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#102 Apr 20 2007 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
Oh... and it's breaking the rules, but I have to.

Smiley: king
#103 Apr 20 2007 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
2,164 posts
I read the whole guide and maybe understood 10% of it. It just goes to show that I have no idea what the hell is going on in this game. So much more ocmplicated than I thought...I have only begun to scrath the surface. I think I will hold off on macros until I understand what my spells and abilities really
#104 Apr 21 2007 at 12:08 AM Rating: Decent
820 posts
Idea for a Paladin one (All seperate macros):

Macro One:
/cast [target=party2] Righteous Defense

Macro Two:
/cast [target=party3] Righteous Defense

Macro Three:
/cast [target=party4] Righteous Defense

Macro: Four:
/cast [target=party5] Righteous Defense

(Whatever the top party number is is the top number.)

You could line each button up to corresponding party number, so you don't have to target people to taunt mobs.

(Don't know if that'd help, not ever tanked on my Paladin before, but I with a Banzai mod (Highlights UF for people with aggro) it'd be very functional and easy to make effective.
#105 May 20 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
Just wondering... I have a set of gloves with the mount enchant, boots with mithy spurs and also the carrot on a stick. Would this equip them all?:

/use [frostsabre]
/equip [gloves+ minor mount speed]
/equip [boots+ mithril spurs]
/equip [carrrot on a stick]

And would this unequip them and equip the ordinary ones?:

/dismount [frostsabre]
/equip [gloves+ normal]
/equip [boots+ normal]
/equip [Nifty Stopwatch]

but put in the proper names of the items :P
#106 May 20 2007 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
wont work, you need to know the numbers of the item slots.
#107 May 20 2007 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
I actually just tried this, and it works perfectly! If you shift click the Item you want to equip/use it inserts the name into the Macro and it still works... When you right click on an eqipable Item from your bag, it automatically equips it in the first possible space available, and unequips whatever is there, if any. This works in the same fashion, but will only work if the Carrot on a Stick/Nifty Stopwatch is in the First Trinket Slot.

Edited, May 20th 2007 5:09pm by SpiritDrinker
#108 May 20 2007 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
w0000000000000000t STICKYZ
#109 May 20 2007 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
Great guide but too "high lvl" for me :(
I'm not so good at macro business, sadly i think only guys can understand how to make them.
I want to have a very simple macro but i can't find a way to make it... :P

I want a button on my action bar that would open a Battleground chat line. What should i type in the macro text?

Thank you for helping me :)
#110 May 21 2007 at 5:09 AM Rating: Decent
I don't believe you can open any chat lines in a macro but you could try "/bg" in a macro, this would just type to the battleground when you press enter.
#111 May 21 2007 at 11:11 PM Rating: Good
574 posts
RPZip wrote:
Updated - now with new and improved information!

If anyone has any macro requests I'm still looking for good suggestions to add to the guide (the Shaman one is noticeably lacking, especially).

But of course, lets start off with the necessities.

An "Oh ****" button & an "I Win" button for Elem/ Resto spec Shamans.

/cast elemental mastery
/cast Chain lightning

/cast nature's swiftness
/cast Healing wave

Still new to the macro stuff, so I'm not sure if it works but just to give an idea of what would be nice to have.

For Enhc Shamans.

/cast Shamanistic Rage
/equip (fast weapon)
/equip offhand (fast weapon)

I posted this in the Shaman forums but replies are rather slow in class forums so...

The first 2 lines of the macro works, but I no idea what command to use for the offhand so I put the offhand thingy...

This macro's purpose is to maximise the benefits of SR coz the more hits a Shaman can get in, the more mana is gained back.
#112 May 22 2007 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
heres a useful Blind macro i found somewhere.

/cast [target=mouseover] blind

I love this one. you dont need to change targets to blind. Only thing is to make sure your curser is on the guy you want to blind [which is a problem in crowds] [any way to make the macro blind your target if your curser isnt on someone?]
It might work with a mages sheep but iam not so sure since i havent tried it.

is this possible?

/castrandom [target=mouseover] polymorph; polymorph: pig; polymorph: cow; poly morph: turtle

/script XP = UnitXP("Celest")
/script XPMax = UnitXPMax("Celest")
/script SendChatMessage("XP: " ..floor( (XP / XPMax)*100 ) .. "%" , "party");

This one gives your experience bar as a percentage, "party" can be "say" "yell" or any chat function like that. But i dont know what /script itself does and means

here is a useful rogue macro; its present in allakazam somewhere but i didnt find it in this guide

/cast pick pocket
/cast ambush

but you need autoloot to be on in the interface. [what is /stopcasting for in this one, what happens if you dont have it?]. IT will still cast the offensive ability if the target doesnt have pockets.
you can replace ambush with any other stealth only ability [ive used this macro for them all]. But keep your pickpocket around, for times you dont want to attack the target.
#113 May 24 2007 at 5:47 AM Rating: Default
Can someone help me to make a sequence macro for my druid? I just can't figure it out how to make one. My point is to use pounce, faerie fire(feral), shred, shred, rake, etc, DEPENDING on energy regeneration rate. Now, I don't know if this is a problem, maybe it isn't, but I just can't make this sequence right.
I've read this guid many times, but still it seems somewhere I **** up the macro.
Thank you.
#114 May 24 2007 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
375 posts
Ran into a small problem with my Mouseover Macros. I have a feeling it's from having a little more than needed (not to savy on this stuff...) and the new "Show Icon" based on conditions feature.

Anyway; this is one of them from memory. Any typos are probably not in the real macro as it did work just fine before the patch.

#showtooltip<Sunder Armor>
/cast [target=mouseover, exists, harm] Sunder Armor; [target=target, exists, harm] Sunder Armor; [target=targetlasttarget, exists, harm] Attack; Attack

Now the Icon shows the [?] and there is no tooltip. I haven't tested the funcionality out yet (been crafting), but my guess is I get no tooltip because of the "Attack" part? Help please =)

I added the [target=targetlasttarget, exists, harm] Attack; Attack because the original would switch my target to the moused-over, sunder, then stop attacking. That line seemed to solve that problem, now I don't see any target switching. The only evedince(sp) of getting the Sunder off is the animation+sound on the moused-over target.

If there was anything I could improve: I lost the ability to start attacking the nearest mob with this Macro. If I could I'd like to keep the funcionality & add the abilty to mouse+sunder a mob, then begin Autoattack if I have no targets, or just Sunder the nearest mob then Autoattack it if nothing is moused-over or targeted.

Thx in advance!
#115 May 24 2007 at 8:35 AM Rating: Default
Killzon wrote:
Ran into a small problem with my Mouseover Macros. I have a feeling it's from having a little more than needed (not to savy on this stuff...) and the new "Show Icon" based on conditions feature.

Anyway; this is one of them from memory. Any typos are probably not in the real macro as it did work just fine before the patch.

#showtooltip<Sunder Armor>
/cast [target=mouseover, exists, harm] Sunder Armor; [target=target, exists, harm] Sunder Armor; [target=targetlasttarget, exists, harm] Attack; Attack

Now the Icon shows the [?] and there is no tooltip. I haven't tested the funcionality out yet (been crafting), but my guess is I get no tooltip because of the "Attack" part? Help please =)

I added the [target=targetlasttarget, exists, harm] Attack; Attack because the original would switch my target to the moused-over, sunder, then stop attacking. That line seemed to solve that problem, now I don't see any target switching. The only evedince(sp) of getting the Sunder off is the animation+sound on the moused-over target.

If there was anything I could improve: I lost the ability to start attacking the nearest mob with this Macro. If I could I'd like to keep the funcionality & add the abilty to mouse+sunder a mob, then begin Autoattack if I have no targets, or just Sunder the nearest mob then Autoattack it if nothing is moused-over or targeted.

Thx in advance!

If I'm not wrong, the guide said that the conditionals must be put ONLY in the beginning of the sequence. This is my problem aswell, so, I think it's a matter of sequence. Don't know for sure, I'm at this point of learning the basics. But my guess it's about a castsequence problem.
#116 May 24 2007 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
Er... do you have the <> in the actual macro? You shouldn't.

#showtooltip Sunder Armor
/cast [target=mouseover, harm] Sunder Armor; [harm] Sunder Armor

Should do exactly what you want it to, unless I'm missing something.
#117 May 24 2007 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
375 posts

Er... do you have the <> in the actual macro? You shouldn't.

#showtooltip Sunder Armor
/cast [target=mouseover, harm] Sunder Armor; [harm] Sunder Armor

Should do exactly what you want it to, unless I'm missing something.

...and that's why I post. I figured there was to much in it & it could be simplified, but it worked until this last patch, so I left it. I've read a few Macro guides (including yours) and I beleave I used the guide for v2.0 on wowwiki. That was where I got the <> from.

My Heroic Strike macro still works as intended:

#showtooltip<Heroic Strike>
/cast Heroic Strike

I like most of my abilities to start auto attack seeing how I'm normaly group tanking and prefer the mob health bars up. There are plenty of times I'm just standing there for a few seconds before I see it.

Thx RPZip! I'll plug that in & give feed back if it doesn't work. If you don't hear from me it's all good ^^

#118 May 26 2007 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
RPZip wrote:
e) Targeting

/focus [conditionals]
/assist [conditionals]
/targetlasttarget [conditionals]
/clearfocus [conditionals]
/cleartarget [conditionals]

These macros allow you to assign focus to your current target, switch to your last target, clear your current focus or target or assist your current target. All fairly self-explanatory, although Focus takes some getting used to. (See the section on Focus further along in this guide).

e) Target Cycling

/targetraid [conditionals]
/targetparty [conditionals]
/targetenemy [conditionals]

All of these commands will target a nearby raid/party/enemy subject to use only if the specified conditionals are met. Think "tab" and about as intelligent, but useable in a macro.

sry, im a wee bit OCD and couldnt continue to read this after i saw there were two "E's" so i had to mention sumthing, if you could fix this i would really love to read the rest because im completely oblivious to how to use the macros correctly. ty
#119 Jun 02 2007 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
In such a crowded thread, I may have overlooked this, but...

Whats the difference in function between:

/eguip Blade of Whatever


/equipslot 16 Blade of Whatever

? :)
#120 Jun 02 2007 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
820 posts
If it's a one hander, it will go to the Main Hand/Off Hand (Forgotten the numbers) slot directly, if you do /equip Blade of MacroExample, it will go straight to the main hand.
#121 Jun 05 2007 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
I think that means, that /equip can be used when macro-in-question intends to equip an item that is slot-specific (such as a main-hand weapon), and /equipslot is to be used when you want to equip an item that is not slot-specific.

Another question brings me back, though; Can I use /stopmacro with the reset function? (And what would the syntax be?) It would be darn handy when farming with my warrior if I could click a mouse button to target nearest enemy, then click same button (within alloted time) to charge that enemy. As it stands, I use:

/cast Charge

Depending on what I'm farming, I might add:

/cast Combat Spell

The problem here is that if I am out of range, "/cast Charge" fails, but "/cast Combat Spell" goes off anyway- wasting the rage and the cooldown. I want to try a macro where, as said above, I click once (macro is set to middle mouse button, of course) to target whatever enemy I'm facing, but have to click again- say within 3 seconds, to activate Charge. (And whatever, if anything, follows.)

Any help or clue appreciated. :)
#123 Jun 06 2007 at 5:16 AM Rating: Good


The problem here is that if I am out of range, "/cast Charge" fails, but "/cast Combat Spell" goes off anyway- wasting the rage and the cooldown. I want to try a macro where, as said above, I click once (macro is set to middle mouse button, of course) to target whatever enemy I'm facing, but have to click again- say within 3 seconds, to activate Charge. (And whatever, if anything, follows.)

Any help or clue appreciated. :)


/targetenemy [nocombat]
/cast [nocombat, harm] Charge; [combat] Combat Spell

You should have to hit this macro twice; once to target the enemy and charge, and another time to activate your combat ability, whatever it may be.
#124 Jun 06 2007 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
There's a macro I'd like to use, but I don't know how to write it and if it is possible.

I have different trinkets in my first trinket slot depending on the situation (Insignia of the Alliance in PvP, a +heal trinket in instances) and I'd like a macro that uses whichever trinket is in that slot at any given time.

So, first, is a "/use <slot #>" or something like that possible?
And second, which number has that specific slot and how do I know the number?
#125 Jun 24 2007 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
I made a Totem Macro which keeps my interface clean.
It's extremely simple, but it works just fine for me.

For example, in a group with more Melee Classes than casters, I'll use this one:
/castsequence Strength of Earth Totem(Rank 6), Grace of Air Totem(Rank 3), Flametongue Totem(Rank 5), Healing Stream Totem(Rank 6)

If there are more casters in my group, I will of course use different totems, but it really comes down to two macros for standard situations.
In case another totem is required (i.e. Tremor Totem if mobs fear), I'll cast that one afterwards, the loss in mana is so minor I don't mind it.

So yeah, a little Shaman Macro to add.
#126 Jun 28 2007 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
I just can't manage to get my macro to work.
I'm trying to get one to switch from battle stance to berzerker stance and then cast pummel.
I've read the whole guide and still can't get it.
This is what I've been doing:
/cast [stance: 3] Berzerker Stance; Pummel

is this wrong?
Please help
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