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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#6977 Aug 01 2010 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
I'm exited as ever for the expansion. Every part of it is amazing. Azeroth is long overdue for a change, and the cataclysm is the perfect addition to spike up the epicness of warcraft. Flying, dragons, amazing lore, Worgen conflict, explosions, rise of new villains and threats, and much more.

But if I had to chose one part of the non-stop epicness, which is harder than anything, would probably be the phasing and questing changes. Questing through azeroth has gotten dull and worn out with the same old stories over and over, so it is obviously in need of a bump up. Right now questing simply implies you to "Go kill 10 of X" "Collect X of this" or "Bring me X's head" most, but with the advancements Blizzard is making questing fun and interesting. With huge battles, storylines playing out, buildings getting destructed, actual NPC interaction, etc. Phasing allows changes throughout quest lines and makes questing more fun. With every quest having a story to it, it looks like an amazing ride. I can't wait.
#6978 Aug 01 2010 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
Hello, first of all i would like to say that WOW is my favorite game in the entire world!.

Even better Cataclysm looks amazing with all of its graphical updates and new features.

So, straight to the point, honestly what really "gets my gears grinding" is the new quest line. I love questing and leveling up and discovering all this lore about the game from reading the quests. The new quests look awesome since they are under water, and theres even an underwater mount. I am so excited to try it out i cant believe it I'm shaking right now as i write this. I'm going to go jump around and get it out of my system.

Phew, that felt good. So back to cataclysm, other than the questing I am very picky when it comes to graphics so the new graphical changes are hugely need for Azeroth ( i especially cant wait for the new water). Also flying around on my drake in Azeroth makes life a lot easier and I am really happy.

Hopefully blizzard will release Cata soon so that people don't get tired of waiting and quit, cause WOW is an awesome game and worth the wait.

Anyway, I would really like to have the Beta key and if you pick me I would be forever grateful.

Thanks, Peace.
#6979 Aug 01 2010 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
I am most excited about the upcoming lore changes and new raid content especially how 10 and 25 man raids will drop same lvl loot
#6980 Aug 01 2010 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
I'm mostly excited about the changes to leveling. Level 10 signature abilities and the better format of questing than just "kill 10 of those" and after you are done with the quest: "kill 10 more of the mob who is in the same general area."

Another thing is the changes to raiding gear, my guild generally only does 10-man as we lost a lot of guild members lately. Now we will actually be able to be as well geared as people who do 25-man!
#6981 Aug 01 2010 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited with the death knight changes in cataclysm, I really like what they are doing to the class in general despite the QQ from a lot of people. Female worgen look awesome too, really looking forward to race changing or rerolling one!

Flying in Azeroth is going to be a blast for me - taking off from the ground while standing in SW, I can hardly wait.

I've avidly tracked new youtube videos from the cataclysm beta - the quests are amazing! I can hardly wait for the expansion.
#6982 Aug 01 2010 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
Okay, here goes!

Well I'm excited about the new dungeons/raids that'll come! I'm always seeking new challenges with many people! If those dungeons can provide me. As I've heard they did! I'm so going to enjoy it if I get to see it! I love to test them out and nag at blizzard if they did a bad job! Though I will notify them it may become harder! If it's good then I finally found my match! I going to love Cataclysm. Not like TBC or WOTLK! Since those heroics were easy! I want challenges! Though I'll seek challenges with other persons! In battlegrounds and if possible against fellow death knights to test out who's best in dps and pvp! As the new battlegrounds can provide me testing materials, to make it better to see if I'm doing good with the new changes! I'll be unstoppable! Ofcourse, testing new raids out. Oh man, I love raids. Expesily new ones! If they haven't it tested out before, I'll try to be their and make up their strategies! As we always rushed in without reading up before and make up our tactic's with what we've found out!
#6983 Aug 01 2010 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
after watching all the cataclysm beta videos on youtube i just cant wait for the expantions. i seen most of the new artwork and thay look amasing. from tank spot's and totalbiscuit's chanials.but the main thing im looking forward to is the goblin, and the new talent system sounds good because you can get high ranked spells at lvl 10 and it will help alot in questing.the the best think of all it that you can fly in the old worlds. :)
#6984 Aug 01 2010 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
What gets my gears turning, is simply. The new Basic Campfire model.....ITS AMAZING!
#6985 Aug 01 2010 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
I look forward to playing Heroic Deadmines. As someone who has played WoW since Vanilla, it is good to see the Defias Brotherhood get some long overdue attention. They are probably one of my favorite memories from leveling up my original character, and a lot can be done with them as a faction. I honestly would not mind seeing them return full force in a raid setting, but to see the original dungeon get some love to replay as a high level character is most exciting. Almost makes me want to dust off my old rogue just to play through it on him to venture further into the cloak and dagger story of the defias gang.

And I soooo hope Edwin shows his ugly mug as alive and well.
#6986 Aug 01 2010 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
I am most excited about playing Night Elf Magi!
#6987 Aug 01 2010 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited about rolling an alliance and finally killing Garrosh :P I'm pretty sure even hordes will want that happen!

I'm also excited to be in the same zone of a being of epicness, such as mr crowley.

and also, of course - flying everywhere :)

Edited, Aug 1st 2010 8:24pm by Croirmo
#6988 Aug 01 2010 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
The parts of Cataclysm I'm most looking forward to are being able to finally see behind the Greymane wall and find out what has happened there in the last ~20 years since Greymane and his people hid there, and finally getting to see Uldum and discover "what's next" in the Uldaman quest chain, which ended so abruptly!
#6989 Aug 01 2010 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
10 reasons why (not) to wait for cataclysm.

1. I just want to see, if blizzard did the same like they did with wotlk. unfulfilled promises.

2. The new water engine, looks amazing on videos, but DAMN I wanna see it before it hits the stores.

3. Naked female goblins dancing on mailboxes?

4. I mean like, you play wow for over 5 years, you get so used to azeroth the way it is and then suddenly BAM! Deatwhing returns, Ragnaros attempts to burn the worldtree (it aint even close to the winter yet)

5. Ive seen these... racetracks all around, I'm actually verry curious about what theyre going to do with it. and flight masters? epic flying, will it be cheaper?

6. Dungeons, OH MY GOD... new dungeons, FINALLY. A place to farm some heroism points. goddamn I cant wait for those, I mean, skywall, have you seen it? seriously, LOOK IT UP NOW!

7. Neat changes to the major cities, except for undercity, nothings been released on that yet. I wonder whats actually going to happen with it. I mean, beeing so close to a lake, and the world getting screwed over like that all of a sudden, might it become an underwater amusement park or something, I mean, with goblins jumping in the game all of a sudden, who knows?

8. Lets get down to bussiness, this is the real thing... GEAR, I mean, vanilla wow was awesome, you had to work for your gear, actually grind sh*t... TBC was alright, the raids were hard, fun & rewarding but the grinding aspect became less of a part of the game (ezier gameplay means moar kids & nubs) And then well, wotlk, tbh, it was good, as I just said. WAS good. they made it lolface-able, it became so damn ez to get your gear, it isnt even fun anymore. Go to icc, farm badges, buy gear, the end... Raids got left out (except for the weekly) it just got worse then you can imagine.

9. New dances, AH MA GAWD, finally, NEW dances!

10. cmon' guys, cut me some slack alrdy... I just gave you 9 reasons! thats 8 more then you asked for! Hrrm, okey, here we go for the last reason... its the goddamn brand new f*****g expansion?!?!

(PS: roll horde, we got tastier fish feasts!)

Kind regards,
Zefirana the Holy
(Zefirana on Shattered Hand 'EU')
#6990 Aug 01 2010 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited about new way of playing hunter.Focus is very interesting idea for casual players and those who started adventure with WoW. Also thousands of new quests, where doing next characters getting new colors:) And OFC new storyline. Who know, maybe we will be able to experience something more excited than in WotLK:)
#6991 Aug 01 2010 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
Im most excited about flying around azeroth and raiding like 40 people into an enemy capital while flying. Also the goblin starting area looks sick
#6992 Aug 01 2010 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
most excited about the new class options (tauren pally) but also the goblin race and flying in az
#6993 Aug 01 2010 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
36 posts
The hotness that is tauren paladin and getting to play through 1-60 like it's a new game.
#6994 Aug 01 2010 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
The thing about Cataclysm that fires me up the most would have to be the new PvE content, and this includes both 5-man dungeons and 10/25-man raids. Just venturing through all new dangerous temples, caves and whatnot always sends this epic thrill down my spine. It's pretty damn exciting and fun to explore instances that are all fresh to you, and the heart certainly doesn't beat slower when you turn around the next corner only to be faced with something completely breathtaking (such as a beautiful environment, a unique boss fight etc.). Great exploring experiences and fighting to survive is something I never tire off in fantasy RPG games, and Cataclysm looks immensely promising on both points. Another side-note is that I also really love the PvE of WoW due to the opportunities to learn some new lore and evolve what I already know.
#6995 Aug 01 2010 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
I am excited for one simple reason, i miss the "wow" feeling of WoW. I remember when everything was so fresh and new and so amazing. The world was such a big place, and not being able to get a mount until lvl 40(if you even had the gold) just made it seem that much bigger. I loved exploring STV and all its islands, or going all over Winterspring, or even seeing if there was anything out there in Azshara. I miss being a lowbie and discovering all the areas and looking in every little nook and cranny, and avoiding mobs and such. I remember logging on just to see if it was raining, and if it was raining i'd go under water to see if the rain hitting the water was visible. With cata, i have heard of so many changes and so many epic things, i just want to be able to log on and start all over and explore through a brand new world again. I can't wait, Beta would be so awesome right now. Thanks for doing this, and i really hope i'm picked.
#6996 Aug 01 2010 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
Of course, I'm excited to see how the talent changes affect my warrior/druid. I can't wait to level through the new areas, get the new badass gear, and try out the new dungeons and raids!

Being the altoholic that I am, I'm also excited to see all the destruction in Azeroth, and leveling one of the new races. I read about the new graphics also, and it sounds sweet!
#6997 Aug 01 2010 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
I am most excited about the changes that are being made to the old world. Being able to fly in the old world is going to be amazing. All the questing and raids that will be introduced will really invigorate the old cities like SW and IF. Its going to feel more like War now, since you wont necessarily be checking your bank account while standing next to your mortal enemy.. the Troll!

Changes to instances like SFK and Deadmines will be incredible too, I hope.

Thanks for reading
#6998 Aug 01 2010 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited to experience new dungeons and raids, and to try out the new race/class combo options.
#6999 Aug 01 2010 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to the revamped zones, as well as the new talent trees and other systems being implemented. I'm stoked about trying the Goblin and Worgen, definitely planning to have a Goblin Engineer, just gotta decide a class. :)
#7000 Aug 01 2010 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
Looking forward to pewpew wit Aspect of the Fox, Auto shots on the move, hell yeah!

Also, will be cool to find out how us ranged rogues(former hunters) will do dps,
now that we can't mash our buttons much more. :<
#7001 Aug 01 2010 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
Zombie Onyxia and Nefarian as bosses! <3
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