We have a new fansite opening called WoW-database, right now it's just at its birth so the layout and theme are just basic to get the site started, later we will have a WoW theme.
The fansite is going to feature, beta news, beta screenshots, beta live video feed (like joshietv but better) and probably some WoW Tv.
The site will have all the news you get from any other fansite including class information, race information, spells, Talents, items, Skills, Maps of Azeroth and much much more.
Also we will have many guides to leveling, questing, tradeskills, and anything else we can think of. Sometimes even guided video of us doing these things.
These are just the Basic things we will be including in the Website, it will also include very active forums and chat.
Right now we are looking for more members to help us, the site is going to be traslated into Dutch, German, and english, also a few others, so if you can speak any of those languages we would like to hear from you.
Email Denully at denully@denully.dk