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The Cataclysm Ending (Spoilers!)Follow

#1 Dec 02 2011 at 12:59 AM Rating: Excellent
MMO-Champ had this up on their site as well, but I'll mirror it here:

I actually didn't watch it on YouTube, I saw it in game for the first time tonight (that is a fun fight, by the way, and seeing Deathwing go into Jellyfishmode is kinda funny. If it weren't also kinda scary)

But what do you think? Major things from the video:

1. Dragon Aspects are depowered and presumably stepping aside for the remainder of WoW, having "accomplished their goal".
2. Aggra's pregnant.
3. It is the "dawn of the Age of Mortals" as if it wasn't already.

Anywho, compared to the ending of Wrath, I felt like it wasn't very good. I mean, it was kind of just "Yeah, you beat the boss. Woo hoo. Take your loot and get out."

And what was up with the Dragon Aspects losing their powers? Not only did they not explain why, but how the crap is Nozdormu going to eventually become the leader of the Infinite Dragonflight and ***** with time if he doesn't have the required time powers?

A lot of it just doesn't make sense to me. I mean, sure, the "There must always be a Lich King" thing was an asspull out of nowhere too, but at least they hinted at that in the dungeons leading up to the raid.

Ah well. I think they just did this to remove the one group that could probably prevent a war between the Alliance and the Horde, paving the way for MoP and it's villain, "war itself" (gag).

So what did you guys think? Did you enjoy the ending? Did you wait until the fight to do it? Was the fight itself fun?

Edited, Dec 2nd 2011 2:03am by IDrownFish
#2 Dec 02 2011 at 5:13 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Alex is hot, even without glowing eyes. That's pretty much all I got out of it.

I can imagine the sh*tstorm on the Oboards about "Horde favoritism!" though.

I think the aspects lost their powers because the Dragon Soul is destroyed or something.

But considering the lore *********** they've pulled off over the years, who knows?

Edited, Dec 2nd 2011 12:21pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#3 Dec 02 2011 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent

The ending just made me want to figuratively gag over how cheesey it is/was. Unoriginal too. :/

The questions already raised in this thread don't help much either.
#4 Dec 02 2011 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
1,877 posts
The dragons only gave up their immortality. They still have their other powers to do with as they will. While it was a bit of a cheesy ending I didn't find it any cheesier than the ending to WotLK. Father watches his son die in his arms, war hero who people thought was dead comes out of nowhere and makes the ultimate sacrifice to save humanity.
#5 Dec 02 2011 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
Mazra wrote:
I think the aspects lost their powers because the Dragon Soul is destroyed or something.

Criminy wrote:
The dragons only gave up their immortality. They still have their other powers to do with as they will.

If you talk to Nozdormu after the fight, he says "With my powers gone, the Dragon Soul has returned to its place in time.
#6 Dec 02 2011 at 10:44 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
I think them putting the future in the hands of mortals sets up a nice juxtaposition with increased warfare they want to have between the alliance and horde. Not to mention a nice way to simmer it down eventually if they so choose. There's also a lot of story potential depending on how weakened the dragonflights are. Also what's up with Deathwing falling into the Malstorm? Isn't that the way down to Deepholm where he recovered last time?

Also I think there was a short story up on WoW's website that explained some things as well (if I could only find the link...).

Anyway, between all that and the unresolved problems in Vash'jir, I imagine they have plenty of story arcs to pick and choose from. It'll be interesting to see what they choose to address next expansion, what gets put off until later, and what gets dropped altogether.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#7 Dec 03 2011 at 3:59 AM Rating: Excellent
I saw this by flying over and talking to Chromie, without knowing what she was going to show, earlier today. I sat there and thought, "Okay, well, I guess I basically just saw the climax of this whole expansion already." And it's the 'already' bit that really hit me. It feels so soon, without much having occured. And now Deathwing is dead, with however long to wait for the next expansion.

I don't want to sound like a negative person and I'm certainly not saying that I haven't had fun this expansion. The world changes have been great, I've enjoyed leveling with alts, doing PvP, chatting, getting gear, etc. But - story/drama wise - this expansion hasn't felt as compelling as I expected or wanted it to be. Arthas was a major presence in Wrath. Not just visually but emotionally. Blizzard made you feel the threat of him even when he wasn't around. Deathwing, though, has been some nebulous idea that exists somewhere.

Granted, the ideas are different here. Arthas was gradually coaxing you into his arms the whole time, where as Deathwing doesn't give a flying f*ck who or where you are. You're an ant to him. But I still don't fear him like I did with Arthas. I don't get the feeling that Deathwing could be over my shoulder. I get told by NPC's, "Repent! The end is near! Deathwing is loose, he's going to kill us all! Seas will boil, the sky will drop down and the earth will melt under his power!! ... But, never mind that right now. Do these things for me instead." Sure, we've tackled the Twilight's Hammer and people have taken down Ragnaros - which are all connected to Deathwing, lorewise. They just don't feel connected. I don't feel like I'm rescuing the world - or building up to rescuing the world. I feel like I'm killing some mentally imbalanced mages that lots of the NPC's I get my quests from could handle.

And it feels like, after months of mopping up some demented cults and irritating upstarts, we've suddenly jumped - out of nowhere - to, "NAO YOU FIGHT DEATHWING!! Okay, now you killed him. All done."

I feel like I've been flirting with someone at a party for an evening and we've finally both agreed that we'd like to adjourn to a bed together. Then, when we're on the way, they have some spontaneous ****** by themselves and say, "wait, I'm okay now. It's been good. Bye!" while I'm just unbuttoning my jeans.
#8 Dec 03 2011 at 6:32 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
It's a little annoying that Deathwing's actual death isn't in the video.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#9 Dec 03 2011 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
807 posts
/agrees with Smallsword.

I recall some blue post ages ago where they stated that they were quite excited about how Arthas was always involved in the story line throughout Wrath and that they wanted to continue that with the next expansion. I did enjoy how he was involved and showing up.
So aside from a couple quests in Cata, the most obvious being the end of the quests in Twilight Highlands, Deathwing was an aspect that was largely forgotten for being the supposed center of attention.

*aspect pun somewhat intended*
#10 Dec 03 2011 at 4:47 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Was anyone else hoping that Bolvar (aka LK 2.0) and his undead army would come to the aid of Wyrmrest Temple just as it was going to be over run?

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#11 Dec 03 2011 at 4:52 PM Rating: Good
I'm guessing we won't see him at all until the expansion after MoP, at the earliest.
#12 Dec 03 2011 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts

Ah well. I think they just did this to remove the one group that could probably prevent a war between the Alliance and the Horde, paving the way for MoP and it's villain, "war itself" (gag).

That's exactly what the scads of PvP Junkies have been begging Blizzard for, for years.

"OMG Let's put WAR back in World of WARcraft!"
"What's up with all the PvE!? I want PvP!"
"WoW should be about Horde vs Alliance!"

Blah blah blah.

I'm just hoping that MoP will have enough PvE stuff for us non-PvP junkies. Though, with Resilience being built-in to characters (at least to some extent), maybe I might dip my toes into the waters so-to-speak.. at least enough to collect the Honor mounts and get an achievement or three.

I just didn't feel like trying to grind up a whole 'nuther gear set while bending over for everyone else in the BG to have their way with me until I got enough honor to buy a set of gear. Hopefully the resilience change fixes that a little.
#13 Dec 03 2011 at 5:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Was anyone else hoping that Bolvar (aka LK 2.0) and his undead army would come to the aid of Wyrmrest Temple just as it was going to be over run?

Yes. I hope they bring back Bolvar at some point.

Speaking of the Lich King. Arthas was all frosty and so was his armies. Now that Bolvar is the fiery Lich King, does this mean he controls a... burning... legion?

Smiley: um
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#14 Dec 03 2011 at 5:43 PM Rating: Excellent
1,877 posts
Quiet Mazra! You will give Blizzard thoughts they shouldn't have.
#15 Dec 03 2011 at 7:29 PM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
So aside from a couple quests in Cata, the most obvious being the end of the quests in Twilight Highlands, Deathwing was an aspect that was largely forgotten for being the supposed center of attention.

I'll settle for Deathwing appearing to randomly toast whole areas from time to time, glowing claw marks on the gates of Stormwind and constant reminders that the whole landscape was changed. Deathwing doesn't really care about me; I'm a spear carrier for a host of NPCs (who somehow still keep needing me to bail them out). I didn't particularly like: "look, it is the Lich King and he could crush you all like worms but he didn't (again)" as a running theme.
#16 Dec 03 2011 at 8:15 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:
So aside from a couple quests in Cata, the most obvious being the end of the quests in Twilight Highlands, Deathwing was an aspect that was largely forgotten for being the supposed center of attention.

I'll settle for Deathwing appearing to randomly toast whole areas from time to time, glowing claw marks on the gates of Stormwind and constant reminders that the whole landscape was changed. Deathwing doesn't really care about me; I'm a spear carrier for a host of NPCs (who somehow still keep needing me to bail them out). I didn't particularly like: "look, it is the Lich King and he could crush you all like worms but he didn't (again)" as a running theme.


Deathwing just flies about the world, roasting people as he does in between sessions of banging his mate (until we kill her, that is).

He doesn't care about any one person, 'cept a couple times he shows up (Rhea, Alexstrasza, Ragnaros).

And yeah, that whole "I'm going to appear here, make you **** your pants, then walk away" thing of the Lich King did get a little old after awhile.
#17 Dec 03 2011 at 10:23 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Was anyone else hoping that Bolvar (aka LK 2.0) and his undead army would come to the aid of Wyrmrest Temple just as it was going to be over run?

That would have been EPIC.

EDIT: Then again, I think they have other plans as to what they have in store for Bolvar.

Edited, Dec 4th 2011 1:42am by ekaterinodar
#18 Dec 04 2011 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Arthas has been the driving "Big Bad" since WCIII, which really was a set up for the release of WoW. Both TBC & WotLK were focused on wrapping up the WCIII & Frozen Throne story lines.

It was clear from press releases & blue posts at the end of WotLK and as the ramp up for Cataclysm began that Blizzard desperately wanted to dispel the notion that beating Arthas = winning WoW. It is pretty clear how that would be seen negatively for a company that runs on a subscription basis.

Which is where the manufactured even "bigger bad" of Deathwing came in. Lets face it, the lore in WoW is paper thin & subject to change on whims in order to suit the developers wishes. Bring back a dragon aspect everyone assumed died in a game released in the mid 90's & build him up to be 10x what Arthas was & build up an entirely new set of lore around him to justify it.

/shrug It didn't really work out all that well, & Deathwing wasn't really all that big of a success and neither was Cataclysm which is why Blizzard is sending it out the door post haste and moving on to MoP where we are being carefully steered away from the idea of a "Big Bad" which has dominated the last 3 expansions.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#19 Dec 04 2011 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
There is also a bunch of unresolved story line in Cata that really annoys:

I also play Alliance so if I missed something Horde Side just let me know.

- Did we ever see a resolution to internal strife in Horde, Trolls & Taurens being angry with the new Warchief?
- The Dwarfs & their inner turmoil is unresolved.
- The entire Vashjir story line cut short because Blizz wants to forget Cata happened.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#20 Dec 04 2011 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
/agrees with Smallsword too

Although I have to restrain myself from making LK the measuring stick of WoW expansions (because hey, it wasn't perfect either), I can't help but remember how awesome the Lich King fight feels...

Despite the length of the expansion's patch cycle and some questionably illogical content (Naxx downgraded to "entry" raid, Argent tourney altogether), I felt the build up to the Lich King fight nailed it all pretty well, to me, that is.

I don't feel emotionally involved with Deathwing (I'm a 'stood in the fire' ant after all) and the lore just hasnt drawn me in. I still don't understand what's going on (what his peeve is about) even now. And frankly, I don't care.

And it's disappointing that my "WoW fix" matters more than "fighting the good fight" against some obscure big bad guy. *sigh* :(
#21 Dec 04 2011 at 6:58 PM Rating: Excellent
bodhisattva wrote:
There is also a bunch of unresolved story line in Cata that really annoys:

I also play Alliance so if I missed something Horde Side just let me know.

- Did we ever see a resolution to internal strife in Horde, Trolls & Taurens being angry with the new Warchief?
- The Dwarfs & their inner turmoil is unresolved.
- The entire Vashjir story line cut short because Blizz wants to forget Cata happened.

This. A lot. This is part of what I meant about things being lacking in the story department. Dramatic threads have been built up this expansion with little purpose. Even their introduction was anti-climactic. You know that quest line where Thrall gets split in four parts by Staghelm and you have to go calm his emotional a$$ down and put him together like shamanistic lego? Yeah, it's simple and everything but, still, that's a story element that we witness. We take part in it, since we're characters in that world. The introduction of Cata skipped that idea though. Look back at our Wrath selves, learning about what Cata will bring:

The world of Azeroth will be shattering. Regions will be breaking open or being flooded, dried out or whatever. War is going to be triggered. Garrosh is becoming Warchief, he's going to start being a **** and sparking massive amounts of resentment in the other Horde leaders and groups by being a raging idiot. Big things are going to be happening over time, right? I thought it would be epic.

But what happened? I get the expansion, make some characters and login. Then race introduction movies tell me that - out of the blue - Cairn has been killed, sh*t's gone down with factions, people are grumpy, here's the new world. No build up, no in-game introduction of Garrosh as Warchief. No gradual signs of tension among the races, or in-game witnessing of mistakes made or accidental assassinations. Everything is just suddenly in the past tense and I'm just told, "Oh, by the way, you didn't see it but some people died and crazy things happened. Now, start killing boars!"

When I quested through Vash'jir (after I got over wanting to kill myself for being in an entirely water filled zone), I was astounded by the quest lines Blizzard had made. Naga history, racial and political conflict, influences of an Old God creeping in. It felt like I was being lead somewhere great. Maybe I had no right to expect it but I was looking forward to the talk of Queen Azshara there to lead to her eventually being unveiled as a major story element this expansion. That the discussion about her ancient political maneuverings and power grabs in Vash'jir would go somewhere. It doesn't though. I hear that she existed and that some sh*t went down ages ago and then that's it. All past tense again!

What about the Old God that influenced Deathwing? Deathwing's dead but what about the root cause? In Vanilla, we discovered C'Thun and ended his madness. In Wrath, we uncovered Yogg-Saron, clue by clue and destroyed him. Forgive me if I just happened to miss learning about it being featured somewhere but I haven't seen this third Old God that exists. Are Jaina, Thrall, Malfurion and the dragon Aspects really just not caring about this?

I haven't even got the sense that these are deliberately being left open for resolution in a story they have planned for later. The Old God, the trolls, the taurens, the dwarves, the naga, etc. It doesn't feel like the end of one chapter, which is overtly hinting that these events will have consequences as soon as you flip over the page. It feels more like this is some story elements Blizz tossed together to give this expansion form and content for itself, regardless of if it means anything for Azeroth in general. Like young, inexperienced writers thinking that describing a person as "blonde haired, blue eyed, with a green sweater and a love of jelly beans" passes for character development. It's all a skin and nothing more. And, however much fun individual quests, battlegrounds or dungeons have been, it's pretty depressing that that's all the storyline overall amounted to.

Edited, Dec 5th 2011 3:56am by Smallsword
#22 Dec 04 2011 at 9:10 PM Rating: Good

What he said.
#23 Dec 07 2011 at 12:44 AM Rating: Good
The Smallsword of Doom wrote:

What about the Old God that influenced Deathwing? Deathwing's dead but what about the root cause? In Vanilla, we discovered C'Thun and ended his madness. In Wrath, we uncovered Yogg-Saron, clue by clue and destroyed him. Forgive me if I just happened to miss learning about it being featured somewhere but I haven't seen this third Old God that exists. Are Jaina, Thrall, Malfurion and the dragon Aspects really just not caring about this?

That was N'Zoth, the force behind the Emerald Nightmare (at least behind it this week, everybody and their grandmother seems to have had the Nightmare as part of their schemes in their day), Deathwing escaping, Cho'gall and thus the Twilight Hammer, Staghelm's corruption, Ragneros, et cetera. Apparently he was defeated in a book, thus robbing us of all of that. The same book in which we found out that all our morrowgrain turn-ins were being used to poison Malfurion. An Emerald Dream 5-man instance for early Cata (replace BRC) where such things were revealed and Staghelm gets to go turncoat and get captured would have been an INCREDIBLE instance. Too bad that didn't happen.

Tensions are high within the Horde, but in the Troll intro quests Thrall asks whatshisface'Jin to try not to kill Garrosh, and the Tauren understand their beef is with the Grimtotems even if other people don't. Too bad Magatha flew off at the end of Thousand Needles and hasn't been heard from again. She's off chilling with Neptulon in the land of "resolved" plotlines.
#24 Dec 07 2011 at 3:10 AM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Arthas has been the driving "Big Bad" since WCIII, which really was a set up for the release of WoW. Both TBC & WotLK were focused on wrapping up the WCIII & Frozen Throne story lines.

It was clear from press releases & blue posts at the end of WotLK and as the ramp up for Cataclysm began that Blizzard desperately wanted to dispel the notion that beating Arthas = winning WoW. It is pretty clear how that would be seen negatively for a company that runs on a subscription basis.

Which is where the manufactured even "bigger bad" of Deathwing came in. Lets face it, the lore in WoW is paper thin & subject to change on whims in order to suit the developers wishes. Bring back a dragon aspect everyone assumed died in a game released in the mid 90's & build him up to be 10x what Arthas was & build up an entirely new set of lore around him to justify it.

/shrug It didn't really work out all that well, & Deathwing wasn't really all that big of a success and neither was Cataclysm which is why Blizzard is sending it out the door post haste and moving on to MoP where we are being carefully steered away from the idea of a "Big Bad" which has dominated the last 3 expansions.

To be honest, I'm done being the "adventurer" and would like to actually be the "hero". Since...well...ever we're treated as groupies of the real heroes, do all the work, and then get treated like common folk. Here I am standing in gear I tore off the body of the greatest threat to the whole freakin' universe and I'm still being treated as santa's little helper.

A weaker bad guy would be a welcome change. Someone who we can reasonably fight without the help of a lore mascot like malfurion or thrall. Yes, include them in the game. But make their story a side story to what we're doing.

I also agree that Deathwing was a complete and utter failure as a bad guy. I've thought so since the beginning and probably commented about it somewhere before Cataclysm was released. I never played the old Warcraft games or read any of the books...and I still have little clue as to who he really is. This is in spite of having completed nearly every quest in the game. Cataclysm quests mention him on occasion, but rarely is he developed. We're just expected to welcome him like he was Arthas.

Arthas was awesome. We knew about Arthas. Even if we didn't know about Arthas directly we knew about the undead scourge from Tirisfal, Silverpine, Western Plaguelands, and Eastern Plaguelands. I have to admit, when I would see Arthas suddenly pop up in a quest in Northrend I actually got goose bumps. He was scary. We had major quest lines telling us who he is and why we needed to fear him. Icecrown itself is more or less a crash course in the Scourge and Arthas. Deathwing is as scary as a wet noodle. Which I blame much on his nearly comical face and his lack of establishment as a character. Its really bad writing and I don't know many people who really care about him.

At least when ICC was released my nonraiding guild mustered the will power to start raiding because we all wanted to be a part of the Lich King's end. Deathwing? Who is that?
#25 Dec 08 2011 at 4:06 AM Rating: Excellent
1,882 posts
So, I just completed Dragon Soul in LFR and this is my take... (to reiterate...spoilers)

1) The dragon aspects are now going to die? What? "Our purpose has been served." No it hasn't. You weren't created to fight Deathwing. You were created as keepers of Azeroth.

2) You've spent four full games trying to convince me that the Horde are bad and yet you insist on including Thrall as the only major character involved. Excuse me, but Thrall has been leader and mortal enemy of my faction since the start. I am in no way shape or form moved. Yes, I play Horde, and as a horde player I would definitely have a different view of it. But as an alliance character, your story about Thrall is unmoving. Here you are trying to hammer out an expansion about how the Horde and Alliance are at war and you choose THRALL as the main character and hero?

Obviously, this wasn't well thought out. Nor has the whole Alliance vs. Horde conflict. Since Burning Crusade its been obvious that both sides have been slowly working together. Yes its a tumultuous relationship that breaks out into skirmishes, but the purely artificial attempts at convincing us they are sworn enemies has failed. Stop trying to interject it.

3) LFR is laughably easy. Did I say laughably? I mean, easier than regular 85 dungeons. I expected it to be easy, but this was flatout laughable. I spent most of the 8 bosses spamming Holy Radiance and occasionally hitting my cooldowns to get mana back. I found the only real challenge was not falling asleep while I waited for the boss to die. I understood you wanted to make it easIER, but this is a joke. I've been a casual raider since BC, and my list of downed bosses at level is pathetic. I am by no means a super hardcore elitist raider...and I found this so easy it hurt. I have not been so disappointed in this game in a very long time.

4) The Deathwing finale was touching. I almost felt sorry for him...almost. But unlike Arthas, Kael'Thas, and Illidan there was no real build up. For them, we had years of development...for a year at most. He died. Whatever. Okay. Can we get to a real enemy now? One that I actually care about?


I'm so disappointed I'm thinking of trying SWTOR now...and I don't like Star Wars.
#26 Dec 09 2011 at 3:07 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
ekaterinodar wrote:
To be honest, I'm done being the "adventurer" and would like to actually be the "hero". Since...well...ever we're treated as groupies of the real heroes, do all the work, and then get treated like common folk. Here I am standing in gear I tore off the body of the greatest threat to the whole freakin' universe and I'm still being treated as santa's little helper.
A hundred times ******* yes.

We've been given a taste of just how awesome our characters are, of how awesome the world sees us sometimes. The first damn quest in Northrend if you go the Borean Tundra route as Alliance, for instance. I'm tired of people not knowing who we are. I'm tired of being AFGNCAAP(Ageless, Faceless, Gender-Neutral Culturally-Ambiguous Adventure Person). After 85 levels, dozens of dungeons, numerous raids and countless quests, the player character should be a well known entity in the game world. It shouldn't be "Jaina Proudmoore's here, we're saved! Oh, and she brought some adventurers. Also cool.". It should be "Thank the Light, Poldaran's here. We're ************* saved!"

Instead, they insult the achievements of the player characters by making us play second fiddle to a damn archaeologist? And cower in fear because a damn goblin pulls a gun on you just so said archaeologist can play hero? *****, I'm a mage. A powerful one, at that. I took on Illidan without blinking. Yogg-saron was one of my previous foes. Yet I cower before a goblin with a gun? I can bend reality to my whim. With the speed of a single thought, that gun could be teleported from his hand to the bottom of the nearest ocean. Not to mention mana shield. Remember the scene in ID4 where they fired at the soda can? I'm that alien ship. And let's not forget the ability to affect the flow of time itself in a localized area. Without some kind of ultra powerful gun or a massive barrage, why does that NPC even pose a threat?

And I'm not even mentioning just how heroes of other classes can trivialize the same issue, from the warrior that can deflect the bullets right off of his massively powerful armor, or rogue who could have a dagger in the goblin's throat before he could even react, the warlock whose demon could calmly intercept the bullet for its master or the shaman who can call the spirits of nature to bring forth a wind so mighty as to sweep the bullet away.

Don't get me wrong, they could still have played out the whole Harrison Jones coming to save you bit, but it should be more believable, perhaps "trapped in a magically created field that completely prevents you from using your powers" kind of thing, not "he has a gun, proceed to wet yourself".

These people you play second fiddle to, they could be great heroes, but at this point, they need to play as your commanding officer or perhaps the Jedi Master to your Jedi Knight instead of playing the Jedi Master to your Clone Trooper.
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