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Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Contest!Follow

#377 Jul 26 2010 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent

Ive very exited about new focus system in hunter. My main is Troll hunter a should be great living without mana and without ammo. It is end of missing ammo on hard encounters.

I would like to know something how exactly Guild level up. Some perks are very good a should be great for living in Guild.
#378 Jul 26 2010 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
I'm looking forward to what reputation changes will happen with the Goblins. I don't want to walk into the Goblin starting zone wearing my Bloodsail Admiral's Hat and have them attack me on sight because of the slaughter of their Steamwheedle Cartel brethren.
#379 Jul 26 2010 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
I'm an altoholic so I'm definitely looking forward to all the class changes, revamped questing experience in the Old World and the new races and their starting zones.
#380 Jul 26 2010 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
i am most excited about Guild perks. Gives "creating a guild" more meaning than just gathering people and do stuff. maybe people would think twice about making endless numbers of guilds just for "socializing" rather than get the guild going. on the other hand it is also an inspiration for guild members to work together to achieve the best of these perks. Hey, we gonna see more long going guilds starting from cata. sweet move blizz. /cheer
#381 Jul 26 2010 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
Well first off I'll say thanks for the opportunity.

Second I would say I am most excited about leveling and exploring the new areas and zones. I have been playing wow since about patch 1.5 and I love exploring everywhere and doing as many quests as i can.

Honestly I'm looking forward to leveling a goblin shaman and also a druid Worgen and exploring the world once again with a new sense of adventure for both the Horde and Alliance.

#382 Jul 26 2010 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
The main thing that I personaly am looking forward to is the new instance leveling content, and the future raids to look forward to.

With all the changes to class core mechanics Updates on all the tree's and the mild use of CC once again in instances it should once again be a real challange, also as the fact im a healer by trade and the changes to the talent trees for a priest the ability to heal and the challange of doing dps while along side it looks cool to me. I am deeply looking forward to getting in there and trying to work out the tactics of all the new content and the new challanges and experiences that blizzard are putting our way hopefully it will lead to another 2 years of exciting gaming :)
#383 Jul 26 2010 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
Im Seriously excited for Cataclysm, because, first of all, the new Worgen Model looks awesome, and i mean Starsurge on a Worgen Druid = EPIC. Cataclysm will also reforge all of classic content, which has been coming for a while, and will actually make levelling fun again! :D


#384 Jul 26 2010 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
Being a hardcore raider, I'm obviously very excited for the new raids. I'm happy that they are going the BC route and have more raids with less bosses in each one, so that we don't have to see the same setting every week for 6 months.

I' also excited that they are doing away with the raid ID system so you can't be saved to a fail raid anymore, you can just join a raid of people who have downed the same bosses as you.


I also like the fact that 10 man difficulty will be as difficult as 25 man and have the same gear, so that players can't say "link your 25 man achieve for invite" when you aren't in a guild that can down it on 25man.
#385 Jul 26 2010 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
I am most excited about new quests! I have a habitual leveling problem.

Flying mounts in Azeroth? wut wut

All the new info that ZAM will cover!!! mmm chewy
#386 Jul 26 2010 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
What I am looking forward to in the upcoming Cataclysm expansion is the complete Revamp of the continually aging game called World of Warcraft. I have become ever bored with WoW and i am very happy that in cata they are taking almost everything and flipping it upside-down for better or for worse. I think it will be really cool re-exploring zones that i had become emotionally connected to over the past 5 or so years. Also i think that it will be nice to have new leaders that are exploring other options in dealing with their enemies even if i foresee everyone coming together in the end to save the world. On a final and most important note(to me at least!) the greatest change i am looking forward to in Cata is the complete talent tree revamp. I think it will be really interesting to see people having to select one talent tree to focus on at level 10 and also getting Key abilities in their selected tree earlier. It is also nice to see Blizzard attempting to "trim the fat" from their existing Talent trees. There you have it folks, thats sums up all that i am looking forward to in the upcoming expansion.

Yours truely:


#387 Jul 26 2010 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
Well I'm looking forward to the new quest structure in all the classic lowbie zones. I used to play trial accounts for a long time because I like the game so much and so could play with my friends. (I didn't have then money to get the full game.) It will be awesome to see all the changes they have made to the quests that I have almost memorized. Going through a modern version of Durotar with continuations of the Burning Blade saga, and the Defias Brotherhood in Elwynn Forest and Westfall is going to be epic. (I hope!)
#388 Jul 26 2010 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
I am most excited about the Hunter changes, especially getting away from using mana and changing to using focus. I think that mechanic will be unique and fun to play.
#389 Jul 26 2010 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
From what i've seen and heard, i'm excited for the new look of some of azeroth's old regions. After leveling and playing each class starting area in the same old places as well as the later zones and not exactly welcoming having to do them over again, it will be fantastic to play the new races in a completely different zone, as well as the old classes where i can go "let's create a new character, my favorite class to play and go to this brand new area or even, heck, im going to this old region cause man.. a huge canyon? sweet! and one where i'm not going, "of course the item i need is on this mob in this exact spot in this zone." Even the mobs will be different so i won't have any idea where a certain mob is for a quest line, i actually get to explore and see the sights again. Even then however, those same old mobs, will have more appeal to go to when i know the whole area has changed "man... where did that old pool go that this npc used to be next to, that was my object marker!? well cool!"

I am also excited for the new professions. haven't had one of those in a while! something new! So there will be more things to do, and more things to discover, which for me will make the game much more appealing.
#390 Jul 26 2010 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
So many things to look forward to. To reshaping of Azeroth, the new dungeons and villains to destroy. New spells and talents to master, and possibly new demons to bind to my will. Besides that, the archeology profession definitely has my interests; as well as the Guild talents. Some things I may disagree with, but I will withhold judgment on those things. I cannot wait to access the world of Cataclysm, and see what it holds in store.
#391 Jul 26 2010 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
I am looking forward to exploring all the previously unaccessible areas in Azeroth that will now be open to flying mounts!!
#392 Jul 26 2010 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
I'm excited about many things in the beta!

Most notably Holy Taurens, New world, Paladin revamp, and the new Horde!
#393 Jul 26 2010 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
I'm excited about the new shaman stuff, more specifically spiritwalker's grace, but really I wanna know how hard Deathwing will be, I mean the human mage Khadgar used a spell he said he learned when he was a far weaker mage to essentially one shot Deathwing, so I wanna see mages do it to him now :D.
#394 Jul 26 2010 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
Im looking forward to all the new class changes especially to boomkins. Also im looking forward to the goblin and worgen starting zones i know for sure i am going to lvl a character through both, and most likely a worgen to 85.

o ya and pick me plz :D.
#395 Jul 26 2010 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
What I'm really waiting for is exploring all the areas that has only been seen by taking the flight paths, gliding over Azeroth on my Mimiron mount will give feelings that cannot be measured with words.
#396 Jul 26 2010 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited to play a Worgen. I've always been interested in Lycanthropy and the many legends that surround the mysterious wolf-man. I hope there is something beneficial to the character when in human form otherwise it would seem a bit pointless to ever go back!
#397 Jul 26 2010 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
im looking forward to the alliance getting worgens,and crafting new weps and armor is gona be SWEEET!and the best part will be going back to mount hyjal and defending it i feel so nostalgic back in the day when i played warcraft 3 good times GOOOD times.
#398 Jul 26 2010 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
Leveling what will be become my new main (Worgen) through the new zones and quests in Azeroth. :D
#399 Jul 26 2010 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
Really looking forward to exploring everything new, downing new bosses etc. Cant wait to see Worgen and Goblin and all the new class/race combos. I think i'm gonna roll a Goblin Hunter, and make my DK alliance (again) worgen :)
#400 Jul 26 2010 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
I'm extremely excited about the new 1-60 leveling experience. I'm making brand new Alliance and Horde toons just to do 1-60 again.

Also heroic Deadmines will be epic!
#401 Jul 26 2010 at 7:23 PM Rating: Decent
I must be sincere. I am excited to play as a Paladin in the new content as it is alwayes nice to know and to take part in the evolution of your class while doing all the work(quests,leveling and professions) that must be done with your character.
Im also excited to fly over azeroth, Should be a breathtaking moment to finally explore the land as it should be from the air.
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