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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#6852 Aug 01 2010 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
I'm excited that Blizz has finally chosen to retool the areas we all try to get through as fast as humanly possible. It'll be sweet actually haveing to pay attention in the Barrens again rather than just slaughtering zhevra and quillboar. Having a reason for a new lowbie is always awesome and keeps the game fresh.
#6853 Aug 01 2010 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
my main characters are a feral druid and prot warrior, so I'm most looking forward to seeing how the rage and no more on-next-swing changes will effect my play
#6854 Aug 01 2010 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
The thing I am looking forward to most with the Cataclysm expansion is leveling a Worgen Mage in a whole new WoW world. I am curious to see how the Worgen mage will be different, possibly even better, than my human mage. The concept of a human that can turn into a Worgen and be a mage is very interesting and I can't wait to try it out.
#6855 Aug 01 2010 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
I cannot wait to finally fly in Azeroth!
#6856 Aug 01 2010 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
I would have to say the thing I'm most excited about is a combination of the new class/race combinations and the new old world content. It'll be nice to have a new view of these old zones and a new toon to play through it with.
#6857 Aug 01 2010 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
I am most excited about how the new guild perk system will work out.

As a guild leader for over four years now, I have seen all the ups and downs that a guild can have and hav seen various reasons for peoble to join or leave guilds.

I would like to see, how this new feature creates a new sense of community within the guild and how people are glued together, becuase they all work automatically for each other.

Further I am excited about the guild interface and which options a guild master (or a guild as a whole) will have and how you can enjoy this community-progress!
#6858 Aug 01 2010 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
Would be cool to get a chance to try cataclysm beta and thats also a way to help blizzard make the game better by giving feedbacks. I also looking forward to test the new troll zone ;) love trolls :)
#6859 Aug 01 2010 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
What am I looking forward to most in Cataclysm? That's an easy one: The new raid content! Including downing Ragnaros all over again, plus the inevitable fight against Deathwing!

Raiding is the reason I've played WoW for almost 6 years now and any new raid content gets me super excited!
#6860 Aug 01 2010 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
I'm mostly looking forward for the lore surrounding Deathwing.
Also, can't wait to see which old god's face are we smacking in this time.
#6861 Aug 01 2010 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent

I started somewhat after Burning Crusades with 3 or so friends. Unlike them I like the old content and I feel excited to be able to experience it in a different light. 1 - 60 was an awesome experience and I hope they can create a similar or even better play experience than what I had so long ago. I've been doing the "Vanilla WoW" recently with a friend who wished to start playing, so I got him playing with "Recruit-a-friend" and I am having a great time doing the old content but wish that I could experience the new version of it.

I am hyped for the new races "Goblin" and "Worgen". The Goblins were some my favorite lore characters and some of the funniest. The Goblins have always been real funny race with they're fail explosions, stabbing in the back attitude, and they're love of money. Along with Deathwing, I couldn't believe they'ed play him as the new end game boss I was so excited. Deathwing hes a baller man, he was a bad *** in the lore (crazy psycho bad ***) but bad *** none the less. Now what really got me was the Worgen, When I saw that I was like "WTF..Thats.. AWESOME!" The worgen kinda remind me of Burning Crusades Draenei race. Both I thought were kinda unexpected but didn't determinate the fact that they were amazing. Plus I like the feel of the Worgen with there creepy towns, and awesome top hats.h

Hmm level 85? That sounds odd, why not level 90? Well if its only 5 levels I hope that gives them the room to make a good play experience, I say that if it was the difference between Quality of a leveling experience over Quantity of levels and the amount of areas to level in, then I say I'd rather have better Quality of the Zones and Quests. I only have two 80's but I've been recently leveling a Warlock and I gotta say I think I like the Warlock changes (Soul Shards FTL). The Hunter focus is another thing I could get behind. Hell it solves the problem of looking for Agility and Intellect Mail. The new pets are really cool too! Especially those cool looking crabs!

I can fly!!!!..wait really I CAN?! Flying in Azeroth. Thats awsome! And I can swim faster too? Water Mounts was the biggest thing out of those 2 that I am so excited to get. For the longest time I've tried to get the Turtle Mount. They they show Seahorses with Armor! Holy Crap I can't wait!

Talent Trees are shorter eh? Well that is kinda weird so to speak. And I hear that you only get them every 2 levels is that correct? Well that might be pretty good for new players. Think about it, For 1 - 60 skills come in to play every 2 levels so it could be a good reminder for newbies.

Troll starting Zone, well that means that I am totally remaking my Shaman! Gnomes too are getting a new area I hear, I play Horde and have only tried out Gnome like once or twice. Both Starting areas sound cool and so do they're Pre-Cataclysm Counter Parts taking back the starting areas (lol) damn those lvl 6 mobs were taking back are Troll starting area! Gnomeregan sounds weird though, I wounder how thats gonna play out...

Reasons to be a good Guildy. Obviously the new Guild system duh! Now people have a reason to be a guild and stay, I hate guild hoppers that come for the pay and not for the play! Me and my friends have a guild just to mess around in but it kept us doing stuff. Now they're adding Guild Mounts and Guild talents! Thats sounds so cool!

Mount Hyjal! Sweet I had never been there considering I started some time after BC and didn't quite know about it until WOTLK. To hear that they're bringing it back and Ragnaros!? Sw33t.

Well I hope that what ever happens, If I get a key then awesome, and If I don't then who ever does better give Blizzard Good feed back while they're playing!
#6862 Aug 01 2010 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
Worgen all the way! It's why I decided to finally give WoW a go 3 months back, and what I'm most looking forward to with Cata.
#6863 Aug 01 2010 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
There are several things I am looking forward to in the next expansion. For me, the entire reason I play this game is for the lore so that is definetly a major draw for me. I can't wait to see how each zone's story develops and what our eventual outcome with Deathwing will be.

I also can't wait to see the raid content. Because in WotLK I have worked my way up to a hardcore raiding guild and i'm very excited to finally experience an expansion from the very beginning with some of the best of the best.

Alongside the lore I love looking at the new zones. Walking into a new zone for the first time and hearing the soundtrack is an experience like no other for me. And this is all why I love this game so much. Because no matter how they change the classes or other parts of the game, as long as they keep that epic feeling and amazing storyline i'll love this game forever.
#6864 Aug 01 2010 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
Among all the groundbreaking changes that will happen in Cataclysm,
the single thing that makes me most excited is the reshaping of Azeroth.

Especially the way it changes,
how it won't only bring destruction, but will also make some of the wastelands verdant and breathtaking.

I really can't wait to level a new warlock in that new world.
And for now I'll avoid looking at screenshots so I won't spoil it for myself =)
#6865 Aug 01 2010 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
I've been a player since BC. I'm looking forward to the two new races, especially the Worgen. I'm a die hard Horde player but when I saw the Worgen i'm like hell yeah that looks great got to level that toon. Also looking forward to the redesigned Azeroth zones like the Barrens and 1k needles and the new bad a$$ Orgrimmar oh yeah and FLYING in Azeroth. Another thing is the extra 5 levels and the secondary profession. Master Miner here :) So excpet for the PvP stuff and new dungeons I'm looking forward to everything in the new expansion.
#6866 Aug 01 2010 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
While everyone is looking forward to the reshaping of Azeroth and the destruction that has been caused, I'm more looking forward to my return to Azeroth. I've been playing this game since closed beta back in 2004 and haven't canceled my subscription once. The reason I bring this up is I have seen everything this game has to offer. But when you ask me my most memorable WoW experiences, I tend to start naming off those I experienced in vanilla WoW. Don't get me wrong, Northrend is great. Part of Outlands are great. But Azeroth is what brings me back to the days I enjoyed the most. The past few years, Azeroth has been just ... there. There hasn't been anything introduced into it in years. When you get outside of some of the major cities, mainly Stormwind and Ironforge, the world is dead.

I took a trip through Arathi the other day and it was like a blast to the past. The memories of running around that place and through it came back to me. I understand the areas will be different with the Cataclysm, but I'm very much looking forward to going through the old zones again. Blackrock Mountain was always the central area of vanilla WoW and it seemed that's where the party was at. With a new instance in Blackrock being introduced, I'm really looking forward to going back and reliving the good times I had there. Goblins, Worgen, talent changes, that's all great stuff. But give me a chance to go and run through the zones again that made this game into what it is today ... I will take that every time over anything else.
#6867 Aug 01 2010 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to playing a Worgen Rogue. I've got one slot reserved on my main server to level the guy up, and will do it without heirlooms so I have more time per level to check out the new game world.
#6868 Aug 01 2010 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
I'm really excited about the revamped zones for low-mid levels. i know almost every quest in Azeroth so it will be quite nice with fresh content. :D
#6869 Aug 01 2010 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
I'm excited to see the new content added in the old world areas, including new starter areas.

I'm also looking forward to flying around the old world.

Basically, I'm excited for the old world changes!
#6870 Aug 01 2010 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
I am excited about all the new doors that have been opened, but mostly I am excited for the terrain change like how they made the barrens look even less apealing that it was, take true game making skill for that. I'm excited for all the new players and instances. Also look at deathwing he looks so bad ***
#6871 Aug 01 2010 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
I'm totally stoked about the new level cap and new Azeroth. I can't wait to see what they do with the professions and to see how they integrate the Goblins and Worgens into the story lines. Blizzard is always very creative with their integrations. And let's not forget any new instances and gear that they'll be bringing in. I can't wait to try it all!
#6872 Aug 01 2010 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
cant wait for the new revamp of the old world (flying through Orgrimmar anyone?). right now i dont even think im going to lvl my main first, top priority is gona be rolling a goblin mage and tauren paladin. cant wait.

Edited, Aug 1st 2010 5:05pm by aggroforgold
#6873 Aug 01 2010 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
I'm excited about the worgen ever since I heard about Cataclysm ive wanted to play the worgen. The new leveling areas in Azeroth and being able to fly in Azeroth is very exciting.
The new 5 man dungeons look epic I cant wait to expierence them. Also the epic battle against Deathwing. And lastly the epic phasing things change in Azeroth in a matter of seconds
#6874 Aug 01 2010 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited about seeing the new leveling zones, and especially seeing the new phasing thats been implamented.
#6875 Aug 01 2010 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
The thing that has me the most excited about Cataclysm is finally being able to do several of the things that I looked forward to do during Vanilla, only to find that the options were not available or the zones were not implemented. For example, since day 1 I wanted to play a Goblin, having been excited about the possibility since Warcraft 3. I was dissapointed to find out that Goblins were only available as a neutral, unplayable faction. Also, I wanted to visit Gilneas, the one nation from Warcraft 2 that had no involvement in 3. When I finally figured out where it was located I was once again dissapointed to find out that the region was blocked by a huge wall, and that the zone itself did not exist yet. That these two options, playing Goblins and visiting Gilneas, are finally becoming available in Cataclysm, is what has me most excited about the upcoming expansion. There are many other amazing changes, certainly, but to finally be able to do the things that I wanted since the launch of the original game is without a doubt the the most exciting part of the new expansion.

#6876 Aug 01 2010 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
92 posts
I am looking forward to:

* Playing the new races

* The new classes for some of the old races are exiting (i.e Gnomish priests and human hunters!!!)

* New lore and transforming

* Flying in the old lands!!

* See all the cool new places they are building
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