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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#6802 Aug 01 2010 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
The thing about Cataclysm that excites me the most I guess is just the feeling that I've been getting that World of Warcraft will start to feel like vanilla wow again, but with all the great things and neat tricks that blizzard learned on their way to WotLK. I've always had mixed feelings about each expansion thinking they've done some things right and other things could have been done better, but the feeling I've been getting from Cataclysm feels like they have the right balance. I'm excited because even though everything is changing in the old world and it will be a fresh experience for everyone it will still feel like the greatness that WoW was back in the day but with so many more new goodies.


Edited, Aug 1st 2010 3:26pm by rastafarimon
#6803 Aug 01 2010 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
I wanna try the new hunter focus system, because my main is a hunter and has been for the last 5 years, really exciting about the changes there.
Then I wanna play through Worgen/Goblin starting zones, like to see what bliz did there.
#6804 Aug 01 2010 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
i'am excited about playing as a worgen aroooooo howls at the moon and exploreing the redone old zones i did quests in these so many times i cant wait to see what they look like changed and the new 5 man dungeons oh boy i love exploreing new dungeons and learning the fights plus i cant wait to see how much they changed paladin are own pet sounds sweet good luck to all may the winds blow you to Victory aroooo!!!
#6805 Aug 01 2010 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
I think the biggest thing that I'm excited about regarding Cataclysm is not all the changes their making, but the ability to experience the content first hand from the get go. I originally started playing WoW in 2006 and left shortly after the first expansion came out due to RL issues. I only just came back to WoW this month and am back at it - so the opportunity to play Cataclysm from day 1 that it's released is what makes me the most excited. I'll be able to go through all the content first hand without having to get it spoiled for me on the various WoW sites.
#6806 Aug 01 2010 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
I´m looking forward to the way healing will look. Adding manaconservation to the equation will sure make healing more interesting.
#6807 Aug 01 2010 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
I have many parts to the expansion I am excited for:

1. First and foremost- I cannot wait for TROLL DRUIDS!.. finally some racial abilities I LOVE! berserking + barkskin+ Hurricane= AMAZING.

2. Worgen will be amazing too esp their speed burst. Warriors will never be the same. Enjoy because im sure bliz will hit this with the *ole Nerf Bat* about 20 times before its said n done.

3. Also am pumped to see goblin mounts!! I heard something about cars?!? And now Horde finally has an ankle bitter in pvp thats going to be as hard to target as those damn gnomes

4. HEALING IS GONNA BE SOOOO DIFFERENT!! Mechanics to raid healz/tanking/ and even dps is going to have an overload now that healers are actually going to worry about mana instead of just a glorified gear check.
#6808 Aug 01 2010 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
I Can't Wait to level in all of these new 80-85 Zones! every one of them looks amazing. And all that new lore... sweet, sweet lore.
#6809 Aug 01 2010 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to see the new Hunter changes the most, and give feedback for them. I feel that Hunter is the class that's going through the biggest revamp and would love to help the Development team fine-tune the new Focus resource system.
#6810 Aug 01 2010 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
As a guild leader of a small but tight casual guild, I am most interested in the guild perks and new management UI for guild ranks and the such. These controls have needed improvement for a long time and I think the new perks will draw guilds closer together, especially mine. I would love the opportunity to check those out.

I won't lie though, I want to play a Goblin shaman, too!
#6811 Aug 01 2010 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
I can't wait to be a Worgen, fly over StormWind and explore "new areas"!
#6812 Aug 01 2010 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
im really looking forward to starting new characters of each race due to the major change in the starting zones.
also looking extra foward for the goblin starting zone.. i really like all the new crazyness they bring to the world and really wanna thank blizzard for giving us somthing to rofl at:D
last thing im looking forward to is that the instances will finnaly be a more tricky than we have seen the over the latest period of time
#6813 Aug 01 2010 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
I am most excited about exploring the changes to the DK class. They look very interesting so far, and i would like the opportunity to provide feedback that may shape the future of my favorite class.
#6814 Aug 01 2010 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
I want to look forward to something, but unfortunately... you see.. I was born with my eyes in the back on my head. So I have walk backwards to see where I'm going. So I'll be looking backwards to many things... but not forwards. One of those things will be the new 4 seater mounts the goblins get. I plan to get one as soon as possible, then drive it as fast as I can into the nearest wall hoping it will knock my eyes from the back to the front of my head. If that doesn't work, I suppose I can rest easy knowing that the whale shark in the Maelstrom is waiting for me to swim down into it's belly so it's stomach acid can disintegrate my body sending a chemical signal to it's brain that it's no longer hungry. That's one big whale-shark. If I survive that, I will be known as the half-shark alligator half-man.

#6815 Aug 01 2010 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited about all of my precious mounts being upgraded to 310% speed and being able to fly them in azeroth too. :)
#6816 Aug 01 2010 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
I am very exited about all the new lore , quests , dungeons , new starting areas , druid and paladin class changes. I will do as many quests , dungeons and exploration as possible and I will also look for nice RP places or ideas for my druids' guild :).

I also would like to see about all new mounts , achivements and such so I know how much gold for example i will need to get a special mount or where some cool mount will drop :).

And ofcourse new class and races combinations and Goblin and Worgen starting area would also be very nice to play.

Edited, Aug 1st 2010 3:21pm by Marcussz
#6817 Aug 01 2010 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
The thing i am most looking forward to is Blizzards new raid system, if you are like me and have loads of characters it is impossible to do both 25 and 10 man raids for all of them.

similarly i cannot wait to be able to go into ANY raid group which has downed the same bosses as me and just continue on from there. When i first got my druid (my first toon) into raids i thought this was the system and caused a lot of grief to my fellow raiders when they then had to find a new healer.

#6818 Aug 01 2010 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
I am excited about how all the places we loved lvling up in are being changed so that we can once again lvl up in them. Also i am excited for all the news talents and spells. But i am most excited about being able to lvl up my characters again. Goblins are gonna be the **** and i really wanna make one.
#6819 Aug 01 2010 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
I'm excited to experience the new Orgimmar with the ability to use your flying mount. It will be fun to have Org/Stormwind as refocused as the hub of the game again.
#6820 Aug 01 2010 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited about seeing the content upgrade for Azeroth. I've leveled countless characters in old Azeroth and needless to say the current content is no longer appealing. With this new content maybe I'll finally have the patience to level the classes that I haven't tried yet.

Of course I'm also looking forward to the new 80+ content. I'm excited to see what the new zones are like, what kind of adventurous quests are in store for us, and last but not least the new raiding challenged that await the heroes of Azeroth!
#6821 Aug 01 2010 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
Really I'm the most excited about relearning how to play my favorite class, the hunter, with the new focus system. I've been wanting to see it in action with this strange mix of fear and elation; will it still be my favorite class, will I still enjoy feigning death and watching my husband get destroyed by a thousand mobs while he wails in horror? Time will tell.
#6822 Aug 01 2010 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
Right then, let me take you all back in time just a little.

I was just finishing up middle school when I had my first brush with Warcraft II. I spent a lot of time at my friend's house, watching him play through the orc campaign- we laughed at the extra dialogue we'd get whenever he kept clicking on all the little units, of course.

Without a doubt, though, my favorite units were those little green gremlin-like creatures who kept blowing themselves up and piloting ridiculous machines. I mean, seriously! Submarines attached to the back of giant sea turtles! How can you beat something like that?

Time passed, and I'd just started college when I really got into Warcraft III. That was when Blizzard began shaping the goblins' style into that peculiar mix of pyromania, steampunk, and McGuyver-esque ingenuity that we all know and love. Sure, they'd broken away from the Horde to ply their wares to anyone (and anything) with the right amount of gold, but they were already making their grubby, extravagantly-wasteful mark on Azeroth (without blowing it all up... yet), but still...

Tree-chopping mechs with razorblade hands? Pocket town halls and factories? A hammer-wrench backpack that could turn into a freakin' tank? Yes, please!

A few years later, Blizzard announced their plans for a Warcraft-based MMORPG, and just about everyone thought they'd gone completely off their rockers. Blizzard was a company best known for its real-time strategy games. And Blizzard was suddenly going to dive headfirst into the MMORPG market (already dominated by fantasy-based games), AND its first offering was going to be Yet Another Fantasy-Based Game? Yes, yes, pull the other leg while you're at it, that one's got bells on it.

By the time the open beta rolled around, it was clear that this World of Warcraft was going to be a breath of fresh air. I figured that the neutral goblins weren't really going to be playable, so I was ecstatic when I found out that the little green psychopaths were just about everywhere. Sure, Azeroth was going to hell in a handbasket, but the goblins? They were out doing their own thing! Building race cars, grubbing for treasure and riches, engaging in SCIENCE! with little regard for the environment, their own health, or the collective safety of everyone in a fifty-mile radius...

"The only thing that could make this game any better," I usually told those friends who played WoW alongside me, "would be making goblins a playable race." My hopes were dashed at the launch of the Burning Crusade and, to a lesser extent, Wrath of the Lich King. Still, the space goats and the blood elves were pretty cool, as were the death knights- and, of course, I loved seeing goblins IN SPACE!, where they sometimes toyed with the very fabric of existence itself, and IN NORTHREND!, where they turned the southern half of Storm Peaks into "Explosives, Explosives Everywhere Land." And for a while, I put the thought of playable goblins out of my mind.

When I first heard about Cataclysm, I wasn't one of those people who'd hung onto Blizzard's every move, waiting for some word on the next expansion. All I heard was some far-fetched rumor about playable worgen, which I was on the verge of dismissing until I checked the main website and wait a second there IS a new expansion how did I miss this wait there ARE two new playable races OH MY GOOOOOOOOD--

As excited as I'd been for previous expansions, Blizzard had done what no other expansion had succeeded in doing: it made me gush in excitement about it to my friends. From Warcraft II all the way through Wrath of the Lich King, I'd dreamed of being able to see the Warcraft universe from a goblin's point of view; after all these years, Blizzard has finally granted my wish.

And that excitement only increased when I heard that in the face of the world being split straight down the middle, the goblins were taking their own unique brand of insanity... and turning it up to eleven, along with their typical disregard for common sense. They were blasting Azshara into the shape of the Horde symbol, planting a giant cannon in the bay, and building a pleasure palace/golf course/swimming pool combo smack-dab on an elven historical site. They were turning the various lakes in Orgrimmar into beach fronts, complete with reclining lawn chairs and floating tubs that leaked oil. And, somehow, the goblins were going to become nature-respecting shamans and call on the elements by using mechanical totems that drilled into the earth.

For the battered denizens of Azeroth (and maybe to those players who aren't quite happy with where WoW is going), the Cataclysm will be Hell.

For me, however, the Cataclysm will be nothing short of Heaven.

Everyone can have their badass death knights, their elegant elves, and their epic British werewolves. Me? I'm rolling a grubby, profit-minded goblin shaman, and he'll be joining the tide of little green men who'll take Azeroth by storm with their gravelly New Yorker/Brooklyn/Mafia-esque accents and utter disregard for the environment.
#6823 Aug 01 2010 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
I am really excited about all the new changes to all the zones that Blizzard is making, the ability to fly in all the zones, and the fact that the new zones that we will be leveling in from 80-85 are spread out throughout the game instead of it all being put on one new continent.
#6824 Aug 01 2010 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
After thinking about everything that will be coming out with Cataclysm, there are a few things my mind has highlighted very clearly.

First, I'm looking forward to the changes with the Druid talents and abilities, and the workings of the talent trees in general. Having two level 80 druids, one mainly a healer (Tauren) and the other mainly a Moonkin (Night Elf), I very much enjoy the class. I'm looking forward to leveling a Troll druid and a Worgen druid as well, to see the differences in the shape-shifted forms.

Second, I'm looking forward to the underwater zone, and swimming amongst the naga. The idea sounds so unbelievably new and exciting, and I absolutely cannot wait.

Of course, the third thing will be questing and exploring Mount Hyjal. My husband (don't tell anyone, lol, ^.~) used to be able to get to Mount Hyjal in vanilla-WoW, and he took cool pictures of everything, including the very funny "Blizzard Construction" signs lying about. Anyways, I'm looking forward to taking in the changes and updates to the zone, and the openness of it.

It's all going to be very exciting. I can't wait!
#6825 Aug 01 2010 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
Figure I'd give this a whirl... Now I know a lot of people are gonna say: New content, new races, new level cap... To me all that is super cool. However to me... It's simple.

AZEROTH is BACK! No more spending silly amounts of time in "Sanctuary towns" being pushed by leaders that are driven by peace and love and happiness and flowers... GAH!

I want to hang out in cities that reflect my side... Check!
Forming up with friends and flying up to the enemy knowing that it won't be an empty ghost town where everyone is in Northrend (or Outlands)... Check!
Just overall being able to explore Azeroth the way it was meant to be! Sold!

For the HORDE!

#6826 Aug 01 2010 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
I am very excited about Cataclysm. But the thing that i am excited about he most is that classes will be getting an overhaul. Having some cool abbilities at lvl 10 when you choose your tree is very awesome, it helps the people just starting the game and helps with the immersion and leveling process. That is the thing i am excited about the most.

Ty, Anze
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