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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#552 Jul 26 2010 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to the new underwater zones and the cool seahorse mount, and mostly because I love my warrior the new rage system
#553 Jul 26 2010 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
The aspect I'm the most excited about is easily exploring the "new" world. I love alts, and I love to explore, but after having played for such a long time, I've seen the sights and the levelling process has ended up being about hitting the cap as soon as possible, and not about enjoying the journey there.

I'm also almost as excited about the new races, and the new race/class combination - human and forsaken hunters especially! It made next to no sense to me that these races didn't have the option to begin with.
#554 Jul 26 2010 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
If I could pick one thing that is the most exiting in the upcoming expansion, it would be ... hmm.. all of it! I “studied” the whole warcraft lore, i also play wow since it came out, so i have to say im looking forward to the continuing of the lore and how it connects to the past, to all the new/redesigned quests, to the changed terrain, since in the previous expansions they only added new continents - although changing just minor things on the old ones- but with Cata redesigning and revamping azeroth it gives us something new and unexpected somehting refreshing,ofcourse to the improved and more used (previously introduced in Wotlk) phasing since it gives a awesome depth to questing. the new underwater regions are pure genius!
Just living through the whole Cataclysm is what I am most exited about.
#555 Jul 26 2010 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
I am extremely excited about Cataclysm because I've gone though the game a few times and leveled a few characters, and I'm really excited to see what changes there are for the areas that I've leveled in. I'm also really excited about the new talents and the medium glyphs.
#556 Jul 26 2010 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
I'm pretty excited about experimenting with updated professions. Too many of the professions in Wrath became boring too quickly and it sounds like there will be lots of perks for all of them in Cat!

Also I'm hoping the corpse runs for most of the classic runs have been simplified, I can never find my way back into Maraudon.
#557 Jul 26 2010 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
I can't wait to see how they incorporate Ragnaros since they said he is coming back, just not in Molten Core. I also can't wait to see flying in Azeroth and the changes they've made since, you know... we've all tried and used WoW model viewer to check out the off limit areas. I also want to see the changes they've made to all the questing. After having leveled many characters to 80 and 70+, I want to see how releveling a character will feel.
#558 Jul 26 2010 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
* i wanna try goblins, i really want to
* i wanna test the new 41 points talent trees
* and i wanna find as many bugs as i can so we get cata live asap

oh and i have a full month of vacations to play so, pick me!! xD
#559 Jul 26 2010 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
I decided id give this a shot, but who know i might just get a beta key =\. I have always wanted to see goblins in WoW. The starting area looks very very good. Worgens look good but they just dont ahve all the cool stuff goblins have. I am looking forward to seeing how the classes will play out some don't look that great at the moment which includes my main a shaman. I don't like the fact that shamans will not have heroism/bloodlust anymore. I heard mages were getting it but who knows, kinda stupid imho. I'm looking forward to the new dungeons. Alot of the people that get the cata beta don't even send in complaints if something glitches or bugs unless its huge. But other than that, thats what im looking forward to. =]
#560 Jul 26 2010 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
I am looking forward most to in cataclysm is heroic dead mines and well almost everything else it will be interesting to see how all the changes are going to work out
#561 Jul 26 2010 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
ALL OF IT! I want to check out the Worgen, the Goblins, the new Orgrimmar, the landscape laid to waste, the new talents, the new UI... ALL OF IT! And since I play Hunters primarily, I'd like a sneak peak at the total overhaul they put into our class. I'm kinda excited by it. I'm seeing good things in what I've read. No QQ here. Unless they screwed it up completely.
#562 Jul 26 2010 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
One of the main things i'm looking forward to in Cataclysm is the new class changes. I've been playing a resto druid for a couple of years and adapting to new changes is what I find fun the most. I'm also looking forward to leveling alts through the new redesigned old world zones as well as leveling my druid through the 78+ area zones and doing the new dungeons.
#563 Jul 26 2010 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
Oh, there is so much that i can't wait to see and do!
I want to make one of each new race!
I can't wait to see the guild leveling system!
I can't wait to fly over all the areas i have been running through!
I cant wait to see what they did with the new talent trees!
I can't wait to see what kind of new quests are in the starter areas!
I could keep going because this one is not like WotLK it is a complete overhaul of Azeroth as we know it today! I JUST CAN'T WAIT!

Edited, Jul 26th 2010 10:52pm by knightwalkerz113
#564 Jul 26 2010 at 8:51 PM Rating: Default
Instead of simply telling you what I'm excited about (everything, lore wise leveling wise and graphics wise, plus nostalgia), Why don't i simply tell you what i would do if i got in?

First, i would have to double check to make sure it was real. Look at the webpage, check my email, look at the specific Cataclysm account and make sure the key worked. Then, it's time to download and patch up.

As soon as that patch is done, it's game time.

First thing i would do is immediately create a Goblin. Let me tell you, i would create the CRAP out of that goblin. I'd go with all the weirdest combination of facial expression, hair, and skin color. Why? Because I'm in the beta. Anyone within earshot would no doubt attest my maniacal laughter as a sign as of my insanity as I swapped through the various skin colors of the Goblin, each one increasing my volume 2 fold until i managed to get the most out of whack one.

I would be unable to hold back the squeels of excitement as i pressed "Enter". Each little bit the bar progressed to the end would make me crazier and crazier. As soon as I'm in, ALT TAB.

Yeah, ALT TAB.

Quick as a whip, I pull up the Cataclysm account management page. There is no time to waste in my own little world at this point. I copy my Druid and premade a warlock and shadow priest ASAP and get the ETA asap, although i won't be touching them for a while. Then, ALT TAB. No time to waste!

As my squeels are coming out in quick succession, I would begin to do hardcore testing on the Goblin starting zone. Not a single foot of ground would go unwalked on by me as i feedbacked every single quest. Not one letter would go un spellchecked, not one mechanic unviolated by my insane scrutiny. I would zip through the zone as a rogue, and immediately head over to the Forsaken areas.

Low and behold as many loregasms would be had as I pretended my goblin had been recently revived by Sylvanus, and I was simply serving my Dark Lady. I would kill and crush as though i were crushing players on the other end, and i was /point and /laugh at any corpse I found.

Break time.

Breaking into a full sprint, I rush to get some water. I pull out a large sized cup, press the refrigerator to the water setting, and begin pouring. I would be hopping up and down, causing the water to spill out over the cup. No time to worry about it. I get 3-6 medium sized icecubes and sprint back to the computer, spilling half of the glass on the way up.

Oh well.

I would frantically regain my position and return to my squealing as i continued to quest like a maniac, rushing through 1-60 while being as thorough as possible on the Eastern Kingdoms, and then doing 60-80. Of course, I would be squashing bugs.

And how so.

I would have to be kicked out of the beta due to my rapid succession in finding bugs, the CMs and Devs no longer wanting to deal with my reports and feedback on the forums and ingame and wanting some new players to give feedback. The other players would hate me for squashing bugs before they could.

Nothing I can do, haters going to hate.

I would proceed to pimpwalk past all of them, and if I see any stopping to report a bug or feedback a quest, I would slide on up to them and whisper "I already beat you to it" and then gallop off into the sunset on my various mounts. This would continue until I was removed from the beta. Once i realize what they had done, I would sit in my room and begin plotting to regain access to the beta, knowing full well that once i returned the beta servers would face a testing the likes of which had never been seen before.

And then i would eat some oats.

#565 Jul 26 2010 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
There are quite a few things I'm excited about concerning Cataclysm. The main thing I'm looking forward to, would have to be the reintroduction of cc and focus fire. Mindless aoe tanking and dpsing has been, to say the least, non enjoyable. Bringing the game back to a more vanilla-esque feel with Crowd control being a bigger part of dungeons and raids. That's the biggest thing I'm looking forward to.
#566 Jul 26 2010 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
The thing I am excited for is the fact that they are making the old Azeroth much for enjoyable for both the newcomers of WoW and 4 year vets like me :). For once in a long time I cant wait to roll some alts and see all of the changes they are doing. On top of this the fact that they are doing a lot of stuff with the major players in WoWs lore instead of them just sitting in the capital cities. As a lore nut I am very excited for all of the changes they are doing and I cant wait to see all this in action and start over to see all of the new content :).

Ps. yer contest ends 2 days before my B-day a beta invite would be a great gift ^.^ :P
#567 Jul 26 2010 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
What I'm looking foward to the most about Cataclysm would have to be a combination of exploring all the redone zones, playing the new races, and doing all the new quests in my favorite zones (and the ones I hated to see how they have inproved).
#568 Jul 26 2010 at 8:51 PM Rating: Good
I'm excited for many things!

1. To try the new secondary profession. It definitely sounds like something up my alley since a lot of it deals with vanity things. I love collecting weird interesting things in game, and I'm excited to see what this profession will bring.

2. I'm excited to find new and fun ways to kill people on my main character (A priest) with my new priest spell "Leap of Faith". Sure I could use it for it's actual intention of saving someone's life, but where's the fun in that? When I could be dragging low health people into fire.

3. I'm excited for the new mounts and pets. As an avid mount and pet collector (120 mounts/126 pets) I'm more than excited to see what Blizzard is introducing into the game. Oh, and to be one of the first to saddle up on them =D.

4. The new dungeons! Who wouldn't want a change of pace. From what videos I have seen, I cannot wait to get in there and try them out! Seeing all the new bosses, fight mechanics, new boss loot and the itemization that comes with it. Sounds all win to me.

5. Flying around Azeroth, finally! I cannot begin to explain how long I have been waiting to fly my phoenix anywhere. And now I can. The sooner the better! To be able to go exploring through the old world like never before, to see all the new changes. Finally it has come.

6. Finally the last thing I am looking forward to is female Worgen! They are so bathed in mystery that I would love to be one of the first to roll one once they become available. For so long I had wondered why there were so many male Worgen in Shadowfang Keep, without a female in sight. And I cannot wait to finally see their dance, and to watch it first hand would be fun.

I have many other reasons, but these are my semi-unique ones. Thank you for your time =).

#569 Jul 26 2010 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
I'm still relatively new to WoW, to be honest, which is why I think I'll get a particular kick out of watching all these lvl 80's who have worked their buts off to get to the top of their game, both in terms of gear as well as understanding the system, only to have this come out and find their gear is junk compared to what they can get, and the system has been put completely on its ear. It'll make my lvl 71 (which should be 80 by the time cata is released) almost feel like it's on an even footing with the big boys.
#570 Jul 26 2010 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited about the continuation to the lore and quests that are going to be introduced. Even with the "nerfs" to archaeology there will still be items of Azeroth's past for me to collect. I love immersing myself into the world and just experiencing the awesome universe the people at Blizzard have created. I plan on taking a tour of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor and taking screenshots of my favorite areas now and then doing the same after the release to see how they have been affected by the cataclysm.
I know it seems ultra nerdy but questing and exploring are way more fun then raiding to me.
#571 Jul 26 2010 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to the new zones. Especially Hyjal. I used to exploit my way into Hyjal all the time just to explore and hang out there. It'll be great to finally have some content there :).
#572 Jul 26 2010 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
The one thing i am really looking forward to is the Lore and how it interacts with every dungeon and every raid you enter. Does it flow together well and is it easy to follow. Also are the tasks/quests harder then they are in Wotlk. I think the big thing with this expansion are the revamp class talents/trees and how that will also help with dungeons and raids. Wow being hard again would make this game fun. I cant wait!
#573 Jul 26 2010 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to (and dreading at the same time), all of the talent changes. It should prove to be really interesting, but I'm not so sold changing the trees back to 31pt talents and halving the total talent points. Time will tell whether or not this actually works out well... I think it has potential, but I'm still a bit wary.
#574 Jul 26 2010 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
The reason I find WoW: Cataclysm so aluring is the whole lore behind it, I want to get in and experience the story as it develops and be a part of it. It is a game, and since I am quite the nerd i find the game mechanics the second most important thing on my list. I enjoy using them and figure out ways to reuse them in different areas, which allso is the cause of my addiction to the talent tree's.

I have played allot of different MMORPG's through my time and i have yet seen a game who can compete with WoW on all aspects. We can see this by only looking at the huge amount of players who is currently playing it daily and each and every one of them plays the game for their own reason. Some for the social experience, others for the plain reason to humiliate others in the arena and some even to get into a role and live it out in a world full of magic.

The developers have created it so that many types of players can enjoy the game on different areas which is why it have become this popular, and personally I am not going to miss the next expansion when WoW have been a part of my life for roughly 5 years.

Hope to see you all in a slightly scarred but still magic world when the cataclysm strikes.

Oh and by the way, my goblin warlock will dance on your corpses.
#575 Jul 26 2010 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to being able to raid heal on my holy paladin, to holy power (sounds like an interesting way to spice up a currently slightly boring, to me, class) , and for being able to buy 310% flying speed for all of my flying mounts, oh venerable blue windrider, how I have missed you.
#576 Jul 26 2010 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
What I am really looking forward too in the new expansion is the new landscape and the new look of Azeroth, the new ways we are going to experience the game, I did love the original quests. But seeing it be changed around gives a new look for veteran players and new players, it really makes me wonder what they are going to do with Cataclysm.

Another thing I look forward too even more is Worgens, I thought they should always be a race, and actually seeing them become one is amazing, and I would really want to be one when I could get the chance. They are very interesting creatures, with which I think has the most interesting lore out of all the races, not to mention they look awesome.

Something I've come across is the new 31 talent points, I really want to use this, and see how it functions and works, and see what Blizzard is going to to do with it, the other thing I've seen that Blizzard is implementing is the new guild system, which really makes being in a guild more appealing, other than the constant 25 Man ICC raid every Thursday.

Lastly, I praise Blizzard for this, NOT raising the level cap too 90, and keeping it at 85, so instead of dreading gaining another ten levels, I only have to suffer another five more, which isn't as bad especially with all the new quests they are introducing. Making leveling more fun. I think Cataclysm will revive World of warcraft.

Edited, Jul 26th 2010 11:15pm by Deathisfear101
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