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Been gone a while, question about being guildlessFollow

#1 Mar 25 2012 at 5:27 AM Rating: Good
310 posts
So I've been unsubscribed for over a year now, but I recently reactivated. Anyway, I was something of an altoholic, and earlier in Cataclysm my characters were frequently getting kicked (presumably) for inactivity, to the point where I pretty much got sick of the whole thing and stopped caring about the perks for being in one.

For an example, I have an 85 Hunter (Horde) on Tichondrius, which I think is still fairly high population. Within 5 minutes of logging in, I had 3 separate tells from people trying to get me to join guilds...and besides the fact that I barely remember how to play this game, I don't really want to deal with the hassle. So I was wondering, exactly how did these people know I was guildless, and is there any way to stop myself showing up on those searches? I've got "Decline Guild Invites" checked, which I guess blocks the blind guild invites, but responding to the tells is going to quickly get tedious for me.

The other option is to start my own guild I guess...but from memory starting it up and getting all my alts into that same guild would be an even bigger hassle, so that's a last resort.
#2 Mar 25 2012 at 9:26 AM Rating: Good
1,877 posts
You got two options really. 1) Accept a guild invite to stop the pestering and if you choose, shut off guild chat. 2) Put everyone that whispers you concerning guild invites on ignore. Won't work if your ignore list is near full but I find telling them no thanks doesn't guarantee them to stop whispering you.

#3 Mar 25 2012 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
I think with the guild leveling system, many guilds are less likely to kick people for low activity because they want the guild experience that comes from players doing normal routine leveling and dailies. Of course focused hardcore guilds won't be like this but it seems that in Cata, there are many huge impersonal guilds that exist mainly to level and give perks to the players. These large guilds are also the ones most likely to go on a kicking spree once they get to higher levels if the guild leader hopes to sell the now level 20+ guild leaving all of the other members out in the cold.

People who see your character will know you are guildless because you don't have a guild name showing below your own name. This is why I try to keep my alts in my own alt guilds. I don't have to deal with the whispered invites and such. Having more than one account makes this easy but since creating a guild now only requires four additional signatures (beyond the creator's), most people just spam trade offering gold for signatures. Getting more alts into the guild means that you need someone willing to join long enough to do the inviting for you but it's not like you have to hand over control of the guild to do it so a little gold might help there. There really are a lot of nice helpful people around but even more who will go out of their way to make 10 or 20 gold for their trouble.
#4 Mar 25 2012 at 5:01 PM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
Hi, Lochnvar! I feel your pain. I just began playing WoW for the first time in December. I come from playing EQ since 1999 and the whole guild whisper thing was like culture shock. There are not the same "rewards" for lack of a better word for guilds to have more members in EQ, other than a guild wishing to put together a certain type of raid group, etc. so "over there" in general chat one sees "Any guilds recruiting?" instead of the guild spams in WoW and definitely no individual tells/whispers asking one to join a guild.

At first I would stop what I was doing and reply to the whisper with a polite "Thank you for the invitation but I'm not looking for a guild atm." But getting 5+ a day, if sometimes not an hour, got real old, not to mention invariably the whispers are when I'm in the midst of a particularly tricky battle. So, I created a macro I put on my activity bar (or whatever it's called) and now just have to do one click to respond. Then I got a couple of snarky responses to my polite no thank you so now I just ignore them entirely and close the whisper window. It was humorous the other day when I was on my main and got a more "unique" guild invitation whisper. It was something like - a ball of light appears in front of you; you hear a voice behind you...then went on to the typical "join our guild." I clicked my macro just for props for originality. No reply as per usual. Then I log onto my bank alt shortly thereafter. Within seconds I received the identical whisper. That gave me a chuckle for awhile.

My personal opinion on these random guild invitations: in addition to being annoying, I don't want to join a guild who's in it for a numbers game; who has no earthly idea how I play, what I would bring to the guild, etc.
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#5 Mar 25 2012 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
I can't say this for sure, but doesn't it automatically put in you in the guild recruitment channel and/or the guild recruitment tool by default, if unguilded and you havent told it not to?

Edited, Mar 25th 2012 10:11pm by Azaza
#6 Mar 25 2012 at 8:36 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
My personal opinion on these random guild invitations: in addition to being annoying, I don't want to join a guild who's in it for a numbers game; who has no earthly idea how I play, what I would bring to the guild, etc.

On the other hand, a guild that is tossing out random invites probably isn't inviting you because they expect you to be a first string raider. Since guild perks were introduced, a solo player is at a disadvantage. At 85, you may not care about XP boosts, but you will still get benefits from many of the other guild perks.

Since I don't play on NA/EU servers, I'm not sure how well my experiences apply to that environment. I have several toons in guilds where I was spam invited and have had a good time with them. While random guild invites may not be a ticket to big time raiding, you'll get the benefit of guild perks and if things don't go well there is no real problem quitting. Why not give them a chance? You may meet some decent people. I have.
#7 Mar 25 2012 at 8:51 PM Rating: Excellent
656 posts
Guild are certainly hit or miss. I've had 3 or 4 characters in one guild (level 25 guild) but no-one works together other than raid night, and then you better be on the inner crew. I dumped one of the characters from it in order to put it in the private guild that has a chance of leveling it will take a while but at least it has a chance, and the other ones will either join it in the level 2 private guild to apply their leveling XP to it or go join my "friends" who I've been having a blast with doing old raids the last couple weeks. They're a level 3 or 4 guild but since they run content on a regular basis they will level and "have the perks" and by running with the guild groups I should get some guild rep gains faster than I've been getting by being in a level 25 guild and running stuff solo or with one friend who is also in the guild...
Join a guild just to ditch all the random invites, set up your own guild for storage it's not the hassle it used to be, as you need fewer signatures apparently.
#8 Mar 26 2012 at 7:08 AM Rating: Good
799 posts
is there a guild recruitment section on Zam? I don't see it in the forum options.

I'm not very good at the whole guild recruitment thing. That would certainly be a far less painful option (for those of use who DO require guild recruitment).
#9 Mar 26 2012 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
471 posts
Just take then time and create your own guild for your characters..I went out the the crossroads and gave out gold to newbies then booted them when I had the guild created.

Keep 1 person to invite your alts if needed before they leave.

edited for spelling

Edited, Mar 26th 2012 11:55pm by ChiefsClassik
90 Orc shaman
90 Orc Hunter
90 Troll Hunter
90 Dwarf Hunter
90 Undead Warrior

Scrappy 92 Ratonga Bruiser
Mazum 91 Kerra Ranger
Daktari 65 Iksar Beastlord
DragonFists 71 Iksar Monk

#10 Mar 26 2012 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
486 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:
My personal opinion on these random guild invitations: in addition to being annoying, I don't want to join a guild who's in it for a numbers game; who has no earthly idea how I play, what I would bring to the guild, etc.

On the other hand, a guild that is tossing out random invites probably isn't inviting you because they expect you to be a first string raider. Since guild perks were introduced, a solo player is at a disadvantage. At 85, you may not care about XP boosts, but you will still get benefits from many of the other guild perks.

Since I don't play on NA/EU servers, I'm not sure how well my experiences apply to that environment. I have several toons in guilds where I was spam invited and have had a good time with them. While random guild invites may not be a ticket to big time raiding, you'll get the benefit of guild perks and if things don't go well there is no real problem quitting. Why not give them a chance? You may meet some decent people. I have.

I think we've been down this road before, eh? Smiley: wink My stance hasn't changed. I could be content never joining a guild. I solo, I care nothing, nada, zip for the "end game" or raiding. When I played EQ regularly, I often spent more time chatting with friends than killing anything. I'm on only child RL, for what it's worth, and have no problem keeping myself entertained. I just have to shake my head when I see in general chat, "I'm bored." I mean, seriously? So log off and do something else.

Recently I have been doing research on guilds on my server - I have even put a "this is the type of guild I am looking for" with my specifics on my server's forum. I have received many friendly and supportive responses with a couple of guilds providing a bit of info and directing me to their website to APPLY if I am interested. After application there will be an interview. Then there is a period, varies in different guilds but approximately 2 weeks - month, of "getting to know you" to see if one is a good fit for the guild. Those procedures are what I consider good guild practices.

If you've found a guild you enjoy by accepting a random invitation...great! Let's just say I'm a bit selective, shall we and drop the "give them a try," ok? Great, cool.

Edited, Mar 26th 2012 12:44pm by Azalysa
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#11 Mar 26 2012 at 11:54 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
I think we've been down this road before, eh?

Scanning over the last few months of my posts, I might have missed something but no... I don't believe we have. While I might have quoted your reply, that does not mean that I was limiting my response to you or even directing my post entirely to you. I was providing a counter point to your statement (hence the quote) and addressing the original post.

I have an 85 Hunter (Horde) on Tichondrius
At 85, you may not care about XP boosts, but you will still get benefits from many of the other guild perks.

Apologies if that was insufficiently clear and you believed I had any interest in carrying on a dispute that I'm unaware of; then again I'm old and perhaps absent minded.

Feel free to feel however you wish about guilds, that is a personal opinion and as such you're entitled to. It does not, however, negate the point that guilds provide perks ranging from extra XP, to faster mounted speed and up to things such as access to a particular range of heirlooms. While those things may hold no interest to you, they might interest others. YMMV

#12 Mar 26 2012 at 12:38 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Rhode is Red.

Gratz! Smiley: grin
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#13 Mar 26 2012 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
399 posts
I've seen (and been in) several bad to indifferent guilds and two great ones. But my requirements might not be anyone else's. First and foremost, I want an established SOCIAL guild, at least level 20 (25 is better). I want a friendly group where they do chat in game and are ready to help from, providing info to helping with tougher jobs. For example, Saturday night I was bored and got into an all-guild PUG that had several good dungeon runs. Then they suggested the Crucible of Carnage, which I'd never seen before, even though all of them had. I wound up with a great bow - the best gear I've the last two levels.

It's a little thing, but I also want a guild where people greet you and sent congratulations when you post an achievement.

One of the guilds (horde) I love was a blind offer when i was starting a new toon. The other (alliance) is one I found through the guild finder utility at around L75. In both cases however, rather than just blindly accepting a first offer. I corresponded briefly in game with one of their L85 player leaders to find out what they were all about and let them know what I wanted, and to let them know what I was bringing to the table. I think I can safely say that neither side has been disappointed in either case.

Edited, Mar 26th 2012 3:10pm by Ollamnh
#14 Mar 26 2012 at 2:43 PM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
Rhodekylle[quote wrote:
I have an 85 Hunter (Horde) on Tichondrius
At 85, you may not care about XP boosts, but you will still get benefits from many of the other guild perks.

I missed the reference to Tichondrius so It is likely I who am old and absentminded. The main reason for the tone of my post was that several times in the past during these type of guild discussions people suggest I give the random invitations a try and enumerate the perks of a being in a guild. If you were not one of them, then I do apologize to you. (And even if you were, my general annoyance got the better of me, so I apologize either way.)

Rhodekylle wrote:
Feel free to feel however you wish about guilds, that is a personal opinion and as such you're entitled to. It does not, however, negate the point that guilds provide perks ranging from extra XP, to faster mounted speed and up to things such as access to a particular range of heirlooms. While those things may hold no interest to you, they might interest others. YMMV

I've never disputed and wholeheartedly agree there are perks to being in guilds. For me, many of them are just not important as to how I play the game - extremely casually, generally solo, no interest in raids, etc. I did note that I recently posted about seeking a certain type of guild and much of what I would like was mentioned by Ollamnh. I may just have found a social guild that states it is more important to have fun people, no drama, respect, helping each other, etc. than a jerk with mega-stats. I plan to speak with the officers of that guild so I may be one of the "guilded" soon.

My gripe isn't with's with this constant random invitations. Again, I came from a game where it was just the opposite - one had to search for a guild, many joined guilds from meeting people with whom they played in a pickup group, etc. But since there are no guild perks for acquiring members, it's a whole different situation, thus my surprise at joining WoW and being immediately bombarded with guild invitations until the friend who invited me clued me into why this is so.

I've always enjoyed your posts, Rhodekylle and again, apologize for the tone of my post.
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
#15 Mar 26 2012 at 7:03 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
Rhode is Red

RAW suspected as much. Smiley: wink

It is likely I who am old and absentminded.

No problem. From the Weekend Summary thread it looks like you're having one of those "nibbled to death by ducks" kind of weeks and those can wear on one. Hope things get better for you.
#16 Mar 27 2012 at 8:14 AM Rating: Excellent
486 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:
No problem. From the Weekend Summary thread it looks like you're having one of those "nibbled to death by ducks" kind of weeks and those can wear on one. Hope things get better for you.

You're right re: RL stuff..and thank you for accepting my apology and your well wishes.
Terrillian Mistfyre
Owner/Operator of The Redhead Express

Intellectually honest, not politically correct
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