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--Does anyone agree that the Warrior IS NERFED--Follow

#27 Jan 06 2007 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
I'm going to quote Shmii's sig here:

"Rogues are scissors, Warriors are rock. Hunters Paladins Priests Druids Mages and Shamans are paper. Warlocks are mushrooms. Paper beats rock. Scissors beat paper. Scissors also happen to beat rock. Until rock becomes 60 at which point rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine, and then also beats paper. And would beat scissors, but it can't find scissors, because scissors are invisible. So scissors beat paper, and avoid rock, and that is called BALANCE."

Once you hit 60 most of your troubles are over in my opinion. Of course a lot of that depends on gear (and skill) but it will get a lot better for you in later levels.
#28 Jan 06 2007 at 1:43 AM Rating: Decent
What really matters is who hits first.
At level 60, if two players have similar equips, the one to start using his skills will mostly win. Rogues start their owerpowering stun sequence, warlocks WAS able to fear-chain you (now everyone is immune to fear/mind effects, thanks to Blizzard), hunters will shoot you to death before you can even find them, warriors will crit you to almost-death state, etc, etc, etc.
So, do as 99.999999% players do. Wait someone start killing a mob and attack him cowerly from behind during the fight. You`ll see no class is nerfed, no class is overwhelming. It`s just how you do play.
#29 Jan 06 2007 at 4:47 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
But thanks. I guess my bias towards the warrior class is the only class I've ever been completely trampled by is a warrior. I duel one all the time who can take me from 100 to 0 almost instantly. I've lost many a duel where he was at 10% and I'm at 100%, I ***** up, he gets within melee range and completely obliterates me before I can get him past 5%.

i recommend abusing evasion and any control ability as much as possible. evade asap. not at 50%. not at 10%. evade at 100%, when he has no rage. even with all the damage you feed him, he still wont have much rage.

not a guaranteed win, but it should help you a bit. especially if you mix in a bit of DoT kiting (save it for when hes near death). and dont worry, second wind on gouge is getting "fixed" come TBC.

Once you hit 60 most of your troubles are over in my opinion. Of course a lot of that depends on gear (and skill) but it will get a lot better for you in later levels.

no. im gonna disagree with you there.

when a warrior hits 60, he stops. his progression is gear. this is true of all classes.

a warrior in greens using a rank 14 weapon still hits like a warrior in greens. without the AP to back it up, no MS is going to reach the numbers that are often so bandied about. lets not even go into armor, crit rates, or stamina. ive 4-shot level 60 wars with GM weapons. the guys still wearing wyrmslayer spaulders (mid 40's plate boe shoulders) and looking like a mishmash of green/blue stuff with some boe valor thrown in. and im using zinrokh (a sword with 50+ LESS damage than the rank 14 weapons). how do i do it? well, they have **** for armor/hp, and ive got 1k AP unbuffed, not to mention nearly 5500 hp and 22% crit in battle.

so no, warriors dont magically become awesome when they hit 60. no class does. that rock/paper/scissors quote is so outdated i dont know why anyone still uses it. after a great deal of work and dedication, and assuming an awesome support line, warriors become awesome. but its not like dinging 60 instantly turns warrior from zero to hero.

Edited, Jan 6th 2007 4:52am by Quor
#30 Jan 06 2007 at 5:16 AM Rating: Decent
1,047 posts
albertbryan wrote:
De-nerf the warrior? How many times have I been decapitated or have 2k health wiped out in a single blow?

Warriors are strong enough as it is.

onoes 2k damage

#31 Jan 06 2007 at 7:20 AM Rating: Good
3,801 posts
albertbryan wrote:
De-nerf the warrior? How many times have I been decapitated or have 2k health wiped out in a single blow?

Warriors are strong enough as it is.

I can guarantee you that you've been nuked for 2k damage FAR more than you've been hit by a warrior for 2k damage.
#32 Jan 06 2007 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
De-nerf the warrior? How many times have I been decapitated or have 2k health wiped out in a single blow?

Warriors are strong enough as it is.

Aren't you a hunter? Kinda doubtful you got hit for 2k. Lets say you can reduce damage by 30%. That means they would have to have a 2600 hit/crit. I highly doubt that on a normal hit from any warrior, unless it is a execute. Not to mention you /freezetrap /cast aimshot, *crits for 1500*. Now warriors can reduce about 50% damage lets say. A 1500 aimshot crit means you would have hit for 3000. Don't forget we are frozen in a trap and can't move or defend ourselves. And we are strong enough as it is?
#33 Jan 06 2007 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
3,451 posts
Hmm, maybe the 2k damage by the warrior was an execute with a lot of rage behind it, thus making much of the damage a total waste?

Regarding the Shaman vs Warrior, I was able to defeat warriors in battle 90% of the time, even some that were levels above me. This being the grind to 60. At 60 though, they became much more difficult to beat for me.
#34 Jan 06 2007 at 11:29 AM Rating: Default
103 posts

a warrior in greens using a rank 14 weapon still hits like a warrior in greens. without the AP to back it up, no MS is going to reach the numbers that are often so bandied about. lets not even go into armor, crit rates, or stamina. ive 4-shot level 60 wars with GM weapons. the guys still wearing wyrmslayer spaulders (mid 40's plate boe shoulders) and looking like a mishmash of green/blue stuff with some boe valor thrown in. and im using zinrokh (a sword with 50+ LESS damage than the rank 14 weapons). how do i do it? well, they have **** for armor/hp, and ive got 1k AP unbuffed, not to mention nearly 5500 hp and 22% crit in battle.

Yeah, I could 4-shot every class in the game if they were naked but how often would I see that? With the honor system the way it is today there is no reason why someone should still be wearing a level 45 piece after a day of being a 60.

#35 Jan 06 2007 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
DanielNoS wrote:

Yeah, I could 4-shot every class in the game if they were naked but how often would I see that? With the honor system the way it is today there is no reason why someone should still be wearing a level 45 piece after a day of being a 60.

I've killed people naked as a Rogue, Warlock, Shaman, Priest, and Mage in PvP. Honestly, Warlock kicked the most *** naked since they have Demon Armor and they hit pretty hard base-wise anyways. You'd think I'd say Rogue was hardest to do naked; wrong. Shaman's suck dick without spell damage backing their pathetic shocks and Chain Lightning. I didn't even mention Druids, and you all know why -_-.

#36REDACTED, Posted: Jan 06 2007 at 5:02 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) My freind this is world of caster craft. Here blizzard loves all the casters and want to give us the short end of the stick.
#37 Jan 06 2007 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
Shaolinz wrote:
Check up Seo. Another guy already tore that one to shreds.

But thanks. I guess my bias towards the warrior class is the only class I've ever been completely trampled by is a warrior. I duel one all the time who can take me from 100 to 0 almost instantly. I've lost many a duel where he was at 10% and I'm at 100%, I ***** up, he gets within melee range and completely obliterates me before I can get him past 5%.

In other words, the only reason I can really say that I don't think warriors are underpowered is because I know one that can dominate anyone.

Although I still think rogues fair better at group pvp, and I have no problem owning most under geared/under skilled warriors, I have seen the wrath of a good one and I know they are definetly not underpowered.

Edit: And I meant no disrespect with any of this.

Edited, Jan 6th 2007 2:24am by Shaolinz

I am scissors, paper is fine, nerf rock.

this is a JOKE, btw

Edited, Jan 6th 2007 8:14pm by Webjunky
#38 Jan 06 2007 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,047 posts
Webjunky wrote:
I am scissors, paper is fine, nerf rock.

this is a JOKE, btw

Edited, Jan 6th 2007 8:14pm by Webjunky

Where's the joke? The one class warriors have a fair shake at CONSTANTLY ******* that warriors are overpowered.
#39 Jan 06 2007 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
Since the patch, all i hear about is how the warrior was nerfed...I have a warrior...Pre patch, I had done lots and lots of 10-19 BG's...I made sure i had good gear (Not twink), I studied the class, practiced abilites in dueling, and routinely read up on them on these forums.
PPPWWWNNNEDDDD. I was a killing machine....

Post patch..20-29

Thought "hmmmm...Im nerfed...Im not gonna play him anymore". 2 Weeks later, got bit by the warrior bug, and decided to try him out. Went in the BG' pwned. Checked my self...avg gear.. Got the GEAR, practiced...

PWWWWNNNNNEDDD. I was a killing machine...

Post patch 30-39

Got the gear again, studied my class, and practiced using ALL abilites given to me(stance Dance ftw)...

PWWWWWWWNNNNNED. i was a killing machine.

Post patch 40-49

I guarentee im gonna **** so much alliance **** up again its not even funny (No offense alliance..I love paladins <3 =) ).

Point? no, im not trying to brag, nor do i care for the comment that is probably gonna show up saying that i am bragging. NOTHING is wrong with the warrior class imo. Every class has ways of beating every other class. I'm crazy about pvp, and i have fought with and against ALOT of warriors. I can count on ONE hand the number of warriors i have seen changing stances mid fight and using all their abilites to their full potential...Nerfed?? No...Whiney NubSauce? Yes..I think so

Hunters --> Intercept, WATCH where the plant the trap, and move away from it, ur in his dead zone anyway...Fear? bye bye pet

Locks/Mages/Priests --> Throw on a damn shield, and bash the **** outta them, and have intercept ready for the mages...Fear? WotF ftw..Dots?? kill them before they kill you, and start eating fast! lol..But definately easier said than done

Rogues--> Disarmed/rended rogue = Three new a-holes for him

Pallys--> Hey...if hes busy healing, you should be busy A)Shield Bashing him so he cant heal B) First Aid C)Running(hey, **** happens)

No rage?? Blood rage! 2pts in talents gets you tons of rage.. Use your abilities!

I honstly dont think they have been nerfed much if at all. I havent noticed anything. I can tank instances fine with PLENTY 'O rage to spare. I can PvP fine.

believe me, we are all stupid, dumb losers that are way too into a videogame. the guys at blizzard are wayyy the eff smarter than 99.9999999999999999% of us, and i am sure they wouldnt make such a big mistake or miss something so big for one class being so inferior.

Study your class, Learn its abilities, PRACTICE your abilities BEFORE you go to try and face ruthless opponents in BG's. Yes, I know im not 60, but I have played other chars to 60. Things change, but your core abilites , and your role do not change THAT MUCH.

I know one of you is gonna say "get to 60"..Well, I will, and when I am there doing fine in BG's because i took the time to study and learn my class, Ill be posting here to remind you

L2P Whiney Warrior Noobsauces!! Our class is fine, and nobody feels sorry for us. gtfo and reroll, or L2P you babies... Gonna call me a noob or say im fibbing? bring it on and duel me if your on me server...PM me, Mains are on Gurubashi
#40 Jan 07 2007 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
1,113 posts
I can dish out 2k damage very quickly on my warrior once in a while on clothies/leather wearers, and my gear is all blues and a few greens.

Charge > MS crit with a white crit is like 1800+, not TOO uncommon with 23% crit.

Throw in a bloodrage > execute if theyre already low on HP and it's done pretty much.

But generally charge > hamstring is a much better option.

Also, intercept isn't as bad as some of you people make it sound... Yeah you'll end up going real slow, but it's still a 3 second stun, so even while movement impaired as long as there is little lag I can almost always put the hamstring on.
#41 Jan 07 2007 at 4:58 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
any warrior can potentially get lucky and dish out insane damage if the planets align and things go just so. ive 3-shot mages with a charge > normal crit > sword spec proc crit > HoJ proc crit. well, ive 3-shot A mage...cause thats only happened once. but it still happened, and im sure that very unlikely event (the triple crit windfury for wars if you will) was responsible for no small amount of complaining on the part of the mage (who rightly thought i was boned when he saw me).

but its just that....mostly luck. in the thousands of battles ive been in on my warrior, i can play a flawless game and still lose. im very reliant on my foe making a mistake in order to win. the mage who blinks before my intercept is on CD, or the priest that never refreshes his shield, or the hunter that things he can melee me to death, or the rogue who doesnt feel like using blind....the list goes on. overall, even the best wars are only as good as their backline. being a war is very much being a team player, because you become quite useless without support. the damage taken rage mechanic only works in our favor if we're being kept alive thru that damage.

having said that, i dont think warrior is totally borked. they just need to take away some of the negatives of the class and up its control a bit. lowering the cooldown on intimidating shout would be an excellent start, say 30s instead of the current 3 mins. furthermore, put the primary target of int shout under the same mechanics as are present in dragons breath. in other words, DoT damage doesnt break the effect (which would indirectly buff rend and deep wounds, since having one on the opponent in solo combat doesnt automatically mean a useless cooldown). given the relative cost (25% of a warriors potential power) and the fact that its a capped-target fear 30s hardly seems overblown. furthermore, reducing the dmg taken while in zerker stance would be another good change. lowering the cooldowns on our "big three" would also be nice, and ditching that stupid +20% damage modifier on recklessness would give warriors a lot more potential power and enhance the feeling of control as well.

there are a number of other little knick knacks that can be altered about the warrior class, but just changed those i mentioned would go a long way towards alleviating a lot of the warrior concerns. hell, even doing just the int shout change would be nice.

Edited, Jan 7th 2007 4:54am by Quor
#42 Jan 08 2007 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
well warriors did get a qutie of punch which is especially coming from the rage, before the patch i had it hard to build up rage because they kited me but now..../cry it is almost impossible with 2 handers so i decided to took dw & fury until i get to lvl 50

Get to lvl 60 before start talking about nerfs, overpowered, etc..

IMO im having it the hardest cause im not yet lvl 50 which means i can't take endless rage, and believe me the last time i had a 2-hander was tanking rfd and it took me long, pretty long to get off 2 sunders
#43 Jan 08 2007 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent

IMO im having it the hardest cause im not yet lvl 50 which means i can't take endless rage, and believe me the last time i had a 2-hander was tanking rfd and it took me long, pretty long to get off 2 sunders

guy, i dont mean to be rude...but you dont know how to tank...Tanking with a 2hander? = no no...And because of this, it doesnt surprise me that you think our class is nerfed.

And again, I dont mean to be rude, and if i understand your post correctly you are complaining about the class being "nerfed" when in fact, based on the part of your post i quoted, you dont have a clue how to tank. And I am sure there are many people of higher lvl that claim to be nerfed, when infact they do not know how to play. I can use a ****** one hander and a sheild and do good tanking, while having plenty of rage to SPARE (And yes, i hold aggro it doesnt slip). You must learn to use the abilites given to your class, otherwise you will not be succesful in carrying out what the class was meant for ----> you will think they are underpowered/nerfed.

Maybe the warrior did need a nerf, because too many players were running around spamming HS, and not using any other abilities. Well, rage gen has been nerfed, meaning you gotta be better at tanking and managing rage and using it when it is neccessary and effective, rather then spamming. When spammers need to stop spamming and think about what they need to do, they dont learn their class or how to play it effectively, they whine that they have been nerfed...I said it in my previous post, and I will quote it again for good measure....


L2P Whiney Warrior Noobsauces!! Our class is fine, and nobody feels sorry for us. gtfo and reroll, or L2P you babies... Gonna call me a noob or say im fibbing? bring it on and duel me if your on my server...PM me, Mains are on Gurubashi
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