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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#7027 Aug 01 2010 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
The thing I'm really looking forward to the most is to return to all the old lands, and be able to fly and see them. It'll be a shame to not see them NOW flying, but at least have an idea. Fly over Stormwind would be awesome. I've ALWAYS wanted to click the huge bell in Booty Bay. I remember seeing someone do it in Live, before BC, and I've never been able to do it, even after trying for hours... I know just wanting that is kind of dumb, but it's always bugged me to do.

Heroic Dead Mines. I'm sure everyone wants to do this too, and they should. I used to run Dead Mines before BC from the level I could, until it was all grey to me.

The graphics. Each game set has gotten better and better with the graphics. I'm not talking about how "good" they are, more so how cool they look. For example the Fire Twilight Ascendant. It just looks amazing. Also how much more intricate the builds are becoming.
#7028 Aug 01 2010 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to fighting a giant dragon plated with metal, as big as a small town.

I cannot WAIT to tank his huge hits as a bear. I expect him to hit slowly, but for at least 60-80k on a geared tank.

But, most of all, I am dying to see the huge amounts of phasing on the new azeroth.

Heck, I'm super excited about EVERYTHING!!!!

Edited, Aug 1st 2010 9:47pm by Raemsie
#7029 Aug 01 2010 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
The new talent changes. Paladins and Warlocks are going to be even moar OP. QQ moar newbs.
#7030 Aug 01 2010 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
I am looking forward to more phasing quests! It will be great to feel like your questing efforts are actually making a difference in the world (of warcraft) instead of pointless/meaningless time-waster tasks.

Also, I am looking forward to playing with the changes to the talent system. I have always enjoyed trying different talent builds and this will be an interesting new challenge.
#7031 Aug 01 2010 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
I can't wait to play the Worgen. Everyone else will undoubtedly be playing one as well but that'll just make instance runs faster. Not to mention the new graphics. Been keeping my fingers crossed for a long time to see how the water will be changed.

New zones, new races, new dungeons, it will be a whole new WoW!
#7032 Aug 01 2010 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
I am excited to do the new dungeon's they look amazing from what I have seen so far, and I am also excited about worgen and goblin characters looking forward to leveling those races!
#7033 Aug 01 2010 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to riding the giant dinosaur on a rocket shark whilst firing laser beams, and accurately assessing the epicness of it.

Ok serious non-serious face now, i'm really looking forward to how they're proceed with the lore and all, I mean, Ragnaros is attacking the Great Tree, we get to pwn some elemental lords for whoknows why. Atleast we can finally beat the hell out of Deathwing and make him pay for his deeds. And i also really want to make a campfire, to be amazed by its new fiery texture(Wooh!). Last but not least i just want to do the thriller dance as a mini-worgen! :D
#7034 Aug 01 2010 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
I am looking forward to the hundreds of new Goblin players in the starter zone running around trying to kill the same 12 crabs... It's going to be EPIC!!
#7035 Aug 01 2010 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
I am actually looking forward to three things....

1) Leveling a Worgen Druid. I tend to enjoy Human characters the most and have always regretted not having a druid. I think the lore around the Worgen is perfect, and I can't wait!

2) New Stormwind. As a human character, I see Stormwind as my home city, and always defend it when Horde attack. The new Stormwind looks amazing and the thought of flying around the city sends chills down my spine!

3) Fire Mage!! I have been a fire mage since this game was released. I lasted through frost dominance for pvp, through the "you have to be arcane to raid" phase, and am rocking strong in fire now. The new fire talenst and spells excite me, unlike most mages it seems. I look forward to burning things daily :)
#7036 Aug 01 2010 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
A best thing in expansion? Deathwing! Im glad that Azeroth is moving on-leaving behind everything people knew from Warcraft III. Previous two expansions were turning around characters and places we all knew-Illidan, Kael'thas, Arthas and so on. But THIS expansion is introducing a whole new(in terms of appearance) character.Deathwing has never appeared in person in WoW. Of course,mentioned in few lines, one memory in Ulduar,but never in person. He is absolutely independent of the previous games which is why I love him sooo much.
#7037 Aug 01 2010 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
The part that I am most excited about is all the new zones.

Leveling alts is the one thing I hate most about WoW and the main reason I have been playing my main druid for 3+ years.

However, after learning about what Blizzard is doing for Cataclysm, I have never been more excited about anything in WoW. The new changes, the new zones, the new designs, the new quests, everything is NEW. It is like WoW 2.0.

The first thing I would do, if I were to win, is start a new goblin hunter and just enjoy every single quest as if it was a new game.

It is the single most exciting part about the whole entire expansion. Being able to run through brand new worlds is going to be ridiculously fun and it will finally make me like doing the one thing I hate most about WoW; leveling an alt.

#7038 Aug 01 2010 at 8:07 PM Rating: Decent
Well... super psyched for worgen. Gonna roll alliance just for that. Interested but wary of Goblins... and definitely psyched for new Troll starting zone. I guess I'll be making a lot of alts cause i'm real interested in the new leveling system.

Peace - RT
#7039 Aug 01 2010 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
I personally can't wait to make a tauren paladin, and run thru stuff crusader storming and war stomping everything in my path.
#7040 Aug 01 2010 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
Dude, I am SUPER stoked about the fire mage changes. Being able to move and cast scorch for FREE sounds like the best thing ever. Resilience changed to just reducing damage by a percentage is awesome also. I'm so sick of being completely dependent on one stat to not get blown up it's going to be a breath of fresh air to see crit being a relevant pvp stat again.

New talent trees look super awesome. I honestly see some trees that have those talents that are really hard to choose between, but not in a way that relates to a loss of DPS. The new abilities available at level 10 and the changes to early-level paladin and shaman to make leveling less...boring until you actually get buttons to press looks awesome.

New and revamped zones are going to be awesome now! I'm actually excited about leveling a new alt now, as after 7 times through the same stuff it gets dull, and with the new stat changes leveling casters will be a lot better now!

Finally, rated battlegrounds. Dream. Come. True. Been waiting for them since BC was announced. More excited about cataclysm than I ever was for WOTLK for sure. Every change sounds at the very least, like a nice change.
#7041 Aug 01 2010 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
Undead Onyxia
#7042 Aug 01 2010 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
I can't wait to LEVEL again! Not just the new lore, but the new gameplay! So streamlined! So awesome! This'll keep me coming back!
#7043 Aug 01 2010 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
I am extremely excited about the upcoming expansion to our cherished WoW. I believe that despite some of the drastic changes, Cataclysm will bring to the table many new and exciting things. I personally am thrilled about the revamping of the old world in Azeroth. The makeover of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor is, frankly, long overdue. This will make leveling alts be a new and exciting challenge once again (a task that had become arduous and incessantly repetitive). One of my favorite changes-to-come is the fact that some of the "special" places in the old world, such as Uldum in the southern reaches of Tanaris. Places like this and Grim Batol and the Ironforge Airfield have always spiked interest and intrigue from players like myself; to finally see them put to use is like a dream come true. I know that I plan on spending the first week or so just exploring the new changes as best I can before even thinking of leveling my characters.

I would also like to mention that the changes to the class talent trees has the potential to both drastically change the "feel" of characters as you level them and add the possibility of further changes to character dymanics, in my opinion, much easier than when we used the much larger talent trees. I was getting tired of new talents myself, partially because we had so many to choose from already (which made leveling a bit tricky for new players) and partially because the new talents seemed to stray a bit from the character's original design (not that this was always a bad thing in itself).

Now... if I could just hurry up and get a chance to make my Worgen Druid and my Human Hunter...
#7044 Aug 01 2010 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, what a great contest and I mean how awesome wouldn't it be to run around as a horde gnome (goblin) I mean. I have been waiting for this since I started to play wow and their racials looks so cool :)
I would also fly around in Azeroth to get the new experience of the world. Our old Azeroth in a new shaped form, thats awesome! :)
I love to level alts but its always so BORING from 1-60 and the change in Cataclysm will make me LOOOOVE this game even more!
My main is a mage atm and to have the lovely BL button (time warp) will be so fun, atleast we got something cool and thats just one thing!
#7045 Aug 01 2010 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
I really don't know where to start since I'm excited about everything that Cataclysm will bring, but I'll give it a shot.

* The revamped talent trees - I think its a brilliant way to allow class balancing and some of the revamps have really changed the way some classes are played. As an altoholic with 5 80's, I can't wait to try these changes out.

* Azeroth changes - I've been playing since vanilla and know Azeroth like the back of my hand. The changes that I have seen make it a completely new game with better looks and even better flow. I can't wait to fully enjoy it while leveling my 6th toon :D

* New class skills - Smoke bomb, curtain of frost, healing rain, come on, who isn't excited about that! (have to be honest, that read out in my head like it was narrated by BRK)

* Everything else - Seriously, I'm taking off of work when Cataclysm comes out. Gonna have to send the wife on vacation with my son too, I can't have any distractions beyond my own ADHD.
#7046 Aug 01 2010 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
I absolutely can't wait because I love the changes to the classes.

One of the biggest things I love about WoW is how well you feel like your class when you are playing it.

I play a Paladin myself, and I enjoy the fact that I can swing around the Light and Holy Magic with fury!

I also enjoy the talent changes and the changes to the classes in general, because customization is my biggest MMO addiction.

Thanks for doing this contest!
#7047 Aug 01 2010 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
Things i'm excited for?
New class abilities are always fun, and it looks like the leveling experience, my favorite part of the game, has really been focused on this time around.
I like that Blizzard are breaking up the monolithic huge raids that everyone works on into smaller raids in the same tier. One of the reasons leveling is my favorite part of the game is because I never have time to finish a raid!
Azeroth is a really iconic game world, and seeing it the first time was probably one of my best gaming experiences ever. It'll be amazing to see it brought up-to-date with Blizzard's new design standards.
There seems to be a lot more ways in which the game immerses you, like the small in-engine cutscenes and quests which switch up game mechanics.
Goblins and Worgen are simply awesome new races and their starting zones are the best examples of the stuff I'm hyped about.
Also: Flying metal lava dragons are awesome.
Allow me to edit this and say: If "have a WOW account in good standing" includes having a subscription active when the keys are given out, don't include me and give someone else a shot.

Edited, Aug 1st 2010 10:27pm by jerkbot
#7048 Aug 01 2010 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
One of the things I'm really looking forward to is the Vashj'ir zone.
#7049 Aug 01 2010 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most looking forward to seeing behind the walls of Gilneas and playing through the Worgen quests. Ever since leveling in Silverpine and being killed by one of the Sons of Arugal in classic, I've been interested in the lore of the area.

Oh, and who can forget about the return of DeathWing!
#7050 Aug 01 2010 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
There are many things I'm looking forward to, but the one that stands out the most is the new dungeon content. I run randoms, and I've done each one so many times, it gets tiring. It'll be great to have new instances to explore, and new bosses to fight.
#7051 Aug 01 2010 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
1. UNDERWATER!!!! I cant wait to be able to have underwater mounts, that should be some fun.(Unless you played a druid before Cata then you already know what its like)

2. Goblins. I cant wait to be playing a race with the most OP racials, sadly they will be nerfed a few months into Cata because of all the ally's will QQ.

3. Mt.Hyjal. YES! We will finally find out what is inside. Raiding Hyjal in BC was a BLAST! I cant wait to be inside and questing.

4. New Gear. What most people wont like but I am kind of looking forward to, rocking leet greens that are better then your T10. Ya I actually want to trade my gear out im wierd.

5. New spells. Ohhhh yes DK spellsteal, one word OVERPOWERED! Pallys getting crusader strike at lvl 1 will be AWESOME!! and Templar's Verdict way to OP...

6. New profession things. Hopefully engineers getting submarines that would be amazing!

7. Flying in Azeroth! SICK, azeroth is to big to be walking around on ground mounts thank you blizzard for letting us use flyers when we level to 85 there!

8. New Instances. These should be really really fun. Ive seen a few vids on some and they look like lots of fun! Heroic Deadmines ?!?!? WOOT

9. New Battlegrounds. Twin Peaks BG looks a lot like WSG but hey why not have a different look to it, right? Havent heard much about any others if there are others but I am very into pvp and cant wait for those BG's!

10. New talent trees. Should be interesting to see what the talent trees are like.

11. Guild Leveling. Can't wait for this! Finally people wont be jumping around guilds. Also guild Heirloom's!

12. Getting the same gear from 10 and 25 man!! I am in a guild thats mainly running 10 mans and we cant wait for this! Finally we have a chance of getting further in raids then the 25 man guilds!

13. Finishing the quest chain when Garrosh calls Sylvanas a *****! LMAO cant wait!

14. New troll area. I have always liked playing trolls and personally cant wait for them to have there own city.

15. I play a Tauren Druid and I feel fat cant wait to race change to Troll!

Edited, Aug 1st 2010 10:41pm by Grandsir
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