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Future expansions planned by Blizzard, from late 2003.Follow

#77 Aug 25 2008 at 12:29 PM Rating: Excellent
I never quite understood where the 'pandaren are offensive to chinese people' argument came from... they didn't seem to mind when he was added has a hero in WC3, why would they mind if they became a race in WoW?
#78 Aug 25 2008 at 1:30 PM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
Actually, they did, Tyr. I could be talking out of my butt, but I don't believe Warcraft 3 was sold in China. They definitely had problems with the samurai panda, since the Japanese and Chinese cultures don't mesh well, and because it encouraged the killing of pandas which is against Chinese law.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#79 Aug 25 2008 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Azuarc wrote:
Actually, they did, Tyr. I could be talking out of my butt, but I don't believe Warcraft 3 was sold in China. They definitely had problems with the samurai panda, since the Japanese and Chinese cultures don't mesh well, and because it encouraged the killing of pandas which is against Chinese law.

Not that I disagree with you Azurac, but rather the ruling. When in that game did you ever NEED to kill a Pandarean?
#80 Aug 25 2008 at 5:18 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Sticky please.

This post gets bumped from pages back all the time, and it's a very interesting read, I've had it in my favourites for ages since I couldn't be bothered finding it again.
#81 Aug 26 2008 at 4:10 AM Rating: Excellent
863 posts
Azuarc wrote:
I could be talking out of my butt

Hey! I'm working on that, too - but I p00p each time I try a diphthong.

Anyway - I wonder if it's the population being bothered by the panda issue or the commi government. I also wonder whether they made a fuss about this in India too, I mean - you're able to kill cows ingame, and Taurens are cows... there must have been some objection there, but it's a free government.

As long as the game doesn't revolve around killing pandas I guess it'll be alright. I mean there's a whole allied faction trying to keep that from happening. I'm not one to judge, but I think it's rather trivial to begin with - it's not like it's "World of Warcraft: The Doom of the Pandaren".

Wait - it isn't, is it?

edit: punctuation

Edited, Aug 26th 2008 2:08pm by Hence
#82 Aug 26 2008 at 5:27 AM Rating: Excellent
Actually, they did, Tyr. I could be talking out of my butt, but I don't believe Warcraft 3 was sold in China. They definitely had problems with the samurai panda, since the Japanese and Chinese cultures don't mesh well, and because it encouraged the killing of pandas which is against Chinese law.

Again, do you have a link of any kind to back this up Az (or anybody else)?

I heard about all this a lot, but there's never any evidence... I mean, all I'm asking is for 1 shred of evidence, and I'll gladly agree.

If you do 'Warcraft 3 + china' search on google, you don't get article about censorship or what not - you get the roster for the Chinese team that won the WC3 WSVG tournament in 2005.

From all account, the 'China = No panda' rumor was started because people were disapointed that we got Draenei and not pandaren in TBC, and for some reason everybody bought into it.

Edited, Aug 26th 2008 9:25am by Tyrandor
#83 Aug 26 2008 at 6:01 AM Rating: Excellent
808 posts
A certain Jack Black cinematic masterpiece was apparently met with protests, but still made a decent bit of coin over in the People's Republic:

Since Blizzard accommodated themselves to the preferences of the Chinese market once (undead) there's reason to believe that they'll do it again, even if there's no actual censorship involved.
#84REDACTED, Posted: Aug 26 2008 at 6:08 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Before we create theories about expansions that may or may not happen- shouldn't we worry about the one that we know will happen? >_> it seems kind of silly to talk about leveling to 100 at this point when that sort of thing won't happen for easily another 5 years. I'm willing to bet that Blizzard is waiting for some sort of revolutionary gaming technology *cough*virtualreality*cough* so they can play around with it and work the expansions that way.
#85 Aug 26 2008 at 6:30 AM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
It'll be Worgen because Dreadlords are unfeasible as a player race. It's like you're playing a pen-and-paper RPG, and the core races you get are human, elf, dwarf, halfling, and elder vampire sorcerer. Who is seriously going to pick a halfling over an elder vampire sorcerer? Worgen, however, are an almost completely blank slate background-wise, which gives Blizzard more room to maneouvre. Plus - Wolfenhold. Seriously. Dead giveaway. They can still fit dreadlords in. Vampire<->werewolf conflict concept, very popular.

Or Dark Iron dwarves, you could form them into a Horde race when you're willing to rape the lore again - that would give the Horde another Paladin race, like the Furbolgs could give alliance another Shaman race.

Dark Iron paladins don't exist. The Ironforge dwarves adopted the paladin ethos from the humans of Stormwind, the same way they adopted the priesthood. Besides, Dark Irons are more into elemental sorcery, summoning, and fire magic. They'd make a crap player race, seriously. They'd just be reskinned dwarves with a new racial. It'd be ****. Serious ****.

And whoever made that wiki article about the Maelstrom needs to die in a fire. Goblin riding foxes? Where would they get foxes underground? I can't even speculate on the logic that caused him to reach that conclusion.
#86 Aug 26 2008 at 6:44 AM Rating: Good
From all account, the 'China = No panda' rumor was started because people were disapointed that we got Draenei and not pandaren in TBC, and for some reason everybody bought into it.

Actually I do remember that particular arguement. Before Draenei were announced Pandaren was the hopeful race for Alliance players. A Blizz rep said at that time they weren't making plans for Pandas to be a playable race in WoW due to a dispute with the Chinese government.

He never specified that they were going to use Pandaren for BC but were legally unable to, he just said they wouldn't be a playable race in BC. If that makes sense, you are keeping up just fine with Blizzards loopholes.
#87 Aug 26 2008 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
Well these places are in one expansion:

The Green Lands - 88 to 91
The Dying Paradise - 91 to 94
The Emerald Nightmare - 94 to 97
The Eye of Ysera - 97 to 100

Deephome - 88 to 91
Skywall - 91 to 94
The Abyssal Maw - 94 to 97
The Firelands - 97 to 100

Since it's like this, i think one will be for horde and one for alliance, or they have a backup of the place :S
#88 Aug 26 2008 at 7:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Actually I do remember that particular arguement. Before Draenei were announced Pandaren was the hopeful race for Alliance players. A Blizz rep said at that time they weren't making plans for Pandas to be a playable race in WoW due to a dispute with the Chinese government.

Except a Blizzard employee never actually said that.


Supposedly, a gaming magazine was brought to Blizzard's offices in the fall of 2005 to view the Burning Crusade expansion pack for the first time. There were dozens of posters and artwork depicting the pandaren as the new Alliance race. This rumor goes on to suggest the race was then canceled for reasons concerning "pandas being a sacred animal" in China, or with the "political problems [associated with a] Japanese/Chinese hybrid". Other gaming sources stated that when "mentioning the ex-April-Fools-joke Pandaren Empire to Blizzard staff got a surprisingly cagey response..." Blizzard has yet to confirm or deny these rumors directly.

I don't know why this rumor (Because yeah, that's all it is) is taken at face value by so many people.

Edited, Aug 26th 2008 11:50am by Tyrandor
#89 Aug 26 2008 at 10:55 AM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
justdistaint wrote:
When in that game did you ever NEED to kill a Pandarean?

It doesn't matter if you need to. It matters that you can. The reason you can't kill the children in Stormwind city is because German law prohibits any depictions of violence toward children, animated or otherwise. You don't ever NEED to take your horde character into Stormwind and AE the field trip group, but before it was patched, you could.

Hence wrote:
Anyway - I wonder if it's the population being bothered by the panda issue or the commi government. I also wonder whether they made a fuss about this in India too, I mean - you're able to kill cows ingame, and Taurens are cows... there must have been some objection there, but it's a free government.

Cows being sacred is associated with a particular religion in the country that not everyone there worships. Many, yes, but not all. The issue with pandas is that they are endangered and highly symbolic of the country. China doesn't want to see them die due to bamboo deforestation.

Tyrandor wrote:
Again, do you have a link of any kind to back this up Az (or anybody else)?

I'm horrible at finding credible sources on the internet. I do remember reading an interview with one of the Blizz artists who initially designed the Pandaren as he expressed his (post-mortem) surprise at China not liking the Japanese influence on a panda.

However, to answer your question directly, no, I do not have a link to back it up.

Seguris wrote:
Well these places are in one expansion:

The Green Lands - 88 to 91
The Dying Paradise - 91 to 94
The Emerald Nightmare - 94 to 97
The Eye of Ysera - 97 to 100

Deephome - 88 to 91
Skywall - 91 to 94
The Abyssal Maw - 94 to 97
The Firelands - 97 to 100

Since it's like this, i think one will be for horde and one for alliance, or they have a backup of the place :S

I'm pretty sure those will be available to both, and just two distinct regions to enter. The first four zones are part of the Emerald Dream. I don't know exactly where the other four are. But there's no reason to believe that they're faction that would be a pretty crappy expansion if you could only visit half of the xpac zones.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#90 Aug 28 2008 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
The only problem the Chinese had with the Pandarans were that they had Japanese clothing. Blizzard changed their outfit and this is no longer a problem. It is interesting how these rumors get blown absolutely out of proportion though. People hear something and since its those strange foreign Chinese people, they just accept it. I imagine the Chinese actually like the Pandaren very much now.

The two rumors about China that were true: They didn't like their national animal being depicted in Japanese clothing, this was changed. You can't show bones in china, they have undead models with no bones showing.
#91REDACTED, Posted: Sep 05 2008 at 5:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) so IF those are the future expansions then by the end we would be destroying the Burning Legion and then the end?
#93 Nov 04 2008 at 11:35 PM Rating: Good
I found this thread and found it extremely interesting. The debate on whether a new playable race would be Nathrezim or Worgen in particular. So I looked up Worgen on wowwiki to see what I could find.

It seems that people are pointing out Xorothian Plains in a starting area and Wolfenhold in the other as proof of Worgen or Nathrezim but if you read Velinde's Journal in WoW it says that the Worgen are fighting and losing on their home world against "Lords of the Emerald Flame." If they aren't Nathrezim I will shard my gear and give all of my gold to the first level 1 that spawns in front of me in the Valley of Trials.

If they are both on Xoroth then it's not too hard to assume that it could be Worgen just as easily as Nathrezim. In fact I would say much easier. Once again from searching on wowwiki most of the hard info on Worgen come from Kirin Tor who know of their existence because Worgen occasionally get brought to Azeroth after magical mistakes. It also says that no one knows precisely how to open the portals for them to come through. This to me, leaves sufficient room to write in extenuating circumstances without messing with canon to much. For example, the rifts they came through were never made correctly and they were addled, hence the bloodthirstiness they are known for. This is just an idea of something that could possibly fit of course. It doesn't fit perfectly of course because of The Book of Ur which talks about the Worgen on their homeworld being evil but I am not Chris Metzen. Then again he has made some continuity errors too hasn't he.

I personally think it would work better for the Worgen to be a playable race than the Nathrezim. I would also like to see it more. I've always thought the Worgen looked awesome.
#94 Nov 05 2008 at 2:07 AM Rating: Decent
210 posts
I do remember seeing the emerald dream. A very early version of the terrain (and quite a bit of hellfire peninsula) was already in the data of the game at or close after release. Not sure if it is still, but back then you could check out the terrain using a special tool (which just showed the terrain, it was not ingame). From what I saw though, it seemed like it would be a big zone once finished, definitely not large enough for a full expansion.
#95 Nov 05 2008 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent
ACVegas wrote:
on think i did notice is that if they are doing 5 expantions they are planning to put out 3 or 4 of the within the next 7.5 years

i agree. If you think about it, BC was released about 2 years after vanilla, and wotlk is being released about 2 years after BC..... guess..we can expect to see a new expansion in about 2 years, so we will find out then.
#96 Nov 05 2008 at 2:31 AM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
On the panda comment. I used to play Guild Wars and during beta for one Asian-themed expansion, people mentioned they'd like pandas as Ranger pets. The official word on it (from their customer liason) was that it would cause offence to the Chinese.

Obviously Rangers wouldn't try and kill their pets, quite the opposite. So it wasn't the fact that you would kill pandas ona regular basis, but purely for the fact it was possible. I've never seen anything official from Blizzard, but it's not too much of a stretch for me to believe they have the same issue.
#97 Nov 05 2008 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
we'll find out before its actually announced, as always lol

but if we follow the way Blizz brings expensions / area patches out : Azeroth (main) > Outland > back to Azeroth > next ? back to Outland maybe ?

There is still 1 critical place missing in Outlands, Deathwing's Lair, which should be kinda East of Netherstorm / N-E of Hellfire. And we are are missing our General Paladin and his lover. They could be fighting Deathwing on his island, which could be added in a expension OR patch onto Outland.
#98 Nov 05 2008 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
203 posts
Realized this post originated over a year ago. I thought I had seen this at least a couple times before.

Edited, Nov 5th 2008 9:11am by uzemaki
#99 Jul 01 2009 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts

With the Cataclysm trademark announcement I think reviving this thread is warranted. Looks like it refers to the sea expansion.
#100 Jul 01 2009 at 9:22 PM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
DarthGekko wrote:

With the Cataclysm trademark announcement I think reviving this thread is warranted. Looks like it refers to the sea expansion.

Yep that's spot on and with the list pretty much following word for word the last 2 expansions I say we know the future =p
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#101 Jul 01 2009 at 9:40 PM Rating: Good
591 posts
Yep that's spot on and with the list pretty much following word for word the last 2 expansions I say we know the future =p

With so much power in our is so tempting to use it for evil....MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
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