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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#677 Jul 26 2010 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
The main thing I'm looking forward to the whale shark! I can't wait to play a "prank" my shark-o-phobic buddy!
#678 Jul 26 2010 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
I have leveld a whole lot of toons Well to be honest I have 7 lvl 80 toons on 2 servers and Got quite bored of leveling or doing anything old school Them best thing about cataclysm is going to be well at least for me is the new level areas as well as being able to level any toon with new quests to liven up the game again and make leveling fun once more!!!!
#679 Jul 26 2010 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
The ability to fly everywhere is going to unlock so many new things. No longer will higher level players stay away from the older cities. Getting to fly will allow us all to explore so much more than we could earlier. I am so excited and cannot wait for Cataclysm!
#680 Jul 26 2010 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
What I'm looking foward to most is the Worgen and the hunter pet Mastiff!!! WOOT!!
#681 Jul 26 2010 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
looking forward to flight in azeroth
#682 Jul 26 2010 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
I Personally CAN NOT wait for cataclysm. Even if there weren't the new Race/Class combos and new races to begin with, I'm just glad there's new quests! I cant remember how many Alts ive made with friends (just to be deleted at level 20ish) and how much i dreaded going through the level 10-20 areas and 20-30 areas. Now im actually excited to make New alts and run them in those new (and old) areas and see what has changed. Not to mention how the new areas for lvl 80-85 are going to look, and i just pray i can do all the underwater content because almost every game ive played, ive LOVED the underwater content and replayed it time and time again. Another thing i Love is how Things have Changed for Raiding, PvP, hell...everything really. Most of my friends are saying Cataclysm is going to ruin WoW and that their quiting when it comes out, which i find stupid because when ever i see ANYTHING for cataclysm it just makes me want it to come out more and more, in fact, im one of the only people in my guild thats excited about cataclysm to come out, AND im the ONLY one that has pre- ordered it. To tell the truth, I'm Horde... ive played alliance toons...HATED in cataclysm, i actually want to make alliance toons to see how things have changed, hopefully will, if not, oh well.
#683 Jul 26 2010 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
Hello there. I just can't wait to try out a worgen rogue, both to test out the new talents and to see how worgen look and shift. all my other characters will be on hold til i get the hang of the new talent and archaology system.

also, flying in azeroth, yeah! I can just imagine "ride of the valkyrie" playing in ogrimmar as hundreds of gnomish flying machines come overhead for a raid run. that would be epic.
#684 Jul 26 2010 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
pretty much excited about the new azeroth changes and also about 10 man raids since now it will be very easy only to play with some real life friends
new races,new talents and the old instances revamp looks very interesting also
#685 Jul 26 2010 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
Easily the thing for which I most cannot wait is the flying in all of Azeroth. Sure, there are a LOT of things that are exciting about the new release, but with the flying a whole new world of potential opens up. One of my favorite things to do in WoW is help guildies level (usually alts); with the new ability to fly it will mean (instead of having to run around on my hunter with pack active and still going slow as molasses) I will be able to hop on my 2-seat rocket with the guildie in tow and off we go flying through quests.
#686 Jul 26 2010 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
i would like to try the new starting races and the redone starting areas of the trolls and gnomes. also try out the feel of the classes i enjoy playing as in thier abilities and talents. i guess mostly i would loved to do is explore i really enjoy exploring like back in vanilla days when i explored enough and got into hyjal but now it would be more fun to explore cause i can fly. thier is alot of little things i want to try but too many to list lol
#687 Jul 26 2010 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
im super exited about this, most people like the worgen more but im gona roll a goblin theve been in the game for ages and iv always wanted to play as one! im also looking forward to the new talent trees and of course the new zones and the revamped ones~! and flying in azeroth is gona be awsome, the first thing im gona do is fly to silvermoon iv always wanted to see it from the air.i will roll a worgen eventually because i love their background and their architecture. the gothic victorian style is awsome. Vashj'ir is gona be awsome iv seen vidios of it, it is beutiful! new storm wind and orgrimar looks so cool but i was disapointed that the worgen district is gona be in darnassus istead of stormwind but eh itl still look awsome.hope the new dungeons will be fun iv always loved dungeons. and leveling to 85 wil be sooo fun.

all in all cataclysm is gona be A.W.S.O.M.E.

hope i get in to beta i love to help as much as i can :P

Edited, Jul 27th 2010 12:27am by tilitoom
#688 Jul 26 2010 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
So many new things to look forward to, and many old things changing that are exciting. I'm not only excited about flying all the world over, but to see the new land changes that have happened opening up new challenges all around for all levels.
#689 Jul 26 2010 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
I can't wait to finally save the gnomes, and have Gnomeregan back! And then finally become a gnome priest to heal my allies :D
#690 Jul 26 2010 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
As a hunter I am most looking forward to all the hunter changes. I am excited to be able to tame 25 pets, focus, BM possibly rising to the top, and all the fun that comes with re-learning my class.
#691 Jul 26 2010 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
What I can't wait for doing in Cataclysm is lvling from the start. I loved when I first started the game how I did not know what to expect. In cataclysm I plan to join a new sever and lvl from the start to get a new feel to wow!
#692 Jul 26 2010 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to the application of the phasing system to (hopefully) old-school quests, as well as new zones (not to mention the inevitable QQ about ruining the game).
#693 Jul 26 2010 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
I am really looking forward to almost everything in the expansion, Blizzard is really "worgen hard" on this expansion and I think they deserve more than thanks for all their hard work!

Oh yeah, and the goblin racials need to be nerfed compared to Worgen's ;)
#694 Jul 26 2010 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
Im looking forward to going back to the 2 kingdoms i experienced over 5 years ago now. I remember making my first char which was my rogue and experiencing the whole leveling process and everything this great game had to offer at the time. That feeling of starting new and experiencing those zones all over again and having those old feelings of excitement and freshness back again. Wow has been a intricate part of my life since vanilla and can't wait to experience it all over again!


Can't wait to be a worgen!!!
#695 Jul 26 2010 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
I think I'm most excited about being a part of a new expansion. I wanna roll a Worgen after I get my Mage and my Pally to 85. The new underwater mounts look awesome. I hope there is a seahorse mount. I wanna ride a seahorse named Kingdra!
#696 Jul 26 2010 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
The most exciting part of cataclysm is the ability to fly to explore the new zones to see the destruction of the Cataclysm first hand.
#697 Jul 26 2010 at 10:35 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I'm really excited about the worgen stuff. Gilneas looks like one of the most beautiful zones right now.
The new model for male worgens and the flirts and jokes make the race feel something more "adult" than what most of me and my friends were expecting.

And of course, they have Top Hats. Cant't get enough top hats :p
#698 Jul 26 2010 at 10:36 PM Rating: Good
Hello!. Cataclysm, the third expansion of (our) world of warcraft will be a personal journey of mine. I started playing world of warcraft on Feb 28 2005 ( around patch 1.1).

Playing the same protection warrior since then i have taken this tauren from killing quilbore in mulore and the barrens to the fight against the dark iron dwarves and the black and red dragonflight in Black rock mountains. Along the way going toe to toe on many occasions with both neltharians son and daugther. Since then i have been to every zone in the game and protected the world from the evils it contains.

Striking them down again and again....since then i have had Neltharians name echoed among those fallen to my blade. it is you i hunger for it is YOUR HEAD THAT WILL BE AT MY FEET JUST LIKE YOUR SON AND DAUGHTER. NELTHARIAN I COME FOR YOU.

On a more specific note. Black rock caverns preview really gave me an insight to the new mechanics and the reintroduction of the old way of play. As far as spell casters and healers go the return to the old ways will let the average player do and adequate job but the great players among us will really shine!. something that's been lacking in this current expansion.

gosh im sorry i could go on all day! i should probably shut up now haha! .

TLDR protection warrior talents and the pve story

Edited, Jul 28th 2010 7:01am by makugosquish
#699 Jul 26 2010 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
I am most looking forward to the improved talent system, and new abilities to try out as my rogue/mage. I am also looking forward to possible return of Frost Mage raiding! An old school mage can have hopes at least!
#700 Jul 26 2010 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
I am most excited about the new scripted nature of quests and how phasing will help Blizzard bring questing to a whole new level. I've always been a big fan of leveling up alts but never a big fan of doing the same quest over and over again for hours (i.e. kill 10 of these; collect 15 of those). From what I've seen of the new lower-level Cataclysm content, quests actually mean something now. What you do in the world actually effects how the world turns out. This is exciting for me not only because of the dynamics this will add to questing, but also because of the emersion into the lore this will provide. These two things have always been things I felt as if WoW had lacked, and I'm super excited to see them being implemented in Cataclysm!
#701 Jul 26 2010 at 10:40 PM Rating: Good
343 posts

By far, the thing I'm looking forward to most is lvling a Rouge Worgen!

As for more? I've been watching the zone previews on Tank Spot and it really looks like they put some nice work in upgrading the zones. For all the reading I'm doing I'm also looking forward to the new Talent system and the simplified mechanics (or at least it looks less complicated).

Good luck to ya' all!
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