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AFKers in BG. Will it die down after BC?Follow

#1 Dec 26 2006 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
As we all know lots of people are joining BGs and sitting there to collect honor and tokens. Why? I don't know..I personally would find it awfully boring, why not just play? Anyway, it seems everyone is in some kind of race to get as many tokens and what not as they can. Does anyone see it going back to "normal" once BC is released? Getting back to leveling so you can do the Arena.

#2 Dec 26 2006 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
1,694 posts
Long story short, no it willnot change.


This is one of my biggest frustrations with Blizz. They ban people for running programs or using certain keyboards, or having certain files or nametags in thier machine. I know most of the people banned in the past were probably doing something wrong.
However, there are always innocents wrongly convitcted. But reguarldess, Blizz bans, and enforces thier rules, as they see fit, to keep the majority of its players happy enougth to keep paying the monthly fee... simple business logic.

For instance some people run third party "bot" programs, to fish, or grind mobs, or do other other possible things that break of the TOS and does not require much attention to be suucessful. People may even level illegally like this, which does not affect me. (at least dirctly... I dont care how many 60's someone )

While what you see now are people at keyboard botting, (to make up a new term "AKB") or "button mashing", but present if even in a semi-vegetable mind or attention to whats happening....

This DOES affect Me: my wins, losses, and honor. I work hard and get X, they read, talk on the phone, eat, do homwework assigmnments, watch tv, whatever, and get the same X as me.

It takkes 0 skill or effort to hit the spacebar and jumpin place every few seconds up to 2 minutes or so, and as long as you are there to reply to a GM tell, you are "AKB", so you are legal. IMO, you are a POS, but you are legal as far as Blizz is concerned.

I reported it again the other day. The GM said " People particiapte to varrying degrees in AV... if somoene is hitting the spacebar or fishing, that is ok with Blizzard. AS long as they are at the keyboard or not using a third party program, they are not breaking the TOS"

If Blizz does not care, then it will continue, and, probably continue to grow in the amount it is done.

Here is the deal. You have one guy who plays Defense like a champ. He gets 0 credit for taking any objectives, but he does have a million kills and deaths keeping the enemy out of the keep. Then you have aother Offense guy, he does not die often but he does klls a bunch, and he takes towers and he kills the enemy leader... so who does more for the team? Its subjective right?


They both are needed... (just like tanks and healers are needed who can say which does more for the team... they are both needed).

Blizz takes the easy way out and says "if someone reports a afker, and we contact them and they do not respond, they are in trouble. If they stand in one spot jumping, but are at the keyboard, that is ok..."

This is them taking the easy way out. There is virtually no way if you particiapte ( at all) you can go through the entire match with 0 deaths or 0 kills, or more importanlty, zero damage and zero heals....

At the end of the match if you are at 0 across the board, you should get suspended for 3 days. Period. Instead they let people stay in and mooch of the others, as long as they, or thier little brother, or some guy in China, or someone hits the spacebar every minute or so and responds if sent a tell by a GM...

IMO, it will not stop, uintil Blizz wants it to. They will not have an opinion either way on this, until they feel somewhat threatened by unhappy customers...
#3 Dec 26 2006 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
It seems retarded to me. I mean..if you're at the keyboard why not just play? Is this going to be the same in the arena or do you actually have to win matches and what not to get points?
#4 Dec 26 2006 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
467 posts
Since the gear in BC is better than the PVP gear, I imagine it'll die down. It'll probably just move to the new BG instead tho.
#5 Dec 26 2006 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
I reported it again the other day. The GM said " People particiapte to varrying degrees in AV... if somoene is hitting the spacebar or fishing, that is ok with Blizzard. AS long as they are at the keyboard or not using a third party program, they are not breaking the TOS"

While I don't think it's a ban-able offense, it would be cool if GM's would just 'nudge' them threw the BG portal and get them out of the game.... Not an efficient use of the GM service, but still.....
#6 Dec 26 2006 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
They need to change honor up I think. If you end the game with all 0's you should get no honor and the points should scale based on what you did and what not. Seems very fixable to me. I'm almost tempted to quit due to all this stupid AFK sh*t and go get a 360.

Like one of the posters above said..the BC gear is supposed to be better in BC then what is the use of getting all this honor to get items that will be replaced? Is it to gear up for BC? Aren't the Arena items supposed to be some of the best items anyway?

Edited, Dec 26th 2006 11:26pm by Wysh
#7 Dec 26 2006 at 9:51 PM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
If a player performs zero class skills, or less than an overall average of one per minute, during the entire BG, they should be penalized on their honor total imho. However, it's not gonna happen.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#8 Dec 26 2006 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
The only problem I see with
and the points should scale based on what you did and what not.

Is that not everyone can cap the flag, do a flag return, capture the node, or get more kills or killing blows. It would make it unfair if you got less honor because someone got that last hit in.

For example, I was playing my hunter and got 55 kills total, but I can't say I did more for the team than the guy who carried the flag, got no kills, but gave us the win, while I was protecting him.

Just my opinion, however.

#9 Dec 26 2006 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
Is that not everyone can cap the flag, do a flag return, capture the node, or get more kills or killing blows. It would make it unfair if you got less honor because someone got that last hit in.

For example, I was playing my hunter and got 55 kills total, but I can't say I did more for the team than the guy who carried the flag, got no kills, but gave us the win, while I was protecting him.

Just my opinion, however.


If they could calculate damage done it could work, not neccesarily on who got the last hit. If Blizzard could make a system where damage done, healing done, areas/flags taken and somehow calculate it into honor (I can't imagine it would be that hard) is the only way to stop honor farming. That's one way in my mind and the other would just be give the losing side 60% less honor. It's the only way it would make people participate in AV again. Hell..even if it was healing done and last blow and/or even damage done would be great imo.
#10 Dec 27 2006 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent

If you end the game with all 0's you should get no honor

this should absolutely be blizzards first measure, and then maybe auto-kick people afk for more than 5 minutes in BG, that alone would be of some help, I think more people would think, well, since I have to be at the keyboard, I might as well do something while I'm at it.

Calculating honor points out of total stats in the Bg (captured nodes, damage/healing done, flags returned etc...) would be the best way however to give AFK'ers a good reason to stop being the ******** they are.
#11 Dec 27 2006 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
1,259 posts
Bring the power to the people. Much as in raid groups, a raid leader can boot people as they see fit. BG's are also Raid groups. I say enable the option to boot someone who after say 5-10 minutes have 0 stats. It puts a lot on the raid leader who may be completely random, or maybe make group leaders for each one that have the same potential. I have been in several BG where I come through in the middle. I am fine with that and still strive towards the goal of winning.

Power to the people. (within reason)
#12 Dec 27 2006 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
Azatodeth wrote:

If you end the game with all 0's you should get no honor

this should absolutely be blizzards first measure, and then maybe auto-kick people afk for more than 5 minutes in BG, that alone would be of some help, I think more people would think, well, since I have to be at the keyboard, I might as well do something while I'm at it.

Calculating honor points out of total stats in the Bg (captured nodes, damage/healing done, flags returned etc...) would be the best way however to give AFK'ers a good reason to stop being the @#%^s they are.

I can't count how many times I've gotten auto kicked after being AFK during an AV to go do something real quick for the wife which ends up taking 5-10 minutes. When I'm in I play my *** off but sometimes I have to AFK for a couple, it's annoying as hell to come back to a deserter tag but if it happens to me why doesn't it happen to the guy sitting in the corner of the cave the whole match.
#13 Dec 27 2006 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
461 posts
I agree with Ebon that there should be some sort of raid leader function that allows people to boot others out - maybe it should be democratic i.e. require a vote that then triggers the player to booted after a few minutes. This would only function if they have 0's across the board so that you can't just remove the lvl 10 tank etc.

I lost it this last weekend with a lvl19 shaman just dancing in our GY - he could have been useful
#14 Dec 27 2006 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
I quit worrying about it. It's just not worth it. Very rarely does it actually effect the game as both sides usually have around the same number of afk'ers. Blizzard isn't going to do anything about it so just let it go.

What made me mad was when you could target your own team with AV Snowballs and we'd have 5 people taking out 6 afkers. The only thing they accomplished was to essentially double the number of people that weren't participating in the BG! Was it really worth your 10 mins of time to get those guys out of the BG? All you did was waste 1/3 to 1/2 of the game tossing snowballs leeching honor the whole way.

#15 Dec 27 2006 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
760 posts
Hello, I'm Manza, and I am the Devil's Advocate Champion. I spend most of my time in Alterac Valley and Arathi Basin. I am a healer, that's what I do.

What follows are not intended to be a reflection on anyone else, nor on my class (druid) as a whole. While I agree AFK'ers are out of control (12 in the cave one AV I was in), I strongly disagree with all the suggestions of determining participation poised so far.

If they could calculate damage done it could work

If I'm casting moonfire, I'm goofing off. It's a waste of my mp. I root runners so other people can kill them. I accumulate *very* little damage over the course of a game.

areas/flags taken

If a player performs zero class skills, or less than an overall average of one per minute, during the entire BG, they should be penalized on their honor total imho.

I've tapped maybe three flags/nodes, in both battlgrounds, ever. However, since most people don't follow the "you tap it, you cap it" rule, I sometimes stick around with a melee person to cap. It's usually the melee person who gets the "Defends the flag" mark. This is fine with me.

I can't imagine it would be that hard

I think it's actually very hard. A full time healer is, from a pvp killer perspective, no different than an "AFB". I've frequently heard how important healers are to a win. I don't need thanks (though they're always appreciated), I don't want a cookie (though I wouldn't turn one down), but you dang well better not goof with my honor because I'm no killer.

Bring the power to the people.

Uh, the people? You mean the mages who call out, "Help me portal my friend!"? Or the ones who caused the snowball nerf? Personally, I wouldn't trust those people with the sharp pencil to write me a hall monitor slip.

#16 Dec 27 2006 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,259 posts
Manza. I do appreciate your opinion, and you reading what I wrote and quoting me is also appreciated. However, please keep context as it were.

Power to the people. (within reason)

I also would not trust a lot of these people with responsibility.

I DO however like the voting system. Possibly like the /roll system only a vote could be enabled and everyone could type /yes or /no

That could be useful :D

edit: lol

Edited, Dec 27th 2006 4:20pm by Ebonspine
#17 Dec 27 2006 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
The ebonspine of doom wrote:

It is Manza that said that. Please note the difference as their names are v. similar. Smiley: tongue

Edited, Dec 27th 2006 4:07pm by Shmii
#18 Dec 27 2006 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
If I'm casting moonfire, I'm goofing off. It's a waste of my mp. I root runners so other people can kill them. I accumulate *very* little damage over the course of a game.

True, but you managed to miss the part where they should also calculate heals as well as damage (therefore making it fair for support classes). I think it would be a perfect system. I don't see a way around it that I can think of. It FORCES you to do something.

On a side you guys think world PvP will become more popular again once BC is release due to all the leeching going on? I've yet to really PvP due to leveling but why is AV so mcuh more popular then other BGs? How much more honor does it really give compared to other BGs? I also thought Arena weapons were supposed to be the "top" weapons in the game

Edited, Dec 27th 2006 4:41pm by Wysh
#19 Dec 27 2006 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,694 posts
Just some more of my 2 cents...

By all of the replies I am so glad that you others are as troubled by this as me.

Rant on! :(

I do like the idea of there being some way to get them out of the BG, they should not get the same honor as we do.

but sometimes I have to AFK for a couple, it's annoying as hell to come back to a deserter tag but if it happens to me why doesn't it happen to the guy sitting in the corner of the cave the whole match.

I agree 100%. Bio break, kids, wife, door bell, things do happen. However, this afk looser leecher is gettibg the smae pay for 0 work...hitting a key is all that is keeping him from getting kicked, even though you were busting your tail to help the team win...

Because he hits his mouse, or any key within the set time limit, which I believe is either 2 or 3 minutes. I have read of people attaching a rubber band to thier mouse, and making a sail, or having a oscilating fan blow on thier mouse to keep it moving. Or taping a spokes to thier hamster wheel and letting him run and "flick" the mouse. There are programs that hit random buttons. But the result is the same, theese loosers are not playing, not helping in any way, but they do walk out with the same honor as you.

A full time healer is, from a pvp killer perspective, no different than an "AFB"

It might seem that way, but you move around. Wether yuo are a druid supporting, or a Priest healing, or whatever you are... yuo are helping some. You res at different grave yards. You might root/snare/moonfire, but you are all over the map. I play a priest, so often I dont do any damage. But I am there in the middle of it, and if I am within range I get points too for the kill.

The "AFK/AKB" guys never move, or dont much at all. They never res either as they never die... Its so obvious what they are doing.

Sometimes they (the AFK guys) stand at the entry point where we all "appear" or spawn when the match starts and never move... I think theese guys are using a program, as it re-Q's them, and they can do this for hours (while they at work, school, sleep, whatever.)

Then there seems to be the "AKB -at keyboard botting-" guys. Theese re-Q on thier own, however walk a pace or two away from our spawn point and jump, or take one step forward and one stepback... or they have a hot button made, so they walk to the cave entrance and mount, unmount, over and over, or something similiar, but they never do anything else.... Just watch next time your in, you' ll see em.

I do like the power of the people, or a vote process. I dont really like the idea of a all the porwer for one raid boss, as he could abuse it. A raid is poeople from one server, but in BGs this could be disatrous.

I like better the idea of Blizz making better controls than the current "if you move or push a key within X time, then you must be sitting there..." They should Protect us, the participants, against the leeches. This should be Blizz's stance from the begining IMHO.

Like baelnic said, its not going to change. Blizz would have to tighten up on its "measures" to keep it from happening. I doubt they care enough to try and find and implement a new system that is fair.

They will let it ride and hope we are all so absorbed by the BC, new eye candy and getting lvl 61 that we forget or no longer notice as much...

The way I see it as an analogy:

I just hate the idea of the whole team working hard at the Super Bowl, and 1 or 2 players drinking gatorade and ******** cheerleaders on the ten yard line... This player did not help, he even laughed cause we were doing all the work, and everyone sees it....

But they "were on the field and wearing the jersy" so get the same Super bowl ring as me? Hate to be crude, but WTF? The coach or owner would never let this happen as it hurts his rep and the franchise if they loose.... if we loose, Blizz (in this analogy the owner/coach)does not care either way... it does not affect them.

I hate that I get this wroked up over this, and trust me, its not driving me to drink or to suicideal thoughts.... but if I spend 5 hours of my time working my fingers into spasms trying to get better gear, and get the same honor as the AFK/KB guys... something is wrong, and Blizz does not seem worried by it at all...

Rant off :)

#20 Dec 27 2006 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
Now that I think about this honor thing more I'm wondering if it's just something people are doing till BC. Let's think about this for a second..

Ok, honor points will help you gear up a little better, sure, but in reality BC's drops/raids/instances/arena are all going to offer better items then what honor points can buy you (atleast from what I understand). The only thing I can see useful out of getting all this honor is getting a little bit better geared up for leveling in the xpac. Personally..I'd rather not waste my time and wait till I run into someone who doesn't need theirs anymore and possible just buy it from them.

I was told some of the best stuff honor can buy you is comparable to some of the 5-10 man instances on easy.

Edited, Dec 27th 2006 7:38pm by Wysh
#21 Dec 27 2006 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,207 posts
Well, right now anyone can get a good pvp item for basically a few hours of game play. You can get an epic item just by grinding honor (no rep, no skill needed).

I'm sure you've seen the players with mostly green items wielding a HWL weapon. That's what its come down to. It's basically free items, who wouldn't take advantage of that?
#22 Dec 27 2006 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not saying they shouldn't..I'm just saying I think it might be worthless in about 3 weeks, not to mention if you are Alliance it takes 5x as long due to waiting for AV.
#23 Dec 27 2006 at 9:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,207 posts
I won't argue with you there. The 60 epic gear will probably be upgraded by post 60 greens. But, I'd get all the HWL items I can and worry about the epic items from TBC when it comes.
#24 Dec 28 2006 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
728 posts
Things I see wrong about the suggestions here.

One is the situation where I finally get into a BG, only to take the place of someone who dumped from a losing game in its last minute. Wee. Gimme a cookie for wasting my time. Yeah, I'll have 0-0-0...but now I get to re-queue, too, so there better be a snickerdoodle with my name on it.

The other problem is that it's almost impossible for a program to distinguish between useful and useless participation. Defending a flag by standing at it, moving occasionally so as to not go AFK, is useful participation. Especially when an opposing group of three ride up, see that I'm obviously a warlock, and ride away in frustration because they need more folks. Seriously, the rogue hiding in the mine waiting for those others to leave so he can cap the flag is helping. Hard to code for that, and every other possibility.

Giving the "leader" kick ability? So he can load up the BG with his friends? No thanks. Voting people out? Gets abused all the time in FPS games with that feature. You know some child is going to slap that vote screen in front of your face every ten seconds because it's "funny."

Success in a BG is not as simple as healing and damage points done. At least not with Capture the Flag, Territories, and Kill the Leader (Myth players know this as Choke the Chicken...yeah, try defending a chicken that walks around randomly) games. Maybe with a mindless Free for All, but only in that case. As soon as you reward something unrelated to the game goals, you've broken the game.

Wanna give someone a suspension? What about those yahoo magi who try to trick people into clicking their portals or who put portals up in front of flags we're trying to cap? That spell needs to simply be deactivated in battlegrounds due to idiot griefers.
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