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#27 Jan 15 2007 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Never mind, the entire macro is crap.

Edited, Jan 15th 2007 8:53am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#28 Jan 15 2007 at 6:06 AM Rating: Decent
My bandage macro. Will bandage me if I'm targeting myself, no one, or an enemy, else it will bandage my friendly target (all in 1 click).

/cast [help] Heavy Runecloth Bandage; [harm,target=player] Heavy Runecloth Bandage; [target=player] Heavy Runecloth Bandage
#29 Jan 15 2007 at 6:30 AM Rating: Default

/use Gri'lek's Charm of Might
/equipslot 13 Hand of Justice
/cast Charge

SHOULD be all you need. Let me know how it works.

to spice it up, i will also try to add bloodrage into it:

/use Gri'lek's Charm of Might
/equipslot 13 Hand of Justice
/cast Charge
/cast Bloodrage

this should almost give me a full rage bar when I arrive at my target. I could even add a rage potion if i feel like showing of :)

Edited, Jan 15th 2007 9:28am by wouterk
#30 Jan 15 2007 at 6:59 AM Rating: Good
1,233 posts
Great guide RPZip, I've been sort of experimenting with /castsequence for a bit on my paladin trying to get a great grinding macro set down.

Here's what I use and it works awesome.

/castsequence [reset=8] Seal of the Crusader; [harm] Judgement; Seal of Righteousness

Since they are all instant casts I can spam the macro until all 3 spells go off, and ensure with the "reset" that I won't ever double cast the spells within the 8 seconds limit. It works out really nicely and so far I haven't noticed a bug with it.

I had a thought though. When I'm in PvP combat on warrior, I usually just spam my macros in an attempt to do as much damage as possible within a reasonable amount of time. So would something like this work?

/cast [combat,harm,Stance:1] Overpower; [combat,harm] Execute; [combat,harm] Bloodthirst
/cast [combat,harm,Stance:1] Overpower; [combat,harm] Execute; [combat,harm] Heroic Strike

Imagine those two lines are in the same macro, would it effectively Use Overpower If it could, if not switch to Execute and then on to Bloodthirst? Or will it immediately stop at Overpower and quit the macro entirely?

Anyways, great job! Smiley: boozing
#31 Jan 15 2007 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
Awesome guide, I'll definitely be bookmarking this and saving it.
#32 Jan 15 2007 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
1,030 posts
Paracleets the Righteous wrote:
Great guide RPZip, I've been sort of experimenting with /castsequence for a bit on my paladin trying to get a great grinding macro set down.

Here's what I use and it works awesome.

/castsequence [reset=8] Seal of the Crusader; [harm] Judgement; Seal of Righteousness

This gives me a neat idea for use on my Paladin while grinding! Thanks!

Paracleets the Righteous wrote:

I had a thought though. When I'm in PvP combat on warrior, I usually just spam my macros in an attempt to do as much damage as possible within a reasonable amount of time. So would something like this work?

/cast [combat,harm,Stance:1] Overpower; [combat,harm] Execute; [combat,harm] Bloodthirst
/cast [combat,harm,Stance:1] Overpower; [combat,harm] Execute; [combat,harm] Heroic Strike

Imagine those two lines are in the same macro, would it effectively Use Overpower If it could, if not switch to Execute and then on to Bloodthirst? Or will it immediately stop at Overpower and quit the macro entirely?

It would quit the macro entirely after the Overpower. It's basically a nested If ... then ... elseif ... else ... construct w/o all the extra keywords. As soon as one condition evaluates to true, it ends the line? Since the GCD has been invoked, the 2nd line will fail. What you need to do is just eliminate the 2nd line. Another possibility would be to change it to a /castsequence instead. The only problem (and it's not really a problem, but something to work around) is that a conditional used on the first entry applies to ALL entries on that /castsequence.
#33 Jan 15 2007 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
Shamandin wrote:
It would quit the macro entirely after the Overpower. It's basically a nested If ... then ... elseif ... else ... construct w/o all the extra keywords. As soon as one condition evaluates to true, it ends the line? Since the GCD has been invoked, the 2nd line will fail. What you need to do is just eliminate the 2nd line. Another possibility would be to change it to a /castsequence instead. The only problem (and it's not really a problem, but something to work around) is that a conditional used on the first entry applies to ALL entries on that /castsequence.

That's what i needed to know, but iirc, they took out the [else] modifiers with TBC did they not?

I'm not at home to try right now, but would this macro work then?

/castsequence [combat,harm,Stance:1,reset=1.4] Overpower; [combat,harm,Stance:3] Execute; [combat,harm] Bloodthirst; [combat,harm] Heroic Strike

Lets assume that I'm in Berserker stance (3) and the enemy has more than 20% health. Will It try to cast the first two, fail, and still move on to #3 and #4? Or will it fail and not continue?
#34 Jan 15 2007 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,030 posts
Paracleets the Righteous wrote:
Shamandin wrote:
It would quit the macro entirely after the Overpower. It's basically a nested If ... then ... elseif ... else ... construct w/o all the extra keywords. As soon as one condition evaluates to true, it ends the line? Since the GCD has been invoked, the 2nd line will fail. What you need to do is just eliminate the 2nd line. Another possibility would be to change it to a /castsequence instead. The only problem (and it's not really a problem, but something to work around) is that a conditional used on the first entry applies to ALL entries on that /castsequence.

That's what i needed to know, but iirc, they took out the [else] modifiers with TBC did they not?

I'm not at home to try right now, but would this macro work then?

/castsequence [combat,harm,Stance:1,reset=1.4] Overpower; [combat,harm,Stance:3] Execute; [combat,harm] Bloodthirst; [combat,harm] Heroic Strike

Lets assume that I'm in Berserker stance (3) and the enemy has more than 20% health. Will It try to cast the first two, fail, and still move on to #3 and #4? Or will it fail and not continue?

It will fail, and not continue. /CASTSEQUENCE stays on a step until it succeeds, or gets reset. The cause for failure could be - mob health not w/in limits, insufficient mana to cast that spell, invalid target (w/o target conditionals), etc. So, in that case, it would hangup on Execute.

There is one other problem the engine would have with that macro. The
modifier would apply to the entire /castsequence. So, the
might actually cause it to fail outright.
#35 Jan 16 2007 at 12:56 PM Rating: Excellent

Very simple - start casting Res and announce who it's for. However, sometimes the Res fails, because the target is out of line of sight or out of range. So I might move a few steps and click the macro again, and to me it becomes very spammish to continue announcing when only the last time I clicked the macro did the Res actually cast.

Is there a way to stop the macro using /stopmacro [conditional] if the Res doesn't actually start?

Sadly no; there are no ways to determine if the spell actually goes off or even starts casting. The best you can do is something along the order of;

/cast [help,dead] Resurrection
/stopmacro [nodead/harm]
/p Casting Resurrection on %t

Which would stop the macro if your target is dead or hostile, but it can't detect if the spell is out of range. There are mods you can use to detect the spell-cast, but nothing innate about the Macro system can do it.

#show Sacred Candle
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Prayer of Fortitude; Power Word: Fortitude

Nice one, and it reminds me that I totally forgot to mention the #show commands. Will have to add those in later when I get some time.


2. the join battlefield as a group does not work anymore. i tried it several times but it was hotfixed out with 2.0.3 or so. whichever it was on Jan 9.

Pah! >_< Okay, I'll double check that for my own edification them remove the macro command.


Great guide RPZip, I've been sort of experimenting with /castsequence for a bit on my paladin trying to get a great grinding macro set down.

Here's what I use and it works awesome.

/castsequence [reset=8] Seal of the Crusader; [harm] Judgement; Seal of Righteousness

Since they are all instant casts I can spam the macro until all 3 spells go off, and ensure with the "reset" that I won't ever double cast the spells within the 8 seconds limit. It works out really nicely and so far I haven't noticed a bug with it.

Hmm. Well, you've reminded me that I realy need to expand the castsequence section... the reset= command is an 'idle timeout' reset. If you keep hitting the button, it keeps resetting the timer... so that macro isn't quite as foolproof as it might be otherwise. Still, if you keep cycling through it the macro should work nicely.


/cast [combat,harm,Stance:1] Overpower; [combat,harm] Execute; [combat,harm] Bloodthirst
/cast [combat,harm,Stance:1] Overpower; [combat,harm] Execute; [combat,harm] Heroic Strike

The macro should quit after it fails the first overpower check. Another thing I didn't really explain very well - if a macro tries to cast a spell and it can't, it will just quit rather than continuing onwards and trying to cast other spells later in the macro.


There is one other problem the engine would have with that macro. The
modifier would apply to the entire /castsequence. So, the

Yet another thing I didn't explain very well in regards to castsequence...
#36 Jan 16 2007 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
hmmm... i'm 300 herbs and 300 mining. it was no prob in the old world where i had my routes and knew when to switch, but in the new zones...

so i tried

/castrandom find minerals; find herbs

/castsequence find minerals; find herbs

and neither of them worked. they both cast whichever was first, herbs or minerals, no matter how many times in a row i hit it.

EDIT: the correct version

/castsequence find minerals, find herbs

with a comma, not semicolon

Edited, Jan 18th 2007 7:18pm by axhed
#37 Jan 18 2007 at 8:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Updated with new information, a modified form of Thermal's macro for three classes and some better explanations for CastSequence and CastRandom.


1. the decursive macro is less automated and requires more thought. but by that, i'd say it's better than decursive, not worse. because you can choose in which order you decurse, without having to set it beforehand and by situation without it being fixed.

The inability to effectively use Abolish is kind of a major downside to the new macro, and you could always set up decurse orders with Decursive (admittedly before-hand, but still).
#38 Jan 18 2007 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
Your version of my buff macro looks pretty cool and more adaptable. I'll have to give it a whirl. And I didn't know about #showtooltip, that will be very nice to add to my macros.

Thanks for the credit, too =)
#39 Jan 18 2007 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
293 posts
A few Shaman macros:

>>Caster Group Totems<<
/castsequence Tranquil Air Totem,Stoneskin Totem,Totem of Wrath

>>Melee Group Totems<<
/castsequence Strength of Earth Totem,Grace of Air Totem

>>Tank Group Totems<<
/castsequence Stoneskin Totem,Grace of Air Totem

Because both Healing Stream and Mana Spring only last 1 minute I believe it's wiser to use those on their own, but they can be added none-the-less.

Shaman and Druid:

/castsequence Nature's Swiftness, Healing Wave

*Replace Healing Wave with "Healing Touch" if you're a Druid.
#40 Jan 19 2007 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
735 posts
Woah... Lots of Reading, Very Nice And Helpful Guide Though =D

Edited, Jan 19th 2007 7:07pm by Romordi
#41 Jan 24 2007 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
I was just thinking "Hey, my life might be easier if I started using macros," and then I found this! Great guide, I'm full of ideas I want to try now. One question though - do you know of any command that changes the language you're speaking in chat? I'm trying to find an easier way to curse at people in Dwarvish.
#42 Jan 25 2007 at 7:20 AM Rating: Decent
948 posts
Would this work for a one button SPAM Heroic Strike/Overpower/Execute? :

/cast [stance:2/3] Battle Stance
/cast Heroic Strike
/cast Overpower
/cast Execute
#43 Jan 25 2007 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
This guide rocks thank you so much!!
#44 Jan 25 2007 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Awesome Guide

I'm looking ot put together a smart "Righteous Defence" macro, that would cast it on my target if it is friendly, or cast it on the target of my target if it was a hostile.

Would this work?

/cast Righteous Defence [help]
/cast Righteous Defence [hostile, target=targettarget]
#45 Jan 25 2007 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
I apologize if this was asked earlier, but I didn't see it.

On the subject of Focus, how useful would that be for a rogue? I'm not real sure how it works still, but it seems that you can have 2 targets... would you be able to say... keep combo points on both? Seems unlikely, but could come in handy sometimes Smiley: grin.
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#46 Jan 25 2007 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,287 posts
Posted some more paladin macro's in RPZip's thread over there. I really can't see a use for the single paladin macro up there, but maybe others can:;mid=116914274426066059;num=8;page=1

RPZip wrote:
Class:       Priest 
Stance:1     Shadowform

That should be Shadowform/Spirit Form (the 31 talent in Holy).

Mageoken wrote:
And if not, how about just one that will use my Insignia when WotF is down, and vise versa?

I have no idea what the cooldown on WotF is. For the sake of this example, I assume it's 2 minutes. Adjust it as neccesary:

/castsequence [reset=120] Will of the Forsaken, Insignia of the Horde

If you press it, it will WotF. If you press it again within 120 seconds, it will try to use the Insignia. If you actually can use the Insignia, it'll go back to WotF, even though it might not be off cooldown yet, but since both are on CD, it shouldn't matter.

Turicus wrote:
You can replace this with Dispel Magic of course.

No, you cannot. Unlike Remove Curse, Dispel Magic can also be used to remove buffs from opponents, so you want it to remain dualfunctional. The following would work:

/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Dispel Magic; [exists] Dispel Magic; [target=focus,exists] Dispel Magic; [target=player] Dispel Magic

It checks to see if you have a unit under your mouse and dispel it. If no unit there, it'll dispel your target. If you also don't have someone targeted, it'll dispel your focus. Finally, if there's no focus, it'll dispel yourself. Note that if it comes across a unit that exists, but doesn't have anything to dispel, it does NOT move on, just give an error. However, if for some reason the target is out of range, it does seem to move on (at least, it does seem to do that on my paladin for other spells, such as Cleanse and Flash of Light.

Makaro wrote:
My bandage macro. Will bandage me if I'm targeting myself, no one, or an enemy, else it will bandage my friendly target (all in 1 click).

/cast [help] Heavy Runecloth Bandage; [harm,target=player] Heavy Runecloth Bandage; [target=player] Heavy Runecloth Bandage

Needlessly long. Basically you're saying "If my target is unfriendly, I'll bandage myself, else I'll bandage myself." The following does the exact same:

/cast [help] Heavy Runecloth Bandage; [target=player] Heavy Runecloth Bandage

Note that if the target you're trying to bandage is out of range, you'll waste a bandage on yourself for some reason. Units being out of range does not break the macro, but move on to the next condition. At the moment, I have no idea if that's intended. By the way, bandages are used a lot by rogues, who do not wish to change target. They might be better off with the following macro:

/cast [target=mouseover,help] Heavy Ronecloth Bandage; [help] Heavy Runecloth Bandage; [target=player] Heavy Runecloth Bandage

Which allows you to hover your mouse over a party member's frame while pressing the macro button and bandage that player while keeping your target selected, and thus retaining your combo points.
#47 Jan 25 2007 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
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#48 Jan 26 2007 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
It might even be better in this one to add the #show line to it so you can keep track of bandage count
#49 Jan 26 2007 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
Is it possible to make a macro that switches me out of Cat Form, then casts Healing Touch choosing a friendly target first, then falls back to myself if no friendly target exists, and then switches me back into Cat Form, or will the cooldowns trip over each other?

Also, how do you control what your focus is, outside of macro controls? This post is the first time this noob has heard of focus.

Thx for the guide, this has moved to the top of my internet fav's.
#50 Jan 27 2007 at 10:10 AM Rating: Decent
yeah, i want a macro to equipe 2 1H swords, like for dual weilding. i tried to set one up, but itll only equip a sword to main hand
it was somethg like
/equip sword 1
/equipslot offhand sword 2

i can get sword and shield to work
i need it for my warrio cause i switch wepon set and and weapons alot, though i dont always do em together
#51 Jan 29 2007 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
i have recently re-read this, and i am having some fun with it.
yet i havent been able to make a macr that casts revive pet when my pet is dead and mend pet if it lives, make a macro that uses freezing trap and then tame beast or make a macro that makes my cat use prowl whenever i use shadowmeld.
(i'm not very talented with computers =P)
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