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FFXI vs. WoWFollow

#52 Aug 29 2004 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
I for one have played FFXI, and i liked it for a while, i was a white mage in it so i got into groups alot, the one thing that really ticked me off though is i decided not to get a subjob, but apparently nobody wants a WM that doesnt have a subjob of sumsort, i hated that since me as a player made the choice not to do it. Now that ive read and am waiting for WoW for about a year now, i am thourgholy convinced that me as a player canmake the choice myself to do wut i want and not be penalized for it, i lik ethat about WoW and it was one of th most annoying things in FFXI----------------------------thats just my 2 cents
#53 Sep 07 2004 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
One thing that noone said about FFXI's Quest system. At least 50% of the items you ever need for the quests can just be bought from the Auction House. Even getting fame isnt a good enough reason to start doing random quests, as repeatable quests will raise you fame faster.

Which is easier and/or more fun?

1.) Going around town, "trying" to find NPCs that will give you a quest, which will send you halfway around Vana'Diel just for a 500gil reward (another thing, why do quests give crappy rewards?).

2.) Buy a few stacks of tiger fangs, trade to NPC in San D'oria repeatable, where you will get your gil back, or sometimes make a little profit.

FFXI's quest system is by far more gimped than people say.
#54 Sep 07 2004 at 1:36 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
Don't forget in FFXI's quest system, to actually do the quests, you need:

1) To be a much higher level then the level of the item being rewarded, which means you won't be using the item so you'll just be selling it anyways.


2) Be able to sneak/invis yourself everywhere.

Where's the fun in that? Where's the challenge?
#55 Sep 07 2004 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah thats what i always hated the quests were really dumb and the reward sucked, seriously what good is 500 gil when most stuff cost thousands?
#56 Sep 07 2004 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
62 posts
Ok I read through the first several posts and skipped the rest so what I say may have already been said.

Well WoW Stress servers are down for the time being, so I figured I'd hop over here and see the WoW info and saw this thread and figured I HAD to respond to it.

First off all the MMO's I have played have all been very different to the point of non-comparison, in saying that comparing these two games for me is an excercise in bias. It has to be, because the MMO's ARE all different, it'd be like comparing Super Mario Brothers with Sonic the Hedgehog, yes they are in the same genre but they are two totally different games. I have played some I enjoyed for a time and then the flaws started getting to me (EverQuest, FFXI, Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes), I've played some that just didn't draw me in enough (Lineage II, Anarchy Online), and others to this point I have loved (Dark Age of Camelot, World of Warcraft).

For Everquest it just got to be level grinding with very little else to do. Yeah the EQ fans are going to say 'But there are raids and blah blah blah.' when it comes down to it, it's still grinding. The quests were a chore and did not immerse you into the storyline of the world (was there even an overarching plot? If so I never found one...), so all that was left was....oh yeah grinding.

Star Wars Galaxies, well all I can say is this: It has potential, very little content but a LOT of potential. More missions that actually has an overarching plot, yet again, would help. The missions that I saw felt random and you had no reason to do them outside of gaining credits.

City of Heroes was fun while it lasted then it occured to me that all you ever did was fight street thugs and villains, cool concept but needs more content and more stuff to do. The characters were rich and vibrant. The powers were awesome, but overall it got tedious because you did the same thing over and over again with no breaks. No crafting, no missions that took a break from the fighting etc.

Lineage II.... um open PvP is cool and all for some, but if I wanted that sort of play I would play a FPS game. If I am playing a ROLE-playing game I want there to be in-character reasons for fighting other players (maybe I insulted their honor, or attacked one the NPC's in their area causing them to have to stand up to me or whatever else). That and the botters, adena farmers and such was very much annoying. Also the fact that items dropped randomly when you died and someone else could just happen along and pick it up was very uncool. Ok so I just spent the last hour or so getting the money for my new uber sword, I go out and fight a mob...then I die and the sword drops and someone else now gets rewarded for being in the right pllace at the right time for my hard no. A Faction vs Faction or Race vs Race sort of PvP would make this game a lot more enjoyable.

Anarchy Online felt to me a lot like Star Wars Galaxies...only with worse graphics and seemingly no direction what so ever to the missions...

Dark Age of Camelot. This game I like. Yeah my current character is low level but I had a higher level character before I quit playing so I could play FFXI which I had been waiting to come out for a while. Once I realized what a big mistake I made I came back to the game and am enjoying it immensly. Yeah the character/monster/spell graphics have a lot to be desired but it seems that will be fixed in the next retail expansion. The quests are fun and have a storyline to them that makes you feel like you are part of the world. You feel like you have to get more experience so you cna help your realm beat back the others or even conquer them. The class diversity is amazing, and having 3 realms all with different classes and races gives it a huge replayability factor. I will be playing this while waiting for WoW to come out. The quests give substantial rewards, in the form of stuff you can actually use, decent monetary rewards, and exp rewards.

I will also be trying out for betas in other games and trying some other MMO's that are out there, but this will be the main game I play until WoW's release.

OK on to the main event. FFXI vs WoW.

FFXI was a fun and immersive game at first. The missions you do for your nation had a full storyline that was considered the 'main' plot. The quests have a storyline as well and seem to be side plots that sometimes add to the main plot. The ability to switch jobs and play something different without having to make a new character was awesome as well, and the subjobs that added to your main job is genius. The graphics are pretty to look at but a little dull in the color department (meaning they used a dull color palette).

My main problems? A lot of it comes from the player base. You HAVE to have THIS item to be uber. YOu HAVE to play THIS sub job with that main job. There is no room for experimentation in this ame because if you do the other players will snub you and you are without a party, and you will never find one. This sort of elitest attitude is moronic and insipid IMHO. I understand that in order to be the 'best' at what you do you have to do certain things but damn let people do what they want and have fun instead of being a bunch of uptight b****es. This would not have been a problem if you could solo in the game...which you absolutly canNOT do. So you have to play a cookie cutter mold and scrap what you think may be a cool character, even if that character would not be welcome in parties you can't play it, because you can't solo.

The prices for things is extraordinate and that is also because of the player base. If things were cheaper the leveling process would be quicker, faster and easier. Why? Because the need to camp would be minimized. Instead you could wander around and fight mobs as you came to them. The reason this is not possible is because the prices for potions, ethers, and juices is too high for that sort of play. If the prices were lower this sort of play would be viable. Mages could get their MP back in combat by using ethers, and while moving to the next mob could use juices. Those taking damage could use potions in combat and take some stress off the healers so they could use some of their other spells. So this leads to campin which then means that very few zones actually see use, which leads to overcrowding and the fighting of the same mobs over and over and over....more grinding...ugh.

Also at higher levels you have to farm for a week or so for equipment that you might use for a couple of days (this is taking into consideration actually gaining levels those days IF you can get a party). So basically you are farming, which by the way is a huge chore, instead of actually playing.

The quests are laughable outside of the fact that they have a storyline to them. You get no xp rewards, and the rewards you DO get are nowhere near what they should be by the time you can DO the damn quests to begin with. Say you get a level 1 quest that nets you a nice piece of level 1 armor. You won't be able to actually do the quest until you are level 6 or 7 because of what you have to kill or the area you have to go in. By that time you have better armor available to you. The level 1 is just an example and not a truism necessararly. But at higher levels it is a truism (Warp II scroll and the teleport scroll quests come to mind).

The classes/jobs are unbalanced and are in need of some serious tweaking. For the most part unless you are a Warrior, Paladin, White Mage, Bard or Black Mage, and at higher levels a Red Mage you have a hard time finding parties (this goes back to the player base issues). Also in order to get 60% of the jobs you have to do quests, which is all well and good. You get those quests at level 30. You then have to do a quest for your preferred job that is in no way doable until you are level 60! Unless you have high level friends there is no way you can do an Advanced Job quest at 30. So why make them available at 30? Then if you get lucky enough to get that Advanced Job your leveling process STARTS ALL OVER! My solution? Make all jobs available at level 1. They are all different enough that this is a doable thing. Now I know where they got the idea for the advanced jobs. It is a classic thing from FFI where you did a trial quest for the dragon king and got updated classes, but you didn't have to start leveling all over again.

Also the time you have to put into the game is ridiculous. If I have something else I have to do on a given day such as school/work/kids/ know real life stuff, I may as well forget playing FFXI because I won't get anything done. Why? Because it takes an entire DAY to get ANYthing done, and feel like something was accomplished. Thsi includes farming, crafting, or getting into a group, finding a camp spot, and leveling. Hell levleing IS an an all day affair. 1 to 2 hrs to find a group. Almost an hour to get to a zone AND find a viable camp spot, and another 15 minutes or so to get the group ready and to pull a mob. It then take 5-10 MINUTES! to kill ONE! mob.... rinse...repeat....ugh.

Dieing is an excercise in frustration in this game. You lose a lot of xp and possibly your level. You have to wait for long periods of time if you want a raise or take that same amount of time coming back to your group from your homepoint.....ugh. More waiting.

In short FFXI is all about waiting and time consumption staring at the monitor bored.

OK on WoW. The graphics are stunning (the cinematics and screenshots do it no justice), and some may not like the style of graphics that WoW uses. Well everyone has their preference to what they like their graphics to look like. See I personally from what I have seen don't like the EQ II graphics because they look like plastic dolls. I prefer a graphical flavor that LOOKS like it is supposed to be a FANTASY game, not a fantasy game trying to look like REAL LIFE. If I want real life fantasy I'd join one of the Fantasy Ren-Faire troupes or Live Action D&D troupes. But graphics don't make a game, that is the last on my list of things that is necassery to make a good game.

The game itself is immersive and fun to be in. The quests make you feel like you are doing something in the game world. They have AWESOME rewards, questing is the main way you level up in fact! No more GRINDING! YAY! You also get decent monetary rewards, and sometimes some really cool items! If you can't use an item...well sell it for yet another decent payout.

Because of the rewards and items you never find that you don't have enough money for new gear when you reach a level where it's required. No more FARMING! YAY!

You can solo in WoW with any class. Granted some quests require a group but it's not hard nor does it take a long time to cobble one together. Just grab anyone else doing the quest and there you go. No one doing that particular quest? Then do the ones you CAN solo until you can get into a group. No more waiting for HOURS for a group! YAY!

The fights are quick and are over in about 10-15 seconds TOPS! Which means you are constantly moving and killing things, no camping, in fact it is not a good idea to camp as usually the quests you are doing require you to move around quite a bit. Downtime is non-existant, and the little bit of downtime you do get can be reduced through food and water which is dropped regulrly, can be bought cheaply, or you cna ask a mage to make you some. Healing and mana potions are proliferic thus reducing downtime need even more. In this game you keep moving and keep doing!

If you die you don't lose xp (you can but it's optional. You talk top a spirit healer in the graveyard that you appear in to be ressurected right then and there.), instead you do a VERY quick corpse run (you move twice as fast) as a ghost. Yes it CAN get annoying if you are dieing a lot in a certain area, BUT you won't lose xp and you won't lose your level. You can keep going back to your corpse and trying again and again until you get what you want to do done.

The classes are all completely different from one another and even have abilities that other MMO's ddon't give them. Rogues use combos in combat instead of just standing behind the target and hitting their Backstab/Sneak Attack button whenever it pops. Paladins have party buffing auras, Warriors have different stances and combat styles, Mages can specialize in specific forms of magic, Warlocks have demonic pets and can cast debuffs/dd/healing AND get a ressurection spell. I could go on here but you can go to the WoW Beta site to see more for yourself. Also this whole idea of "This race makes the best in this class' idea is gone. Instead the races have unique abilities that make them different and otherwise a Orc Warrior is the same as a Human Warrior. So race is a matter of preference and character rather than power-gaming. I like this mainly because I hate cookie cutter characters that result from power gaming.

Simply put WoW is you are constantly doing things and you are always on the move. If you want a break you can craft, or even go to a tavern (they are actually USED in this game by the players!) and socialize!

WoW is a refreshing breeze of fresh air in a market that is rapidly running out of ideas to keep it fresh. Some may not agree with me, but as I said I cannot do this sort of thing without being biased.

Just my 2 copper/gil/adena/influence/whatever.

#57 Sep 07 2004 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
Hey Phantymwolf, you need to go here and copy and paste that.
#58 Sep 07 2004 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
Hehe well I said that *I* could not make a comparison without being biased. Yes there can still be comparisons on a level of the genre staples...but other than that it's a perception and preference of play style. I don't like waiting and staring at a monitor all day bored out of my skull when playing a game. If I am playing a game I should constantly be doing something instead of sitting around waiting. If I wanted to do that I'd go sit in my recliner and wait for....well something lol.

If I am playing a GAME I want to be entertained, and sitting and doing nothing is not my idea of being entertained. Seeing and fighting the same mob over and over again for 50+ levels is not my idea of being entertained. Being excluded from being able to progress in athe game because other people don't liek what I chose for my character class is not my idea of being entertained.

My idea of being entertained is constantly doing something, seeing new mobs in new areas and being awed when I see a new area and being initially scared of the new set of higher level mobs in the area. Not thinking to myself "Oh it's a crab again...ok whatever"

I have played FFXI long enough to know it's not my style of game because all I do is sit and stare at the monitor for hours being bored, and then fighting the same crabs for 50+ levels. WoW so far has floored me. I am constantly doing something, and every time I enter a new area I look around in awe and then immediatly wonder in what horrible ways my character will die from the mobs in the area. DAoC also has me constantly doing stuff and wondering what mobs will maim my character horrifically if I stray too far.

So for ME these two games fit my play style where FFXI does not. So I pointed out that my view would be biased because it fits my play style and what I like to do in a game, and that may not be everyone's cup of tea. Some people may enjoy staring at the monitor doing nothing for hours and then fighting the same crab for 50+ levels. I don't know.
#59 Oct 05 2004 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
240 posts
I have a little problem with people posting criteques about FFXI who never really made it far into the game. Probably in much the same way you hate people who said they left WoW 2 months ago.

I'm gonna offer some counter balance, cause I think the poster...who doesn't have a job above 37..isn't being fair. I can get to 40 in 2 weeks time, with jsut about any job. The game begins at 39 for me...when you step out of the hell hole of Crawlers Nest and get to eXP in some really fun palces and at 40...start getting you job defining abilities (some of the most powerful job abilities are 40+ so you can't get them as a sub job)

First... you need to undersatnd who made this game. Japanese. They are community based gamers. Everything revolves around community...EXP, quests, missions, etc... this plays into alot of people's complaints...such as needing high levels to compelte don' jsut need to bring alot of people w/ you. On to my opinions.

My main problems? A lot of it comes from the player base. You HAVE to have THIS item to be uber. YOu HAVE to play THIS sub job with that main job. There is no room for experimentation in this ame because if you do the other players will snub you and you are without a party,

You hang out on forums WAYYYYYYY to much. I've played with plenty of level 70+ DRKs whodon't even have a haurberk. I have yet to see a party who kick somebody for not having a piece of "l33t" equipement...I see plenty of ninja's without hairpin...which is argualbly a "standard" peice of gear...oh...for the record

74 Dragoon - 63 Ninja - 60 THF - 37 WAR - 30 SAM - 30 WHM
about 180 days gameplay time...I'll go on

This sort of elitest attitude is moronic and insipid IMHO. I understand that in order to be the 'best' at what you do you have to do certain things but damn let people do what they want and have fun instead of being a bunch of uptight b****es.

Every MMORPG listed above has this problem to one degree or another. Don't pin it as a problem on FFXI.


This would not have been a problem if you could solo in the game...which you absolutly canNOT do.

BST and NIN can solo. At 64, I can solo w/ my ninja DC/Tough mobs. This come backs to the way this game was focus on community. Even BSTs are better played in dou's then solo. it's a trade of for this game.

So you have to play a cookie cutter mold and scrap what you think may be a cool character, even if that character would not be welcome in parties you can't play it, because you can't solo.

Let's see..lets list all the viable job combinations ofr a party that people will take

Did I miss any? probablly.... thats alot of generally acceptable combinations. Some combination DO make charaters weaker...thus...why people don't want them. It's like playing a Orc wizard in EQ or soemthing....the very nature of putting those to together makes it weak, and it makes sense.

Isn't it better that you at least have the OPTION to diversify your charater with a subjob.,,,rather then jsut being a plain can change your sub around to be main tank, main damage dealer, or utility. A nuker can be full power nuking, or a more blanced nuker/healer. On my DRG..I love that I can go full dmg (DRG/WAR) support (DRG/WHM) or support tank (DRG/NIN)

The prices for things is extraordinate and that is also because of the player base. If things were cheaper the leveling process would be quicker, faster and easier. Why? Because the need to camp would be minimized.

Basica gear is cheap..I just bought my standard end-game gear fora bout 20K for my ninja. Thats like an hour work tops farming. The RARE stuff is epensive...again...every otehr MMORPG has this problem. The l33t gear of rare mobs always costs alot.

Instead you could wander around and fight mobs as you came to them. The reason this is not possible is because the prices for potions, ethers, and juices is too high for that sort of play. If the prices were lower this sort of play would be viable. Mages could get their MP back in combat by using ethers, and while moving to the next mob could use juices. Those taking damage could use potions in combat and take some stress off the healers so they could use some of their other spells. So this leads to campin which then means that very few zones actually see use, which leads to overcrowding and the fighting of the same mobs over and over and over....more grinding...ugh.

All I can say, is you did not let yourself play this game outside of the method you were familair with in other games. There no need for potions/ethers/etc. My EXP party w/ Ninja can go 5 hours withoutstopping to rest once. Even when I played DRG...proper management of resources allow you to make insane EXP without the need to stop and rest more than once ever 30 minutes.

Also at higher levels you have to farm for a week or so for equipment that you might use for a couple of days (this is taking into consideration actually gaining levels those days IF you can get a party). So basically you are farming, which by the way is a huge chore, instead of actually playing.

Higher levels? 37 is higher levels? Again, gear is can farm in in a few hours top to get current...and many times you don't have to upgrade EVERY time. Take the level 45 Brigadine piece. 18K gil...many +1 stats..and most people wear it until AF (58-60). Also, generally you can make back what you spend on armor. Sometimes you sell your level 24 peice, only to find out the level 27 is CHEAPER.

The quests are laughable outside of the fact that they have a storyline to them. You get no xp rewards, and the rewards you DO get are nowhere near what they should be by the time you can DO the damn quests to begin with.

Quest build fame...which has it's own rewards in the game. Such as lower pieces on items, and higher prices merchants will buy things for.

Fame also lets you take on the avatars and aquire them as summons and also get thier cool rare items.

Say you get a level 1 quest that nets you a nice piece of level 1 armor. You won't be able to actually do the quest until you are level 6 or 7 because of what you have to kill or the area you have to go in.

Stop right there. want to solo quest - thats your problem. Again....think community don't solo stuff unless you do so many levels after it's inteded. Again. this isn't a FFXI only complaint...EQ, EQOA, DAoC, all had this as well.

Just admit that you don't like having to do things in a party? cause thats your real issue. I've been in great linkshells since I was 14 and nver had to bad of a problem getting what I needed at the level I needed them.

The classes/jobs are unbalanced and are in need of some serious tweaking. For the most part unless you are a Warrior, Paladin, White Mage, Bard or Black Mage, and at higher levels a Red Mage you have a hard time finding parties

Ninja's are the BEST exp tanks, THF are required for those parties, RNG is the ebst damage dealer, DRG is master of hate control, DRK make for great skillchains.

It isnt' that other jobs aren't's that there is wrought a popualtion of 66% melee, but melee only make up 33% of a party...blame S-E for making really fun and cool melee jobs people want to play. But they aren't useless.


That my current perma party...we can make 40,000 exp in 6-7 hours. Yet only one of the jobs you listed is in our party? failed to see HOW this game is played and tried to play it like every other one you played.

(this goes back to the player base issues). Also in order to get 60% of the jobs you have to do quests, which is all well and good. You get those quests at level 30. You then have to do a quest for your preferred job that is in no way doable until you are level 60!

Again, you are trying to solo things, ment to be done in a group. Party of 5-6 people can do any advanced job at 35.

Also the time you have to put into the game is ridiculous.

stop and think about what you just said...and then think about MMORPGs in general. nuff said.

If I have something else I have to do on a given day such as school/work/kids/ know real life stuff,

I'm 28, married, have a full time job, and several hobbies. Now look at my levels and tell me this game demands to much time to succeed.

Thsi includes farming, crafting, or getting into a group, finding a camp spot, and leveling. Hell levleing IS an an all day affair. 1 to 2 hrs to find a group. Almost an hour to get to a zone AND find a viable camp spot, and another 15 minutes or so to get the group ready and to pull a mob. It then take 5-10 MINUTES! to kill ONE! mob.... rinse...repeat....ugh.

Okay...exageration big time. Yes, some people have a ahrd time finding a group..and it can take hours. Hour to get to a camp? I can go from one side of the world to the other in 30 minutes on a chocobo..which we all have at level 20. From jueno, you can get to any EXP spot in 15 minutes...this includes such places as Dragon Averiy, Tu'Lia, Cape Terrigan, Valley of Sorrows...etc...
3 minutes to get ready, 1-3 minutes to kill a mob. Please...stop exagerating to make a point.

[quote]Dieing is an excercise in frustration in this game. You lose a lot of xp [/quote]

You loose about 7% of you current levels EXP. At level 30...that is about 400exp...2-3 kills tops. At level 60...I loose 1900 exp WITHOUT a raise. With raise...only 600 EXP...again 3-4 kills.

[quote]and possibly your level. You have to wait for long periods of time if you want a raise or take that same amount of time coming back to your group from your homepoint[/quote]

Every WHM at 25 has raise. Post shouldn't be waiting at all for a raise.

I won't even dive into you discussion on WoW...I have not played it as much as you. It was okay in my book. I'll wait until retail before I dive into it. As it stands....WoW is not the refreshing breeze you claim it to be. It's simply different. More correctly, it more "cassual" gamer friendly.

I like meeting people, I like spending lots of time with them. they help me, I help them. It soooooo much more then leet item, which is all WoW will end up being about since you can EXP and quests almost as efficently solo as you can grouped.

Maybe I'm just different...I play these games to be a part of a team and a community....not to see how uber I can be.

Maybe that yur problem with aren't willing to put forth the effort to be a part of the game, rather thatn jsut being in it.

WoW will cater to you perfecty...exactly like how it DOESN'T cater to me.
#60 Oct 05 2004 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
240 posts
well... just so I don't get called a "fan-boy" I will lsit my problems with FFXI

1) S-E doesn't care aobut NA players.

S-E bans NA palyers for Botting, yet some of the "botters" that are japanese on my server and have been doing it for over a year - still are around.

They also let Japanese claim HNM (very rare - 1 time a day spawns) monsters and "kite" them or sleep them for 8 -12 hours so the mob is killed in the japanese prime time and NA's can't get to it anymore for a long long time.

2) To many melee

more than 1/2 the jobs in the game are melees, and tehy are dang cool. Problme is, most parites are 2/6 or 1/6 if 1/2 the population is playing melee...thats alot of people sitting on thier ***

3) melees in the end-game are useless

the gods that are the Ranger job assside....melees aren't needed to kill the games toughtest monsters. In some cases, you have to tell melees NOT to come to a fight because they simply drain resources

4) non-simotanouse release

The japanese keep getting stuff before us. The resent expansion was avaialbe to htem 7-10 days before NA. So they got to go out and kill the new mobs, explore areas and craft the new gear first.

5) linkshell system

I'm not big on the fact people can hop from "guild" to "guild" at thier wimm.. Very hard to get to know people that way as people come in and out. Fo a game that is suppose to be about community...this makes it hard to bond with people.

6) equipement

sometimes, there seems to be no rymn or reason a job can use a peice and another can't. Sometimes, a peice can be used by all but ONE melee job...or all but ONE mage job...jsut stupid.

I could probablly come up with more, but I'll stop there. I'll admit that I'm a little burnt on the game myself. But I din't find any of your reason terrible valid...even thinking back to to when I first started the game.

I got EQII beta has it's own set of problems.

In the end...there will NEVER be the perfect MMORPG. It's all about game balance, when you decide to do one will make something less viable - it's game balance.
#61 Oct 05 2004 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
From what I have read of people who are higher level you still need to group for the elite quests which start to come around level 20. Well you do unless you grind out the 5 or so levels to get higher then the mobs you will be fighting.
#62 Oct 05 2004 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
Why do people feel the need to dig up month old topics. Especially this one.
#63 Oct 05 2004 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
386 posts
Alvehyanna...I couldn't disagree with you more. I had a lvl 52 whm and I still had to waste time lfg. You say in your post the you have a static party so you don't have this problem...but even if you get invited into a group quickly then you have to deal with people working out who's gonna do what and what SC to use and what the burst will be. All of this stuff takes time.

And equipment is really expensive. Have you priced a Dark or Light staff lately? These are necessities for mages. Bsts have to have at least 2 sets of armor to be effective. 2 hope rings(20-30k) Noble's Ribbon(15-25k) Monster Signa(before level 50/ 140k or so) those four items will run you 200k and that's just part of CHR+ gear. How about Garrison tunica? Or your set of ATK gear.

And all of the jobs have items like this. Mnks get to buy Kotes and such. And I've even seen mnks descriminated against because they didn't have Cross Counters and they go for over 1 million.

You work in a static pty so you do't get to see all the perfectionism in the game. I had a lvl 52 pld give me crap about not subbing smn for the extra manna. My sub was blm which I thought was perfectly alright. So there is descrimination out there against jobs and subs. Again ask a mnk how easy it is to get a pty before 60 when they become useful against bones. Down time spent lfg is THE biggest complaint about FFXI.

And for all of your talk about unity and community in the game you never addressed the crappy way the quests are set up. The rewards are not worth it. Even if done at the level they were intended for with a pty. Let's take rank 3 missions. So you get a group of lvl 25s together and do the emissary kill the dragon...after the hours it took to get to Windhurst and do the task there then go to Sandy and kill the dragon (just the order I did it in) you get 3k. My lvl 12 Great axe casts more than that. How is this an appropriate reward? All of the rewards for missions are like this.

Not to mention the fact that the story in FFXI stinks until after you defeat the Shadow Lord. Even SE admitted this on the sly by touting the new story content for Zilart and now CoP. But how many levels do you have to grind through before you get to the good stuff?

Not to mention that my LS ranges from lvl 2 to lvl 70 with no real concentration in any level. So it isn't possible to set up a LS static pty. Maybe if SE would be a little more lenient on the level gap in parties, parties would be easier to form. But I can definitely see why people just want to be able to go out on their own every once in a while.

What it comes down to is wether you want to be forced to depend on other people your entire time playing the game and that's not for everybody. But don't paint this picture about how free and easy the game is. It's definitely one time sink after another. And it's defintiely not for the casual gamer.
#64 Oct 05 2004 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
I'm going to have fun with this *cracks neck*

I'm gonna offer some counter balance, cause I think the poster...who doesn't have a job above 37..isn't being fair. I can get to 40 in 2 weeks time, with jsut about any job. The game begins at 39 for me...when you step out of the hell hole of Crawlers Nest and get to eXP in some really fun palces and at 40...start getting you job defining abilities (some of the most powerful job abilities are 40+ so you can't get them as a sub job)

He's being fair enough. By the way, do you think its kind of odd that the game "begins" at a certain level? To me (as all games should be) the game should begin the moment you turn it on. As for getting level 40 in 2 weeks, the only way that is possible is hours a day every single day that is unless you don't have a sub job, which is impossible then.

You hang out on forums WAYYYYYYY to much. I've played with plenty of level 70+ DRKs whodon't even have a haurberk. I have yet to see a party who kick somebody for not having a piece of "l33t" equipement...I see plenty of ninja's without hairpin...which is argualbly a "standard" peice of gear...oh...for the record

You may not be kicked for having the "l337" armor but you will be criticized.

"Oh my god! You don't have sniper rings?" *sends a tell to party leader* "look at his stuff. He's going to bring down exp"

I have had this happen, only with a rdm and missing some spells I really don't need. Mostly nukes anyways.

Every MMORPG listed above has this problem to one degree or another. Don't pin it as a problem on FFXI.

Agreed to a point. The elitist attitude is really awful in FFXI. Ever tried talking to a high level that doesn't know you when you are a low level? They will ignore you every chance they get. Why? Simply because they have been so stressed out by getting high that they think you will be asking for hand outs. High levels never want to help unless they get something in return. Lord help you if you ask for help on a genkai or an AF quest. They fear their exp lost, moreso they you getting your items/quest done.

BST and NIN can solo. At 64, I can solo w/ my ninja DC/Tough mobs. This come backs to the way this game was focus on community. Even BSTs are better played in dou's then solo. it's a trade of for this game.

Just because its the name of the game doesn't mean we have to like it. That's why we are here and not playing FFXI. By the way, only 2 classes, eh? So you are saying that 2 out of 14 jobs can solo? WoW gives every class the ability to handle themselves, not 2.

Let's see..lets list all the viable job combinations ofr a party that people will take

Did I miss any? probablly.... thats alot of generally acceptable combinations. Some combination DO make charaters weaker...thus...why people don't want them. It's like playing a Orc wizard in EQ or soemthing....the very nature of putting those to together makes it weak, and it makes sense.

Isn't it better that you at least have the OPTION to diversify your charater with a subjob.,,,rather then jsut being a plain can change your sub around to be main tank, main damage dealer, or utility. A nuker can be full power nuking, or a more blanced nuker/healer. On my DRG..I love that I can go full dmg (DRG/WAR) support (DRG/WHM) or support tank (DRG/NIN)

Hmmm, Melee with melee and mage with mage. Some combinations...
No matter how many combos you put up, melees are more welcomed with a warrior sub and will be picked over any other combo. Provoke has that effect on people since gamers usually are paranoid if a add comes in. I'm so glad WoW gives ever class the ability to handle themselves if the **** hits the fan.

Lord help you if you are a mage. White mage sub will be over all unless you are a white mage (which will be a black mage sub) or a red mage (they have cure spells already) Anything else will be looked upon for a second then will be passed aside till the party leader gets his/her "uber" combo.

Basica gear is cheap..I just bought my standard end-game gear fora bout 20K for my ninja. Thats like an hour work tops farming. The RARE stuff is epensive...again...every otehr MMORPG has this problem. The l33t gear of rare mobs always costs alot.

Once again agreed to a point. Others will expect you, as a high level, to have the good gear. Good gear is not basic stuff. Good gear is anything with 1 or 2 point boosts into one stat that costs ungodly amounts of money. In order to get that money, you must farm. Not a problem, right? Well it wouldn't be if:

A) Everybody would stop farming in the same place.
B) Everybody would stop undercutting prices.
C) If every item wasn't so crappy money wise.
D) If you can sell to NPCs for a decent price.
E) If drops dropped more often.
F) If the economy stops revolving around NM drops.

Stop right there. want to solo quest - thats your problem. Again....think community don't solo stuff unless you do so many levels after it's inteded. Again. this isn't a FFXI only complaint...EQ, EQOA, DAoC, all had this as well.

Just admit that you don't like having to do things in a party? cause thats your real issue. I've been in great linkshells since I was 14 and nver had to bad of a problem getting what I needed at the level I needed them.

The original poster was talking about rewards and the level you must do the quest. Not everybody has hours upon hours to wait for a party to do a certain quest. You think somebody is going to do a quest with you if its not essential? No one will make a party just to do SOB quests nor will they party with you to do the Utsusemi quest in Norg. Unless you are doing a genkai or an AF quest (which some need more then just lots of people. Paladin AF 3 needs tons of lv 60s. Don't get me started on Whm AF...), you will not recieve help.

On a side note not everybody get a LS with evenly level members. People will be either to low to help or to high to even bother doing an annoying quest again.

All I can say, is you did not let yourself play this game outside of the method you were familair with in other games. There no need for potions/ethers/etc. My EXP party w/ Ninja can go 5 hours withoutstopping to rest once. Even when I played DRG...proper management of resources allow you to make insane EXP without the need to stop and rest more than once ever 30 minutes.

This is a MMO like any other. You camp, you pull, you kill and you spend hours rinsing and repeating while getting money to spend on things to kill. You also need food. Lord help you if you do not carry food post 30. Potions are hella expensive and would have been very useful given if it was cheaper.
By the way, if all you are going to do is kill for the next 5 hours, can SE at least make it fun. I found myself sleeping during EXP parties... as a red mage. Sorry but the process is so damn boring. By the way, who has 5 hours to spend on exp parties? (trying to make a point here...)

Higher levels? 37 is higher levels? Again, gear is can farm in in a few hours top to get current...and many times you don't have to upgrade EVERY time. Take the level 45 Brigadine piece. 18K gil...many +1 stats..and most people wear it until AF (58-60). Also, generally you can make back what you spend on armor. Sometimes you sell your level 24 peice, only to find out the level 27 is CHEAPER.

Lets see what a person needs at lv 30s...

White mage - Erase - 300,000 gil
Any melee - Sniper ring - 200,000 gil each - Peacock Charm - 5,000,000 gil
Red Mage - Dispel - 80~100,000 gil

Riiiiiiiight, this stuff is hella cheap...

Quest build fame...which has it's own rewards in the game. Such as lower pieces on items, and higher prices merchants will buy things for.

Fame also lets you take on the avatars and aquire them as summons and also get thier cool rare items.

Quests = Fed Ex Quests. Nothing but low level equipment as rewards, no exp so lost leveling there and the teduim of waiting for certain items to drop (CURSE YOU PAPYRUS!!!).

Only rewards through quests are RSE Gear which will be replaced in 5 levels top and you have to wait for certain times of the WEEK and summons which is utterly useless for people who are not summoners.

Ninja's are the BEST exp tanks, THF are required for those parties, RNG is the ebst damage dealer, DRG is master of hate control, DRK make for great skillchains.

It isnt' that other jobs aren't's that there is wrought a popualtion of 66% melee, but melee only make up 33% of a party...blame S-E for making really fun and cool melee jobs people want to play. But they aren't useless.


That my current perma party...we can make 40,000 exp in 6-7 hours. Yet only one of the jobs you listed is in our party? failed to see HOW this game is played and tried to play it like every other one you played

People want the big 4: tank/melee/heal/nuke. This lasts until lv 40 when people want the big 2: Bard and Red Mage. You cannot get high in levels until you have a bard or a red mage. Sorry but it sucks that out of the 14 classes in the game, I must rely on 2. Granted I was red mage but I hate how people love to ***** me for all I'm worth, tell me what I can and cannot not do then beg and plee for me not to leave when I'm sick of my team mates. Guess it goes both ways, eh?

You loose about 7% of you current levels EXP. At level 30...that is about 400exp...2-3 kills tops. At level 60...I loose 1900 exp WITHOUT a raise. With raise...only 600 EXP...again 3-4 kills.

This is proof that you are not over lv 60. Any former FFXI gamer knows that you lose 10% of the amount you need to level from what you have currently. If you lose more then what you have then you delevel. On top of that, anything over 1000 exp lost is at least 15 minutes of lost work. This would be okay if delevel was nonexistant.

I'll tell you this: WoW is better then FFXI. My opinions, yes but not because it's "easier". Trust me when I say it gets hard. The game is simply more playable then FFXI. Thats what I want in a game, to be playable. I spent my time in FFXI (55 days) and I hated it since lv 20. I played with the thought that it will get better at level 50 when it was worse. Anyways, I have nothing else to add here. No ressurecting old thread again, please ^^

#65 Oct 05 2004 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
There are only 2 things i like better in FFXI then in WOW.

#1 More classes

#2 More party based (this can also be a bad thing too)
#66 Oct 05 2004 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
I have a little problem with people posting criteques about FFXI who never really made it far into the game. Probably in much the same way you hate people who said they left WoW 2 months ago.

I've seen people post here with level 70 characters or whatever. They've gotten sick of the game too. In fact, the ratio of people who even have one thing to say nice about the game to none at all is about 1:5.

First... you need to undersatnd who made this game. Japanese. They are community based gamers. Everything revolves around community...EXP, quests, missions, etc... this plays into alot of people's complaints...such as needing high levels to compelte don' jsut need to bring alot of people w/ you. On to my opinions.

And should that really be necessary? Is a game fun when there is not a GD thing you can do without a well-balanced group?

You hang out on forums WAYYYYYYY to much. I've played with plenty of level 70+ DRKs whodon't even have a haurberk. I have yet to see a party who kick somebody for not having a piece of "l33t" equipement...I see plenty of ninja's without hairpin...which is argualbly a "standard" peice of gear...oh...for the record

I don't play the game personally, but I have a friend who does, and doesn't read forums, and told me he's witnessed this personally.

BST and NIN can solo.
Let's see..lets list all the viable job combinations ofr a party that people will take

< list of 29 combinations >

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there 15 classes? Doesn't that mean there are 15*14=210 job sets to draw from? That means you're dealing with respective percentages of 13.3 and 13.8
I personally would want to hit at least, oh, FIFTEEN percent before I could claim that soloing is viable and many class combinations are reasonable?

Some combination DO make charaters weaker...thus...why people don't want them.....the very nature of putting those to together makes it weak, and it makes sense.

Isn't it better that you at least have the OPTION to diversify your charater with a subjob.,,,rather then jsut being a plain WAR?

Do you see the contradiction in these two statements? You don't have an option. Your listing below averaged less than two choices per class, and that's with dragoon pulling up the average considerably. I count at least 5 classes where you don't even offer a second option. No, I'm sorry, there are no choices in FFXI - even fewer than games with single classes because they eliminate other choices elsewhere.

Just admit that you don't like having to do things in a party? cause thats your real issue. I've been in great linkshells since I was 14 and nver had to bad of a problem getting what I needed at the level I needed them.

I've played EQ for years as a cleric. I know what it is to have group dependency. But I also know what it is to completely neglect your other obligations in life and have all 24 hours each day at your disposal...I've since learned that isn't feasible, hence why I no longer want to play a game where I have to sit around and wait for a certain mix of players to come together, and then watch it fall apart 10 minutes later because 3 of the original members ran out of time. Maybe you've got great support from your linkshell, but you seem to be the exception to the rule.

Stop right there. want to solo quest - thats your problem. Again....think community don't solo stuff unless you do so many levels after it's inteded. Again. this isn't a FFXI only complaint...EQ, EQOA, DAoC, all had this as well.

The example was given at level I'm supposed to find a party AT LEVEL ONE?? I haven't even learned how to turn on attack and I'm supposed to be recruiting people to help me. Yeah, right.

And to the extent that it exists here, yes it is an FFXI-only complaint. EQ I could at least do my low-level quests on my own, and solo a little bit, and just generally be useful for myself. There's community and then there's total dependency.

<quote>Also the time you have to put into the game is ridiculous. </quote>

stop and think about what you just said...and then think about MMORPGs in general. nuff said.

At least I managed to reach the level cap in Everquest in 100 days played. I think 100 is more than sufficient to be able to start doing the top-level stuff.

I'm 28, married, have a full time job, and several hobbies. Now look at my levels and tell me this game demands to much time to succeed.

You also cite that you have 180 days played. How long has this game been out? That means you have averaged how many hours per day playing it? If the answer is more than 4, then yes, you have been spending more time at it then someone with a family, full-time job, and hobbies they actually find time for would reasonably accomplish.

Every WHM at 25 has raise. Post shouldn't be waiting at all for a raise.

...but you said that white mages aren't necessary for everything. Why assume I'm going to be with one?

Maybe that yur problem with aren't willing to put forth the effort to be a part of the game, rather thatn jsut being in it.

It's hard to be a part OF the game until you spend days upon days in it. Since this apparently a point of contention that you both claim you do and don't do, tell me, at what point did you start to feel like a part of the game?

I don't even play FFXI. I heard about it on the forums here, but my own experience has been limited to watching my friend play. He gave me a chance to start a new character one time, and both playing and watching, it is quite honestly the absolute most boring game I have ever played. I didn't even get into the major issues that the other players seem to bring up about it.

So, you can attack my ethos for that all you want, but I have zero interest in ever picking up this game.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#67 Oct 05 2004 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,430 posts
Just wanted to add that 180 days + = 4320 + hours

Seems a bit extreme, eh? Now if you were playing for 5 hours a day, it will take up to 864 days.

Hmmm, how about 8 hours a day? 540 days...

10 hours a day? 432 days...

Now unless he means 180 actual days, I cannot see him playing 4320 hours already. The game hasn't been out long enough to allow that.
#68 Oct 05 2004 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
6,678 posts
If you are hardcore about a game, it definitely is possible. In the two weeks since the beta 2 server has come out, I know people with 6 days played or more.

I wouldn't exactly call it healthy to do that though, unless you're unemployed and waiting for something to come through.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#69 Oct 05 2004 at 8:34 PM Rating: Good
14,326 posts
Alvehyanna wrote:


I laughed so hard when I read this.

The only DRG subjobs that would get you a party: DRG/WAR and DRG/SAM.

That's it. Period.

And that's if you were even lucky enough to get a party as a DRG.

DRG/THF was only good for farming.

The only time you'd see a DRG/RDM or DRG/WHM in a party is if they were doing a Mission or Quest with their friends.

And after lvl 60, the most common would be DRG/SAM only because of the TP abilities that a SAM subjob gave you. And after S-E did the tweak to TP gain, and a DRG/SAM couldn't spam Penta-thrust anymore, the demand went way down.

I know alot of people that quit being DRGs because of that.

The higher in level you got, the more picky people got about what jobs and sub jobs they would invite.

As for never having to find a raise after level 25. Wow, Pandemonium must have had alot of WHM running around doing nothing. Unless you had a WHM in your party, chances of getting a raise fairly quick were very slim.

Having to find a camp spot could take a long time. Why, because there were only so many places to camp affectively and alot of parties looking to use those spots.

I'm seriously doubting that the person actually played FFXI.
#70 Oct 05 2004 at 8:39 PM Rating: Decent
FFXI puzzles me.
#71 Oct 05 2004 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
Im new to the forums, but definitely not new to MMO's. So read this msg carefuly as Im a person who has played FFXI to the fullest, and I've been on the beta stress test of WoW. Keep in mind this is my own personal opinion and whether you agree or disagree matters not to me. So if you flame the post then suck my balls.

- - -

Continuing on, I'll start first with FFXI and its pros and cons. Before I do however, I'd like to let everyone know that I own a lvl 75 PLD/WAR and he's awesome. I like tankers, but in WoW I think Im going with something different. Something with range. Mainly because I wouldnt wanna do a tanker again just in a different world/environment. Anyways FFXI has a great community. Its so easy to make friends and has so many players playing it. Thats because recently (well not recently) they introduced FFXI to PS2 and they brought so many players to the game. Yea, they had waves and waves of noobs at the begining which was little annoying, but everyone learns. And it passed. There's awesome activity and the Races/Classes are awesome. Among some of its best qualities in FFXI is the graphic aspect. Its graphics are a true wonder. Its definitely not repetitive and there's always places you can go. But thats known I guess since its a MMO after all. One thing I really like about FFXI is the part when you think ur at an end when you reach lvl 75, but there's so much to do. Killing Gods is one of my favorite. FFXI series are all RPG which only gives them experience. What I dont like about it is that some of the Classes have a very VERY hard time finding parties. I have rarely seen good PvP wars. Maybe I havnt been in lots of them but the PvP part is not that great IMO. They should have some special groundbreaking thing like L2 had with the Castles. One thing I forgot to mention is that it's had 2 Expantions which makes it so much better.

- - -

Second part of this is WoW. One thing I've noticed before I even got my hands on the game, was the screenshots. And compared to the other MMOs' graphics, they were not even close. It seemed so childish and like a PS1 game. But this changed as I set foot in the WoW at the Valley of Trials. It was beautiful and the grphics were wonderful. Altho not as good as L2 or FFXI. But Blizz said since the begining that they werent going for 'realist' kinda of graphics, but rather 'colorful' kind of graphics and by all means they've achieved it. Another thing I noticed was that the people there were very friendly. Didnt see much swearing, everyone was in a cheery mood and it was quite easy to party with people. At the begining I was traveling thru mountains and fell across a river in which I died by the monsters (at a low lvl) and revived at a graveyard in The Barrens and I couldnt get back because I was so low lvl I could kill or run monsters to get to where I was and a GM helped me in a matter of 5 minutes. It was pretty cool. I cant say anything about characters and monsters as I only played until lvl 24 but I MUST say, the lvling should defintiely be harder. I saw a Gnome Rogue whoch was about lvl 38 and that was within a weak. Yea he probably played ALOT, but still...if your gonna keep players playing more and more (obivously so you can win money) thne u must have lvl'ing hard. Also some graphics-wise things such as weather conditions, rain, snow, shade, sunny, snow etc..did NOT impress me. The Day/Night effects were HORRIBLE. At certain time it changed automatically within 1-3 second period. Also the talent point were not included other then on Warrior so no opinion on those. There should definitely be more veriety of quests and more bosses. And that concludes my opinion post. FFXI is a great MMO which is going to last a long time, and WoW is not as good. At least not at the moment. I do however have more interest for WoW at the moment and I cant wait to play it.
#72 Oct 05 2004 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
Basica gear is cheap..I just bought my standard end-game gear fora bout 20K for my ninja. Thats like an hour work tops farming. The RARE stuff is epensive...again...every otehr MMORPG has this problem. The l33t gear of rare mobs always costs alot

Uhh maybe for ninja its cheap but for my SAM my lvl 23 great katana was 32k gil. Thats just for one low lvl basic weapon and it just got worse from there. And about the game starting at lvl 40? My game sorta ended at lvl 30 something. Hours of sitting around waiting for a party just so i can get in the party and people not realize what a Sam is supposed to do. I left the game at lvl 52 and im never going back :P
#73 Oct 05 2004 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
I've read an interesting article a while ago. It said that all things you do in a MUD (~= MMO) can be put into 4 different categories : achievement, socializing, exploration and killing.


FFXI is all about achievement. You work to get XP and money so you can get your AF and all the lvl caps and reach lvl 75. It is also all about socializing since you can't achieve anything if you don't have a group in this game. These two combined brings a very high level of reward to the player. You can feel good that you and your linkshell had made it to a certain point.

As for exploration, it's not at all rewarding. You just need to get the maps and you're all set, just another achievement. The act of exploring bring nothing new and it's felt on the areas design. Mountains look more like boudaries than anything else. I can only think of one quest that promotes exploration : the one for crawler's nest map.

If you like killing, you're very limited. You can kill mobs but the only PvP action is in a sort of mini-game. In XP groups you fight one mob, two and you'll have a hard time, three or more, you escape. If you want to fight mobs solo they need to be alot lower level than you. Very unrewarding to get killed by a mob that checks easy prey to you.



Since leveling is faster in WoW, achieving high levels are less rewarding. Lots of the stuff for achievers are not in the game yet. From what is announced tho, you can say that you'll have a lot of stuff to look forward if you are an achiever : hero class, raid instances, PvP high ranks, etc.

Having the choice between soloing and grouping to play the game doesn't mean there is no socializing in the game. To do those tougher quest, you have the choise of doing them now in a group or in a few levels solo and instances are for groups only for it to be profitable. Also, PvP, with the factions as base, is a very good way to meet people. Communities (guilds) also exists and the ability to chat with everyone in your current region is very nice.

Exploration is rewarding in WoW. The map reveals itseft only if you visit the area. You gain small amount of XP when you go to some areas the first time. If you die exploring, it's ok. Areas are designed with exploration in mind. You can find stuff in remote or hidden places like NPC vendors or passages to other areas.

You have lots of fun killing in WoW. Fight are very short. So is down time. You can solo, you can kill mobs your level, sometimes even higher level. In groups, you will fight multiple mobs. And then there is PvP...


FFXI was my first MMO. I've achieved lvl 56 Sam, lvl 42 Blm and a few other jobs in the 30s, got 3/5 pieces of AF for Sam and got rank 7.

Only played the stress test on WoW. Had a lvl 21 Undead Mage and a level 13 Dwarven warrior. Did the majority of the quests in the areas i've visited. Tried the Shadowfang Keep instance. Went on a PvP raid in the alliance lands.

When I log out of FFXI, I think about the progress I made. When I logged out of WoW, I thought about the fun I had.

Ingole - Asura server

Edited, Wed Oct 6 00:38:50 2004 by Ingole
#74 Oct 06 2004 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
Sniper Ring 600K each
Peacock Charm 1500K
Merman's Gorget 150K
Life Belt 100K......

took you 8 month to get your drg to lvl 56 and farm your money to buy all the expansive stuffs, and at the end you found out that drgs are not wanted in pts ............. priceless

for everything else there's Wow

#75 Oct 06 2004 at 4:58 AM Rating: Decent neutral to both games..and i will list my oppinions form when reading other forums, reviews, gameplay movies, screenshots, and playing the game itself..


Theworst part about this game is that you have to wait for parties for HOURS, unless you are a RDM, WHM, PLD, RNG, BLM, NIN, BRD, BST. Yes some people dont find that a problem because they have static parties..But you have to understand that not everyone can play at a fixed time everyday. There will be many real life stuff that will differ our playing time. So if you set a standard playtime to play a game everyday, you are sort of disrupting your real life events. Imagine this, "Son, lets go out for a meal, its been a long time since we did that." and he replies, "NO DAD! I have to play this game as i already arrange a static party."

Another problem is money. The things are simply too expensive, plus, money is NOT easy to get. Farming and Fishing etc.. is also very boring. This is so terrible, that people even resort to giving up their own pocket money just to buy some gil. They are willing to spend some money to skip farming, fishing etc.. THis tells you how horrible it is to make money.

This game also requires EVEYTHING to be done with MANY people (full alliance etc..) When you want to do a mission or a quest, be prepared to shout in town all day to get help. The other alternative is to get a high level to help. This completety kills all the fun as the high level just attack the mob a few times, and thats completed the mission. How FUN can that be.

THere is no freedom in this game. YOu have to have a specific sub job for your main job, or be prepared to LFP all day. You are also required to use a weapon that is the best for your class. Try to equip your Paladin with a Great Sword, and join a party, im sure they will ***** your head off..

The appearance of the armor will be repeated a few times. For example, I once saw a level 40+ wearing the same armor as me (level 10+) and i thought, wtf..your equip is really out of date. When i check the person, i saw that the armor was actually for level 40+, but the appearance was the exact same.

Now for the pros of FFXI, fighting in a party, in my oppinion, is always MORE fun than soloing. In this game, you will be leveling in a party, so combat is fun. This game also lets you socialise very easily, as you might party with the same people several times, and they will be added to your friends list. Combat is also a blast. THe fighting animation, magic animation etc is just gorgeous. I also like the music^^


Cons of WoW, I think that the leveling is a lil fast. Solo is more beneficial than grouping!!! I found that totally nonsense, as people would solo unless they HAVE to group. Fighting animation looks dull and rather boring (I REALLY HOPE BLIZZARD DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!!)

Pros of WoW, ability to solo. Mounts are cool. PvP is in the form of FvF, and not jus killing anyone you want as many times as you like, like in Lineage 2. You have lots of freedom to choose which weapon you want to use. Leveling is in the form of quests.


Both games are great, and it really depends on how much time you are willing to spend a day, and other personal preferences.
One thing that i dont like what many people said is, FFXI is released in Japan earlier than the US, this gives us disadventage in terms of blah blah blah..
Why must you always be FIRST in everything, and must always be the BEST? So what if Japan get the game first, and get a headstart? This is a GAME, not a RACE, for goodness sake..
#76 Oct 06 2004 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
I think the big complaint about the JP's getting the game first is because then they get a headstart on the NM's and they also get to set the prices on anything new that comes from the new things. Also once any MMO game pretty much forces you to find a static party to efficiently level they've failed in the purpose they were made for. If i wanted to play with the same people everyday i'd play diablo 2 or something like that.
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