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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#7002 Aug 01 2010 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
Woah, wait, STOP!

What are all these posts I see about Worgen? Who cares about Goblins, new professions, and flight in Azeroth? There is only one motherf*****g thing that makes this expansion ten times better than all the rest: Deathwing.

Deathwing is a giant f*****g lava dragon; in fact, he's so damn big, and so damn lava, that just the fact that he's back broke the motherf*****g world in half. When Arnold Schwarzenegger said, "I'll be back," he drove his car through a wall. When Deathwing said, "I'll be back," he drove his face through a planet.

Let's get one thing straight here: Deathwing is no Lich King. The Lich King was a walking, talking, freeze-dried contraceptive that was the reason for a new class I really hate. "Look at me, I'm a Death Knight, aren't I edgy and fresh?"

NO! You are old, boring, and above all, a waste of a party slot! In Cataclysm, nobody is going to have any time for your sh*t, because in Cataclysm, everybody's going to be too busy running away from DEATHWING.

Deathwing is just ridiculous. If it weren't for the indestructible metal plates he had welded to his flesh, what do you think would happen to him? Pass a metal detector test?

NO! YOU ARE AN IDIOT! HE WOULD F*****G EXPLODE! Deathwing is so goddamn powerful he would blow his OWN *** up if it weren't for his metallic exoskeleton! What do you think that means for the rest of us!? We are F***ED ladies and gentleman!

If I could, I would play for the Deathwing faction, but since he's not taking applications (OR PRISONERS!), I'll settle for rolling a wolfman with the rest of you chumps. Have fun getting owned.

Edited, Aug 1st 2010 8:59pm by Erravan
#7003 Aug 01 2010 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
I'm so excited about finally founding my deadly army of gnomes.
Since the Cataclysm addon offers the priest's role to gnomes, we won't need other races to heal our wounds anymore. Because of our size we may now be underestimated.
But as soon as our dependence ends, we will claim world reign.
Of course, I need to see how a society of gnomes only interacts and develops in a testing area before putting my idea into practice in the real world.
I really can't wait to see if my plan will work out.
#7004 Aug 01 2010 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
I.. personally am excited for all the new events that are going to unfold,I can't remember having more fun than the pre-beta launch events they have(zombies last time, taking over your friendly's towns and pissing players off lol, doesn't get any better than that). The new part of the story will be more intense than ever with all the factions growing more paranoid of each other. The new textures will be very exciting, and leveling up in the old zones will be fun. Although this is all going to be awesome, I'm most excited for the extensive use of phasing they have in this expansion, should produce some truly amazing game play.

Edited, Aug 1st 2010 9:02pm by Feoros
#7005 Aug 01 2010 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to getting in on the Cataclysm action with my friends. We all used to play WoW but our interested slowly fizzled out. Hopefully we'll all start playing Cataclysm and get the chance to play together. The raiding looks very promising and questing, especially Hyjal, really fun.

I personally like the look of the hunter talents and new abilities, cobra shot, and especially focus which will give the whole class a very different outlook and playstyle. No other class has been as adaptive to change as the Hunter and I'm sure we'll be showing up everyone else with our new playstyles.

I'm particularly looking forward to revisiting old zones where I did a lot of my newbie-ing and seeing how they've changed in the Cataclysm or try and spot places where I have fond memories of levelling..
#7006 Aug 01 2010 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
The talent changes, new graphics engine, new areas .... about the entire thing is what I'm looking forward to.
#7007 Aug 01 2010 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
the thing i am really looking forward to in cataclysm is the new heroic shadowfang keep dungeon and new professions and espicially flying in azeroth :)
#7008 Aug 01 2010 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
The most excited about in the new World of Warcraft: Cataclysm expansion for me is:

The return of Cho'gall, one of the legends of the Old Horde, no doubt his return marks a major event
in lore, especially for the Horde, and the explanation of how he survived the Battle of the Tomb of
Sargeras is very interesting (and intriguing) . The possible return of C'thun and what is the
connection with the Old Gods and the Twilight Cult, and especially, the return of Aspect gloomy
Neltarion (Deathwing) Azeroth has changed forever, ending the game, Illidan and Arthas are nothing
compared with he!
And finally, the esteemed Goblins are back, the Horde is not the same without these little people!
#7009 Aug 01 2010 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
There are two things that really excite me about Cataclysm:

1. The return of a sundered old world. Wrath of the Lich King felt like a return to the old world in a way, it was great to be back in Azeroth. This is even better, because its an improvement on what, really, IS the "World of Warcraft." Plus, its a literal attack everyone at the same time. This expansion could be just that, and I'd be pumped. However...

2. DEATHWING, YES. I've been waiting for Deathwing since I first walked into Onyxia's Lair. Seeing as how he is literally the main force behind this expansion, he'll be a driving force throughout. Anything having to do with the Dragon Aspects gets me excited, they are easily my favorite part of Warcraft Lore. More Deathwing means more Alexstrasza, and I'm sure the Emerald Dream and Malfurion will be touched on, which means Ysera. I also remember hearing about a Caverns of Time that goes into the War of the Ancients, which is WHEN Neltharion because the big metal hate machine we know as Deathwing!

This will prove to be a worthy expansion, I know it.
#7010 Aug 01 2010 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
I'm really looking forward to test the talent & class changes, the new talent system looks interesting and improved. Also I'd like to see Azeroth from above. Another thing is the low level changes, which I think are going to be awesome. Crusader Strike at level 1, Mangle at level 10, Mutilate at level 10 etc. I'm also looking forward to atleast see the new dungeons / raids (which I hope will different from WOTLK and especially ICC), and if possible try them.
Aaaaaand of course the new starting zones, Goblins and Worgens and race/class combinations.
#7011 Aug 01 2010 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
Damn....a new expansion! I'm still rocking and rolling in WotLK ... so much to do and so little time! Having said that, what I am looking forward to most is seeing the changes in Azeroth. Being able to fly there will also be great. Sad though about Southshore, I had some relatives who lived there. Damn Horde are gonna pay!

What I am not looking forwarded to is getting my *** kicked by sneaky, shifty, weasley Goblins! They creep me out!
#7012 Aug 01 2010 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
Goblins, because I'm ready to superman that hoe.
#7013 Aug 01 2010 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
I'm really excited to play as a Worgen and see the alliance side of things, but what i am really excited for is the next cinematic, I love the cinematics.
#7014 Aug 01 2010 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
The thing I look forward to the most is checking out the new talent trees, mainly the new warrior talents. (Also I want to see that Undead on a raptor, on a shark with rockets and freaking lazer beams attached to it flying over the maelstrom).
#7015 Aug 01 2010 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
Where to start about what I'm most excited about...I've been playing WoW since Feb of 2005, and to see the areas that I leveled countless characters on be completely redesigned has me really excited. I can't wait to level my worgen druid alt through a world I know but now is different. Really, there's too much that I'm excited and can't wait to see to list here, but a brief overview would be:

Playing as a worgen - Fake British accent and top hat? Need I say more? Count me in.

New masteries/talent tree changes - Really liking what I've been seeing about the passive bonuses to each tree, and how once you hit level 10, you really feel like the tree you specced in makes a difference. My latest char I'm leveling, a frost mage, doesn't even feel like a frost mage most of the time. 0.5 seconds off frostbolt does not make me feel frosty, but a water elemental running with me does. So excited to see the various changes to different classes I play, like holy paladin, warlock, shadow priests, and DK.

Professions - Since every one of my level 80 chars has their crafting maxed out, I'd love to see the changes that are going to happen to crafting.

New zones - Uldum = Wow does Egypt. How can anyone not be excited about that? Plus, getting to see Hyjal, Deepholme, the Sunken City of Vashj'ir, and Twilight Highlands. From what I've seen, Hyjal looks awesome, so excited about questing there.

Plus so many other things that I'm probably forgetting, this expansion has me more excited than any of the previous. I check my every day, multiple times just to check if I've gotten in. So far, no thing I'm most excited about right now? Getting a beta key to see all the amazing stuff in beta, and helping find flaws so that when Cataclysm comes out, it's as great as I know it can be.
#7016 Aug 01 2010 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
I am extremely obes- excited to test many, many things in Cataclysm. My overall number one subject though would determinedly be troll druids.....and lurkin' around for any foreshadowing's of a troll raid. Once you roll troll you never re-roll. Despite the fruitilicious forms, I'll turn my head so I can finally play my perfect race and class combo. I mean, who didn't see it coming? I'll be that druid in Orgrimmar showing off his Zul'aman set because he thinks hes cool.

But on a awesomer note I'm just really praying for another raid that has people actually worth seeing.....trolls.

Besides, we ALL know what this expansion is focusing on....Vol'jin's dance crew! (Is it sad that I wish for one?)
#7017 Aug 01 2010 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
First character was a dwarf, main is a dwarf pally
favorite capital is ironforge, favorite starting zone is coldwind pass

I absolutely loved the frostborn quest line, complete with the awesome Bronzebeard family reunion, and Muradins immediate decision to go jack the Lich king up.

I cant wait to see him as a co-leader of Ironforge (even if it means Magni "gets" to become a stone statue...) and i just know his brother Brann is going to be in some lost zone, higher level than me, allready having explored half of the new world on release day 1

also, in the Deathbringer Saurfang fight Muradin holds his breath for ~3 minutes, I just know all the ladies of Ironforge are swooning at the thought of his return
#7018 Aug 01 2010 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
I can't wait for the talent changes :) It'll be cool with a whole new talent tree with a lot fewer talent points then before, making every point more important:O

Though, I have to find a new specc for every single high lvl character :P

Lvling a new character is also something I want to do (Goblin or Worgen most likely) to see how the Azeroth quests have changed. Blizzard have made it much easier to learn WoW now, and I think that will increase the number of players by a little amount. Lots of players quit before hitting 20 (!!!) even.

I wish that Cataclysm came in the store tomorrow because I want to play all and explore everything thats new. Actually, I'm excited about the whole expansion, but I can't write the whole day/night :P
#7019 Aug 01 2010 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
definitely looking forward to be a worgen the most. just love everything about them so far. other than that i'd have to say Uldum. it looks absolutely amazing and i can't wait to be able to know all the lore and everything behind the titans.
#7020 Aug 01 2010 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
Im very excited about the new talent trees, not to mention goblins!
#7021 Aug 01 2010 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
I most excited about experiencing the story/lore in the new expansion. Deathwing has been around since warcraft 2 and I really would like to see more deathwing and dragon lore in the game. I am also tired of fighting undead and looking forward to killing dragons.
#7022 Aug 01 2010 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
There are many things that I am looking forward to in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. The first thing I would like to say is that over the entire time that I have played WoW, the number one thing I have enjoyed to do it explore. From Old Ironforge to Mount Hyjal I have been an Explorer since I joined. After Wrath of the Lich King came out, the first thing I did at level 70 was explore the entire map or Northrend, including Icecrown and the Storm Peaks, even before I leveled to 71. When Cataclysm comes out, I will explore every hill and crater left behind by the Cataclysm until I have seen it all. Another thing I can't wait for is the flying mounts in Azeroth. I believe that will change the game so much, now that you can fly anywhere, that it will make World of Warcraft a whole new experience. I will also be looking forward to seeing the new Dungeons, and putting them to the test. Most importantly, the best thing I am hoping that they will bring into the new expansion: A new Old God. Old Gods have been my favorite part of WoW lore since I first saw C'thun. Their epic corruption and dark atmosphere has exited me, and seeing Yogg'Saron in Wrath of the Lich King was the most amazing thing for me. I am hoping that they will bring more about the gods into Cataclysm and I am looking forward to seeing it. There is a long list of things I could go on about: Talent changes, class changes, look of gear, use of models and new ones, etc. but I think I have talked long enough. I hope that you will pick me to receive the Beta key, I would love to put WoW to the test. Thank you very much for the opportunity.
-Shnop, Stonemaul Realm
#7023 Aug 01 2010 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
When it comes to Cataclysm, there is no end to what I find exciting. I look forward to the expansion as a whole however IF I had to rate one thing above all else, it would have to be the changes to the old world, being able to explore the ravaged world, see all the changes. Not to mention all the RP opportunities that would become available, for me, yeah it's got to be the old world.
#7024 Aug 01 2010 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to the new content.
#7025 Aug 01 2010 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
Maelstrom, I cant wait to see it. Ive always wondered what that thing was in the middle of the map, now I can see it in all its epicness
#7026 Aug 01 2010 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
One of the things I am most looking forward to are gnome priest. It will be so funny to watch a full gnome raid or gnome arena team. And by the same reasoning i guess goblins will be entertaining too, horde midgets atlast.
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