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Do Final Fantasy players feel threatened? LMAOFollow

#77 Oct 31 2004 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
I am a 74 rng on Titan server in FFXI. I highly enjoyed my experience in FFXI, mainly because I actually enjoy the grouped party system ( many in this forum do not as I can see). I saw FFXI as a challenge in alot of ways, and at times it was pretty rough and I wanted to quit. Endgame FFXI is pretty awesome, shouldnt have to play as much as I have to get to level cap but somehow I made it. I am interested in WoW but I am unsure of how I am going to react to it. Can you seriously cap your job in a couple months? Is money really that readily available? I see alot of WoW fans bashing FFXI, which kinda scares me because the whole point of this thread seems to be anger towards FFXI and how much it sucks. Seems a little hypocritical considerring someone like myself and many of my FFXI friends actually really like to play the game still, so is it really a competition between the two? The games are totally different in design, isnt it difficult to point the finger at which one is superior? Most of the people I know in FFXI dont talk much about WoW, but many are going to try it out and see how it is, I probably will. Also there is no question that high level FFXI players will defend the game because they have played it for so long, WoW players will do the same thing in a year or two. I really hope I can sink as much time into WoW as I have into FFXI, I like playing for 100 days, and I have a feeling you guys do to so whats the complaint here? Really from what I can see the fundamental difference btw the two is forced party versus party solo option which is pretty cool for WoW and will be interesting to see how it plays out. I really hope you cant cap a job in a month or two if you play hardcore and I hope money isnt really easy to get like some people have said. What is going to seperate the hardcore gamers/ farmers/ crafters from the weekend players? or is everyone going to just be really excited and happy their entire experience in WoW, seems to good to be true, I hope the game rocks after 5 months of playing, i really do.
#78 Nov 01 2004 at 12:26 AM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
[quote=Viniferis] What is going to seperate the hardcore gamers/ farmers/ crafters from the weekend players? [quote]

Out of curiousity, why does there need to be something to separate the hardcore gamers from weekend players? A player is a player regardless of how much time they have to devote. Someone who has limited hours to play should be able to accomplish the same thing as someone with almost unlimited hours, the difference being in the lenght of time it took to get there.

My biggest problem with FFXI wasn't the forced grouping, it was the time investment that forced grouping forced upon you. You couldn't play FFXI for just an hour or two and get anything meaningful done. Playing a session of FFXI was a committement, it was almost like you had to set aside time to play. It was like work.
#79 Nov 01 2004 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
First off, awesome post, Red.

I just stopped playing FFXI myself, sadly. Sadly because I played so long, and even got my gf into it. She is willing to try WoW though =) With our careers, it is too hard to camp for rediculous amounts of time, and it is so true that the economy is ruined. Things are so overpriced now in many cases it almost forces people to buy money in game. To that I say "***** that nonsense"

I loved FFXI until recently, and even considered EQ again (gasp) but seeing as WoW is just around the corner I can be patient =)
#80 Nov 01 2004 at 12:57 AM Rating: Good
Viniferis, it's actually pretty simple. If I played WoW for 5 months, I would probably enjoy a significant amount of the playing I did in those five months, if Stress Test was any indicator. Playing Stress Test, I think I experienced as much fun in those ten days than I did in the past two months of playing FFXI. Conversely, if I played FFXI for five months, a lot of that time would have been spent doing rather unexciting things (hooray for Genkai and camping overcamped NMs to pay for Snipers...). In a Fun:Time ratio (very unscientific, I know), I would think that WoW would beat out FFXI hands down.

However, if WoW really is that easy to hit cap (plus, we don't know when Hero classes, full raiding, and high level instances will be like), then I suppose yes, a lot of powergamers will get bored and go do something else. However, many people have other things to do, I for example have class to go to in university, and we simply can't afford to spend the immense time required to get somewhere significant in FFXI. (I usually tended to reserve 3-5 hour blocks of my time minimum for FFXI. This is obviously not possible during a semester.) I am aware that there are a lot of people whose goal is to hit cap and then to look back and see what their work has accomplished and how powerful they are now.

Conversely, there are people who don't have so much time in a week to hit cap in a realistic amount of time. What about them?

As for the comment about people who defend a game because of the time spent in it, they seriously have to consider how enjoyable all that time spent in it was. You have to ask yourself, "Out of the months I spent in FFXI to get to where I am, how much of it I thought was really fun, and how much of it was tedium?" If you can honestly answer to yourself that the majority of the time you spent in FFXI was enjoyable, then more power to you, for you have found a game that suits you. However, a significant amount of people had trouble giving a positive answer to that question, even higher levels (I don't even consider myself mid-level, more like, low-level, due to the fact that I lost interest in FFXI before picking it back up again... then losing interest again) have found the answer was not what they were looking for.

As such, I am looking forward to WoW to see if it can in fact give me an enjoyable experience for the amount of time I have will put into it. The Stress Test gave me a peek at what it would be like and I certainly liked what I saw, so I can only hope that WoW succeeds for me where FFXI did not. I cannot, however, say the same about what your preference is, or anyone else's. I can, however, expand my own opinion to include those who seem to have similar opinions to what I have.

Oh yes, and on a side note, please make paragraphs if your post is going to be long. It's hard to read one giant paragraph, people need to take mini-breaks while reading, you know. :D
#81 Nov 01 2004 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
I see your point, if you dont have the time to put into it then yeah its not going to be a pleasant experience. So what I am gatherring is that there is always something fun and exciting to do even if you only have 2 hrs? I personally enjoy farming can I farm to my hearts content if I want to? I guess I kinda like the really hardcore kinda life sim aspect of FFXI, which I know I will get flamed for because people who read this forum obviously dont. A friend of mine who capped his character in the WoW Beta and who still plays FFXI said the two games are distinctly different, another friend said WoW was a MMORPH for those who dont like MMORPG or at least the way they genre has evolved. I cant wait to try out WoW guys, although it sure a heck does not look like its coming out this year at least from what I have read regarding Blizzard's recent statements. No worries though can always play Halo2 to tide you over.
#82 Nov 01 2004 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,124 posts
Viniferis alot of us who are leaving(or already left)ffxi are people who just didnt have much time to invest in the game.

If we ever bash the game it will be for the things that made us leave the game because we could not invest alot of time.

I did enjoy my time in ffxi ut left for the time i really needed to invest just to get into a pt. Also i didnt find it "fun" to spend countless hours just to get 2 sniper rings, a hubergon and all that other nice stuff a drk needs or they will have a hard time getting into pts from lv 50+.

I do understand that being in a good ls can change dramaticly your playing experience. If the ls is a good one and is willing to help in every way, youll have a blast playing ffxi. However most ls are unorganized, selfish and unwilling to help lowbies.

One thing also people do forget about WOW, is that they say "its easy to get lv cap for hardcore gamers (people with more than 3 hours+ a day) However they forget that for each race in wow theres a diferent story so for each race its a different experience thus promoting longlivity of the game.
The story is different as the undead then as the nightelves.

Thats somthing that cannot be said about ffxi. You choose any race and can do every quest and as for the 3 nations, once you pass rank 3 (infact mission 2-3 is similar) every nation has the same storyline from that point on.

So if it takes 6 to 8 months for a hardcore gamer in ffxi to see the endgame and the story, it will take the same amount of time for them to see everything in wow.

in short.

ffxi: 5 races , 1 story
wow 8 races , 8 of em.

All i can say is that if ffxi had more options for those who can afford 2 hours a day and if money was easier to come by, many of us would have not even left ffxi.
#83 Nov 01 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
So I'm late joining this thread, but I'd like to share something I feel. Sorry for the long post >.<

Why would FFXI players feel threatened?
It's not like WoW is going to come and break into their houses at night, and steal their children. Another game is nothing to be threatened by, its something to be excited about.

Now, don't take this the wrong way, but it seems like the hardcore WoW people are trying to create a bit of a feud with the FFXI players. Isn't it odd that on the WoW forum, two or three of the top threads are bashing FFXI?

Some (not all) WoW players seem to have a bit of an "I'm so much more elite than you, cause In play a better game" syndrome.
Here's my best example:
My best guy friend was in the closed beta for WoW. He told me, and I came over to his house to check it out. A few days later, he came over to my house to hang out. I was playing FFXI for a while, and he would not even look at the screen. Its like he felt that the game was SO bad that it would be some sort of sin against Blizzard to even look at it. Despite that he had never played, nor seen it before.

I'm not saying all WoW players are this closed-minded.
I no longer play FFXI. It's not because of the problems most people list. I had plenty of parties as a bard, and no shortage of gil. It's mainly the hate between the JPs and NAs that discouraged me from continuing. I am currently anxiously awaiting the release of WoW.

Its similar to what I see on this forum. Why hate? Let people play what they want to, and when WoW is actually released, people will join from FFXI. Are you going to welcome them? or make fun of them for being a former FFXI player?

Disclaimer: This isn't an insult to any player of any game. It's merely an encouragement for all of us to try to be a little nicer to each other. =D
#84 Nov 01 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
I don't really see many posts from WoW dissing FFXI just for the hell of it. It seems to be more former FFXI expressing the dissatisfaction about the way SE has designed the game. Despite the title of the thread, I haven't seen many posts deriding the FFXI player-base.
#85 Nov 01 2004 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Yeah, I agree, its most definately not everyone.
It was just the title of this thread that made me sigh.
It reminds me of my friends in real life who play WoW, tho.

In addition the the beta tester I mentioned in my other post, he has gotten alot of my guy friends to feel the same way.

They all make fun of me because I played FFXI, when all they did was read WoW hype all day, as only one of them was a beta tester. They made me feel like less of a person, because I played FFXI. Its like they are the 'enlightened' ones while I'm stuck in the dark ages. While in actuality, I was playing a game, while they were posting on message boards about a game that still hasn't been released. While it was all in jest, it started to get to me after a while.

I know not everyone is mean and biased like this, but if anyone reading this post feels that they are better than players of another MMORPG, just because they play WoW, I encourage you to step down off your high horse, and be more accepting of other people's choices. Especially considering that WoW is still yet to be released.
#86 Nov 01 2004 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
511 posts
LordZanon wrote:
All i can say is that if ffxi had more options for those who can afford 2 hours a day, many of us would have not even left ffxi.

This the whole reason I am leaving when WoW comes out. Other than that I don't have any problems with the game.
#87 Nov 01 2004 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
643 posts
I have plenty of time to invest, it wasnt time it was more of doing the same thing over and over, plus as much as I like PPL, partying was not fun. In WoW partying was optional AND fun.

Plus the ability to go kill other countries was fun too I mean... how many of you had not wanted to kill Bastok or Winde? >.>

Edited, Mon Nov 1 12:12:28 2004 by DiamondRayna
#88 Nov 01 2004 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent

"Visit and sign up for the free open beta test TODAY."

hmmm i think ill do that now ( 28 days later)

OPEN BETA COMMING SOON!!!!!!!! but not for a while...
#89 Nov 01 2004 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
560 posts
FFXI is basicly a game that will be ruled by people who have no job and very little in the way of daily real life.
#90 Nov 01 2004 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
4,520 posts
Thats the truth about every video game though.
#91 Nov 02 2004 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
I played FFXI until like a week ago. Started since PC launch. I had a 74 thief and a bunch of others at 37. FFXI was fun for a long time but it got dull fast. For people who didnt play it, getting from 73-74 for example was 43,000 xp i believe. Average XP pt usually gets 4k an hour, so thats like 11 hours to lvl once at high lvl, plus the time looking for ppl, getting to xp spot etc.

Biggest problem with FFXI is the time consuming repetition that occurs in all stages of the game. Xp'ing/farming/crafting. Even doing end game HNM and stuff is the same. Sit around with ur linkshell for up to 3 hours waiting for "name" to spawn to lose the pull to Japanese players too often.

Another problem is japanese players were all like 75 within a month of us PC release hence having a huge advantage on economy/armor. Even when i quit a year after release, japanese players still dominated our server.

Hopefully with WOW, i wont need to spend hours a day farming millions of gil to buy 1 piece of armor that is deemed as necessary.

Edited, Tue Nov 2 22:41:01 2004 by systemhealth
#92 Nov 04 2004 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent
4,884 posts
No, I do not feel threatened...I do feel like it is rediculous to even start a thread like this.

Some FFXI players might feel threatened, and I did when I first started reading this thread as well, but you all have made me realize why I still enjoy FFXI.

I am in college/work etc... and this game is taxing. It is a drain...heck I should be studying right now, but I'm reading about it. But I enjoy the game. I enjoy it mostly BECAUSE of the sense of accomplishment you get when completing a difficult task. Yes, you may spend a month earning gil for a sniper ring, but doesnt it feel damn good when you buy it?

Yes, you work through a lot of crappy parties, and grouping does suck sometimes for most jobs, and soloing is not an option for most jobs. (You can play a few jobs solo...there are many feasible combos) But doesnt it feel awesome when you get a party that works great...

WoW seems to be the total opposite of FF.. Not even comparable... Some of you enjoy the WoW type, and some enjoy FF. It basically boils down to, "You probably picked up FF for the hype, and didnt have anything else to play" so you lvld, and now WoW is coming, so you can trash FF...

I am mad about the economy, and all that good stuff, hope they fix it, but oh well, Ill deal.

This rant is for those of you I see here with low lvl jobs. Those that chose not to see the game through, yet proceed to bash it. I if you dont like it...fine, dont say its a crappy game based on your uninformed opinions.

To those who have done all this, and bash FFXI, I respect your opinions completely. /bow.

Mad props to anyone like Kingjord from RDM and PLD forums, who actually PLAYED the game to a high lvl, got AF, got tired of the grind, and decide to try something new.


I now have to go lvl my sub.....AND HAVE FUN DOING IT!
#93 Nov 04 2004 at 3:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Can someone please explain the need to play a game for a year to decide actually be able to judge it? Can someone do the same to why you need a high level? Let me put it in very simple words: If the game sucks, it sucks. I don't want 50% of my game to be good, I want a bare minimum of 100%. If low to mid levels suck, then the game suck. If the high level sucks, then the game sucks. I do not buy games to have fun with only half of the game.

Please read this and never, ever say something like "This rant is for those of you I see here with low lvl jobs. Those that chose not to see the game through, yet proceed to bash it. I if you dont like it...fine, dont say its a crappy game based on your uninformed opinions." again. Enjoy yourself in FFXI but lets not bring up this tired issue of FFXI vs WoW anymore...

I am Redmoon and I approve this message.
#94 Nov 04 2004 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
4,884 posts
I see that none of my post got to you. You obviously did not like the game. Fine. I did read all 90 something posts before writing this and frankly. The entire point of this thread sparked this debate, and ALL the posts have been about this debate. So Redmoon, dont you dare tell me not to ever say something because i am supposed to believe what you think. And dont attempt to quelch the debate when you say things like this:

Redmoonxl wrote:
[quote]Can someone please explain the need to play a game for a year to decide actually be able to judge it? Can someone do the same to why you need a high level? Let me put it in very simple words: If the game sucks, it sucks. I don't want 50% of my game to be good, I want a bare minimum of 100%. If low to mid levels suck, then the game suck. If the high level sucks, then the game sucks. I do not buy games to have fun with only half of the game.

You don't judge a book by its cover(Its a cliche because it's true), and you don't read half that book and then determine it sucks. The same goes for games. you don't play a third of a game and then review it. This is what you are doing. I believe my post was directed at you folks. In fact. I said so in the post.

I am glad you expect 100 percent for your game. But there have been few games in this world that were perfect. period. You must have a VERY small game selection. Setting such high standards will only lead you to disappointment. WoW is not perfect, nor will it be, so I am likely to see you post again with this same kind of crap in the future.
#95 Nov 04 2004 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
Quote:Can someone please explain the need to play a game for a year to decide actually be able to judge it? Can someone do the same to why you need a high level? Let me put it in very simple words: If the game sucks, it sucks. I don't want 50% of my game to be good, I want a bare minimum of 100%. If low to mid levels suck, then the game suck. If the high level sucks, then the game sucks. I do not buy games to have fun with only half of the game.

Please read this and never, ever say something like "This rant is for those of you I see here with low lvl jobs. Those that chose not to see the game through, yet proceed to bash it. I if you dont like it...fine, dont say its a crappy game based on your uninformed opinions." again. Enjoy yourself in FFXI but lets not bring up this tired issue of FFXI vs WoW anymore...

I am Redmoon and I approve this message.

But WoW suffers from the same problem. Getting to level 7 was quite boring. The only thing that made it mildly not boring was that it was *new*. I'm hoping WoW gets better when I get into the teens, because the low level quests and soloing suck. Sure it was nice to get some Exp from the quests, but the quests were just a grind -- kill 12 bores, kill 15 scorpions, etc. The mouse and keyboard gameplay suck and search system is very primitive. The game could have come out 5 years ago and would have not been too much of an improvement over EQ1.
#96 Nov 04 2004 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
personally, i liked FFXI, i played a 73BRD/WHM in mdigard and had to quit recently due to school (haha my grades r still good). i must say that the beginning part of FFXI is horrible (cuz i hate soloing), but it becomes a lot more enjoyable at high levels when you can do more in LS, missions, dynamis, less bad PTs, etc. the economy of ffxi did get worse and i dunno how it is now cuz i havent played for almost half a yr, but i think that can happen to pretty much any mmorpg. then again this my own opinion, cuz i love the grouping/alliances (and i didnt really have to wait cuz i was a BRD). its all my own opinion tho, but yeah i didnt think FFXI wasnt that bad... WoW looks pretty interesting tho and im waiting for the open beta ;]
#97 Nov 04 2004 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Yes, there are slow points to any game. Yes there can be some points in games where you just want to rush through. This is understandable. The thing is, if the tedium rules over the game, then the game is not good. I did not enjoy my FFXI career pass lv 20 and I made it to 50. It sucked. It was boring. It was tedious. You know why I pushed forward? Simply because I had faith in the game. When I couldn't take it, I packed up and left.

I CAN judge a book if I read half way through and the first half sucked. I can judge a game by going through half way and it sucked. When I'm not enjoying a book, I stop reading. When I'm not enjoy a game, I stop play. This is why I don't play FFXI anymore. Yes, I have a decent selection of games....that are worth my cash. Games are not cheap and you must have enough to throw around if you are forgiving major flaws that keep the game from being fun. I, on the other hand, do not.

I wasted money on FFXI, hoping for something that it's not. I did not spend one cent on the WoW stress test and it's everything I expected to be. That's the difference. You don't like my way of viewing games, pity. I sure hate wasting money on ****** games but I'm sure you would buy Barbie's Horse Adventure, avoid the flaws and still won't judge it one hour into the game. Or prehaps we can switch it with a different game, like SE's "The Bouncer", which is only good for a one day rental.

A MMO is not cheap, bro. This is not a one buy deal, it's a commitment. If I'm commiting to a game, it better be fun. You enjoy FFXI? Excellent, go play it then. You want to know how I judge a good game from a bad? Here it goes: Fun, easy to play/use and long lasting. Those are the 3 things you need for a good game. Is farming for hours, killing the same old monster fun? Not for me. Is FFXI easy to learn/use, period? Hell no. Long lasting? Sure, if you have the patience of a Buddist.

The FFXI vs WoW debate has gotten old. Hell, this started when I was playing FFXI back in November of 2003. It's passed a year old now. Let it rest. It's done. People who will be playing FFXI will go after they experience the game. The people from other MMOs who will be playing WoW will stick with it. This topic is done. Its obvious that each game sways different groups and thats all that needs to be said. Seriously, enough of this.
#98 Nov 04 2004 at 9:01 AM Rating: Default
The problem is finding a balance between time invested and rewards. Lets look at some of the games leading up to where we are now:

UO : IMO the best MMORPG EVER! It allowed the most freedom, had free pvp, and though early UO took god awful long to GM a skill you were not useless until you did GM it. It had a completely player based econemy, grouping or solo both worked. You had status, bragging rights, and skill both in pvp and pve was a factor. Later on they sped it up to tailor to a younger audience which had no patience to spend 3 months to GM blacksmithing, if not longer.

EQ : Decent game, personally I am a fan of UO gaming style (later employeed by SWG but badly). Levels are ok but with such a large range of levels, especially for pvp, you were catagorized and then twinking became a major factor. Pvp was a joke it was built on a game not designed for pvp, thus no balance of any kind. Items you'd never lose (save RZ server), this was your reward for time spent. I liked UO's system better, it made it a player market that made tradeskills viable but you have to have it. Have to have something that says "Ive played this game longer then you and it shows."

SWG : Good concept, but the game moved TOO fast... there was no balance, UO type skill tree's (which I really liked it allowed no 2 chars to be the same) the problem was that there were super powerful templates (as is bound to happen sure) but there were too few of them. Only a few set templates really worked VERY well in pvp. You reached end game too fast (First month of game release I mastered armorsmithing and had way too much money, by 2nd month I was master doctor/swordsman and just about explored the entire game).

DAoC : This game at release was one of the WORST, I played Hibernia, and we didnt even have itemized dungeons beyond our first 2!! Realm balance was non-existant. They have gotten better, items are not permanent, but the end game ones you really worry about dont wear out fast enough for it to be a concern. My main qualm about DAoC as a pvper is that there is no risk to death, you die, you come back and have your buffbot rebuff you, run out and kill kill kill. UO you lost all on your corpse, EQ you had to CR which may take a while, SWG your items decayed alot unless you spent money to insure them to only decay a little.

L2 : Lineage 2 has to be by far the WORST game ive ever played, I admit I only played it for 2 months but its insane. The rewards for time spent curve is HUGE... levels take FOREVER to attain especially later on, the game is based on farming money to buy super expensive items that you can possibly lose when you die. Nothing like being a noob, buying my first Tears of Eva and then losing it to a bad pull 20 mins later... it was all my savings. The pvp is a joke and all about gank and oportunity. The farming is insane too, I would spend hours finding a group, only to get into one and find there is a group of adena farmers at our camp, mostly bots, protected by a few high levels. The ammount of adena farmers is insane at every level, I found some in elven ruins!!

WoW : I cannot comment on how the farming will affect this game, Blizzard has done a good job though of keeping the game smooth so far, im a lvl 20 warlock and must say ive not had to stop and farm money for long just to stay competitive. The quests are very fluid, and abundant, and useful. Ive yet to experience the pvp, and because I dont want ot invest alot of time in somethign that'll be reset at offical game release ive not tried tradeskills but they seem nice. I also like the talents, im not fully sure how it works or how many points you get how often, but it allows for some uniqueness.

Online gaming has come a LONG way since UO, I am that old vet who sits in his rocker reliving my glory days, and belive UO was quite possibly the best MMORPG ever made at its prime (after trammel it went downhill). :)
#99 Nov 04 2004 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
4,884 posts
Alright Redmoon, you played the game to 50.. Farther than I am so far. You did play it long enough....

Then why the hell did you argue with me when my post was not even directed at you? lol

And Barbie Horse adventures....The bouncer.... /puke

I follow the same rules as you to choose my games.. You hated FF, I still find it very enjoyable... Its my type of MMO. It will become tedium soon im sure, and once it does, I might move on if I am not having fun.

I am ranting because I see too much unjustified FFXI bashing here, lol. Your point is not unjustified. Cool....but don't EVER accuse me of playing Barbie Horse Adventures...EVER... ::cries in a corner::

Hell, I am going to try WoW just because I love Blizzard. (Loooooong time Diablo and D2 player)

I am not debating WoW and FFXI. I never did. I simply asked for most of you to stfu about FFXI's faults, since the only fault I see is the Economy, and SE's refusal to do something about it. the rest are just your opinions on the game, and opinions of what an MMO should be.

::Decides to buy a copy of Barbie Horse Adventures....and burn it::
#100 Nov 04 2004 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
4,884 posts
BTW, Books usually get good in the last half. ;) You must not read very much.
#101 Nov 05 2004 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Believe it or not I did read ALL the posts before writing this. As a Final Fantasy player I'll answer the question of do I feel Threatened. I feel threatened in one way only... my time. I want to play both and I just don't think there is enough time. All MMORPGs take time. you can level slow or level fast but it seems that all the people that choose to play very little want to advance at the same rate as the people who play a lot. Where is the sense of accomplishment to the players who play a lot? This is not just Dealing with FF it's all MMORG. How many of you healer out there get tells asking for a Power level? Everyone wants everything handed to them.

As for comparing the 2. I'm playing both right now and WoW is a lot of fun.... NOW. I'm hoping that it stays that way but eventually people will complain about something and they'll nerf a feature or everyone has uber gear so they decrease the selling value on items, and let's not forget that when it's release and IGE get's it's hands on it the economy will take a dive just like FF. Yes the uber items are soulbound but the game always takes a hit when there are mobs of IGE employees killing every mob in the area for gill. Everything always seems better when you play a Beta. Then the changes start happening because people whine. FF was out for a year an a half in Japan and then it comes to North America and it took us 3-6 months to totally ***** things up by abusing all the exploits to get ahead faster. When a MMORPG goes bad we have no one to blame but ourselves.

As for quests and storyline there are a ton. Each nation has it's own storyline. They do overlap in the middle but then they branch off again. After the Shadow Lord you can start the Zilart Missions. There are some really cool and challenging boss fights in those missions. and they just added Chains of Promethia whith a ton of story content.

I think both games are great, and I'm going to try my hardest to keep up both. But the games change over time and WoW will too when the mass market get it's hands on it.

Since it applies to this thread you guys should check out the soapbox article on called "Why Virtual Worlds are Designed By Newbies - No, Really!" It's an interesting read on how MMORPGs are changing to get mass market appeal. You might have to sign up to view the article though.
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