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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#577 Jul 26 2010 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
I am really looking forward to the new stat changes, as well as talent tree redesigns. The core changes to certain classes (such as warlock soul shards) are something I'm really looking forward to experimenting with. And as somebody who has played since vanilla, there is no way I can forget about all of the redone zones. I can't wait to see how the phasing makes all of the zones morph as the stories progress.
#578 Jul 26 2010 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
I've been waiting since Warcraft III to be able to play as the Goblins. Now I'll finally be able to throw my minimap in a lake . . .
#579 Jul 26 2010 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
This is a tough question. I've played my Paladin Merenwen as of March 2005. I was there when kill rotation went like this: Recast blessing of Might as it had probably gone off already, cast seal of Command, find a bad guy, reach deep within and begin to auto attack with my "The Unstoppable Force!" Then promptly alt-and-tab out and browse the forums for the 30 seconds I had until I need to recast my seal. Even with the problems I found myself entranced by this game.

When Burning Crusade came around I found myself very excited at finally having our own strike to bring justice to our enemies. It was not without it's high limitations. The seal system was still messy and I found myself drinking water more than I was killing. However, stepping through the dark portal for the first time and seeing that sky made it worth it. Again, Blizzard had managed to create a game that did such a fantastic job at amazing me with the level that they had taken it too.

Then, there was Wrath of the Lich King. "This is the expansion to top all expansions," I had said at the time. The questing was interactive. The zones were unbelievably beautiful; the first time riding the boat into Howling Fjord was an experience altogether. And finally, my class had become respected as fulfilling what I had always hoped: smashing faces in not just groups but in raids too. However, as we reach the end of this expansion, I was a fool to say that Wrath was the best Blizzard could do. I was a fool to say that when I saw the previews for Cataclysm.

I have never been more excited for a video a game in my entire life - and I am quite an avid gamer. I am most looking forward to getting to see the new direction my class has undergone and bringing her to all parts of Azeroth. Being able to fly over the new water and redesigned zones will be just like entering Howling Fjord for the first time. I want to have that experience again - The magic that can only come with a Blizzard game.
#580 Jul 26 2010 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited about having to re-explore Azeroth. Having to learn where everything is again is like having a whole new game. I can't wait to see the possibility of underwater mounts (Engineers should be able to build a 2-seater submarine!) and I'm looking forward to seeing the shift from mana to focus for hunters. Even Ghostcrawler said hunters are dumb!
#581 Jul 26 2010 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
What makes me most excited about cataclysm is the changes to warlock and the chance to have a cool race to play them on for ally. I love my lock main but soul shards are annoying, and you can run into trouble in short fights with getting dots up in time. In cata it looks like a lot of that will be fixed. As well currently you get to play a human (I do that enough in RL thank you) or a gnome (look I'm short and every idiot with a keyboard makes fun of my race) neither really cool looking classes. Now a worgen lock that's just sexy.
#582 Jul 26 2010 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
what i am really looking forward to in the upcoming cataclysm expansion is the graphics. from the looks of some of the videos the graphics are going to be amazing, ezpecially the water, im looking forward to that. the extra 5 levels will be fun, along with all of the extra dungeons and raids. the new guild system is amazing. i look forward to that new mass raid summon and mass raid ressurection. the worgen class is amazing, i cannot wait to try them out. goblin archaology will be a blast. the new race class combinations will be cool as well. all in all the new expansion is gunna have me hooked forever. Tauren paladins FTW !
#583 Jul 26 2010 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
I am most looking forward to on my shaman :
Main Spec
Healing Rains
Gnome totems
Golbin Totems

Primal Strike

Worgen starting area was SO much fun at Blizzcon, dark victorian, beautiful
Goblin just looked like all fun and craziness to play.
#584 Jul 26 2010 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
The thing that I am most looking forward to with Cataclysm is the Worgen. I so wanted the Worgen to be the Alliance race in Burning Crusade and was really disappointed when they went with the Draenei. I think the Worgen are so cool to look at and the ability to change between human and Worgen form is just too cool for words.

I am also really looking forward to flight in the old world. There are just so many cool views that you only get to see briefly between flight points and to be able to see them at any time is going to be wonderful.
#585 Jul 26 2010 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
I'm excited at new class/race combo and new talent system and new lvling experience
I'm going to roll tauren DK/warrior/druid/pally tank
and tauren priest/shaman/druid/pally heal!!!
#586 Jul 26 2010 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
I am really getting excited about the new Paladin Talents, I've been tanking a lot and the tree is changing a lot so I'm hoping there's good challenges waiting for me to try it out on. I'm also super stoked to see Uldum, I love all the lore pieces so I'm hoping there is a lot there, plus I love the Egyptian theme.
#587 Jul 26 2010 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
I guess apart from the new raid content im looking most forward to testing the new guild leveling system and the UI that comes with it, as well as the new upgraded water mechanics. However i am extremely excited about finally being able to get a a bird's eye view over the new Azeroth.
#588 Jul 26 2010 at 8:59 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to basically all the changes in the game. It's going to feel like vanilla wow again. That's why I'm also starting out fresh on a new server that I don't have any characters on once it comes out so I can enjoy the game like it's new again.
#589 Jul 26 2010 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
Three things I'm most looking forward to:

1. The new lore, particularly surround Deathwing, Mount Hyjal, and Vashj'ir. New stuff is always cool, and these carry on storylines dating to the War of the Ancients, and even the return of our friends from ZA. That, and there's rumors of a certain demigod (or...5) returning. Sounds delicious to me.

2. The "new" leveling experience from Lv. 1 to 58. After leveling 4 toons thru the current Azeroth, the change is welcome. I'm actually saving at least two characters on my main server for the new experience, since it's fresh and hopefully less of a boring grid with ridiculous quest flows (ask ANYONE who did the "It's a Secret to Everybody..." chain about going Un'Goro => Winterspring => Tanaris).

3. The changes to class mechanics, especially hunters (my main is one). I've long had gripe with Aspect of the Viper being a huge dps loss, to the point of learning to "Stance Dance" (of sorts) between Viper and Dragonhawk for high-damage shots. Now that viper is gone, though, I'm extremely eager to get my hands into Cataclysm early so I can get my head around a completely new resource for my class. It's gonna be a new learning curve, and while I imagine it as an energy/rage hybrid, managing it effectively is a different animal.
#590 Jul 26 2010 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
I am so looking forwards to the new landscaping, im so excited to level up a character from all the races to see how they have changed the different zones! i also love how the goblin starting area your like a drug lord (i think) :]

im hoping the game will be a slight bit more balanced now, maybe a tad simpler like back in vanilla.
#591 Jul 26 2010 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
I am most looking forward to seeing what new vehicles and mounts Cata brings. I've seen on the Wowhead Cataclysm site a "GoblinHotAirBalloonVehicle" skin, and I really want to see what happens with that. I'm hoping it's a mount =D
#592 Jul 26 2010 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
#593 Jul 26 2010 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited about the new quests. For leveling alts and having some new quests to do on my main as well. Excited about pretty much all of it though.
#594 Jul 26 2010 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
Cataclysm, the new game! I can start a new race, a new quest line in, a redefined land. How exciting is that. After the let down of so many games in the past few years I am most excited that there will be a new game called Cataclysm that is Blizzard quality! New newb area, new talent trees, new dungeons, new raids, new quests and new places to fly. That is what I'm totally excited about. The newness that is Cataclysm! Bring it on!!!
#595 Jul 26 2010 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
What i'm looking forward to the most in Cataclysm is being able to play as a Tauren Pally. I've really like playing the Tauren, most of my toons are. I've tired playing a pally on just about all the other races, and never get very far. Just the whole idea excites me, i'm also interested in seeing the changing to the Tauren starting region and how the Paladin is gonna be worked into the Tauren way of life.
#596 Jul 26 2010 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
Been playing for several years now and looking forward to making both a Worgen and Goblin to see how they play. But mostly looking forward to leveling through the revamped world to see all the changes for I have played almost every race in the game as well as leveled at least to some extent all the professions and went through their various specific quest. So will be interesting to see what changes to not only the leveling of characters be it race or class but also how the profession change with the revamp of the game or at a minimum what they add to my favorite professions of engineering and blacksmithing. So in general looking forward to every aspect of the game and to see how they will be changed. The final thing would be to see what the new game content they have including the classic heroic version dungeons and the new zones. Cant wait to see what pets and mounts I can add to my collection on my characters.
#597 Jul 26 2010 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
REALLY looking forward to the new soulshard-thingy for warlocks, will make my life alot easier. Also looking alot forward to the fancy new felflamespell for warlock's :D And the new mounts. I could go on forever with this x)
#598 Jul 26 2010 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
I am simmering in anticipation for this expansion. What I am most excited about is the changes to the world of Azeroth its self. Having played this game for going on 4 years now, it’s nice that the old world will be focused on, rather than just tack on some new stuff, as in the last two expansions. Flying in Azeroth is going to be just wonderful, I'll probably just fly around looking at the lay of the land. That being said, this expansion will in no way help my Altitis, it’s probably going to get worse.

Some of the other things I’m excited about are the new races and the new class combo’s. Now in one fell swoop I will be able to make a goblin and a shammy in one toon and actually make it over level 4 with a shaman. Worgren looks like its going to be a blast, especially since it will be in the new Azeroth, all kinds of new things to explore even after the 1-10 level curve. New level cap will be fun too, I just need to decide on making a new toon or level to 85 on my main for a chance at world/server first to reach level 85!

Oh and uh.... Heroic SFK FTW!!!

So much fun in store, can’t wait! Keep it up blizzard!

Edited, Jul 26th 2010 11:07pm by ByngerX
#599 Jul 26 2010 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
I've been playing since vanilla and I am most excited about seeing all of the new changes. We'll be going back to many of the old zones and looking at them through new eyes. I can't wait to have to rediscover familiar places and explore all the new zones. I think what I like most about WoW is the attention to detail of the zones. Being able to see all of the old zones from the air is so exciting. There are so many places I wanted to explore but I could never get there but soon we'll be able to!! In the words of the Barenaked Ladies...Everything Old is New Again!!
#600 Jul 26 2010 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
Being a huge altaholic, the thing I'm looking forward to most is starting a new Worgen and seeing all of the new quests in Azeroth from the very beginning. I can't wait to see how much Blizzard has adapted from what they've learned in later expansions!
#601 Jul 26 2010 at 9:06 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to the revamped leveling experiences and new zone changes.
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