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MC won't DieFollow

#1 Jan 08 2007 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
Was thinking about this recently, with all the hype around 25 man raids and the level bump many people have assumed that MC/BWL/AQ will pretty much fade away.

A thought though, Unless I am mistaken some of the enchanting/crafting recipe's will still be drops in there. I mean there will be better ones obviously from 60-70 but a lot of the original ones will still be good. And most likely the price on them will go down.

So since people will still want those recipe's I think that at least for a little while those dungeons will still get some use.

Another thing they could do is add some quests down the line that require you to get things from MC/BWL etc. "Farmer Joe lost his glasses next to lucifron last time he was mining in the core, could you go get them? I'll give you this spiffy sword if you do!"

#2 Jan 08 2007 at 8:56 AM Rating: Good
2,711 posts
Maybe I'm just being a stick-in-the-mud but I like to refer to Molten Core as "Molten Bore". I hope they don't put any quests in there that are required for level 70 content.
#3 Jan 08 2007 at 9:08 AM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
I don't think the old world recipes will be that vital anymore. The +30 spell damage on weapon, for instance, will be replaced by the +40 spell damage on weapon. +20 shadow or frost on gloves will be replaced by +20 all. +55 healing fades away compared to +81. Etc. etc. etc.

The only place there will be for the old enchants is on twinks, since all the new stuff is level 35+ items only.
#4 Jan 08 2007 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
Molten Snore.
#5 Jan 08 2007 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
15,953 posts
Even the players that have been 60 for some time that never got to run MC will get bored of it.

Although, I wouldn't be surprised if Bliz retooled these instances so people can still run them at 70 and see some benefits.
"I have lost my way
But I hear a tale
About a heaven in Alberta
Where they've got all hell for a basement"

#6 Jan 08 2007 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
KTurner wrote:
Molten Snore.


Also, realize that it won't be a really easy thing to just grab 39 close friends to farm MC with you to get a recipe drop that will be replaced by a better one in 4 levels.
#7 Jan 08 2007 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
Well at least at level 70 it wont take 40 people to do MC if your guild really wants to farm it.

Though the only reasons would be old recipes and I just dont see it happening.

If our guild did it I would take those nights to PvP lol.
#8 Jan 08 2007 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
5,645 posts
people still get +9 intellect to 2H when +22 is available.

It would depend on the cost. I mean +30 vs +40 may have a 200g price difference.

just speculating.
#9 Jan 08 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
MC, AQ, and BWL will still be important just like the lower level instances are still being run. But you will run them the same way--get some high level friends to run you through quick.

Right now, people get a 60 to run them through VC, WC, BFD, and SM. Even the higher level instances have quick and dirty runs with high level characters. Soon you will see 10 man runs in the old 40 man instances just to twink alts or help people level up.

In fact, there was an official Blizzard press release describing this phenomenon as the expected evolution of the instances, but I don't have a link to it.

Someday someone is going to solo Nax...
#10 Jan 08 2007 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
I dont think it will die, for people like me "casual players". We will want the recipes that are obtainable in there.

Also keep in mind, the drops in there are still better than the average green for the most part. It will be ran for DE purposes, as well as for the people who are looking for specific items.

I cant wait to hit 70 and try to run BRD/Strat/Scholo/Living Strat solo. I hope its possible! I personally know BRD will be for my hunter up to the torch room. We will see about the other locations.
#11 Jan 08 2007 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,259 posts
I doubt they will die. Dropping the player requirement will let my guild run the instance easier. We have had several nights where we have 30 people and have to PuG the rest which makes getting items for the guild a pain in the A. Not to mention, once you are level 60ish, the instances could prove a great way to gain a few levels. I can only imagine how much xp Rags would merit regardless of being in a Raid group.

For nostalga purposes, or fulfilling your "I really want Dragonstalker gear wtf >.<" I personally don't care if it will become obsolete. That Dragonstalker Helm is cool sh and I plan to run Ony until I have it. Plus they are fun (to me) Molten bore, snore or whatever you want to call it is exciting for me. I love the guild getting together and working towards a common goal. All of us on TS making jokes and killing stuff promotes teamwork.

A lot of the higher level instances per my understanding are 5mans, at least the early ones. A lot of people will start to be excluded, or miss out because of this.

If all else fails, DE's are always an option. I can't wait to 2-3 man Scholo just because I can.
#12 Jan 08 2007 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,606 posts
Hehe.... I know a while back a pally on the beta forum reported (with screan shot) the completion of a solo 45 min baron run. I highly doubt that people are going to be running molten snore at level 70, even to gear out alts. The Tier 1 gear that drops there is infact less uber than greens at level 62-63ish. While many people would love to believe that people will go just for enchanting recipies, that's not necessairly true. The current "high end" recipies dropped in MC+ are supposed to be trainable via scrolls sold at faction specific vendors. So if you want +stealth to cloak, you simply grind up rep for whatever faction and purchase it. No one wants to do the snore, and if they don't change the way "skull" bosses scale, it'll still take a bunch of people to do said instances. I'm not sure if they changed this yet, but mobs were scaling to level 73 against level 70 tanks. People in the beta forums were talking about Patch hitting tanks for 14k+ when they were trying to run Naxx (making it impossible).
#13 Jan 08 2007 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
TseTsuo the Wise wrote:
people still get +9 intellect to 2H when +22 is available.

It would depend on the cost. I mean +30 vs +40 may have a 200g price difference.

just speculating.

Well there will always be people looking for cheaper things, but the enchants won't be very marketable, especially since Nexus Crystals have no non-raid source. (aside from a very very lucky 51-60 blue disenchant)

People talk about people going back to MC like people go back to Deadmines, but the thing is, Deadmines didn't need a group of 40 when it first opened. You'll be able to do 10-man MC's, but it's really not going to be done that often. There's just no point. You won't be going to BWL because to "run someone through" would also require getting them an Onyxia Scale Cloak, as well as get them attuned, on top of so much other hassle... It's just not worth the time. Not with it's week long lockout, non-token drop system. Especially with the Aqual Quintessence requirements.
#14 Jan 08 2007 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
935 posts
While I agree that MC is going to be less (much, much less) than it is today... I also have no doubt that at some point guilds are going to be venturing back into it. Why? Many of the same reasons that they still go back and do runs like UBRS:

- The recipes, patterns, etc. that have already been mentioned.

- People like to complete sets in this game. I have guild members that are wearing t1 and t2 that are still going to UBRS to get that elusive t0 drop from Drakk that just never seems to drop.

- They will also use them for testing purposes. For instance, how powerful are we at level 65? 68? 70? Can we 25-man it? or maybe even 15-man it? It will be intersting to see as time goes by.

- People that haven't done things like MC, BWL, AQ, Naxx... that is still new content for them that they can go and experiment with at some point, because even TBC is going to get old eventually.

Yes... most things will get sharded... but things like shards/nexus crystals, lava & fiery cores, core leather, BoE t1, etc... that's all gold in the bank (even if it's nothing compared to current prices).

That... and the fact that I also enjoy going to MC. Probably my favorite instance in the game-to-date.
#15 Jan 08 2007 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent

That... and the fact that I also enjoy going to MC. Probably my favorite instance in the game-to-date.

What in the name of god is wrong with you? Christ!

At the moment, I believe Blizzards plans are to leave the instances alone as purely a curiosity (Whee, look how cool I am! I two-manned Razorgore!). They won't be tying quests or anything in there.

They've said that eventually they might go back in and retune them for level 70 raids but it's very low on their priority list, since... well, most players just don't want to run Molten Core again for the nine trillionth time. Yeah, Hard Mode Ragnaros could be interesting but not as interesting as a whole new dungeon. Nostalgia is great, having to run the same damn boring zone over and over again since they just ramped the level up would suck.
#16 Jan 08 2007 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
629 posts
I think some people will try to do MC with the fewest number of people possible just for fun. I like to do Princess runs (Maraudon) with Aedos (60 'lock) solo just for fun. I could see trying to do MC with 5 people just to see if we could do it.
#17 Jan 08 2007 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
Blizz could change Heroic mode to work for MC/BWL/AQ40/Naxx so that mob levels would be raised yo 70+ with better gear and items. It could work and make those instances semi-useful.
#18 Jan 08 2007 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
2,588 posts
the way it stands now, current raid instances will not be revamped and therefore be obsolete. nexus crystals will also be replaced with the next ones higher up. so farming them would be like farming vision dust now. not much use.

people already do mc with 20 or so people, so that number will drop even more with higher levels.

those instances will be run like lower instances are run now. you get some gear and xp while in that level range. but you don't farm them for months to gear up a whole guild, because by the time you're done (and mc/bwl not having a token system), you'll have outleveld it a lot. no-one farms zul farrak now. ok, maybe for sul thraze, but that would be like some item lover trying to get thunderfury from mc.
and as someone said, you can't just walk in, you have to do a lengthy attunement process. by the time you're done (with all the other stuff you do), you'll be level 62 and it'll be a piece of cake.

so in short, i think current raid content will be pretty left out. run it a couple of times to see it, then byebye.
#19 Jan 08 2007 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
run it a couple of times to see it, then byebye.

That's exactly what I'll be doing. I unfortunately had the misfortune to make 60 in late September so I have missed out on any content beyond ZG/MC/Ony.. I do plan on going back and experiencing all of the stuff I missed once I get to 70 and the game starts to get stale.

Obviously the runs like BWL and Naxx will be much easier as a 70, but I'm going to see it.

I know there are several people in my guild of the same mind so I'm sure I'll have company and I can only imagine there will be plenty of lower level toons that would love to have a 70 or two along.
#20 Jan 08 2007 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
Our guild has had ZG on farm for half a year, and we don't even look at the place anymore. MC, personally I agree on the bore, I've gotten bored of it and we haven't even been able to beat Rag yet! We own every boss in there if we go in as a guild, but we can't do Rag... Anyway, we have yet to do BWL and Naxx, and I for one WANT to see those! Even if we're 70 when we go back in, and the enemies can be walked over, I WANT to see those dungeons!
#21 Jan 08 2007 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
2,399 posts
They could always weaken those dungeons to 5-20 man dungeons. I mean, then it would become something like Sunken Temple or Zul'Farrak.
#22 Jan 09 2007 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
Nightwytch wrote:
- People like to complete sets in this game. I have guild members that are wearing t1 and t2 that are still going to UBRS to get that elusive t0 drop from Drakk that just never seems to drop.

I know I'll be FINALLY doing a 45 min baron and eventually finish my tier 0.5 quest chain :p

And obligatory farming of the Baron to get his mount. Tauren wants a new ride.
#23 Jan 09 2007 at 5:26 AM Rating: Good
761 posts
Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, TAQ and Naxxramas remains the end game for those who do not buy the expansion. If you want to go back to those instances then just find a guild of non-expansion players and get a raid spot with them - they'll be happy to have some 'uber' expansion players along to help.

Interestingly Thunderfury may remain the top tanking weapon even for expansion players due to it's unique threat generation and debuff, thus giving aspiring 'main tank' warriors and paladins a reason to return to Molten Core (especially if they already have one of the bindings).
#24 Jan 09 2007 at 6:17 AM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
OddVacado wrote:
They could always weaken those dungeons to 5-20 man dungeons. I mean, then it would become something like Sunken Temple or Zul'Farrak.

The reason people run Stratholme, Scholomance, Dire Maul, and UBRS so often is a very simple reason. It's because they can't level.

Honestly, ask yourself, how many people do you know who ran SM over 10 times on the same character while leveling? It's going to be damn near impossible to find because eventually you're going to wind up getting so much xp that there will be better stuff to do in other dungeons.

People might do it every couple months for nostalgia value, but when it really comes down to it, as a dungeon that people run every week for months on end, MC is on its last week.
#25 Jan 09 2007 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
Well, at level 70 Loatheb was 5 manned by D&T. SO Im sure you could 5 man Molten Core at 70.
#26 Jan 09 2007 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
2,588 posts
Tshirtninja wrote:
Well, at level 70 Loatheb was 5 manned by D&T. SO Im sure you could 5 man Molten Core at 70.

uhm, they 5-manned lol-atheb at lvl 60. but that is due to the design of the fight. i think you didn't quite understand the mechanics of it.
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