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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#752 Jul 26 2010 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
The thing that I'm most excited about for Cataclysm is the new level 80-85 content that's being implemented, especially the new 5-man dungeons, as Blizzard has stated that they will fare to be at an actually reasonable level of difficulty this time around, and I've been waiting for a challenge on my 80 toons. Aside from that, I'm also very excited to experience the brand new starting zones that are home to the worgen and goblins, as they look amazing from even just the video footage that I've been able to see so far. Lastly, I'm excited to see how the new talent system will work out by the time Cataclysm rolls around, seeing as while the trees still need a lot of work, the direction Blizzard is taking with them could lead to a very interesting and fun system to use.
#753 Jul 26 2010 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
I cannot wait until I can finally make a Goblin and see Kezan. Doing quests in that car I saw from Tankspot's video looked awesome! Another thing that looks awesome is the comeback of CC. Finally 5-mans can be interesting and engaging again, rather than aoeing everything down. Oh and also questing in Azeroth again. The lore behind the quests I hope are awesome and that they have some sweet chain quests like the wrathgate, as I know phasing will be big.
#754 Jul 26 2010 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
I'm mostly excited that I'll be able to pwn Worgens with my Shadowmourne and make all the Twitards cry! Lok'tar Ogar!
#755 Jul 26 2010 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
I am most excited about the new Guild Reputation/Talents/Perks in Cata. As someone who has leveled every single class/race combo (Alliance side) and as an Officer in a progression guild, the new unlockable guild features really appeal to me. I admit that I play this game a lot and so having the chance to contribute what I do on an individual basis (questing, leveling, BGs, dungeons) to the guild as a whole seems ridiculously awesome. I really hope that this feature will also get some of my other guildies more involved on non-raid nights, whether in be in a Rated BG (also an awesome new feature), Arena, dungeons, or random alt raids. Overall, the new guild features seem like a really neat way to further the progress of my guild in any way that I can.
#756 Jul 26 2010 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
OK there are several reasons why I would love to sample some beta content, currently the quality of feedback on the official forums leaves a lot to be desired and I would like to be able to give Blizz some solid rational feedback. Number two I have played an enhancement shaman for the last three years in both PVE and PVP (non beastcleave :-))so that should get me some extra points just for the pain. However the most important thing is that I need to check out the voice acting on the worgen, rumour has it that there are some serious bad British accents going on, so obviously myself being British I need to check it out straight away so I can offer my voice over skills to Blizz.
#757 Jul 26 2010 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
What I am looking for the most is troll Druids. The Forms all look sick, I mean Kittys with Tusks get off me. Troll racials for kitty will dominate like come on Nom Nom Nom dont even try me son. ZAM!

Edited, Jul 27th 2010 1:48am by putter
#758 Jul 26 2010 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to see the new world, to find out what has changed. also i'd love to see some of the raids and boss encounters since i heard they will be more challenging in catalysm then in wotlk. And btw: Goblin on 2 man rocket=win
#759 Jul 26 2010 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
I am excited to see new starting zones, and new races. My main is horde, and I plan to try out a goblin shaman, since I like to play classes with healing abilities.

I am also very curious about the new hunter resource mechanic, and how it will affect my hunter's abilities.
#760 Jul 26 2010 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent
I've been a fan of Blizzard's games since the original Diablo, which I played when I was 8, as well as the second game. I first got into WoW around the time Zul'Aman was released, and when I started my Blood Elf paladin, I was instantly hooked on the game. The lore of the game; I read and reread my game manual over and over to get as much as I could. To this day, I'll read about the lore on the WoW wiki site. The gameplay; Fantastic. It was fun. I loved every aspect of it. My paladin was fun to play, and I learned how to play while having fun so that I made my experience enjoyable.Quests were enjoyable, sometimes to the point that I wished to do them again, but dungeons were the best. The Environment; Some of the zones blew me away. When I made it to Outland, I was stunned by how amazing the place looked. I loved leveling there.

Then Wrath of the Lich King was announced. I fell in love with the Death Knight class. Dark warriors that could wreck havoc and destruction across a battlefeild? I was so there. I never got into much of the Burning Crusades endgame content due to me hitting level 70 shortly before Lich King. I was stoked though. I knew what I wanted with my death knight, and what I would be doing. I got wrath on release day, and Blizzard blew my mind away with how epic the starting quests for death knights were. My jaw stayed on the floor the entire time. I leveled my DK through outlands, enjoying all of the quests once again. I hit Northrend then, and my jaw once again remained on the floor as I leveled through the amazing zones. Blizzard earned major props from me, as they always have.

I hit 80 with my DK and have been amazed by everything along the way. But it didnt stop there. I started to do the one thing I had craved for most in this game: Raids. Naxx was amazing for me, since I had never experienced the original. Ulduar, though I still haven't finished it, it remains one of my favorite. It blew my mind. Trial of the Crusader was a little lackluster to me, and sorta dropped my spirit. Then came Icecrown. I was nowhere ready to do the raid yet, so I settled for the 5 mans (dungeons, woot!) as I got that experience and more into the lore with the Quel'Delar chain. I'm progressing through the raid right now, and it is awe inspiring.

With Cataclysm rounding the bend, I know Blizzard will once again blow my freaking mind. I'm looking forward to so many new things. The new DK talents are definately going to be interesting. I enjoyed blood as dps, but I also really like DW and frost. Worgen are a single reason why I am now going to experience the gameplay and lore from the Alliance side, as I've been Horde since my first day. Of course that doesnt mean im not going to have a goblin or two ;) .I want to level my DK to the new cap and watch my jaw fall to the floor as I experience so much of the amazing things Blizzard has put into their games. One of the most exciting things for me doesnt involve the new world or races though. I want to see how the new quest system plays out. I heard that quests are going to be different in that instead of starting in the new town with 20 quests, you have only a few, and you work your way to new ones. To me this gives some personality to my characters. You start in the new town not completely trusted, so you get a small handful of quests to prove your worth to the town. As you complete the quests, they like you more and give you the bigger stuff. This seems much more rewarding to me and for my characters.

I want to begin to experience the amazing thing that Blizzard has decided to call World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Thank you for reading this, and sorry if it is too long.
#761 Jul 26 2010 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
Heroic Leap!!!, Blood and Thunder, along with the other new Warrior talents look interesting, and i would love the chance to test them out. I'm also interested in seeing how Dk tanking has evolved.

Also, rolling a Worgen druid and Goblin Lock :).

Running Heroic Stratholme, exploring revamped cities, and the prospect of enjoying the leveling of my new alts all have me itching to get in on Cataclysm.

Can't wait for the fall when me and my guild mates can experience all the exciting changes Cataclysm will bringing to WoW! :).
#762 Jul 26 2010 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
I'm most excited about the Guild UI/Rep/Perks and some of the new talents and gear look pretty OP. Revisiting heroic modes on Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep will be fun too, both were good dungeons in their hayday and they should bring back some old memories with the new mode.

P.S.: Flying in Azeroth and crafting multiple points at once FTW.
#763 Jul 26 2010 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
I'm pretty exited about the new interface and the guild perks! but what i am most exited about is the new talents, cant wait to see them all when they are done and how all classes will be vs eachother and dps/heal and tankwise, and the nerfs that will come screaming behind them :P well all in all this is gonna be a pretty awesome expansion pack :P
#764 Jul 26 2010 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
I am looking most forward to experiencing the new broken Azeroth and see what blizz has done to my beloved Barrens where i have most of my first wow memories from lvling my first characters, and of course also playing the goblin startzones. They look awesome!
#765 Jul 26 2010 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
Like most other people I am greatly looking forward to the redesign of Azeroth! I can't wait to return to the old world and search out the secluded and secret places I discovered while leveling there. Additionally I'm looking forward to the changes that have been made to Death Knight tanking, the change from using all trees to only blood creates a new challenge to master! The politics element to the expansion also interests me because I am eager to see how it will develop the lore within Azeroth and how tensions between the Horde and Alliance will change. Finally I'm looking forward to new 5-man and raid content which I hope will be different and unique from any encounters we have seen so far in World of Warcraft.
P.S I can't wait for the Worgen too! Wolf-men with English accents,Brilliant!!
#766 Jul 26 2010 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
What I am Really Excited for Cataclysm is the story lines that apeear in-game. They show some of the most hated characters in-game will have points where that character shows him/herself as something more than that. (Garrosh anyone?) I'm excited to see the story plots suddenly change as the enviorment changes around you too! If there was anything i'd like in-game. It would be the creativity Blizzard has in stock for us and I'd love to help blizzard test it out and help them make it all the way to the final release!
#767 Jul 26 2010 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
Their are so many thing to look forward to
the Worgen
the new low lv stuff
NEW Class race mixes
NEW Mounts (I hope)
new places to explore
new places to enjoy in the Azeroth all together
#768 Jul 26 2010 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
I've been a part of the WarCraft universe since WarCraft II. Before I went online with the edition I played many hours of the single player game. Throughout it all I had one favorite hero above all the others; Deathwing, a most awesome bringer of destruction and chaos. Now with the expansion on the horizon I finally have the chance that I have been waiting for ever since I stated playing WoW. I finally get to face my favorite WarCraft character in battle and destroy him.
#769 Jul 27 2010 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
I'm probably really interested in how the whole World (of Warcraft) is going to be revamped. It'd be nice to explore, now easier with flying mounts, all the new and changed content, and will make levelling (especially Golbins and Worgen), a whole lot funner. I also can't wait for the new talents and spells waiting to be released. On a Lore aspect, things should be much more interesting now; with Garrosh as Warchief, most Horde Leaders have a new attidude towards him, which, to me, seems quite interesting.
There's just way too much to handle when Cataclysm come out...I can't wait! :D

Edited, Jul 27th 2010 2:02am by Azzeron
#770 Jul 27 2010 at 12:01 AM Rating: Decent
Right now, I dunno where to start on what I am most pumped for.

- The talent tree revisions (Being a Paladin, seen ALOT the last couple weeks)
- The vastly-changing world (Lore-junkie!)
- Goblins! (Got a goblin shaman and rogue both planned!)
- The purely epic storyline involving one of the biggest-bads known to Azeroth History (Short of Sargeras)

And I think just about every other aspect has me excited too. Too much to enjoy, and no idea how to put it all in words.
#771 Jul 27 2010 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to all of the new content! I'm looking forward to the new race/class combos, the worgen, the changed zones, and the fact that hunters start with pets! I can't wait to start fresh with a new character and experience the new content that way. I also am excited about archaeology. I hope there are some changes to the draenei and blood elf areas. Maybe the dead scar will be healed. :)
#772 Jul 27 2010 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
I can't decide which will rock more about rolling a goblin lock, running around with an imp as tall as I am, or summoning my felguard and hobgoblin at the same time. I'll be the scrawny wise guy bossing around my own squad of dumb muscle. Their mob voices just sweeten the facade! That and steam-punk racer > man-bear-pig. For the Horde!
#773 Jul 27 2010 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited about all the new lore and opportunities for RP. I have a few characters who have ended their stories for the duration of Wrath now, but come Cataclysm, their worlds will truly be shaken up (literally!), giving so many new possible stories, opportunities and perils. So many new areas opening up, the ability to fly in new-old Azeroth to reach places never before reachable (outside of the Priest levitation trick, which is, admittedly, not at all time-efficient) to gain RP venues and so much more! All the new gear to create awesome new outfits across all of my different characters, as well as new class mechanics to build into their repertoires of abilities.

For just a few examples, my engineer (a hunter, but not so much based on her class as she is her profession) studies and implements what she can learn of the Titan machines of Ulduar into her machinations. Come the new engineering options, as well as Uldum finally being opened, she will be kept very busy.
My priest will probably end up having quite a bit of fun with "Life Grip," using it more as a new means to have fun, as well as a way to pull those he loves from danger, only to follow up with a powerful Power Word: Barrier!
#774 Jul 27 2010 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
I am looking forward to the fact that Horde and Alliance are fighting again.

Almost all through out WotLK, the forces of the Alliance and Horde were buddies, trying to work together to down the Lich King etc. It's going to be good to get some blood back in their veins and see their tension's rise.
#775 Jul 27 2010 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
The most interesting feature is flying around azeroth, I very excited about seeing the places that I spend most of my time from air. I am also waitng to see mount hyjal gonna fly around Nordrassil. As a shaman I am also looking forward to see how earthquake looks like since i am making my tanks crazy with thunderstorm I will see what also can i do with the earthquake :PP
#776 Jul 27 2010 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to level a few of my characters to 85, following the new story line and questing as a whole.
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