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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#7127 Aug 01 2010 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
Looking forward to flying mounts in Azeroth, and minus all the twilight fanboys and girls, really looking forward to the Worgen. Always wanted a Druid but can't stand NEsBeen watching alot of the Beta footage and can't wait. Not the only things I'm looking forward to but the 2 im really pumped for.
#7128 Aug 01 2010 at 11:33 PM Rating: Decent
I am really excited about perfectly executing a D-Day style all-Gnome air raid on Thunder Bluff. With the new flying capabilities in the old Azeroth, My Gnomies and I will parachute in behind enemy lines capturing key locations in the city to make way for the ground assault. It will be a glorious day of revenge on the Tauren for making pairs of nunchucks out of some of our Gnome comrades. The mission is codenamed Operation Domination and will be lead by General Wizbang Quickswitch.

P.S. The pump up song while we fly in will be "Highway to the Danger Zone", while the mission is to be conducted while playing the song "Taking Care of Business".
#7129 Aug 01 2010 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
The best part? new Basic Campfire!?!

Lul, honestly probably flying in Azeroth. Going back to level or do holiday events you realize how long it takes to get around even with flight paths.

and new textures.

and new character models (plz blizz, u know u want to).

maybe goblins.

annnd Uldum, seriously seeing the unreleased zone vid its one of the best areas the devs have ever made.

and panderan race in the next expansion.. o wait this is cataclysm :P
#7130 Aug 01 2010 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited about seeing the changes in the old world content.
#7131 Aug 01 2010 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
My excitement lies in the changes in store for healers. I've been playing WoW since classic but never as a healer until last month. I enjoy it very much but I am sad that I missed out on the classic and BC style of healing that concentrated much more on mana conservation. This week's weekly marmot discussed healing in cataclysm and I am excited to see it get more interesting and challenging!
#7132 Aug 01 2010 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
What isnt there to look fowarrd too? They look like they are getting back to the lore of the game.New phasing will make any zone that much more desirable. Having the ability to play as a Worgen or a Goblin, or any of the other race class combo's they are adding. (Undead hunter...sweet) I have the wants to level a new toon off the gate but know the starting zones will be outrageous on first couple of days of release. Im looking foward to getting Level 85 exploring the new raid content and higher level areas. The Malesstrom itself loooks sooooo pimping! Once things have settled down in starting zones i plan on rolling a worgen and a goblin at the same time so i can experiance all the new content, areas, quests, phasing, and much more that they have implentmented. I figure the best way to experaince everything is to start at level 1 and work your way to 85 and get a whole new grasp of the game :) if chosen for a beta key it would be an experiance that i would look foward to as i could get a good feel of the game and then get my battle plan ready for release date, what class reace comboniations ill be rolling or not rolling and, definitly an ******* of screenshots to e-mail my brother who just joined the U.S. Navy. I know itd mean alot to him if i could send him pics of his favorite game before he gets deployed overseas. Thanks for the chance to even be considered for a beta key thx.
#7133 Aug 01 2010 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
I am looking forward to the new challenges and quests, the new dungeons and raids available, and the new look of Azeroth. I am excited about being able to fly around Azeroth like never before.
#7134 Aug 01 2010 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
I am really looking forward to playing the goblin class, flying around azeroth, and the underwater leveling zone! There are more things too but those are the top ones on my list! I really hope i get in the beta whether it be winning a key or any other way!...i would really like to learn alot so that i may help my guild progress rather quickly when cata comes out!
#7135 Aug 01 2010 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
The one part of Catacylsm that I am most excited about is leveling a worgen. Of what I have seen and heard about the starting zone with it's great story telling through in game events instead of text will make leveling through the early levels a joy instead of a pain. Also, being able to fly around Azeroth is going to be a ton of fun.
#7136 Aug 01 2010 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most looking forward to seeing all the changes in the "old world". Redesigned zones, new dungeons, better graphics, it's going to be great! :)
#7137 Aug 01 2010 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent
Hey, i think what im most excited about is levelling,well... Remember when you hit 80 on your main char? You were like.. Ooh.. Finally 80! And now.. A whole new adventure of new quests and gear along with new talents,Its like a new game!

And ofcourse we can't forget the new races can we? Hmmm? I my self play on the alliance side and im TOO proud to change to the horde but,Goblins seems cool so i might give it a try, as for worgens... Im making a rogue :)

World of cataclysm

Your friend Pavel.
#7138 Aug 01 2010 at 11:48 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward most to the new mounts that are available in cataclysm including the Camel and possibly Dark Phoenix
#7139 Aug 01 2010 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent

I heard or read somewhere about it, that Vancleaf daughter will be there instead of him ? :o
#7140 Aug 01 2010 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most looking forward to exploring all the new lands, re-exploring all of the old ones, and getting to play new races. I can't wait to see what has changed! Every expansion has been more intense than the ones before it so I am definately pee-my-pants-excited about Cataclysm!
#7141 Aug 01 2010 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
I've been a druid since the beginning; and a healer for almost as long. Healing in the current expansion is just routine these days. All the changes Blizz has been talking about may make healing interesting again; at least we'll have new ways of healing to learn. And, if not, feral DPS looks pretty good :-)

#7142 Aug 01 2010 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
i am looking forward to being able to fly in azeroth!
#7143 Aug 01 2010 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
I am most excited by the new lore and by the changes to Azeroth in the Cataclysm.
#7144 Aug 01 2010 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
I'm stoked for the new talent trees. Class specialization early will be dope.
#7145 Aug 01 2010 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
I can't wait to see what the new Heroic versions of the original instances like Shadowfang Keep and Deadmines are like! It gives a new, yet familiar challenge to the higher level players and makes revisiting these places truly feel like home again. I am sure we will see a few more of Azeroth's basic dungeons get a Heroic haul over. Whether in new patches or straight from its release, the Heroic versions of classical instances are sure to be a favorite with me and several long time players.
#7146 Aug 02 2010 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
I'm excited to experience all the new content and enjoy a new leveling experience for alts.

In addition to the changes it brings up plenty of new opportunities to interact with others as you're in the process of leveling up exploring and gearing up.
#7147 Aug 02 2010 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
Getting a Goblin hunter is the thing i'm looking forward to the most!
#7148 Aug 02 2010 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
I'm so excited about all the changes to warriors and that we'll finally have some AoE threat!!!
#7149 Aug 02 2010 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
The thing I am most looking forward to in WOW cataclysm is the fact that players would be able to ride flying mounts in Kalimdor and Eastern kingdoms because it would make traveling so much easier for everyone and instead of wasting time walking or riding a ground mount, people would be able to use their time to level up.
#7150 Aug 02 2010 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
The part of Cataclysm that get me so excited is the new Worgen Shadow Priest im going to roll :) The lore around the Worgen race is very solid and i feel that it would be a great race to play.....( they also look EPIC!!! :P) I also am very excited about being able to fly around in Azeroth! flying over the beautiful new water, and the new questline looks so cool! Azeroth is in for some crazy changes :O.I could go on for hours about what i can't wait for, so ill spare you and stop there XD

John :D

#7151 Aug 02 2010 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
What really gets me excited is that, All the new Gear, models, and terrain revamping, i've been playing for the last 6 years, and getting into this beta would be amazing, im excelent with most beta feedbacks, and the expierence for me aswell, will be amazing. i have an eye for looking at the new gear textures and what not, same with terain, i wanna check out all of the new quests, mounts, and anything else i possibly can. some of the new high-res models caught my eye aswell Garrosh's new model looked amazing, i would also look forward to the new Talents, and spells being added to the game. I love lore, and apperently this new expansion packs ALOT of it, so i would cry if i didnt get the chance to atleast test out :P lol
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