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PETA plans WoW event to battle seal slaughterFollow

#52 Apr 08 2009 at 4:24 AM Rating: Excellent
799 posts
graspee wrote:
Wow, I wouldn't have predicted 95% of alla being against PETA.

I am against any group that uses misleading and falsified information in its press releases and its advertising.

PETA regularly uses images of baby seals to tug at the public's heart strings. It is ILLEGAL to kill baby seals during the ONCE-A-YEAR cull of the seal herds.

The seal hunt is not an on-going Canadian "business venture". It is a necessary control of a fish-eating population. Without this population control, fish stocks in the North Atlantic would be utterly decimated.

The seal hunt is a hunt, with guns, done under VERY strict government supervision.
There is no "clubbing of baby seals".
It is not a "slaughter.
It is a "cull", and a necessary one.

PETA are hypocrites of the worst sort.

I hope this event is not supported by Blizzard.
#53 Apr 08 2009 at 4:50 AM Rating: Excellent
PETA-People Eating Tasty Animals

PETA does not need to bring their wacked out views to WoW...stupid idea of immense proportions.
#54 Apr 08 2009 at 5:14 AM Rating: Excellent
1,030 posts
I used to live within a couple miles of the PETA National Headquarters in Newport News, VA. There was something that made the local news at the time (don't know about the national news). Local police were conducting an investigation into PETA because more than 20 dead cats were found in the dumpster behind the headquarters (a dumpster ONLY used by the HQ). Turned out that several PETA members that worked at the HQ were rounding up cats in nearby neighbourhoods (feral or not, they didn't care) and then slaughtering them and just dumping the bodies in the dumpster. Both were found guilty on multiple animal cruelty charges and one recently got out of prison. Where's he working? Right back at the PETA HQ.

Put me down as another card carrying member of the OTHER P.E.T.A.

*wanders off looking for his missing hamburger and wishing it was a T-Bone steak*
#55 Apr 08 2009 at 5:15 AM Rating: Good
So where do I sign up... on the Horde side?
#56 Apr 08 2009 at 5:28 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Remember that "WoW" funeral a few years ago...

This will end the same way.
#57 Apr 08 2009 at 5:40 AM Rating: Excellent
1,069 posts
Micros wrote:
graspee wrote:
Wow, I wouldn't have predicted 95% of alla being against PETA.

I think 95% of the world is against PETA. I mean they have a comic series called "YOUR DADDY KILLS ANIMALS" that they apparently give out to schools. It's nuts. Take a look at this one, "Ask your daddy why he's hooked on killing"

Edited, Apr 8th 2009 8:27am by Micros

This comic offended me on a deeply personal level. I'm from a little state called Louisiana and fishing is pretty much a way of life here. My father, grandfather, and brother fish. I even fish on occasion and I can personally guarantee that the ONLY way the family pets (3 cats and 3 dogs) would ever meet an untimely death by our hands is if their health degrades to the point where they no longer have a good quality of life. And then they are taken to their vet to be humanely euthanized. PETA is a menace and a bane to true animal lovers everywhere.

Now on the WoW note, Tastymurder on Whisperwind Horde, has created a guild JUST for this event. Seal Clubbing Club. It has been formed by/for people who either rolled a dk or ponied up the $25 bucks for a server transfer. The plan is to kill the seals until PETA loses it and flags. Then they get roflpwned.

I'm all for the humane treatment of animals but death must occur to keep the population healthy and since humans have eradicated most of the large predators on the planet, it's up to humans to take their place.
#58 Apr 08 2009 at 5:44 AM Rating: Good
151 posts
I just don't see the value in dedicating your life to making sure the animal's rights are protected ... even in other countries, while your fellow man is still sold into slavery, millions die daily from hunger, millions more die daily from malaria and the HIV epidemic.

but we're gonna try and protect the seals from being hunted ... what about the fish the seals kill? It's the circle of life, The Canadians need the fish the seals kill for their economy, and the world needs the fish to eat. If you wanna back something worthwile back a fair trade group, or a group to stop human trafficing, hell do an adopt a kid program for $30 bucks a month and give a kid a chance. ***** the seals, your fellow man is suffering!
#59 Apr 08 2009 at 5:55 AM Rating: Good
Only certain species of seal are endangered. There are some species which are overpopulated, and are VERY destructive toward some fish populations. PETA are just a bunch of biased buffoons trying to sway people with misinformation. Do a little research for once and find out what is really going on rather than blindly following the first group who walks up to you and says they're doing the right thing.

I'm planning on attending this event to try and encourage the pursuit of truth and fact.
#60 Apr 08 2009 at 6:16 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
You know, we should stage our own protest, and crash the server. Like the old days when we felt our classes were underpowered.

Therenody wrote:
This comic offended me on a deeply personal level. I'm from a little state called Louisiana and fishing is pretty much a way of life here. My father, grandfather, and brother fish. I even fish on occasion and I can personally guarantee that the ONLY way the family pets (3 cats and 3 dogs) would ever meet an untimely death by our hands is if their health degrades to the point where they no longer have a good quality of life. And then they are taken to their vet to be humanely euthanized. PETA is a menace and a bane to true animal lovers everywhere.

I'm just curious about the "Fish using tools" part. I've watched a lot of animal planet, and that's not something I've ever seen.
#61 Apr 08 2009 at 6:18 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Foxximo wrote:
but we're gonna try and protect the seals from being hunted ... what about the fish the seals kill? It's the circle of life, The Canadians need the fish the seals kill for their economy, and the world needs the fish to eat. If you wanna back something worthwile back a fair trade group, or a group to stop human trafficing, hell do an adopt a kid program for $30 bucks a month and give a kid a chance. ***** the seals, your fellow man is suffering!

I'm all for helping animals. Some people feel strongly about that. That said, there are organizations out there that are a lot less "ZOMG PSYCHO!" than PETA. My biggest problem with PETA is that people who donate money to them would likely donate to a better organization if PETA didn't exist.
#62 Apr 08 2009 at 6:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Well, that whole Sea Kitten site is just... disturbing. Hold on, though... I recognize that fish. Oh, my god.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtan!

You've doomed us all, PETA! Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!

Edited, Apr 8th 2009 10:35am by RPZip
#63 Apr 08 2009 at 7:08 AM Rating: Good
240 posts
My name is Aprince...and I'm a tree hugging, animals rights fighting liberal. There, I said it.
That being said however, I don't believe one bit in PETA's methods and a good portion of their reasoning. They quite often don't use facts, and their so called "experts" they use for rally's and functions are so full of $hyte, I feel they do more harm than good.
#64 Apr 08 2009 at 7:30 AM Rating: Good
PETA exists only to further its own agenda. The more publicity they get, the more it helps to legitimize their actions. Their top members are nothing more than politicians actively legislating the cult's agenda. Do a search on Ingrid Newkirk. There is some interesting reading.

PETA fully understands the power of media, and works diligently to be in the public eye as often as possible. Almost always, the focus of any media coverage is on the event at hand, be it PETA members dressing up in KKK attire at an AKC show, or throwing red paint on celebrities wearing fur coats. Rarely does any media coverage delve into the many hypocrisies that make up PETA's actions over the years. It's good to see some people here know about them!

With 10 million + WoW subscribers, this is just another way for PETA to be in the limelight. Albeit a small one on the world scale. IMO it's too bad it got any attention at all.
#65 Apr 08 2009 at 8:04 AM Rating: Good
276 posts
Now on the WoW note, Tastymurder on Whisperwind Horde, has created a guild JUST for this event. Seal Clubbing Club. It has been formed by/for people who either rolled a dk or ponied up the $25 bucks for a server transfer. The plan is to kill the seals until PETA loses it and flags. Then they get roflpwned.

I didn't see the guild on the armory, although its funny there are already two other guilds as "Seal Clubbing Club" on different servers though.
#66 Apr 08 2009 at 8:38 AM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
Foxximo wrote:
I just don't see the value in dedicating your life to making sure the animal's rights are protected ... even in other countries, while your fellow man is still sold into slavery, millions die daily from hunger, millions more die daily from malaria and the HIV epidemic.

but we're gonna try and protect the seals from being hunted ... what about the fish the seals kill? It's the circle of life, The Canadians need the fish the seals kill for their economy, and the world needs the fish to eat. If you wanna back something worthwile back a fair trade group, or a group to stop human trafficing, hell do an adopt a kid program for $30 bucks a month and give a kid a chance. ***** the seals, your fellow man is suffering!

There's nothing wrong with dedicating your life to animal rights. You can't really dedicate your life to multiple causes. Aids? Cancer? Anti-War? Mother Nature? Etc, etc. You could possibly give equally to everything but then your time and resources wouldn't really benefit any of them. It's the same reason not everyone has the same job or profession. If we tried to do everything we wouldn't get anything done. We need to specialize.

PETA is an attention whoring hypocritical extremist group. I don't have a problem with their cause. I don't agree with their extremist actions, but at the same time I have to respect it in a way because history has shown that sometimes change takes drastic measures, even at the cost of lives. It doesn't bother me that they place humans on the same level or lower than animals, even if I disagree. The whole meat eating thing does have some truth to it. I do think humans have unbalanced their diets by including too much meat. It is there for consumption and yes it does taste delicious, but I think we're over-doing it, like a kid in a candy store. We are in fact, omnivores.

The problem I have with PETA is their hypocrisy. Their actions are designed to grab attention by using extreme measures and shock tactics. They do this at the expense of others. Hypocrisy in its purest form.

The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
I'm all for helping animals. Some people feel strongly about that. That said, there are organizations out there that are a lot less "ZOMG PSYCHO!" than PETA. My biggest problem with PETA is that people who donate money to them would likely donate to a better organization if PETA didn't exist.

I don't think most of the people donating to them would if they actually knew where their money was going to. Before donating to anything you should research where your money will be spent and what they're actually doing to help your cause. That goes for any charity donations or work you give to any organization. I think most would be surprised and not just with PETA.

#67 Apr 08 2009 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I ate seal blubber once... dang nasty stuff.
#68 Apr 08 2009 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
In PETA's world view there are no people, except for them of course, just animals. Give them a PVP server where no beasts can be killed, only players and NPCs, they'd be in heaven then.
#69 Apr 08 2009 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
799 posts
Well, I took the plunge and will start leveling my two new DeathKNights: SealfinSoup and SealfinStew.
There IS someone on the Whisperwind server called Tastymurder with a guild called Seal Cub Clubbing Club
#70 Apr 08 2009 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
Me being from Canada's North..I can say that seals are very tasty!!! Don't knock em till you've tried them!!!!!! PETA go jump off a cliff you stupid bastards!!!
#71 Apr 08 2009 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
276 posts
Haha you have to see this, look at all their names. :)
#72 Apr 08 2009 at 10:59 AM Rating: Excellent
171 posts
I like that PETA makes such a huge issue about the annual seal slaughter when it is something that is being done for the benefit of other species. Seals aren't killed because its cool or fun (though I am sure it may be for some people), they are killed to prevent their population from getting too high and threatening other species they co-exist with. If this were happening on my server I would be in attendance... joining in the slaughter.
#73 Apr 08 2009 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
198 posts
OK, so this Canadian hunter is on his way back to town after a day of work, when his truck starts to make funny noises. He pulls into a handily-placed garage at the side of the road, and the mechanic comes out to take a look. After 5 minutes of tinkering under the hood, he turns to the hunter and says, 'looks like you've blown a seal, buddy'. The hunter replies, 'nah, guy, it's just ice on my mustache'.
#74 Apr 08 2009 at 11:34 AM Rating: Excellent
432 posts
Somewhat in line with the current topic is the web comic The Pet Professional. After getting a feel for the comic, then check out Feb 15, 2006 and Feb 22, 2006 where PETA supporters discover the true nature of dolphins....
#75 Apr 08 2009 at 11:50 AM Rating: Excellent
19,369 posts
By participating in this event you're all actually playing in PETA's puppet show. It's the publicity they want. I'm not even giving them the satisfaction. I won't be wasting my time on the loons.
#76 Apr 08 2009 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
276 posts
By participating in this event you're all actually playing in PETA's puppet show. It's the publicity they want. I'm not even giving them the satisfaction. I won't be wasting my time on the loons.

Do I have to get my hair done for a puppet show? Maybe new clothes.
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