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2.0.10 test relm notesFollow

#102 Feb 24 2007 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
Well, arguements abound. But the sides seem to be split mostly into 2 parties. Druids who don't like the changes, and warriors who are glad for it. And since the two are entirely different classes, I can see how they aren't seeing eye-to-eye on it.

I propose a tank off! Servers across the game, Bears and Warriors from all over Azeroth shall gather around and see who's the best at getting their butt kicked! Events will include the 100 meter Lava Swim, the Blackwing Lair Relay Race, Rogue On My Back, Aggro Hot Potato, and the ever classic Bat 2 Face Howdown.

Hah, but seriously. On my main I play a currently 69 Balance Druid, and I'm a bit sad to see the nerfs. While most of them target the feral abilities, I do regret having less armor overall. But I know this will REALLY hurt on PUGs, who will now alienate bears a bit more in favor of warriors.

I find it odd that some warrios say they were being beat out for bears in the tanking roles. I play a Staff Warior (still have a sword and board for tanking, asn any warrior should) from time to time, and there are a lot of really neat tanking tools. And if nothing else, 75% of the time when I'm on my druid in an isntance I have to heal, and I've only been called on to tank about a half dozen times. Ever.

So! I wodner if, down the road, druids will be shoehorned int ohealing even more. And if this happens, perhaps all the priests will be angry, and they'll nerf healing too. A scary thought, and perhaps possible, Resto's never been my thing past the fantastic balance-helping early talents.

In conclusion, I can't say muc htowards the hybrid arguement that hasn't already been said. But yes, I ASSURE you, a druid needs an entire set to do any one role fairly well, (and in most cases you have to be specced for it too,) and unless armor changing becomes allowed in combat, half of the forms really don't matter at any given time, including caster.
#103 Feb 24 2007 at 12:55 PM Rating: Default
Rogues and Warlocks don't have 20k+ armor. Sorry, try again.

Neither do most druids especially ones near your lvl.

Edited, Feb 24th 2007 3:55pm by scudderfunk
#104 Feb 24 2007 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
scudderfunk wrote:
Rogues and Warlocks don't have 20k+ armor. Sorry, try again.

Neither do most druids especially one near your lvl.

I'm level 66. My brother (now 70 Druid) had 20k armor at 60. Smiley: lol

Maybe not in damage gear at 60, but he sure did by 66. He's got 30k+ now.
#105 Feb 24 2007 at 12:58 PM Rating: Default
The Mangle alone crit me for 3000 damage. No other class can do that on an opening shot and still have 20k+ AC.

Where TF do you get your numbers from, show SS or it didnt happen. And if your talking about lvl 70 druids with you being 5 lvls below them, just stfu right now.
#106 Feb 24 2007 at 1:01 PM Rating: Default
My brother (now 70 Druid) had 20k armor at 60

Prove it. Fully raid buffed doesnt count.

Edited, Feb 24th 2007 4:04pm by scudderfunk
#107 Feb 24 2007 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,113 posts
Theophany the Sly wrote:

A Rogue can't crit mail for 3000 damage with one hit; they'd have to at the very least use Eviscerate.

My rogue was ambush critting like 2k on mail at level 60, I'm sure a shadowstep rogue could crit 3k+ at 70.
#108 Feb 24 2007 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
RPZip wrote:


--the damage bonus to crits was applied after the crit, so we were actually doing 230% damage on a crit. Now we'll be doing 220%. Assuming a 25% crit rate that's a 1% dps decrease in all forms. I think we'll live.

Incorrect. Increasing your critical strike bonus damage (_read_ the talent) increases the bonus damage you gain upon a critical strike from 100% to 115%, or from 200% (normal damage = 100%, plus critical strike = 100%) damage to 215% (100% + 115%). This reduction will drop the critical strike bonus damage to 210%, which works out to 3.4% less damage on a crit.


Edited, Feb 24th 2007 2:11pm by RPZip

Incorrect. I tested it. A swipe that was doing 200 damage was critting for 460. Swipe's great for this test because it's non-variable.

"Increases your damage from melee critical strikes by 15%"

so you crit a base X attack, that's 2X. Now the damage from the crit (it's a crit, not a hit and some extra damage as a crit) is 2X*1.15=2.3X. That's a crit doing 230% damage.
#109 Feb 24 2007 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,288 posts

* "Demonic Tactics" now grants increased critical strike chance to you and your demon pet, instead of increased damage.

What the...? We cast DOTs for cryin' out loud. We don't need crit. We need damage.

That's just stupid.

I thought it was retarded that Demonologists got more +Spelldamage than well geared Affliction or Destruction warlocks without even trying because of this talent. I think it's a good change.
#110 Feb 24 2007 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
* The base healing percent from "Vampiric Embrace" has been reduced to 15% from 20%. In addition, this ability can no longer get critical heals.

Am I missing something? Was Vampiric Embrace overpowered?

* "Silent Resolve" no longer reduces threat generated by Shadow spells.

Are you serious?

* Prayer of Mending now has a 20 second cooldown.

I suppose prayer of mending was slightly overpowered as it was. I also guess this goes against my theory that for some reason blizzard wants shadow priest to be pvp and solo and healing to be pve. I'm not a pvper on my priest, but maybe PoM was too powerful in pvp, in which case my theory holds.

* If a targeted enemy has a magic effect granting immunity to spell or physical damage, “Mass Dispel” will now always pick that effect as its target.

{sarcasm}Well that makes up for the other random nerfs.{sarcasm off} Hopefully this trend stops at this patch, if these are the actual changes being made.
#111 Feb 24 2007 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
Mazra wrote:
Good post, Sel.

I took a chill pill.

I still think they overdid it with the nerf. And I still think we've been reduced to pre-2.0 state when it comes to usefulness in groups. Time to be a healbot again.

Edited, Feb 24th 2007 8:08am by Mazra

I just got back from driving for 400+ miles today, so I'm too tired to read all 3 pages of this, so I apologize in advance if I'm being unnecessarily redundant.

Mazra, since the beginning of this thread, have you even tested the new content? It seems like right off the bat you got upset from simply reading the patch notes, but not actually testing out how things work out. You should give that a try sometime. Just my Smiley: twocents.

edit: I guess this should go for everyone. Sometimes changes aren't nearly as bad after you play them out.

Edited, Feb 24th 2007 9:14pm by Webjunky
#113 Feb 24 2007 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
selebrin of the Seven Seas wrote:
Dear god, why can't you delete threads you create? I read the whole argument on here and wish I'd never posted this.

Xylia, hybrid does not mean "takes any job role except yours." For druids it means "With the right spec and the right gear, can be made completely viable wherever it's needed." Currently we are slightly overpowered in this, and warriors are slightly underpowered in this. This does NOT mean it's the end of the world. I personally feel bear might have been tweaked a little too much in damage without a threat buff (warriors need more threat, the normalization helps that. Druids don't avoid damage so we're capped on threat already most of the time.) But it was the direction things needed to go. That does not mean you were useless before, or we should be useless after. What you've been experiencing is a small gap in the classes turned into a canyon by the players. That's exactly what we faced for a very long time. That's why many druids find it hard to take you seriously, especially with your tone. We've stepped over the gap and found it not that wide.

Also, druids are not hybrids like shamans or paladins are hybrids. When tanking, we cannot do anything but tank. When healing, we cannot do anything but heal. To do something else involves completely giving up the previous task. While tanking (not between mobs) we cannot do quick healing on someone. While healing we cannot bring our full dps to bear against, say, a tank at the end of coilfang, at least not without spending 1000 mana when we're likely tapped out anyway. Is our hybrid nature a strength? Yes, but not usually in any single PvE battle.

Mazra, this is a longtime druid telling you this: you had to have been blind not to see something like this coming. Druids needed a buff, we got a buff. Like the warrior nerf, both overshot their mark. As we've been saying all over the place, druid is damn near perfect except that bearform does a bit too much damage. This patch addresses that. Is it too much? Time will tell. I'm a dang good tank, and I will be a dang good tank after 2.0.10. My dpsers might need to be a little more on their toes, but it's the person that makes the tank just as much as it is the class, if not more. We're not going back to the old days, those of us trying to keep good relations between the classes and maintain the necessary balance won't let that happen. If we're ever truly in danger of that, I have no doubt Quor and I and many other people on here will be yelling right alongside you.

, chill out. Stop making mountains out of molehills, stop believing the opinions you read on the o-boards ("hey, let's compare a twinked out full-proccing druid to a just-70 warrior! NERF DRUIDS!"), and for god's sake stop feeling the only way to convey your ideas is to leap headfirst into hyperbole.

There, that feels good. I doubt anyone will listen but I'm glad I said that.

I quoted this in its entirety because I believe everyone should read it again.

I also like onenines comment:
The whole hybrid argument just doesn't work with druids though, so people should cut that out. It's a multi class, not a hybrid like Shammys/Pallys.

This sums up alot of the holed arguements "druid tanks can heal themselves"
If i need 14K+ armor and 15K+ HP to survive in a fight, why in the world would I want to shift into a form where I have only 3K armor and 8k health to try to heal myself (a heal that takes at least 3 seconds to cast, nevermind inturrupts (Bash has a 2 second duration)) Again, nevermind the fact that in tanking gear I have probably 3k mana, If I do that more than twice, I can no longer shift back into bear form.

But to my opinion. Yes, Bear Mangle needed to be nerfed. 1800 crits is just too much.
The HP% vs Stam%, yeah, probably needed to happen, doesn't hurt my feelings.
Armor bonus? thats iffy, we'll just have to see on that one. We don't have perry or block, so armor was our major damage midigation. Probably a good change in the end however.
Savage fury could probably still effect maul and swipe, but having it not buff mangle would be a step in the right direction.
Predatory Instincts I can understand the nerf, and in the end, I am not all unhappy about this change.
Improved Leader nerf kinda makes me sad, maybe they should lower the timer to compensate?
OOMkin armour... I don't know, I don't usually ever spec balance.
Rage buff? I think this is completely useless. Unless it was the only way for them to fix warriors, because they seriously needed their rage generation looked at.

Damn.. I typed this up like 6 hours ago before I went to work, and thought I hit submit, then absentmindedly sumbit it when I got home. Either way however, Sele speaks the truth. Preach on Brotha-man.

Edited, Feb 24th 2007 11:53pm by Drambuie
#114 Feb 24 2007 at 9:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,288 posts
Smiley: twocents I always preferred a Warrior when there were a lot of tough single targets and on bosses, and a Paladin if there was a lot of trash to tank. I'm just a lot more confident if the guy's got a Shield.

Now, if we could just get Warriors to stop attempting to tank while dual wielding or swinging a two hander. I can only understand this in places they're overlevelled/geared for and need more rage generation.
#116 Feb 24 2007 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
“The cost of the "Gladiator's Quickblade" has been decreased to 1125 arena points and changed to offhand only”

Good! I was only gonna use it in my offhand and now it should be easier to get.


* The rage normalization equation has been adjusted to grant more rage. The typical warrior should see an increase of 15% to 20% in their rage generation.
* All warriors had their critical strike chance adjusted upward slightly (about 1%).
* "Thunder Clap" is now useable in Defensive Stance. In addition, the tooltip has been adjusted to indicate it causes additional threat.
* The cooldown on "Victory Rush" has been removed, and it can now be used up to 20 seconds after killing an enemy.
"Unbridled Wrath" has been modified so that rather than a fixed chance to grant rage, it has an increased chance when using slower weapons.”

Kick ***! More rage, more crit, Tclap in def stance!, No victory rush cooldown and now it lasts up to 20 secs!!!!

“The threat generated from the spell effect on "Thunderfury" has been substantially reduced.”

Good! Never have to see this **** weapon anymore.

“The cost of sockets in high end items has been adjusted slightly, the result is that most high end epic items should see an increase in stats.”


... All I can say is that I'm gonna LOVE this patch!!
#117 Feb 24 2007 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
Im not to worried about the druid stuff yet I dont know how if will effect me really. Just seems its not worth it to switch to bear if you're getting beat down in cat form. I don't know we'll see but really I dont care for some reason

I think it's interesting that moonkin and bear are going to have same def. though. Might as well try tanking as moonkin.
#118 Feb 24 2007 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
Vizian wrote:
All I have to say is this: We better have our talent points refunded, because savage fury is pretty much useless now, and I'd rather spend those points on some resto talents. 30% less multiplier and 20% less from the talent, that was wrong. I can understand the armor and the health nerfs, but why gimp our attacks? At least we still have kitty for pvp...for now...

30% less for bear form. Sorry but bear form is not a damage-dealing form, it is a tanking form. It is not intended to have the armor of a warrior with a shield and the damage of a warrior with a 2-hander.
#119 Feb 24 2007 at 11:16 PM Rating: Default

* The rage normalization equation has been adjusted to grant more rage. The typical warrior should see an increase of 15% to 20% in their rage generation.
* All warriors had their critical strike chance adjusted upward slightly (about 1%).
* "Thunder Clap" is now useable in Defensive Stance. In addition, the tooltip has been adjusted to indicate it causes additional threat.
* The cooldown on "Victory Rush" has been removed, and it can now be used up to 20 seconds after killing an enemy.
* "Unbridled Wrath" has been modified so that rather than a fixed chance to grant rage, it has an increased chance when using slower weapons.

OK so 70 pally tank here and Omg come on i must say the least nerfed order now gose 1. Rouges 2.warriors 3.warlocks 4. mages 5. hunters 6. priests 7. shamans 8.paladins 9. druids Hmmm i think thats right Now Come on some one has to fix this!
#120 Feb 24 2007 at 11:18 PM Rating: Default
(a heal that takes at least 3 seconds to cast, nevermind inturrupts (Bash has a 2 second duration))

Just to clarify, if this is how you are healing yourself, you are a dead bear. Bash rank 1 last 2 seconds, it does get better. Also you dont heal yourself with 3 second cast healing touches when you bash, you go for the 2 second regrowth and an instant rejuv. At least till you shift travel, get 100 yards away and can manage a 3 second heal. Mana permitting of course.
#121 Feb 24 2007 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
Another long druid vs warrior discussion o_O;. Of course I would say "DRUIDS DON'T NEED TO BE NERFED"....but I guess that wouldn't be entirely true. I make my own parties most of the time, and occasionally I invite a warrior if they ask. It's great for me then, I just ask what the warrior wants to do: tank or dps and I do the alternate. I haven't the gear yet to quite match up to a rogue dps, but according to some other posts they can. Based on appearance, not by experience (and I'll see if the nerf seems fair after it is released) this nerf is okay, but Blizzard did do some things to make us go back to pre-BC.

The swipe fix is alright, normally I use it for tanking small mobs if any. The damage did seem a little unfair, I did get 400+ crits, but it's the best way to hold aggro on that many things at any one time. The armor nerf really won't be happy, but neither will it nerf us that hard. Resto hasn't changed much, which is good since to me resto was fine. They weren't exactly right up there with Priests and Paladins, but their DoTs did gain some recognition. And Moonkin has more armor now, but still they pull a lot of aggro.

While having both tank and dps talents in only one tree is unfair, maybe Blizzard could make some talents apply more to Bear than Cat, or more to Cat than Bear. Bear tanks had as much hp and armor as warriors, and we could do a lot more damage. Therefore to nerf mangle damage in only Bear would've been fine, if they upped the threat. Rage hasn't been a problem for me, I get rage as I hit and as I get hit. Mangle in cat is, to me, a bit too low on damage now. Cat is only good for dps, our dodge isn't that high and our armor/health is quite low. Thus I haven't been able to keep up fully with a rogue dps, but I did have as much armor and more hp than him.

I'm reluctant to get out of form and use a potion, since I lose all rage I had gained until then and I'll be getting hit hard in my normal form, but that's a needed nerf. If druids could use potions in form, things would hardly be fair. Basically in a duel if I need to get out of bear form, I'm dead. Things cause too much damage in the time I need to heal myself. By the time my heal neeeearly casts, boom I'm dead. Just me though, I'm sure other people could say otherwise.

But again, I'll see after the patch is released. Maybe it won't be as bad as it seems. However as Riamora stated, if druids just become heal batteries again, I'll probably just level an alt. Nerf some nerfs, but not completely and I'd be good. 'Least I have heal gear somewhere @_@ Time to try a hand at healing.
*Gets flamed by druids who don't want a nerf and warriors who don't want druids to be less nerfed* xO

Edited, Feb 25th 2007 3:11am by Tsusai
#122 Feb 25 2007 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
anyone realised that for the last few patch notes, rouges and mages and locks either get a 1 or 2 line nerf/change , and now we priests just got hit with a big nerf. PoM was just fine to balance out our other crappy stuff, and now a CD. not just a 5 sec or a 10 sec CD, a TWENTY SEC COOLDOWN.

Bliz hates priests. resto ooids and shammys are the new priests, AoE heal or not. Chain heal owns
#123 Feb 25 2007 at 2:19 AM Rating: Default
ok, look each class is supposed to be good at something, other classes good at multiple things, but each class falls to another. Thats the whole idea of PvP to see how well u can do against all of the other classes, but their will always be a class that can over power your class like so;


atleast thats how i see it, but i cant really say sence i havent played all of the classes
#124 Feb 25 2007 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
scudderfunk wrote:
(a heal that takes at least 3 seconds to cast, nevermind inturrupts (Bash has a 2 second duration))

Just to clarify, if this is how you are healing yourself, you are a dead bear. Bash rank 1 last 2 seconds, it does get better. Also you dont heal yourself with 3 second cast healing touches when you bash, you go for the 2 second regrowth and an instant rejuv. At least till you shift travel, get 100 yards away and can manage a 3 second heal. Mana permitting of course.

Just an observation here.

Regrowth takes 2 seconds, Rejuvenation is instant, right?

Wrong. Rejuvenation takes global cooldown. It's instant, which means you can cast it on the go, but from the Regrowth is cast to Rejuvenation being ready, there's the global cooldown delay.

I don't remember if the global cooldown is 1.5 or 0.5 seconds, but regardless it'll make that Regrowth + Rejuvenation combo take at least 2.5 seconds, plus lag and player reaction time. Plus you have to shift back after healing, plus your Regrowth and Rejuvevation can be dispelled and they bring your health up rather slow compared to a 4k Healing Touch.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#125 Feb 25 2007 at 3:01 AM Rating: Good
337 posts
When a cat Druid can stunlock me for a decent amount of time (read: until about 50% of my HP is gon with 6200 HP in PvP gear), then shift into bear when his stuns are up and Mangle crit me for the last 3000 of my HP, yes, you need a nerf. You're still maintaining an AC that even Warriors find to be rediculous (I've seen Druids at 42k AC raid-buffed) with bear form, granted that you don't have block or parry, but what Warrior wears a shield in PvP?

If a druid is well geared enough to Mangle(Bear) crit for 3k, they'll take a hell of a lot more than half of 6200HP in cat form during a pounce and maim. :P

Furthermore, a druid geared to do that damage, is not going to have anywhere NEAR the damage mitigation that druids can achieve in full tanking gear.

On my druid, with base STR and AGI only, Preditory Strikes 105 additional AP at level 70,and the +10% physical damage talent (which a feral druid will almost certainly have), bear form has a melee attack that does 207-268 (94.9 DPS)(Average Hit of 237.25).

Assuming 14 AP = 1 DPS still, and 1 DPS = 2.5 damage increase (2.5s paws), and Mangle(bear)(Rank3) is 130% normal melee damage +175.5 (Source, WoWHead, as I'm currently resto).

We now have a mangle of: 237.25*130% + 175.5 = 483.925 damage

In order to get a mangle crit of 3000, this reqiures a base mangle of either 1500 or ~1400 (actually would result in a crit of 3010 (1400*215%=3010))(assumes +15% crit bonus, from talents).

1500-175.5 = 1324.5

Where x is the base damage of the bear attack,

x * 1.3 = 1324.5

x = 1018.8462

So that is our target base average damage for the bear form to achive a mangle of 1500.

The Difference between the average damage of 237.25 and 1018.8462 is:

1018.8462 - 237.25 = 781.5962

781.5962 / 2.5 = 312.63848

Meaning, an increase of ~313 DPS would be required. Requiring an additional 4382 Attack Power. Without the aid of the +20% STR talent, which is active only in cat form. As far as I know, no cat druid, let alone a bear druid has reached 4k AP at this point in time. Much less a druid wearing gear to provide armour of 20k and upwards.

Ah, but we didn't consider the soon to be non-existant bonus from Savage Fury. Well...

x * 1.3 * 1.2 = 1324.5
x * 1.2 = 1018.8462
x = 849.0385

849.0385 - 237.25 = 611.7885

611.7885 / 2.5 = 244.7154

Meaning, an increase of ~245 DPS, requiring an additional 3430 AP (On top of the 441, Unbuffed (not even MotW) base AP). So in reality, in order to achive the average damage necessary to pull off such crits, the druid would need 3874 AP in bear form, and that is assuming an armourless situation.

Now since bear form's claw attack has a total range of 61, the max damage is ~30.5 damage higher than the medium. Meaning, this could be achieved with an average damage of (611.7885-30.5) 581.2885 damage, requiring only (581.2885/2.5) ~233 DPS increase, an additional 3262 AP. Meaning, if the druid were to get a high damage roll, it would be possible to reach such a crit with 3703 AP. Again, completely disregarding armour, resilience, and other such reductions.

So, please forgive me, if I question whether or not you were crit for 3k by a bear form mangle, let alone by a druid with formidable mitigation.

And as I said much earlier in this thread, a druid with this kind of gear would take MUCH more than half of 6200 HP during pounce (3-4s stun)(allowing a mangle, and 1-2 shreds, or 2 shreds) and a maim (enabling at least one free shred). All the while, these shreds, with much larger damage output, and the benefit of +20% STR, and AGI increasing attack power, and potentially a 30% damage increase from mangle, would quite simply, dwarf that single Mangle(Bear) in damage done. And as such, I theorize that if the druid were that well geared, you wouldn't have even survived until the mangle(bear) unless they were quite unlucky with misses, dodges, and parries.

Even ignoring the bonuses cat form would gain, simply using the base STR/AGI cat DPS (plus 10%, plus 105AP) of 95.3 plus the minimum 233 DPS (328.3 DPS), would give the cat the average hit of 328.3 damage (1.0s attack speed).


328.3 * 1.6 + 268 = 793.28

Shred(Rank 7)

(328.3 * 2.25 + 405) = 1143.675
* 1.3 (Mangle Debuff) = 1486.7775

If Omen of Clarity procs, that's another shred in you. And at least 2 ticks of pounce. That's already over 2k damage. (2280 + pounce damage that I don't feel like doing the math for atm since I don't have theory craft to make it easy for me atm). This is a garunteed 3 combo points. Assuming they used Maim right away, that's probably just under 400 additional damage, and then another shred. Resulting in 4166.7775 (plus pounce) damage. And there's a pretty good chance, energy allowing, that they'd get a second shred off before a scatter shot, allowing for another ~1500 damage.

Soooo to summarize, and paraphrase another post. Screenshot or it didn't happen.

Back on topic. I think the changes are a bit extreme, particularly the changes to Savage Fury. It severely reduces the usefulness of the talent. Also, warriors are seriously overreacting at the supposed threat to their tanking. The biggest improvement to tanking as a druid that I've seen so far is that defense is more readily available to druids, and gear is not nearly as tediously obscure, or difficult/time-consuming/impossible to get. Along the same vein, however, agi/dodge/crit seems harder to come by, the instance sets are poorly designed for tanking, and generally more cat form orientated (where hybrid gear is much more useful), and some slots are still exceedingly difficult to upgrade: there's no new armour trinkets!

While my armour value has jumped considerably, numerically speaking, due to post-TBC changes and gear, my mitigation % has actually dropped :P . Also, due to changes in the formulae it takes even MORE armour than before (relatively speaking) to achieve the same level of damage reduction, even disregarding the increased requirements due to leveling. 20k.. 30k armour.. is not nearly as potent as it used to be.

Warriors are also closer to me in HP than they were pre-TBC, reducing that "benefit" of druid tanking. And as to this "bears are out dpsing prot warriors!" junk... I've ALWAYS out DPS'd a prot warrior while tanking; this is NOT new to the expansion. Maul and Swipe were the main aggro abilities then; one for single/main targets, one for group aggro generation (or additional single target), and as apposed to sunder/revenge they obviously do much more damage (and with the introduction of devastate, prot warriors actually do more damage now). But bear form was then, and still is, not comparable to an actual DPSer.

The biggest difference imo is that druids doing anything other than healing is more widely accepted now. And as such, druids are now "allowed" to tank or dps, and people started realizing "HEY! They can actually DO that pretty well!". It's a fad. It'll blow over. Warriors can still tank awesomely, and they still have better mitigation than druids, heck they may even now have better aggro generation now too. Thunderclap being useable in defensive stance, along with the increased rage generation, will go a long way to making things easier for warriors (particularly with group tanking), but druids did not suddenly become better tanks than warriors. Warriors are just getting a little taste of the prejudice and misconceptions that druids have had to deal with since day one. THen again... most warriors I've come across don't want to tank in the first place, much less go prot, so why is there such an uproar that now that two other classes can fill that role too? (Although paladins and druids could tank pre-TBC, they simply weren't often given the option. Re: prejudices and misconceptions).

Another factor may be, that if a druid is specced for tanking and took the time to put together good tanking gear (pre-expac; which required much more patience and dedication than it did for warriors), chances are he/she actually WANTS to tank, and takes the time to LEARN how to tank well. The same cannot be said for all warriors. Not every warrior wants to tank, but will probably end up doing so at some point. Those same warriors might not make the same effort to learn to tank well or gear up as the tanking druid, or other warriors who actually WANT to tank.

The improvements in the hands of the druid class, who have had to make up for the shortcomings of their class over the "ages" by simply being better players, are pretty powerful indeed. (anyone remember the days when the "feral build" had maybe double the points in resto than it did in feral? :P) It's not the buffs that are overpowered, it's the players who learned to excel as a 'three-legged, one-eyed underdog' errr.. cat/bear?.

Also, many people seem to forget that feral druid damage is leveled. Meaning, the base damage only improves when you level. Even with the changes to the class, we still don't scale with gear as well as other melee classes. Even pre-expac, feral druids excelled in the "beginning" before the epic weapons started rolling around, leaving them in the dust.

And yes, buff hunters, but nerf hunter kill stealing. :)

EDIT: And all that said, I don't think these nerfs are the end of the world. A bit much, perhaps, but we'll still be fine in PvP and PvE.

Edited, Feb 25th 2007 6:07am by darklycute
#126 Feb 25 2007 at 3:22 AM Rating: Decent
Well, I'm glad the druid debate was settled. Cooler heads prevailed, and in the end, fuzzy bears can still stand up to a mob of elites beating on them and then leap into cow-man form and heal someone and flood a mana bar with fresh sparkling mana and wrap something in vines and shoot lazers from the moon and then turn back into a bear before anything hurts them too much.

But why in the jiggerypoking blue hells would they put a cooldown on Prayer of Mending? They've jacked up the damage counts in every top-tier instance so that priests are just weeping blood trying to keep the tanks and DPS up as it is. Prayers of Mending put on 5-6 party members before the pull would bounce around and save us a bit of grief and a slight edge of mana, particularly crucial with a long, damage-laden fight like the Curator.

Now we can use it for 5-man runs. Periodically. If we want to bother with it.


The other stuff is all shadow nerfs, which is sucky, since instead of nerfing the PVP aspects of shadow priests that make people cry into their Wheaties, they made the job harder for PVE shadow priests; some of my best friends are shadow priests, but not me personally.

Still bitter about that Prayer of Mending thing, though. First they flood our side with a bunch of magic-eating fey paladins, then they take away the utility of our most useful new spell. Talk about kicking a class while they're down.
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