah blah blah) for the sole reason that Square has made no effort to improve the game. They made melee damage dealers worthless for HNM fights and pretty much all end game stuff. A lvl 75 MNK (Max lvl) with awesome gear hitting one of the new HNM dragons for 0, IF he even hit. Melee accuracy is pathetic in the game to the point where you gotta spend 2+ million in gear just to be average. Even if you do get the gear, you will have to look for group for hours and hours because no one wants melee damage dealers. The game would function just fine with NIN, RNG, RDM, and BRD. Most uber PT i've ever had was NIN RNG RNG RNG RDM BRD.

Square knows this yet they do nothing, and that is the main reason I quit.
#124 Nov 10 2004 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
I just wanted to add that I have a level 59 red mage and right now im so bored with this game its sick,I don't feel that I invested too much time or anything...the only thing im gonna miss is my linkshell and I always thought the mog house was cool.I've just heard of WoW from a friend and im willing to give it a try and see what it's all about.The game has it's peeks depending on your job or a red mage I had little to no time looking for a party but when I did the grinds got too boring to the point where I wanted to fall asleep,I have not quit FFXI yet but I will very very soon.There are good things in the game,the weapons have cool looks and for personal gain I always try and lv just so I can equip one of the weapons or the nifty red mage hat. (if I can find people willing to help to get the hat).

Here are what I seek that FFXI did not grant me..this is the honest truth and my personal turn ons.

- If I level up will there be great rewards to show.

- I enjoy a good day of soloing and making money in the process.

- I dont wanna spend hours of my real life time trying to farm and having to wait even longer to get the money I deserve so that I may enjoy items.

-When im in a party why doesn't the robber crab drop a cool piece of gear or something the party will look forward to dropping.

I don't know much on online RPG's but I have been on everquest and I liked how a party could get gear off of monsters.Heh,forgive me for going into old times it's just FFXI had no rewards and at the higher levels there is nothing pushing me to level up more(not even the cool gear now).It breaks my heart to know the linkshell wont see me anymore but I feel each month is a waste of money.The game had its times but im almost done with it...I have no desires to farm or put things into the aution house ever again.
#125 Nov 10 2004 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
157 posts
i play final fantasy and i must say i don't feel threatened by WoW or EQ2 or any other game you can think of. Each of these games are different for me FFXI is the one for me i like grouping. Also the main boards for FFXI is just plain crap every good player in FFXI never post on the main board because of the bs they put on there. The admin on this site do nothing on here. Final fantasy is for me i won't be leaving for a while.
#126 Nov 10 2004 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
135 posts
I play FFXI. I have yet to play WoW so I can't make a valid comparison, but I can however say that I am thinking about switching over to WoW just because I hear about how much of the games aspects are integrated into each other. As well as the pvp system.
FFXI has become a time drain and its an obvious move by SE to do this , every one pays monthly.
I'm looking forward to WoW only because I hated the constant farming and rat race in FFXI , granted it was fun while it lasted.
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