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#77 Feb 24 2007 at 9:41 AM Rating: Good
If you think Swipe is useless now you know even less about your class than I thought you did, and if you can't understand the ways in which getting more Rage will be immensely helpful then... yes, again, you know even less about Druids than I thought you did.
#78 Feb 24 2007 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts

Edited, Feb 24th 2007 12:45pm by axhed
#79 Feb 24 2007 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,113 posts
Dierks wrote:
Of all nerfs, we should have the resto tree nerfed. Warriors had a MONOPOLY on tanking for the longest time (let's see, oh, the ENTIRE PRE-TBC) and what did they do, whine and ***** and moan about how they wanted to dps. Let me say this, I hate healing, I dont want to heal, but Druids have always had competition for healing in priests, we were still NEVER allowed to use any other abilities outside of healing in raids. Frenzied regen is ok, but considering we do not get potions in bear form, it is not that good.

Why dont all of you haters just admit it, it is that you think you are entitled to tanking and that no one else should be able to do it. So now our bear form is weak again and I have to listen to idiots giving me a pst "want to heal for <insert instance>" or "you dont have to be tree, just heal and be healing spec"

Did you read the topic at all?

Druids WERE preferred tanks in 5mans, now they aren't, but they're still VERY viable, and good and stuff.
#80 Feb 24 2007 at 9:52 AM Rating: Default
4,297 posts
Dierks wrote:
Of all nerfs, we should have the resto tree nerfed. Warriors had a MONOPOLY on tanking for the longest time (let's see, oh, the ENTIRE PRE-TBC) and what did they do, whine and ***** and moan about how they wanted to dps. Let me say this, I hate healing, I dont want to heal, but Druids have always had competition for healing in priests, we were still NEVER allowed to use any other abilities outside of healing in raids. Frenzied regen is ok, but considering we do not get potions in bear form, it is not that good.

so if a warrior who doesn't want to tank "whine and ***** and moan"s, what does a druid who doesn't want to heal do?
#81 Feb 24 2007 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
Xylia..Think what you sad about no good gear=slow lvling is not fully true...Check out for example Joana, he hitted up lvl 60 with only 4 days 20 hours play time, and he said on his website that he never does instances, he walks around in ****** greens...Soow not fully true...And guys be happy with your warrior or your feral druid..I can't beat you on my lvl 59 combat rogue ;)...only with ooldowns on..
#82 Feb 24 2007 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
Are they f*cking stupid?! I DON'T NEED MORE F*CKING RAGE! I CAN'T GET RID OF THE SH*T!

Afaik druids never had the rage normalization to begin with. I could be wrong though. Can someone help me out here?
#83 Feb 24 2007 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
RPZip wrote:
If you think Swipe is useless now you know even less about your class than I thought you did, and if you can't understand the ways in which getting more Rage will be immensely helpful then... yes, again, you know even less about Druids than I thought you did.

1.) Swipe is not useless in PvE. I was talking about PvE. Before the nerf (at the moment) it does 400+ on crits. After the nerf it'll crit less and deal 20% less damage. Weee.

2.) More rage isn't useful when you have 100 already. The only way I ever get to the bottom of my rage pool in combat is when I hit Frenzied Regeneration. And even then it'll only drain 100 rage and I'll be getting more rage while it runs.

Global cooldown plus Primal Fury makes it near impossible to get rid of all the rage you build up. Perhaps if I spammed Swipe inbetween Mauls and Mangles. But, uhm, 100 damage at a 15 rage cost isn't worth it.

Edited, Feb 24th 2007 1:16pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#84 Feb 24 2007 at 10:16 AM Rating: Excellent
selebrin of the Seven Seas wrote:


* When the duration of "Cyclone" ends, area buffs such as "Leader of the Pack", "Tree of Life", and "Moonkin" will now be correctly resumed.
* "Bear Form" now grants 25% increased stamina instead of 25% increased health.
* "Dire Bear Form" now grants 25% increased stamina instead of 25% increased health. In addition, the armor bonus has been reduced from 450% to 400%.
* The multiplier on base weapon damage for "Mangle (Bear)" ability has been changed from 130% to 100%. In addition, the bonus damage has been reduced by the same ratio.
* "Savage Fury" no longer affects "Mangle (Bear)".
* "Savage Fury" no longer applies to "Maul" or "Swipe".
* The critical damage bonus on "Predatory Instincts" reduced from 3/6/9/12/15% to 2/4/6/8/10%.
* "Improved Leader of the Pack" can no longer get critical heals.
* The armor bonus from "Moonkin Form" has been increased from 360% to 400% (to match Dire Bear Form).
* The rage normalization equation has been adjusted to grant more rage.

It's really not that bad folks. In order:
--a fix.
--not much change at all, only gonna see a change with flasks, almost everything else gives stamina.
--Take your casterform armor unbuffed, divide by 2, that's how much you lose in bear. I lose 2000 armor out of 23000. Necessary? In PvE I dunno but in PvP maybe.
--So mangle damage is reduced by about 25%. I think this is too much for it to stay on the 6sec timer. My mauls already do more damage (Brutality Idol equipped). We'll see.
--See below
--Ok so druids pretty much lose 9% bear damage on special abilities, Probably close to a 9% dps loss overall IN BEAR. Good. Bear isn't our DD form. I feel we should have good damage and good tanking, but not in the same form.
--the damage bonus to crits was applied after the crit, so we were actually doing 230% damage on a crit. Now we'll be doing 220%. Assuming a 25% crit rate that's a 1% dps decrease in all forms. I think we'll live.
--That ability critting for 1000 hp was a little extreme.
--This one's a pvp buff. In PvE I'm mauling almost all the time anyway so my rage comes from getting hit.
#85 Feb 24 2007 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
i think its way too much nerfing on druids. mangle should either be kept at 130% or be affected by savage fury, not have both removed from it. if all of our damaging moves crits are gonna be nerfed from predatory instincts why would they also nerf the non crit damage? if theyre gonna nerf our health why do they also nerf the ability to crit off imp LotP heals? if theyre gonna nerf our health, damage, and imp LotP why do they also nerf the armour?
and hybrids who spec feral arent gonna be good at healing, just like shamans and paladins who choose different specs. you can tell when someones ignorant about feral druids when they start bringing stuff like "they can heal and use magic spells" into an argument like theyre valid things a feral could do in a group.
and warriors saying they can only dps/tank in a group, guess what? thats all feral druids can do aswell, feral heals suck, feral spell damage suck. play the class, look in the talent trees, learn, understand, comprehend and stfu.
btw im not saying feral druids couldnt or shouldnt heal in groups, but im saying the opportunity is very rare and only really possible in cat form, yes i have stopped dpsing and healed till my mana was gone but the main extent of my hybrid capabilites as a cat is either dps, innervate, heal as a bear its just tank, and as a resto its just heal. if hybrids didnt have the ability to specialise they would be shunned in 5 man, useless in raids, and completley gimped in pvp. sometimes i think blizz should never have come up with the concept of hybrids and just givin straight roles to everyone. the concept of hybridisation was obviously too hard for them to balance.
#86 Feb 24 2007 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent

You know. I had to reply to your post with (hopefully) some advise you will take to heart.

You said this a few posts ago. "You're not SUPPOSED to be Balanced, get over it!"

Now last post you said this. "Do you not have any sense of Balance and Fairness in you at all?"

Are you dumb? Do you have a consistant position? Are we not spos to be ballanced? or do you want things to be balanced?

I think you should STFU till you figure out what you want and are thinking.

If you wanted a "hybrid" class then give druids all warrior abilities in bear form. Just tone them down 20% Now we are weaker but a hybrid. Give us all rogues abilities in cat form but again drop there effectiveness 20% and we'll be hybrids. Right now we have (in comparsion) about no abilities that warriors enjoy and saying out of all the aspects between the 2 classes that a druid can do 1 or 2 equal or a touch better makes us "unbalanced" just shows your kinda clueless about balance or your class.

This nerf is terrible and does in fact turn the druid class into just a walking HK, and a poor choice in a group. Can't find the class you REALLY want I guess grab a druid and we'll suck it up. Thats wrong.
#87 Feb 24 2007 at 11:08 AM Rating: Excellent
Oh, I do so love being abrasive. Some day's it's just so... gratifying.


1.) Swipe is not useless in PvE. I was talking about PvE. Before the nerf (at the moment) it does 400+ on crits. After the nerf it'll crit less and deal 20% less damage. Weee.

Where in the patch did you see anything that lowered Druid Crit rates? Please point it out to me. It might help if you actually knew what your talents _did_, rather than skimming the patch notes and making assumptions. (Hint: Critical Strike Damage bonus != Critical Strike chance).


Global cooldown plus Primal Fury makes it near impossible to get rid of all the rage you build up. Perhaps if I spammed Swipe inbetween Mauls and Mangles. But, uhm, 100 damage at a 15 rage cost isn't worth it.

Yes, god forbid you use abilities that don't have "a cooldown". You know, Warriors have this nifty ability called "Heroic Strike" that actually really blows from a DPS perspective. No joke! But we use it anyway (well... for Fury) since otherwise we, you know, can't always actually "spend" this "rage". We also spam "Hamstring" and "Pummel", both of which cause almost no damage, when we cannot use our abilities with "cooldowns".

Strange, but true!

EDIT: Oh, and by the way Sel...


--the damage bonus to crits was applied after the crit, so we were actually doing 230% damage on a crit. Now we'll be doing 220%. Assuming a 25% crit rate that's a 1% dps decrease in all forms. I think we'll live.

Incorrect. Increasing your critical strike bonus damage (_read_ the talent) increases the bonus damage you gain upon a critical strike from 100% to 115%, or from 200% (normal damage = 100%, plus critical strike = 100%) damage to 215% (100% + 115%). This reduction will drop the critical strike bonus damage to 210%, which works out to 3.4% less damage on a crit.


Edited, Feb 24th 2007 2:11pm by RPZip
#88 Feb 24 2007 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
Ragglesnape wrote:
I think Blizzard decided to swing the nerf bat hard out of the gate, then back off of it if the whining gets too loud. This patch may not go live at all like this. In fact, history says that the Shamans will in fact get nerfed again, the Hunters will get a buff, and Tseric will say something nonsensical before this sucka goes live.

Tseric already said that a major fix for warriors, the one which is essentially a bug fix, will not make it to the patch. The fix where snares are removed for charge, intercept, and intervene, that is. Basically it fixes the bug that has screwed warriors in PvP forever, making our intercept fall off the mark to the point where, in the stunned three seconds, we still can't catch up to our target for being thrown so far off the mark.

So basically the more important fix for PvP is getting put back (it'll still be in the patch notes, though), and there's no sight of charge and intercept being fixed so they actually put us within melee range of our target. At least the problem of warriors actually going in the opposite direction of their target on an intercept will be fixed.
#89 Feb 24 2007 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
1,287 posts
selebrin of the Seven Seas wrote:
Also, druids are not hybrids like shamans or paladins are hybrids. When tanking, we cannot do anything but tank. When healing, we cannot do anything but heal. To do something else involves completely giving up the previous task. While tanking (not between mobs) we cannot do quick healing on someone. While healing we cannot bring our full dps to bear against, say, a tank at the end of coilfang, at least not without spending 1000 mana when we're likely tapped out anyway. Is our hybrid nature a strength? Yes, but not usually in any single PvE battle.

What makes you think this is any different for paladins? Do you seriously think we can heal while tanking? Yeah, sure, 2.0.1 changed it so that Righteous Fury affected all holy spells, not just holy damage spells, so it's not that bad for maintaining the aggro, but seriously.

First of all, Tanking means there are mobs hitting us. To properly cast a spell without getting interrupted, I need to both spend 10 points in holy (which doesn't do me anything good as a tank) and switch to concentration aura, lowering either my armor by 1205 or my resistance by 70.

Second, while I'm casting, my shield is negated. I can't block at all. Block is the biggest factor in the miss/parry/dodge/block combo, taking up more than half of it. There are 4 ongoing effect talents that only affect my shield, meaning 4 talents that have no use at all.

Third, if I want to tank anywhere near decent, I need full tanking gear and full tanking build. How much healing do you think I'll do with that build? Not to mention that healing and tanking requires the same resource poule: Mana, whereas a Druid has a rage and a mana bar next to each other.

Then there's Druids who have their Melee DPS and their Tanking talents in the same tree. You can spec tank and still do decent DPS, grind just fine, etc. Heck, there were even people complaining about their DPS in bear form :S Your bear form is for taking hits. It would be stupid if you did as much damage as a DPS Warrior with a twohander. He's not using his shield, you still got all your bear form protection.
#90 Feb 24 2007 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Alright, I'm probably going to **** off the Druid community here, but oh well.

When a cat Druid can stunlock me for a decent amount of time (read: until about 50% of my HP is gon with 6200 HP in PvP gear), then shift into bear when his stuns are up and Mangle crit me for the last 3000 of my HP, yes, you need a nerf. You're still maintaining an AC that even Warriors find to be rediculous (I've seen Druids at 42k AC raid-buffed) with bear form, granted that you don't have block or parry, but what Warrior wears a shield in PvP?

You can check out my Hunter's gear; honestly with 1400 RAP and Hemet's Elekk Gun, I should be able to hit a Druid for more than a 700 Aimed Shot.

Druids shouldn't be using DPS for tanking. It's not how tanking works. I think Blizzard has gone a little far with this nerf, and will be adding in a buff to hate multipliers in bear form, but stop your whining. I'm deperessed that you all are whining as much as the Rogues do when they can't insta-kill every class.

Oh, for the person that wanted Rogue changes: Rogues are slightly overpowered right now. Cloak of Shadows is rediculous.
#91 Feb 24 2007 at 12:14 PM Rating: Default
When a cat Druid can stunlock me for a decent amount of time (read: until about 50% of my HP is gon with 6200 HP in PvP gear), then shift into bear when his stuns are up and Mangle crit me for the last 3000 of my HP, yes, you need a nerf.

Excuse me??? So we need a nerf because we can kill you? And in twice the amount of time it would take a rogue to do the same thing without changing forms.
#92 Feb 24 2007 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
561 posts

* If a targeted enemy has a magic effect granting immunity to spell or physical damage, “Mass Dispel” will now always pick that effect as its target.
* "Silent Resolve" no longer reduces threat generated by Shadow spells.

1 is good, 2 is ... whatever. Kind of bad actually, but the other ones.. will kill priest class:

* The base healing percent from "Vampiric Embrace" has been reduced to 15% from 20%. In addition, this ability can no longer get critical heals.
Why did they had to reduce it? And no crit? Every heal spell crits. This produces healing. SHOULD crit!
* Prayer of Mending now has a 20 second cooldown.
Ok... single best addition to priests in TBC was reduced to ... whatever. If they don't modify the algorithm in which this spell works, it will almost be a useless spell. The 0 cooldown was what made it The SPELL and most viable.

please tell me all this is a joke.
#93 Feb 24 2007 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
PilgrimFX wrote:

* The base healing percent from "Vampiric Embrace" has been reduced to 15% from 20%. In addition, this ability can no longer get critical heals.
Why did they had to reduce it? And no crit? Every heal spell crits. This produces healing. SHOULD crit!

All of the healing returns on offensive abilities have lost their crits. Improved Leader of the Pack no longer grants critical heals. Originally it was a 6% life heal that could critically heal, on a critical hit. That was a lot of life.

You're still getting healed for doing damage. As often as the free heals popped, the crits were very frequent and imbalanced. It's not a heal spell, it's a heal effect. Healing from bandages don't crit, do they?
#94 Feb 24 2007 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
scudderfunk wrote:
When a cat Druid can stunlock me for a decent amount of time (read: until about 50% of my HP is gon with 6200 HP in PvP gear), then shift into bear when his stuns are up and Mangle crit me for the last 3000 of my HP, yes, you need a nerf.

Excuse me??? So we need a nerf because we can kill you? And in twice the amount of time it would take a rogue to do the same thing without changing forms.

A Rogue can't crit mail for 3000 damage with one hit; they'd have to at the very least use Eviscerate.
#95 Feb 24 2007 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
Mazra wrote:
At least they only slightly nerfed my Warlock. More critical hits. Psh. YOU CAN'T CRIT WITH A DOT, YOU IDIOTS!
Edited, Feb 23rd 2007 10:33pm by Mazra

Uhhh....Uhhhh.... Uhhh *Malcavious is speechless* Damn you must be Alliance.
The other day I had a buddy of mine who is an Alliance laugh his head off because my Warlock is in all Stamina gear, he said "Locks only use INT" I paid to have my charecter transfered and showed him different.

Blizzard will fix anything stupid they do, people whine all day for nerf this nerf that. What you should be saying is..."I can't beat this guy" then figure out, is it because they are in better gear, or better skill than you, or are they older and understand you need to have fast reflexes and macros to win in PVP rather then hit 1 button per second....=p

Anyways stop crying over nerfs, you should instead encourage Blizzard to buff up other classes, like warriors. those guys never win in PVP unless they have the best gear, and that is sad. So let's stop whinning and stop being dumb, and ask for better things not nerfing things. And BTW....dots do CRIT.

Forsaken Lock on Emerald Dream!
#96 Feb 24 2007 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
681 posts
After reading these, I really have no desire to go back to my druid. I expected a damage nerf, but not to near the degree they did without any threat buffs along side the armor and health reductions. Maybe druids will be ok, but I honestly don't feel like investing more time into a class that Blizzard still isn't sure how they want to flesh out. And comments like Xylia's are really what I expect to happen. They'll make druids healbitches again. No thanks. Along with the fact I really don't feel good about druid PvP, it's time I get that Warlock to 70 and enjoy playing a class that I can PvP and PvE with how I would like to.
#97 Feb 24 2007 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
All I have to say is this: We better have our talent points refunded, because savage fury is pretty much useless now, and I'd rather spend those points on some resto talents. 30% less multiplier and 20% less from the talent, that was wrong. I can understand the armor and the health nerfs, but why gimp our attacks? At least we still have kitty for pvp...for now...
#98 Feb 24 2007 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent

"When a cat Druid can stunlock me for a decent amount of time (read: until about 50% of my HP is gon with 6200 HP in PvP gear), then shift into bear when his stuns are up and Mangle crit me for the last 3000 of my HP, yes, you need a nerf."

Ohh is this like that warlock fear thing? I've been killed going from full life to dead and never had control of my toon. Just fear, fear, Deathgrip (for flavor maybe) fear /laugh dead.

Or is it more like that rogue thing? Cheapshot <pokepoke>, gouge <poke>, kidneyshot <pokepokepoke> /comfort dead

Actually, I have to ask how it is different from any class killing you. Is it better that you got to swing back a few times before they finished you off? That you got to walk at them (damn mages) while they just kept you snared and dropped instant damage on you? Like the end result is different?

Druids are low on the totem for most situations. They got moved up some with BC. Best class in the game now? Like rogues before they got the huge slapdown? Not even close. They are just more middle of the pack then before. They don't go around owning other classes like a few existing classes allready do. they don't need to be nerfed.
#99 Feb 24 2007 at 12:42 PM Rating: Default
A Rogue can't crit mail for 3000 damage with one hit; they'd have to at the very least use Eviscerate.

Neither can a druid. And you didnt say single opening crits, you said stun lock for 3200 damage.
#100 Feb 24 2007 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Mercymillennium wrote:

"When a cat Druid can stunlock me for a decent amount of time (read: until about 50% of my HP is gon with 6200 HP in PvP gear), then shift into bear when his stuns are up and Mangle crit me for the last 3000 of my HP, yes, you need a nerf."

Ohh is this like that warlock fear thing? I've been killed going from full life to dead and never had control of my toon. Just fear, fear, Deathgrip (for flavor maybe) fear /laugh dead.

Or is it more like that rogue thing? Cheapshot <pokepoke>, gouge <poke>, kidneyshot <pokepokepoke> /comfort dead

Actually, I have to ask how it is different from any class killing you. Is it better that you got to swing back a few times before they finished you off? That you got to walk at them (damn mages) while they just kept you snared and dropped instant damage on you? Like the end result is different?

Druids are low on the totem for most situations. They got moved up some with BC. Best class in the game now? Like rogues before they got the huge slapdown? Not even close. They are just more middle of the pack then before. They don't go around owning other classes like a few existing classes allready do. they don't need to be nerfed.

Rogues and Warlocks don't have 20k+ armor. Sorry, try again.

scudderfunk wrote:
A Rogue can't crit mail for 3000 damage with one hit; they'd have to at the very least use Eviscerate.

Neither can a druid. And you didnt say single opening crits, you said stun lock for 3200 damage.

The Mangle alone crit me for 3000 damage. No other class can do that on an opening shot and still have 20k+ AC.

Edited, Feb 24th 2007 12:52pm by Theophany
#101 Feb 24 2007 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
978 posts

* The base healing percent from "Vampiric Embrace" has been reduced to 15% from 20%. In addition, this ability can no longer get critical heals.
* "Silent Resolve" no longer reduces threat generated by Shadow spells.

Why? VE has been 20% for as long as I have been shadow and can't come up for a reason as to why this would be reduced. The crit heals don't matter as much to me as this way my aggro will be more predictable.

I guess I can understand not having silent resolve affect shadow spells, as there is a talent in the shadow tree to take care of this for us, but I'm sure some people took Silent Resolve instead and used the points in the Shadow Tree for something else. Ah well. Guess I will need to respec when this goes live :)
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