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#1 Dec 28 2011 at 8:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Which stereotypical play-style best describes you?
My main is (has been) my main; I play other characters sometimes but they could never take his/her place:26 (38.8%)
I'm an unrepentant altoholic, never really concentrating on any one character:29 (43.3%)
I hang in Goldshire with my beer mug and hit on the all the sexy Nelfs:2 (3.0%)
Your categories suck, __________ describes me much better:10 (14.9%)

So I've definitely become an alt-hopper this last expansion. You know, the multiple 85s, even more low level characters, and flitting around to all of them from time to time. Grabbing addons to keep everything straight, etc.

How about you?
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#2 Dec 28 2011 at 8:10 PM Rating: Default
I have a tendency to play the FOTM...
#3 Dec 28 2011 at 8:26 PM Rating: Excellent
656 posts
I haven't had much opportunity to experience the dungeons / raids with the guild with my 85's so each time another character gets to 85 they get their upgrades that are waiting for them and then pretty much get parked waiting for world events to come along and get a bit more time. 3 at 85 now and 3 more 80+ with a 70, two mid 50's and a 20 something.
I do professions on the alts so I can cover all my own needs, nothing I hate worse than needing something and the only one available is an insane price in the AH via gouging, so I enable myself to make my own. Works for me. Hopefully in the new year my internet and play time will settle down so I can experience more dungeons and maybe some early raids with the guild. We'll see though.
#4 Dec 28 2011 at 8:44 PM Rating: Excellent
My main is my main. However, I have main hopped a bit in the last couple years. Played my mage as my main throughout most of Wrath, then gravitated towards my druid at the end of Wrath and the start of Cata. Eventually got fed up with the eclipse mechanic of Boomkins, and switched to my shadow priest. I do have my mage as my secondary main though.
#5 Dec 28 2011 at 9:17 PM Rating: Excellent
Although in the early years, Dadanox was my hunter main; once I got my holy priest beyond those painful teen years, I've loved the role of healer ever since. He may turn into a big fat panda, but my priest will still be my main.
#6 Dec 28 2011 at 10:06 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
I tend to be something of an altoholic, but one toon tends to be my focus for a particular expansion's end game. That focus may shift when a new expansion hits and changes play. This isn't always because of the expansion itself, but rather because some time around the time the expansion hits I end up changing servers as the English speaking players on my friends list move around.

Fortunately, I'm enough of an altoholic that it doesn't bother me to start over. I even find it somewhat helpful. Particular groups of toons tend to be a reminder of what I was doing during a particular period -- both in game and out. Playing my old Arms toon wouldn't feel the same without my quasi adoptive daughter, but that was also my main during Vanilla. Starting over is a mild annoyance, but it also lets me rethink things as I head into the next expansion's changes.

tl;dr Your categories suck, altoholic in denial describes me much better.
#7 Dec 28 2011 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
399 posts
In the ten months since I encountered WOW, I have played, more or less correct order

1) N/E Hunter, reached L75 but abandoned because he and the quest were boring
2) Dwarf Warrior, L 10 and dropped because hack-and-slash games/roles have never interested me much.
3) Human rogue, L15?, dropped because I didn't really comprehend the class' values and virtues and he was boring, Backstabbing wolves and spiders - yaawwwnnnnnnn
4) Human warlock, L60-ish, started as a market agent alt for #1 but was some fun questing on his own. Abandoned him (and PvP) because I got tired of a few high levels that went around attacking any Alliance player high enough to venture outside the safe areas, plus the PVP guards, merchants, barmaids, these jerks probably shot the deer and bunnies for 'fun'.
5) Goblin rogue primarily for PvP wet work, dropped him after only a few levels, What can i say - I never did like the Ferenghi. And I decided that if I was going to play by learning from a group of scumbags, I could probably find something more interesting on Facebook (OK, no, but, well maybe not, or - let's face it, Facebook reminds me of the early days of the web before the adults showed up.)_
6. Blood elf Hunter (L77) . Fun to play, but dropped him and #7 because of a dull out-of-time-sync server population and moribund guilds.
7. BE mage, 64 at abandonment. Started as putative "younger sister" and market agent for #6.

8) L85 BE Hunter, curent main
9) L24 BE rogue. The only alt to which I'll ever give much effort.

#8 Dec 29 2011 at 1:08 AM Rating: Excellent
I was going to be a continual lurker, but somehow random questions and quizzes always draw me out. *sigh*

I shouldn't be here (here being Alla), as I'm really not at all a serious gamer, despite loving to learn new things and adoring the atmosphere of these forums. On the other hand I am definitely a serious character creator. My highest character is *STILL* stuck at level 42. She was 41 the last time I was posting here regularly, which I think was over a year ago (summer 2010, maybe if I'm lucky it was last winter). So, yeah. And what did I do when I started playing again this winter? Did I hop on to ANY of the characters I've leveled past 20? Any that made it past 10? Any that . . .

Nope. I, um, actually created 4 new characters on an entirely new server.

I really think I need help.

(Oh, and unrepentant altoholic, of course :).)
#9 Dec 29 2011 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
I have two Main characters, one alliance and one horde. I do consider my Main main to be my alliance toon(shadow priest) but i love playing my horde hunter. I also have other lvl 85's strictly for professions since its way cheaper to do everything yourself then spend a billion gold on the AH. The only thing i dont have is inscription other then the shoulder enchant which is nice still seems like a pointless profession so iv never lvled it.
#10 Dec 29 2011 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent
I'm a main-hopper.

Vanilla my main was my mage.
BC and WotLK my main was my pally tank.
Cata my main has been my resto druid.
MoP... my main will still be my resto druid, unless I revert back to my Pally, fall in love with Pandas, or decide to try my shadow priest at the helm.
#11 Dec 29 2011 at 2:39 AM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
I concentrate on a handful of 85s. Honestly, going into Cataclysm I was ready to concentrate on just one character, but then casual accessibility kind of went down the drain (anyone remember 3 hour runs of Heroic BRC?). In the end, I've found myself leveling alts, running heroics, biding my time until MoP comes and rectifies this cataclysmic disaster. I miss Wrath where I could log on to any character any night of the week and get into a half-way decent pug.

Now everyone wants ilvls higher than I can possibly get from heroics and justice points and an achievement link. I have to say this for least I could get into a group. Don't get me wrong, some idiot players slipped through the cracks, but some of us who actually knew what we were doing could use GS to argue our way into groups.
#12 Dec 29 2011 at 10:33 AM Rating: Excellent
988 posts
I miss Wrath where I could log on to any character any night of the week and get into a half-way decent pug.

Now everyone wants ilvls higher than I can possibly get from heroics and justice points and an achievement link. I have to say this for least I could get into a group. Don't get me wrong, some idiot players slipped through the cracks, but some of us who actually knew what we were doing could use GS to argue our way into groups.

This is sooo 4.2...

Since 4.3, the game is as accessible as never before. The new heroics are fast and easy. They drop a very much complete set for every class that can be easily optimized with JP pieces. A week of maybe running 2-3 dungeons a day - which just doesn't take more than maybe an hour and a half - takes everyone to a 378 gear average.

At 372 you can enter LFR and with that get access to the tuned-down version of the gear you'd otherwise enter the PuG-drama for.

Of course I can't speak about your specific server, but for me, the whole crap about people requesting certain ridiculous ilevels for their damn PuGs has completely disappeared.

I'm having a damn good time with all my alts, because suddenly all of them have access to tier tokens with awesome set bonuses or trinkets and weapons with fun procs. I do LFR and my 4 dungeons, and with that have VP capped on toons that would hardly see any action at all.

I'm getting to play my toons in specs that would cause nothing but nasty arguments in your typical PuG raid.

Atonement healer? Frost Mage? Assassination Rogue? Arms Warrior? All that is finally possible now.

I still have my 2 main toons that I do our guild raids with, but I can now play those without neglecting everything else. The only thing that makes those "main" is having access to slightly higer level gear from normal mode raids and having received a little boost through VP BoEs from alts I don't intend to "normal-raid" with anytime soon.

WoW has never been better for altohlics than it is right now. All that's missing is the removal of the character limit per server.
#13 Dec 29 2011 at 12:28 PM Rating: Excellent
202 posts
Kanngarnix wrote:
[quote] All that's missing is the removal of the character limit per server.

This! FFS please remove this limit as I am sick of trying to decide which alt toon to delete when Mists of Pandaria comes out.
#14 Dec 29 2011 at 12:33 PM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
I always try to level up more than one char to levelcap. But somehow...
My second-highest char is a DK that hovers around 65-66. Next comes the level 11 warrior.
There is just so much to do on my main. Soon I will (finally) get the OVER9000 achievement. Not that bad for a character just shy of 13 months old. But it shows how much of my WoW-time I'm committing to him.
#15 Dec 29 2011 at 1:08 PM Rating: Good
1,080 posts
My mains have depended on the server and faction I'm currently on. I have 3 warlocks at 85...alliance, horde, and a hordie on a pvp realm that I xfer'd there and haven't played in a year.

I've become bored with my locks lately tho, and am leveling up a level 72 mage I started on the alliance server which I rolled pre-LK. I'm talking pre-achievements here. So of course, I have to do all of those on the mage now, right? The cooking. And fishing. And...everything. Smiley: rolleyes
#16 Dec 29 2011 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
and dont forget the LFR system. granted i find it an annoying system but if you want to try and get even slightly better gear then heroics you can get the 384 stuff with the potential of actually getting your tier set. Again in my opinion LFR is a pain in the but for the possibility of getting gear since you have to roll against at least half the raid for stuff you want and only 250 vp at the end. where as you can run 2 heroics get 300 vp and do it in half the time lfr takes to do.
#17 Dec 29 2011 at 7:01 PM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
My main has been my male Troll enhancement Shaman since near the start of Lich King and will most likely to continue being my main as long as I am still enjoying playing him. Before he became my main, my female Troll Warrior was my main and I tanked all the way through BC on her. I still keep her leveled up and I still keep telling myself I should get back into tanking on her but until I have my main caught up in the current tier and decently geared, I mainly focus just on him.

That being said, I am very much an altoholic with 7 (I think) 85s and a few more at 80+ plus many lower alts as well. I love playing alts and questing and getting to know the other classes and there are times I just feel like playing a fresh lowbie instead of another alt trudging through the 80-85 zones.
#18 Dec 29 2011 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
807 posts
My main has been my Orc hunter since I started, sometime shortly before the first expansion came out. I changed servers a year or so ago, and now have 2 more 85's (orc shammy and a belf DK) that I play off and on, but I'm pretty bad at both of them and don't play them seriously.
I leveled a Tauren pally up to 70 so far, and have been working on a goblin priest to 65 so far. The priest has been more fun that expected, easy leveling with all the BOA gear, and lots of fast instances while q'n up as a discipline healer with a shadow dps spec. I was hoping to try tanking with the pally, but keep balking at that extra pressure of being responsible for everyone. I've had to jump in and save the group a few times when a tank has died, and that was always fun and exciting though.
Healing with the priest has been even easier, and more fun, since I found the healium addon. So far most instances have been uneventful healing wise, as most groups are overpowered with BOA, that and all the nerfs to old content. I've been getting by with basicly just keeping renew up and flash heals when required.
One of these days I might even get around to taking an Alliance toon to max level.
#19 Jan 03 2012 at 4:53 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
I'm an altaholic who always has a dedicated raiding main. Every expansion I've had more than one toon at level cap (that number has been steady increasing, I'm currently at 9 85s) and whilst my original main is my current main, she wasn't for BC or Wrath. I think Cata is the only expansion so far that I've had the same character as my main for the duration and I was very close to switching class early on in raiding.

I've never been in a hard core raiding guild, the most official raids I've had a week is 3 and my current guild raids 2 nights a week. As I spend quite a lot of time playing WoW this leaves me with plenty of time for leveling alts. I enjoy leveling, but I also like raiding on different classes and I'm quite liking the LFR tool, even though some groups are a bit slow it certainly beats trying to find a pug raid on my server. I haven't been raiding that much recently (been focusing on alts instead), but it's nice that the option will be there when I'm in more of an end-game mood.
#20 Jan 03 2012 at 5:46 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Last one. My main has been my main since... mid-TBC? But I've had three mains:
1. Paladin from vanilla, leveled to 60 playing protection before it had almost ANY redeeming quality.
2. Mage from Nax-era vanilla, played until TBC (although I took a break when TBC first came out). Loved that little gnome. He's still sitting at 67.
3. Druid that has been my main since then.

However, I also level some other characters; my current project is a death knight who is at 65. I also have a rogue at 80 and a Paladin at 85.
#21 Jan 03 2012 at 5:49 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Sad thing is, that the quality of LFR is rapidly declining, the closer you get to the weekly reset. Killing Deathwing on the last day of the WoW week can be a major undertaking.. if not completely impossible.

Probably the best way to make a difference between mains and alts.

If you start taking your own alts through LFR at the beginning of the week, though, you've not only beaten the system, but you also have a clear indicator for having negleted those toons more than they deserve it...
#22 Jan 03 2012 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
Tynuv wrote:
I'm an altaholic who always has a dedicated raiding main.

This. My main is a feral druid. She always comes first. Raiding, gear, PvP, achievements, etc. I have three other 85s (paladin, mage, warrior) and I'm working on another (lvl 71 hunter) and have some neglected lowbies waiting for attention. Alts are a must for me...I'm obsessive about professions, so I try to keep up on the alts for their professions. But, I typically only work on the alts when I don't have something to focus on with my main, or I'm just burned out a little. When push comes to shove, though, I'm on my main at raid time.

Like several others, I'm waiting for Blizz to expand the number of character slots.
#23 Jan 03 2012 at 12:58 PM Rating: Excellent
432 posts
My name is Spooky, and I am an altaholic. I have 9 alliance toons at 80 or above, and 3 of these are at 85. I have a few more horde toons and 2 of these are just over 57. I have managed to resist the temptation of creating many more alts, and so far have tried to limit myself to one realm and dual boxing with two accounts. Hopefully I will one day be able to wean myself off of WoW entirely, but not before I level all of my active toons to the max and I know I will be having a great time doing so.

Thank you <sits down again/>

#24 Jan 03 2012 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
18 posts
My main is my main, my baby, a pixelized me. She gets all the mounts, all the pets, all the achievements, the titles. I have one other 85, and about 4 other toons ranging between 25-60. I always come back to my main, though, no matter what.
#25 Jan 03 2012 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Rystrave wrote:
My main is my main,
Of course, of course.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#26 Jan 03 2012 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Rystrave wrote:
My main is my main,
Of course, of course.

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