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Deaths that make you go 'hmmm'Follow

#27 Jan 03 2007 at 3:00 AM Rating: Good
Mine was kinda similar. Back when I was still a hopeless noob I was questing in ...Ashenvale I think (some elfy place) with my boyfriend and a guildy. A couple of PVP-flagged level ?? trolls were running around the place. I think it was the first time I'd seen any high level Horde players, and certainly the first time I'd seen anyone of the opposite faction flagged for PVP. I didn't really understand how it worked. So my boyfriend warns me "don't attack them!". I scoffed at him "well duh, I wasn't going to!". Apparently I didn't really get the difference between left and right clicking yet either, so I targeted one of the trolls and did a /wave at him. We then ran off to continue our questing. Or we would have done, but I gave the troll a good whack with my staff as we ran past. Panic ensued, we were dead within seconds, and the two Hordies followed us around slaughtering us and our quest NPC's until we gave up and hearthed :( I think it put me off PVP for life.

Also, just recently, I was running through the tunnel from Moonglade to Winterspring, on my way to do some grinding. I passsed a troll hunter on the way. He stopped, turned, looked at me...and the next thing I knew I was being charged by a boar. After a brief WTF? moment I gave in and died. I still have no idea how the hell I was flagged :(
#28 Jan 03 2007 at 3:45 AM Rating: Good
631 posts
Also, just recently, I was running through the tunnel from Moonglade to Winterspring, on my way to do some grinding. I passsed a troll hunter on the way. He stopped, turned, looked at me...and the next thing I knew I was being charged by a boar. After a brief WTF? moment I gave in and died. I still have no idea how the hell I was flagged :(

Something similar happened to me once. When I was level 58 I was doing an escort quest in WS, and all of a sudden I was dead. I looked up to see a Tauren Hunter grinning down at me. I hadn't been flagged for PvP, so I have no idea how it happened. As far as I'm aware I hadn't target him either. Strange. The nice thing was that when I rezzed and started the quest again the Tauren emote-apologised, obviously not having realised he'd messed up an escort before, and moved out of my way.

My worst death, though, was wiping my guild on Vael during my trial week (and my first trip to BWL) because I had so much lag I simply couldn't move when I started burning. I was mortified. To make it worse the same thing happened on our second attempt, but at least that time I didn't take out enough people to wipe us and we killed him. It was horrible. I actually felt sick.
#29 Jan 03 2007 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
1,505 posts
one time.
running to the windwatcher in alterac from southshore. /autorun and WC break. came back and found my body in tarren mill killed by some of those UD ?? guards... took me 4 corpse runs to get far enough away from the fast guards.
#30 Jan 03 2007 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
3,202 posts
The one of mine that comes to mind right now was not long ago when I was about level 38 and I had tried to pull a turtle across the river to me to fight since there were some Southshore guards nearby. A Dwarven Hunter hit 'my' turtle and killed it but it was sitting there sparkling for me to loot. As I stood there at the edge of the river trying to decide whether or not I could loot it, the Southshore guard suddenly charged across the river and killed me in a few hits even though I turned to run as soon as I saw him come at me. Felt pretty stupid at that one.

I also managed to fall down the Undercity elevator shaft once.

A death that really made me go hmmmmm just happened today. My boyfriend called me up at work to tell me that his Troll Shaman just got killed by an elite shark in Duskwallow. The thing was, he wasn't in the water at the time. The shark came up on land to attack him and followed him further ashore as he backed away. He took a screen shot to show me when I get home. LoL I guess those sharks really are 'elite' if they have found a way to get on land!

One of his 'dumb' deaths that I saw was when we were in Thousand Needles and had finished the quests killing the 'evil' Tauren group and he decided that he could jump off a bridge and land safely in the water below (that hot pool with the elementals) - but - he missed the water by just a teensy bit and died. :P
#31 Jan 03 2007 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
Shmii the 30th level something Night Elf Druid happily skips about Booty Bay headed for the guy offering tax-free rides to all the hot spots in Kalimdor. Onto the Inn's porch, turn right and in we go. Up the stairs, starboard exit at fleetmaster Longhorn, make a left turn, smile and right-click the Horde Flight Master out of habit.
#32 Jan 03 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
440 posts
I was running around Stonetalon Peak with my hunter, low 20's at the time. Apparently, I got a little too close to the Alliance village and did not realize I got flagged. First time I was ever flagged. Next thing I know, I am rooted and 3 allies decide to make me their permanent property.
#33 Jan 03 2007 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
138 posts
Did the same thing as OP, but in gadgetzan. Afterwards, I rode out to steamwheedle still pvp flagged, ralising that the person i had done it to was following me, i dismounted and decided to fight him - he was level 42 and i was 44. Strange thing was, what i didn't realise was that there was ashaman and a warrior (both level ?? to me) following him. When i rezzed, they were there again, but left me alone after that.
#34 Jan 03 2007 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
I've never played Alliance. They're still somewhat strange and colorful creatures to me. So imagine my curiosity, then, when on my very first toon I took the boat to Booty Bay and had a nice look-around, and suddenly discovered my firt Alliance NPC -- the flight master.

"Oooh, these birds're pretty. And I wonder if I can even understand what this guy says?" I thought.


Imagine, if you will, the sight of undead limbs flying in all directions, accented with gurgling shrieks of terror.

That was me when I learned the difference between sword and speech bubble icons.
#35 Jan 03 2007 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
I have two that are rather funny. On my main rogue back in my early days of WOW we did a guild run of Gnomer. 3/5 of our group is down the elevator waiting for me. A hunter is running with aspect of the cheetah in front of me and gets on the elevator, so i hit sprint thinking I'd make the elevator as well... Oh I made it, but managed to freefall to the bottom and SPLAT! That would have been nice to end there so I have a priest rez me so we can get going again. I am under the elevator at this point, so here is what happens; rez, elevator smashes me in, LOL decide for a corpse run. Started my 1st Gnomer run with 60% armor... fun repair bill for a poor main.

So now I started a new character, a hunter. Want to learn furious howl for my pet wolf. So I am in the Astranaar area near the Warsong Camp. I see a mounted Orc scout. I send pet, aim shot, arcane shot, dead. It's all fun and games. No loot but I'm fine with that. Running back to Astranaar to fly back to Darkshore from my horizon comes an UD shadow priest. Being on a PVE server I wave and start going on my way. He waves back dismounts and attacks. So I am thinking ?? UD priest against my 29 Hunter I will die rather quickly. After I send my pet to attack and get an arcane, stun, freezing trap, his DOT's finally wipe me. Embarassed I come back for my corpse and he is sitting there on his mount. I figure what the heck so I rez, he waves and rides off as if nothing happened. *moral of the story: remember when you are flagged.

Edited, Jan 3rd 2007 5:50pm by Tallysien
#36 Jan 03 2007 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,207 posts
First time to do BRD. After spending an eternity getting to the dungeon, I make my way up to the chain. But I didn't realize you had to jump to the ledge. I ended up making a short stop on the lava: dead in 2 seconds.
#37 Jan 04 2007 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
When my first horde character was level 10 or so, I attacked a skull druid in cat form thinking it was a mob (we had been killing the lions in the barrens). Was a neat trick, because it flagged like 3 others who were in my group for pvp. I didn't know what happened, but someone in the group explained it to me afterwards as we ran back.
#38 Jan 04 2007 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
SM Cath. Shaman + soulstone. So we're fighting, and i get killed. No biggy, right? So i rez just there, to get killed like a minute later. The rest of them died aswell.
#39 Jan 05 2007 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
164 posts
My most embarassing one was while running a guildie through the "saving silverbeak" quest line in the hinterlands. I'm a 60, my guildie is like level 42. I get her there, even side quest to get the egg for the hakkar quest line. Feeling all uber as I tank everything and all.
So we save silverbeak, watch the script. I walk to the edge and say, "If you're careful, you can jump down here in stages for an easy run back to Aeris Peak.". Only I'm not so careful and fall off the edge to my death. Even misclicking my barkskin key which would've saved me.
"Um, watch that first step."
#40 Jan 05 2007 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,716 posts
Ooh, that reminds me of another one of my bad ones. I was riding the zeppelin on my druid(at level 60), from Orgrimmar to Undercity. As I came out of the zone-in, my kid starts bugging me about something. I was nudging my toon closer to the opening where you exit the ship and looked around to answer her and next thing I know, WHEEEEEE off the zeppelin I go. I managed to hit cat form before landing(hoping feline grace would save me), but it did not. I died somewhere near the pumpkin farm in Tirisfal. I was an embarrassed and sad panda on that death run!

Heh, I've done the same thing at level 60 at Freewind Post-thought for sure I could make that elevator and, well, you cannot ride the roof of it down. Again, hit cat form to no avail. Dead. Sniff...
#41 Jan 05 2007 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
206 posts
I hate it when you're less than a second late for the elevator to the UC. You step on the platform just as it starts falling, and it goes too fast. You end up falling down the whole length of the elevator shaft. I've done this maybe ten times. Twice at the same time. Died, rez'd JUST as the elevator starts going down, and die again. I felt very, very, dumb.
#42 Jan 05 2007 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent

There was one time, back when I was in a hardcore raiding guild led by a dictator that did not tolerate mistakes, I was buffing people with the FR buff in UBRS for Rag. Anyway, we eventually all get done buffing and I jump out of the instance. Now, I must've been really drunk or stoned or something, but for some reason, I ran toward BWL and managed to get myself wtfpwned by the dragons there, meanwhile the rest of the guild is running to Rag, most of the trash was cleared. So... I had to run back to my corpse, rez, give myself the buff again, and then proceeded to fall in the lava and die again. So, I rinsed and repeated and finally made it to Rag JUST as they pulled him.

I'm so pro, no one even noticed I wasn't there. Thank god for 40man raids. :)
#43 Jan 05 2007 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
first time running in to 1k needles:
die to the guards...
second time: run past guards thinks YES i made it, and i miss the elevator just to realize i could have used the griffin to get there.....
yeah, that makes you feel stupid :P
#44 Jan 05 2007 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
About 2 days into my first character (warlock, level 11 at the time) I'm standing on the Ratchet docks talking to the wharfmaster, when a 60 gnome mage gets off the boat from BB. He challenges me to a duel, and I figure "why not?" Procede to send void after him, and he defeats me before pet gets to him. Pet gets there, hits him, flags me, and I proceed to die. Took me like 3 days to figure what the hell happened.
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