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Here We go again.. please only read if you lack 10kDPSFollow

#1 Dec 17 2011 at 12:35 PM Rating: Default
Seriously.... I'm getting sick of people complaining in the new heroics that they can't push 10K dps. So if you are one of these people please read...

1. Do you have all the level 353 or above gear prior to entering into the new twilight heroics?
a. If your answer is NO then please run previous heroics and refer to or other sites to work on your rotation and gear and read no further

2. Is all your gear gemmed correctly?

a. If yes please refer to for a new rotation

b. If No or unsure please look for your class below and read

1. Ret pally - Strength gems in red, strength/crit in yellow, strength/stam blue
2. Rogue/hunter/enh shammy - agi in red, agi/cit in yellow, agi/stam blue
3. Warrior/DK- Strength gems in red, str/crit yellow, str/stam blue
4. Mage/priest/lock/eleshammy- Intel red, intel/haste yellow, intel/stam blue

3. IS your hit rating at the required amount? 8% for melee/hunters apx 12% for casters
a. IF no for melee get License to Stay from Justice Points
b. If no for casters please roll on hit gear in previous heroics
c. IF yes continue on

4. Are you in FULL PVP GEAR?
a. IF so please run lower heroics until your in FULL PVE gear for your class
b. If not then please read on

5. Still not pushing over 10k?
a. Goto and look over heroic fights.

6. Still not pushing over 10k?

Yes I know this might not be a perfect GEM set up but its still enough to push someone to the dps they need. I know some people will be like " Oh if you put this haste gem over crit here then.." ya I know BUT the fact of the matter is 10k dps isn't much dps to be hitting. And yes I know I put the caster hit rating higher then what it should be only cause you should be around 16-17% in raiding...

Finally people wear the gear according to your character! No for a bonus let me add HEALERS

1. Are you a healer under 100k MANNA and not able to keep your tank up?
a. IF YES continue on... if no then ignore all this

2. Is your tank in FULL PVP GEAR?
A. If yes- Trash talk tank into leaving or drop group... tanks in PVP gear SUCK!
B. If not read on

3. Is tank wearing DPS gear with no mitigation ( Dodge,Parry,or Mastery) gear on EVERY ITEM?
A. IF yes Trash talk tank into leaving or drop group
B. If no then contiune

4. Are you in Full PVP GEAR?
A. If Yes run lower heroics or normals until all PVP gear is PVE NO RESILIENCE
B. IF no then read on

5. Are you all Intel/Mastery/Spirit Gemmed?
A. If yes then read on
B. If no then re-gem properly

6. Is your healing gear all have intel/spirit on every Armor item?
A. If no then please run normals/heroics until your are
B. If so please read on

7. Goto Google and type good healing rotation for your class and read ZAM forums!
A. If this helped then sweet
B. IF not.. please quit playing wow and goto coloring books

Edited, Dec 17th 2011 1:37pm by DarkPoet2011
#2 Dec 17 2011 at 12:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Man, I'm seeing some extraordinarily stupid sh*t in heroics these days. I've been running a lot of them to cap my Valor Points every week. I swear, people are getting more stupid by the day. I didn't think it possible, but the people I encounter in the old heroics now are worse than the people in the old heroics pre-Hour of Twilight.

It's as if the windowlickers moved over when the regular idiots advanced to the new heroics. It's hilariously sad. I'm seeing Hunters who forget to resurrect their pets, even after I tell them to. I see Mages and Rogues who rush ahead without a tank while the healer is out of mana - and then try to tank the mobs until help arrives. I've run into Paladins with Righteous Fury on who didn't respond when I told them to disable it. People stand in fire, void zones and electricity. Boss wipe mechanics that are more than a year old by now are still killing people. I ran some heroics today and I was able to draw clear parallels between the behavior of my team mates and the 22 fourth-graders I've teaching the last month.

Now, you could argue that new players probably never ran heroics before, which could be true. Apparently, people can join heroics the moment they ding 85 now, because I've seen players in there wearing crappy greens and with no clue about boss mechanics. I usually go easy on players in crappy gear, because they might be new; but even a new Hunter who managed to fumble his or her way to level 85 should know how to resurrect a dead pet.

The worst of them are the ones in raid (finder) gear who suck so bad at heroics that they're a liability to the rest of us, yet, keep telling me to go faster, do more damage and stop sucking because I'm not wearing T13. Sure, I'm usually 2nd or 3rd in Damage Done, but... I'M THE @#%^ING TANK!

Smiley: mad

DarkPoet wrote:
1. Ret pally - Strength gems in red, strength/crit in yellow, strength/stam blue
2. Rogue/hunter/enh shammy - agi in red, agi/cit in yellow, agi/stam blue
3. Warrior/DK- Strength gems in red, str/crit yellow, str/stam blue
4. Mage/priest/lock/eleshammy- Intel red, intel/haste yellow, intel/stam blue

You generally don't put stamina gems in blue sockets. Stamina increases your DPS by 0. You gem strength and hit, or agility and hit, or intellect and hit, or intellect and spirit if you're a healer.

The only exception is if you're tanking, but even then, you'll either want to go for pure stamina or some defensive stat, like dodge, mastery or parry.

Edited, Dec 20th 2011 7:30pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#3 Dec 17 2011 at 1:12 PM Rating: Excellent
1,882 posts
Here I thought Theo was a jerk...but sadly the tone in the OP is just being a jerk. The last thing we need in WoW is more trash talk. How about instead of being an *** to a player having a hard time you try politely explaining/helping them out? It usually goes over better and you're actually helping instead of adding to the increasing number of jackasses roaming World of Warcraft.
#4 Dec 17 2011 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
While I'd normally agree that helping > flaming, even the best of us eventually reach a point where we realize that idiots will be idiots, no matter how much we try to teach them. When people die to fire for the nth time, it's no longer fun telling them to move out of it. You turn to ridiculing because maybe, just maybe, public humiliation will make them wake up.

As for this particular thread, it's pretty tame. He's not, as far as I can tell, calling people names or anything. He's just providing some fairly correct information and venting frustration in the process.

I know a couple of us have disagreed on the purpose of this forum, with some purists wanting it to be just an information hub, but since its creation, regulars have come here to vent as well. We all need to vent once in a while, especially if we're to remain friendly towards aforementioned idiots, and we all vent in different ways. The way I see it, Poet is just venting in his own way.

Also, Theo makes this thread look like rainbows and bubbles.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#5 Dec 17 2011 at 1:36 PM Rating: Excellent
Seriously, trash talk isn't necessary.

And yeah, I've never seen anyone recommend anyone but a tank gem for stamina. That's just weird. Hit and/or spirit is much better, but for dps at least, it's better to just throw red gems into everything unless the socket bonus is +20 of a primary stat, or 30 of a secondary stat, provided you only have to use one yellow/blue socket.

Also, there's no need to tell casters to get 12% hit or GTFO when they're doing heroics. You say that you know it's higher than they need, so why tell them they should have higher than they need? You don't know if they're raiding or not.
#6 Dec 17 2011 at 1:40 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Have you guys actually read his post? Where's the trash talk? I only skimmed his, but I think my post contained more trash talk than his. I even dropped the f-bomb in it.

Oh, wait, I think I found it!


Yeah, still pretty tame. Smiley: disappointed

Edit: Woops, made it sound like I'd read his post and you hadn't. Was intended to be the other way around.

Edited, Dec 17th 2011 8:44pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#7 Dec 17 2011 at 2:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Yes I did Maz, did you read the healer section? Smiley: tongue

2. Is your tank in FULL PVP GEAR?
A. If yes- Trash talk tank into leaving or drop group... tanks in PVP gear SUCK!
B. If not read on
#8 Dec 17 2011 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Hell, I'll trash talk players who show up in full PvP gear regardless of their role in the group.

You don't show up in full PvP gear on accident, or because you just didn't know better. If you're wearing FULL PvP gear then you're experienced enough to know that entering a dungeon in PvP gear is going to cripple your performance. You queued up because you wanted to cap Valor Points so you could turn them into Conquest Points. That's the only reason you're there.

Those people have no desire to improve their performance. That's not a wild accusation, it's firsthand experience. Anyone who disagrees is more than welcome to join me for a couple of random heroics. One out of two heroic runs will feature some PvP superstar. It's a nightmare every single time, either because the tank gets hammered to pudding, the healer runs out of mana mid-fight, or the overall DPS isn't enough to beat the soft enrage timer.

PvP gear is for PvP.
PvE gear is for PvE.

Learn it by level 85 or GTFO. I can only agree with Poet there.

Edit: That came out a lot harsher than I thought it would, but it's how I feel and I don't see any reason to pretend otherwise. I've played this game long enough to tell a newb from a noob. I'm all for helping the former, but the latter gets the boot - except for the majority of cases where I have to wait 30 minutes before I can kick a person who just caused two wipes in a row. Excellent vote kick system.

Edited, Dec 17th 2011 9:27pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#9 Dec 17 2011 at 2:53 PM Rating: Excellent
Oh I agree that there's no excuse for it. I just don't think trash talking is going to help any. If you want to leave the group, fine. That's probably what I would do.
#10 Dec 17 2011 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
527 posts
I have to say I agree with Mazra. I get what DarkPoet is saying although I don't entirely agree with the way he said it. There is a definate difference between someone who is new, learning, and gearing and to someone who just plain doesn't give a damn.

One example is I ran a DS half pug on my spriest alt this week. When we get there and start getting ready to go I inspect the hunter out of the curiosity of a hunter being my main. I then notice he has a terrible spec, nothing gemmed, nothing enchanted, and is dual weilding with an expertise/haste offhand. I say something in vent and his response is he spent all hims money on his rogue. I then whisper him offering to help with any pointers he could need about spec, gear, and so on with no reply back. I say something in vent about how much of a mess his whole character is and he gets pissed at me over it. This is an example of someone with no intrest to even try to improve.

I am always willing to help someone who wants to get better, but if they don't care and hold me and the group back because of it, yeah I get pissed to.

Oh I agree that there's no excuse for it. I just don't think trash talking is going to help any. If you want to leave the group, fine. That's probably what I would do.

Leaving the group is a fine way to deal with it, actually it's probly the better way to. The problem I have with it is I then go back into a 30-40 min queue while they **** off until they find someone to carry them the rest of the way through. They get away with it, get their reward and carry on with the same behavior, because why not it just paid off for them.
#11 Dec 17 2011 at 5:11 PM Rating: Excellent
As a dps, I usually will stick it out and/or try to kick the bad player. If I'm healing (which doesn't happen very often) I'm usually more likely to say something polite to the tank, and if I get no response or an ******* response, then I'll leave. I'll admit, one of the perks to healing is that you have a significantly shorter queue time, although not as short as a tank's.
#12 Dec 17 2011 at 7:20 PM Rating: Excellent
3,166 posts
I'd make a small plea on the PvP gear front.

Now I don't PvP and have never had any interest in it. I was just looking through the craftable stuff the other day still fed up that while tailors and blacksmiths and engineers can make head slots with meta sockets - hell any sockets LW cannot.

Anyways I noticed that the PvP blues have been massively enhanced - in stats as well as iLvl. I know resilience is a pointless stat for PvE but it got me something like 130 more AGI. That improves my dps regardless of the wasted resi.

The helms from the points vendors all require a drop. This makes it a catch-22 situation since I need to do the heroics to get the drop. As a temporary solution the Bloodthirsty hat seems like a sensible move.

And if inspected I wouldn't be fully gemmed/enchanted. I'm not wasting serious gems on items I will be replacing asap. Now I have the HP belt it'll get buckled and gemmed. When I made the crafted purple chest it got Peerless stats and 40 agi gems. But I'm not putting 300g gems in a green or a similarly priced enchant on one. One exception is that my ranged weapon (as a hunter) always has a scope.

With the new quests at 85 it probably is easy for people to go quite quickly into heroics. I'm working to even out the average since none of my 85s have done one yet Smiley: smile
Wherever I go - there I am.
#13 Dec 17 2011 at 8:18 PM Rating: Excellent
There's nothing wrong with using green gems in gear you know you're going to upgrade soon. At least that way people know you're trying.

I don't mind dps or healers wearing some pvp gear, but the issue the OP specifically mentioned was a tank in ALL pvp gear. As far as I'm aware, there is no tank role in pvp, because you can't taunt other players. So PvP gear has no dodge and no parry stats on it, which makes it extremely difficult for tanks to get those stats, and extremely difficult for a healer to keep that person up, even if they're an amazing healer.
#14 Dec 17 2011 at 8:25 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts

That's why we said:
DarkPoet2011 wrote:
Are you in Full PVP GEAR?
Mazra wrote:
If you're wearing FULL PvP gear

I don't mind a player wearing a PvP item or two. The stat loss won't matter. It's when the guy is wearing a full set of PvP gear I begin to worry.

And to whoever disagrees so heavily with me, I can only suggest you run some more random dungeons. You won't have a clue what I'm talking about, or why, until you get into that magic random where people are wearing full PvP gear.

Then you'll know and then you'll realize just how right I am.

Ps. Cobra, you can buy ilvl 346 hats from Legacy Justice Quartermasters. They're pricey (in Justice Points), but they'll last you until you can get your drops. Like I said, though, one or two PvP items aren't a problem.

Edited, Dec 18th 2011 3:25am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#15 Dec 17 2011 at 8:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Fixed. I detest it when people rate others down but don't even bother posting in the thread to be argumentative.
#16 Dec 17 2011 at 8:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I applaud the optimism and stamina of anyone who wants to move my karma rating. Sure, I might drop back down to Scholar, but I kind of preferred blue anyway.

With a new name color comes greater responsibility. It reminds me too much of customer service. The higher up you go, the more friendly and smiley you have to be all the time. I was born angry so it's not in my nature.

Edit: Scratch that, only works for the user. I guess you'd have to trick the forum search to find all my posts.

Edited, Dec 18th 2011 3:40am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#17 Dec 17 2011 at 9:47 PM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
Wonder Gem PigtailsOfDoom wrote:
Fixed. I detest it when people rate others down but don't even bother posting in the thread to be argumentative.

I rated the OP down and I don't have anything to say to him/her.
Redundant info is redundant. Why he/she feels the need to beat this dead horse (again) here is beyond me.
#18 Dec 17 2011 at 10:08 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Blue sockets, from what I understand, tanks generally stick Stam+Mastery in those last I heard.

But then my information could be out-dated.

But yes, the OP comes across like a total jerk.

I hate windowlickers like everyone else does, but sheesh. Preaching here on Allakhazam isn't going to fix anything. Most of those who are regulars here already know the drill, so you just end up preaching to the choir.
#19 Dec 17 2011 at 10:39 PM Rating: Good
1,877 posts
-shrug- I didn't rate the OP up or down. Partially due to how I can see where he is coming from but approaching it the wrong way.

But mainly due to this Smiley: deadhorse
#20 Dec 18 2011 at 12:44 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
1. Do you have all the level 353 or above gear prior to entering into the new twilight heroics?
a. If your answer is NO then please run previous heroics and refer to or other sites to work on your rotation and gear and read no further

This caught my eye too.

OP, in case you didn't know, the regular Random Heroic Queue INCLUDES HoT and ZA/ZG whether you want them or not.

As soon as your average gear reaches a certain point, the LFD system will throw you in these dungeons regardless if you want them, or if you're comfortable with them.

Some of these people do not want to be in HoT at all but yet are forced into it.

And NO, Qing for specifics is NOT the answer, as you lose out on lots of money and VP.

Don't like it? Join the other people who are trying to get Blizz to reconsider their stance on this issue. Blizz feels that as soon as your average gear matches some number, you are "Ready" for the new Heroics.

They think you should have to suffer wipes, kicks, deserter debuffs and ridicule if you are not experienced enough for them.

Edited, Dec 18th 2011 1:46am by Lyrailis
#21 Dec 18 2011 at 4:50 AM Rating: Excellent
1,882 posts
There are three unique features introduced to the game that I feel necessary to inform you all about:

  • Vote Kick - By right clicking on a party frame you can initiate a vote to kick an offending player. If at least 3 out of the 5 players agree that person is gone and will not rejoin your group.
  • Leave Party - This is a new one, its only been around 7 years, so I can understand if some of you are unaware of it. Right clicking on your character's party frame will open a dialogue. Right click, select "Leave Party", and--amazingly--you will instantly leave the party and not have to deal with the obnoxious player(s) anymore!
  • Ignore - This is another new feature that you may or may not be aware of. By right clicking on a character frame or name in chat you can access a dialogue that will add the selected player to your ignore list. Once on the ignore list you will never be grouped with that player again. Furthermore, this option has the added benefit of never having to see this person's dribble ever again.

All three of these features require little to no asshatery on your part and keep the chat environment enjoyable for the entire party. Because lets face it, ridiculing, insulting, and demeaning people really ruins the atmosphere in what we like to call a game: a source of relaxation and entertainment. By being a total jackwagon all you are managing to do is ruin the game for the other players who are trying and making yourself out to be a loser.
#22 Dec 18 2011 at 8:07 AM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
ekaterinodar wrote:
Because lets face it, ridiculing, insulting, and demeaning people really ruins the atmosphere in what we like to call a game: a source of relaxation and entertainment. By being a total jackwagon all you are managing to do is ruin the game for the other players who are trying and making yourself out to be a loser.

Order now and receive this happy smiley button for free! Feeling down and off your game? Push the smiley button and it'll compliment you on anything from being a sexy beast to being good at breathing.

That's a $10 value for just $9.99!

"The happy smiley button has made me a better person by being a bad player!"
- Happy customer #1

"I used to hate my life whenever I stood in fire, but thanks to the happy smiley button, I now know that I'm no worse than everyone else!"
- Happy customer #2

Smiley: smile

Ps. Heroics would be boring without the drama.

Aww, at least click the smiley button before rating me down.

Edited, Dec 18th 2011 3:11pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#23 Dec 18 2011 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
530 posts
Listen here buddy,
This is a game, its meant for fun. The fact that you listed a myriad of classes, roles, and websites leads me to believe that you're a step above the casual player and shouldn't be running with random people who may not take this game as seriously as you. Furthermore, I'm willing to be that you're not an expert on every class or role and on every encounter. If for some reason you are a WoW guru, then please play with the rest of the elitists because no one wants to log in and be ridiculed by strangers.

Yes, I understand that perhaps someones DPS or iLevel, or any other variable, may not be to your liking. For some people the new content is still new, and encounters may be new, and with that being the case, fight mechanics and movement may affect a players rotation. Players, may also still not be fully decked out in new 378 or valor gear. Now, have you taken the time to explain, in a polite way, a fight to someone who maybe hasn't done it? Or do you quickly boot them and tell them to go color books?

Furthermore, your post asks if players are gemmed correctly, then it goes on to list gems players should have based on class/role, and finishes with you admitting that it's not the perfect get set up. So basically, if I'm not gemmed correctly according to you, I should follow your guide on what gems to get and then... I still wont be gemmed accordingly. I don't want to burst your bubble, but gems and rotation vary for most players based on their playing style.

And lastly, a small part of me really hopes that I group up with you. I'm fairly confident that my gem, rotation, and dps will easily meet your expectations - but, and here's the but, with my super high 'pro' DPS I will attack anything and everything I see, I may or may not pull aggro from tank, I wont move out of the fire so as I don't mess up my rotation and then I'll blame the healer for not having the right gems or the appropriate amount of mana to keep me up or blame the tank for not holding aggro. I will also constantly post DPS meters to prove how good I am and show that I'm the best around, and nothings ever going to keep me down.

Merry Christmas

#24 Dec 18 2011 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Yeah, that'll show him. Smiley: rolleyes
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#25 Dec 18 2011 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
1,877 posts
Like I said Smiley: deadhorse
#26 Dec 18 2011 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
It's been seven years. Everything is Smiley: deadhorse at this point.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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