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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#6777 Aug 01 2010 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent

My personal Favorite change has to be tauren paladin. I already paid to transfer my paladin to horde. Ill suffer with being a blood elf for as long as i need to to get a tauren paladin. I have been a paladin and a balance druid since right after release, and I will be rerolling (ZOMG) a worgen boomkin!

I am a weel known altaholic, with 8-9 80s on various servers, so the changes to the old world excite me so much! Also... I get to use my proto in the old world. awwww yeah.

I think the new system is going to be way more fun to play, instead of dragging for 40-50 levels before you get to enjoy it. As a person who played boomkin before they had a special form, i gotta say i love this early development stuff! Also very excited about mastery. As a paladin, I am stoked for the introduction of the "Holy Power" system, I have long wished there was something to do on my paladin other than hit buttons as they lit up!

Love you long time, gimme beta key.

#6778 Aug 01 2010 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
I have to be honest. It was really hard to pick on area that I am excited about concerning Cataclysm. Blizzard is good at getting their players excited about every new feature. Players are eager to see how all aspects of this new expansion will work out. From the changes to all areas, questing, professions, gear, flying mounts being able to fly in more areas, more pets for hunter, ...etc.

But I have to say is that the most important change to me is the change to all classes. Character building is always the most important feature in an MMO. Without a good variety of different ways of building and customizing your character I will not play the game. Take warriors for example. If there are more than a handful of ways to build a Fury Warrior and each will play a little different. Then I will be fine and will keep playing.

But if there is not then why keep playing as soon as I am done with the fury warrior then I would have to make either a protection warrior or an arms warrior. As soon as I have played all classes that I would want to play. Playing every role then I would be done playing WoW. Which would be bad for Blizzard.

With all of the changes to the talents along with glyphs and gear. How will this change the way all classes are developed and built? Also how will the changes to the land affect the class quest that exist today? How will the warlock get his Felhunter? As it stands now the quest for that is in Thousand Needles. But in Cataclysm Thousand Needles will be buried underwater.
#6779 Aug 01 2010 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
I'm really excited about the new guild achievements and level progress. This way, people will feel a lot more important in their guild. Also, it'll keep guilds together and allow them to be able to raid together more.
#6780 Aug 01 2010 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
I am most excited for the changes coming to the world, it really gives this game a sense of progression and change that it didnt have before. There was as small sense of progression before but changing things as opposed to adding things makes the game seem more engaging for players that have been here for 5 years running around in the same old dry content. It is going to be a relaxing breath of fresh air. It is also nice to see Blizzard learning from all the advances they have made in quest/zone content and going back and upgrading everything
#6781 Aug 01 2010 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
I am excited about the release of cataclysm because it will change up the terrain, scenery, and quests a little bit. My alts will be fun to level again.
#6782 Aug 01 2010 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
I can't WAIT! for Cataclysm to be released. So many things that are appealing to the new format:

New races (I'm a die hard Horde player, but the Worgen look so cool, I just gotta make ONE!)
The Talent Trees being Re-Tooled
New Professions
New Class and Race Combination's (Awesome)
Just having the ability to fly around the Old World is going to totally rock.

But I think what really gets me the most is, as someone who runs 10 different class and race toons , is a GM and lives eats and breaths this game, is the way leveling is going to change from 1-60. Instead of running the same old, same old this is a totally new experience. I can't wait to revisit the world of WoW in it's Cataclysmic guise and start questing.

This for me is beyond cool, it's the only vice I have and let me tell you, I love it.

#6783 Aug 01 2010 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
I am most excited about all of the new items added to the professions. I am also excited about lvling a goblin through all the redesigned zones. I can't wait for Cataclysm!! I plan to take my vacation from work so I can go to the midnight release and play all week, LOL WOOT!!
#6784 Aug 01 2010 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
What I'm looking forward to most... That's a hard question because Cataclysm just has so much. If anything, it'd have to be the overall changing of the world. I'm an altoholic and absolutely love how every time I level I seem to find a new quest I've never done before, it just feels...invigorating to know that now I'll have several thousands of new quests to do in zones that look nothing like what they used to.
#6785 Aug 01 2010 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
I cant wait for Cataclysm for a few reasons: Reason 1. The Worgen. I cant wait to here the story behind the ominous wolf men. Also its gonna be fun to be in Duskwood as an alliance. Reason 2. The new flying mounts in Azeroth.its going to be fun to be able to fly over top of the destroyed and burned to a crisp Azeroth.

Well thts all.

Happy Cataclysm
#6786 Aug 01 2010 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
I would KILL to see the reshaped new world.joking. But I would like to try the new class combinations especially the night elf mage. Also I would love to see the new class mechanics and the new quest route. The newly improved graphics seem to be awesome and the watter effect is killer so i wanna explore that too. I cant wait to see the horde relations after thrall leaves the stage and how the horde itself changes.:)
#6787 Aug 01 2010 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
Being a huge lore nut, I can't wait to see where the story of the game goes forward. There were so many seeds planted in Wrath and it looks like they're being grown further in Cataclysm.
#6788 Aug 01 2010 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
Personally I can't wait to change my rogue to my main! Other than that, I think flying in Azeroth is way over due, and hopefully the new battleground won't suck as bad as Isle of Conquest. Some of you may like it, but I never enjoyed it as much as the older ones. I guess leveling will be okay, but no one likes to replace those epics with greens and blues. Another thing I'd like to see is how the new 31 point trees out do the current 51 point trees! It'll be so weird to switch over like that, but at the same time it should be pretty neat.
#6789 Aug 01 2010 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited about the graphics upgrade being done in the game. Seeing all the old zones redone will be pretty amazing too. Leveling up a worgen and a goblin will also be lots of fun. The talent changed to the old 31 point trees sounds like a great idea aswell. and one last thing... DARK SIMULACRUM!
#6790 Aug 01 2010 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited to play Cataclysm to see all the new zones and quests and see new story line. :) Making a Worgen will be pretty awesome too.
#6791 Aug 01 2010 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
Looking forward to rollin a goblin even though i haven't chosen a class for one yet, as well as all the new changes to classic zones and the new zones, and there's relearning my class thats always fun with them changing how the talent trees work there is learning how to spec again. I am also looking to spend some time just flying around in Azeroth taking a look at the view from the air.
#6792 Aug 01 2010 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
I am looking forward to seeing the aftermath of Cataclysm!
(I.e. All the new content, including the new epic storylines. I love a good story that doesn't seem to end. FOR THE HORDE!<3)
#6793 Aug 01 2010 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
I would love to see the new world and the enhanced graphics , im looking forward to test the new dungeons and their difficulties , talents tree and want to finish the goblin, worgen areas ( troll too ). I want to test the flying mounts in azeroth and maybe i will make some reviews. Hope i will get a key .. GooD LucK to Others and Good luck to myself ;) Spectrals over.
#6794 Aug 01 2010 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
Hey there. First, As soon as Cata appears, im most excited to level up my paladin (link in signature if anyone intrested who i am =P ) and start raiding with it. And at the same time im going to explore Azeroth and everything else thats new. Umm, First palce to explore for me its going to be Uldum. Its a beatiful palce. Saw a ingamevideo of it.

For second to level up a worgen, Its going to be a hunter for sure. Seen few videos on the internet of Gilneas, And in my eyes it looks to be a fun place to level up at.

Going to stand at the store 1 day before it realeses :D
#6795 Aug 01 2010 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
I am most excited about playing Worgen. I have always enjoyed alliance but I wanted a more evil looking race. I also think the Worgen have cool roleplaying purposes with the ability to shapeshift!
#6796 Aug 01 2010 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
I am really looking forward to the changed Hunters are going to go through. I am especially looking forward to being able to have multiple pets available without the need of the stable master.

Another aspect of the game that I am really looking forward to is the introduction of guild features and discovering the new lore that the changes and new races are going to introduce into the game.
#6797 Aug 01 2010 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
I am so excited about all the worgen druid forms, they look awesome:) The troll forms look good too, but not as good as the worgen forms.
I am also looking forward to explore all the new zones, and the old ones. The first thing I am going to do when Cataclysm comes out, is to create a worgen and a goblin, and level trough their starting zones. I really like the victorian-styled Gilneas.
But what I am most excited about, is the Paladin changes. Poor they cant faceroll as a ret paladin anymore:)

Edited, Aug 1st 2010 2:59pm by Ceredith
#6798 Aug 01 2010 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
First of all, I can't wait for Blizzard to announce the release date for Cataclysm :).
The things I am most excited about are the new level cap, the new dungeons and raids and the new talents, especially the Warrior talents because I have one as my main char. Why the level cap and PvE? Because I like seeing higher stats whenever I open the character tab, I like questing and earning xp and gold, I like shiny purple text items (more commonly known as epics :P) and I like seeing overzealous bosses dying.

Oh, and I almost forgot about Tauren Paladins.

Edited, Aug 1st 2010 2:55pm by MvdGT
#6799 Aug 01 2010 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
I'm excited about everything!!

But the #1 thing I'm most excited about is all the class changes. Paladins for example are being completely redesigned, along with major changes to many other classes. I think its fantastic that blizzard has the balls to dramatically change classes like this. No matter how much some people complain this is what keeps the game fresh and maintain a steady user base over the past few years. Change is good! Viva la Cataclysm!
#6800 Aug 01 2010 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
Im so looking forward to level my new worgen in the new Azeroth. All looks so amazing and it feels a bit like the first time i started play wow. New exiting guests, new areas to explore. The other thing im exited about is to level my main to 85 and try out the new zones and raids. Im so looking forward to not having to do 25 AND 10 men to be able to gear up but just doing 10 men with friends and still be able to gear up.
#6801 Aug 01 2010 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
I am most excited about Worgens being a big werewolf fan! But also the increase in difficulty of instances and hopefully the game in general! and can't forget the redone DK tree and warrior talents!
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