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Hunters completely useless??Follow

#27 Dec 06 2006 at 5:39 AM Rating: Good
181 posts
Yes, there was a change, but I have a hard time actually complaining about it, as my DPS actually went from about 111 with full Marksman Buffs (Trueshot Aura 2 and Hunter's Mark active) to around 150 Unbuffed. Both of my specs are 20/31 (If I went 10/41 like I originally thought, my DPS would be even higher)

How is it that Hunters become "Useless?" We still have auto shot which, contrary to one friend's arguement, does not just mean we don't have to mash a button to shoot. We have the other hunter abilities that differentiate us from Rogues and Warriors. And we still suck at Melee without a full Survival Spec and twinking out of the yin-yang.

Huntewrs Changed... so change with the changes.

Or just QQ more. But please don't do it here.
#28 Dec 06 2006 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
you want to talk about DPS? try a fire spec'd mage....crits over 4700. on a bear form druid...INSANE...hunters DPS compared to other classes has been smacked way down. my best crit (even after rapid killing proc'd) it was only 2403. nearly 1/2 the mage.
#29 Dec 06 2006 at 5:47 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
umbopo wrote:
you want to talk about DPS? try a fire spec'd mage....crits over 4700. on a bear form druid...INSANE...hunters DPS compared to other classes has been smacked way down. my best crit (even after rapid killing proc'd) it was only 2403. nearly 1/2 the mage.

But your Hunter can wear mail and has more stamina.

That said, I've always found it a bit unfair that Hunters have to spend arrows/bullets to deliver basic damage while the casters can just whip out their 100 dps wands that not only deal damage without ANY ammo, but also deal magical damage which overrides armor, unlike arrows/bullets do.

They don't deal as much damage, no, but still...
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#30 Dec 06 2006 at 5:55 AM Rating: Good
43 posts
This is a post i made in another thread. I feel it belongs in here as well!

Infact hunters are getting a significant DPS boost. People who fail to see that have either a: Never raided on their hunter, and if they have they belong to the class Huntards(people with little or no understanding of hunters, attending raids to pick up loot, and doing same or less dmg as the main tank) B: never lvled a hunter to 60.

To do good dps with hunters today(yes its possible) requires enormous focus and potting(especially mana pots in long fights) taking advantage of slow weapons so that you use aimed shot as a free shot, and woving this into either a 9 or a 10 second cycle. To add to that, hunters doesnt scale very well with gear, and the itemisation is @#%^ed, meaning we take agility items, and agility items alone. Theres also the fact that Auto shot speed is affected by your weapon speed, so in order to maintain an effiecient aimed cycle, you must use slow weapons. The new aimed shot makes all weapon speeds look appealing.

Arcane shot today scales only with +dmg gear(which it only gains 46% from, due to it beeing an instant), and for the average joe hunter you will never see arcane shots above 500dmg. Now it scales with gear, and reports from the test servers say it crits for 1800 with good gear. Thats an instant ability, that with talents can be shot every 5 seconds. Ill trade that for the old aimed shot any day(if you need to ask, the new aim shot resets the autoshot timer when cast)

Come patch day however: Agility is now "nerfed" so that 1 agi=1rap. All hunter based items in the current game are changed to reflect this, by removing some agility and adding ranged attack power(the tier sets, prestors, barb of the sandreaver etc). DOnt forget that our agi to crit rate is changed from 51-32, so you wont loose much by the removed agi in your tier items(if youre wearing them)
In addition, by speccing Marksmanship you now open up the ability to get attack power from intellect, opening up a whole new erray of itemisation options.

Then there is the pet. Unless you specc 31 points in BM, your pet cant hold aggro very well, doesnt dish out good dmg(it dishes out more when youre 20-31 specc, but not anything to wet yourself over) and dies far to easy. Come patch day the pet now gets a base boost, meaning it hits harder, tanks better and has higher survivability. In addition to this, it scales with your gear. Yogi the bear suddenly got angry i say.

Now read this, and keep in mind that at lvl 62 we get steady shot, a 1.5 sec mini aimed shot, can you honestly say that hunters have been nerfed, rather than buffed?

Gratz to BLizzard. I think finally hunters will be a necesety to raids, other than the tedious tranq fights.
#31 Dec 06 2006 at 6:02 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
On a brighter note, raiding hunters won't be forced into a certain spec. I tested out my hunter with a 41/5/4 spec last night and the ferocious inspiration buff was up almost constantly and with the buff to pets they are a lot less fragile then they used to be. Keep your pathing under control and Beast Master specced hunters will be welcome in raids.
#32 Dec 06 2006 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
228 posts
Look, some of the changes ARE nice, but unless you spec full marks your DPS will take a hit if it doesn't and then you WILL lose talents in other areas that you once had. We got nerfed. I think marks is awesome, I can run around WSG poppin off Arcane Shot and get over 1.2K crits with my gear blah blah blah.

But if you were a Surv Hunter you will lose DSP. I was able to keep my improved traps, but I totaly lost everything else I once had just to keep my DPS up to old levels. I had Deterance, Counterattack, Killer Instinct, and Lighting Reflexes pre patch on top of my Improved Trapping, I had to lose that just to retain my DPS.


You people are all just loving some of the new crap, seeing how nice a Marks build is on the BG where burst damage is king, but wait until you run into a Warlock that slaps 2 DoTs on you and you are sitting there with your thumb up your butt with 3/4 of your health gone and your mana burned to almost nothing trying to get him down. You better pray you crit.

I won't comment on Raiding yet cause it was pretty impossible to get started last night. But I'm wondering how my DPS will be in that situation.

Ok here was my old build and I had about 145DPS give or take and about a 13% Crit rate.

This is my new build that I am currently toying with.

With this build my DPS is at 151.1, so I gained about 6 DPS, BIG deal, and I NEVER had TRUESHOT and we also gained a new AotHawk that boots DPS. My crit rate went up 3% which is nice but not as nice as I would like to see.

Oh and if you didn't check yours, but my DPS with no talents active was 115, so I put 40 talent points for a crappy 36 DPS buff up????

Am I missing something here that you are all seeing and i'm not???

Edited, Dec 6th 2006 9:39am by Manon

Edited, Dec 6th 2006 9:40am by Manon
#33 Dec 06 2006 at 6:50 AM Rating: Good
2,711 posts

Edit: Now that I've got that out of my system, let me elaborate a bit.

Hunters before were boring. Step 1: Stack AGI. Step 2: ???. Step 3: Profit!

With no way other than a single stat to gain DPS (ranged weapons themselves only offered a negligible increase) hunters didn't really scale well at all compared to warriors, rogues, mages. Sometimes the good ones could beat warlocks.

This change will show a slight increase or decrease in paper doll DPS, but in the end it allows more options to the hunter. You can still stack AGI, it will just not benefit you twice as much as a rogue. Stats can be a mix of AP, INT, crit, and AGI all as options for increasing ranged DPS. Different hunter builds other than LR and Marksman are viable. Even beast mastery improves the hunter's own DPS now. And ranged weapons were buffed to help more! There's now as much benefit from a bow's or gun's DPS as a warrior or rogue gets from their melee weapon.

So calm down, it might suck for your particular build or gear set right now, but things are much better in the long run.

Edited, Dec 6th 2006 10:06am by Krylanna
#34 Dec 06 2006 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
640 posts
Here's my biggest problem with the change... most of the positive changes for hunters are only beneficial to end game/lvl 60+ hunters. New arrows don't do much for my level 20 Hunter. I don't see any changes to my gear either.

I'm sure it will all end well, but for those of us that just started playing a hunter, the class has been significantly nerfed.
#35 Dec 06 2006 at 7:15 AM Rating: Good
12,905 posts
My hunter got a huge overall DPS buff and way better PvP ability.

Dunno what you fools have been smokin.
#36 Dec 06 2006 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#37 Dec 06 2006 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
Hunter useless? :/

Do you not enjoy playing Hunter? Smiley: frown
#38 Dec 06 2006 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good
8,832 posts
I'm Glad the Chicken littles of WoW are still around.

At least wait until after world ends before you start tweaking. That way we don't have to hear it.
#39 Dec 06 2006 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
Manon wrote:
Look, some of the changes ARE nice, but unless you spec full marks your DPS will take a hit if it doesn't and then you WILL lose talents in other areas that you once had. We got nerfed. I think marks is awesome, I can run around WSG poppin off Arcane Shot and get over 1.2K crits with my gear blah blah blah.

We were not nerfed. We were changed. The only thing that matters is your weapons with +agi on them. So dual-wielding BSH with +15 agi enchants, or a Barb of the Sand Reaver is no longer the best weapon.

Solution: Go get Zinh'rok from ZG or any of the other +AP weapons.


But if you were a Surv Hunter you will lose DSP.

The point is that DPS should be in the MM tree, where it now is. SV is for survivability. Not DPS.


I was able to keep my improved traps, but I totaly lost everything else I once had just to keep my DPS up to old levels. I had Deterance, Counterattack, Killer Instinct, and Lighting Reflexes pre patch on top of my Improved Trapping, I had to lose that just to retain my DPS.

So.... you wanted survivability AND DPS from the same tree... the whole point is that that is not really a good talent strategy.



You people are all just loving some of the new crap, seeing how nice a Marks build is on the BG where burst damage is king, but wait until you run into a Warlock that slaps 2 DoTs on you and you are sitting there with your thumb up your butt with 3/4 of your health gone and your mana burned to almost nothing trying to get him down. You better pray you crit.

Ahhh, so you DON'T have Silencing Shot. Considering I can now Silence, concuss, Aimed shot, arcane shot, multi-shot, serpent sting, and then wait 1 second for arcane shot to be back up, we are no longer warlock-food. Not to mention BM spec will EAT locks for breakfast.


I won't comment on Raiding yet cause it was pretty impossible to get started last night. But I'm wondering how my DPS will be in that situation.

Right now it won't change if you went with MM spec (the "raiding" spec which is now in the "raiding" tree).
#40 Dec 06 2006 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
228 posts
The point is that DPS should be in the MM tree, where it now is. SV is for survivability. Not DPS.

See this is where I think people differ here. Ask you and you say it is ok that my RaP gets nerfed if I put more spec into the Survival Tree.

I am not saying my RaP should be the same as a MM build Hunter, I am saying my RaP should have stayed where it was before the patch. A MM Hunter should have more power but that power added on to what we used to have.

Think about it for a sec. I put 41 points into MM and my DPS is only 6 better than what it used to be, I had no Trueshot Aura and no new AotHawk at lv60 before that.
If I went full Marks BEFORE the patch I would have had more DPS than I do now after the patch.

So answer me this, if this isn't a nerf, why would my 31 point talent Hunter have more DPS than my 41 Point Hunter?

I never said my Surv Hunter should be on par with a MM Hunter with DPS that is foolish. But I believe that if I spec the way I had it my DPS should be on par with what I used to have.
#41 Dec 06 2006 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
Manon wrote:
The point is that DPS should be in the MM tree, where it now is. SV is for survivability. Not DPS.

See this is where I think people differ here. Ask you and you say it is ok that my RaP gets nerfed if I put more spec into the Survival Tree.

The point is, previously the SV tree out-DPS'd the MM tree, and there was ONE stat for a hunter: agility (so itemization was a nightmare). Now. the MM tree is the top-DPS, and agi, RAP, and int are good stats for a hunter, and itemization will be better. The LR build with stacked agi is the only thing that was "nerfed" in terms of DPS, but you can get it back by going into a DPS tree.


I am not saying my RaP should be the same as a MM build Hunter, I am saying my RaP should have stayed where it was before the patch. A MM Hunter should have more power but that power added on to what we used to have.

Again, before SV was much HIGHER than a MM hunter at a certain point in end-game. Now it is lower than MM, but the MM DPS has improved. The swapping of importance of aimed shot and arcane shot will be a HUGE DPS buff in raids.


Think about it for a sec. I put 41 points into MM and my DPS is only 6 better than what it used to be, I had no Trueshot Aura and no new AotHawk at lv60 before that.
If I went full Marks BEFORE the patch I would have had more DPS than I do now after the patch.

I DID go full marks before and I have more dps now, post-patch. You have to include TSA and other improvements (RWS, barrage, etc), not just look at your RAP. It's misleading.


So answer me this, if this isn't a nerf, why would my 31 point talent Hunter have more DPS than my 41 Point Hunter?

Master Marksman directly affects your RAP (and will increase it more than TSA with the right gear).

Silencing shot isn't intended to increase DPS. I imagine that future encounters will require it. Blizzard is trying to make up for the fact that in max-min uber-endgame guilds, hunters were totally not keeping up with itemization. The addition of really tasty raid utility spells like misdirection and Silencing Shot will now require at least a couple of hunters.


I never said my Surv Hunter should be on par with a MM Hunter with DPS that is foolish. But I believe that if I spec the way I had it my DPS should be on par with what I used to have.

But previously they out-performed MM. If you spec the way you had before you will have good (actually VERY good) survivability. That's because you picked the survivability tree. If you want DPS, you have to change your playstyle and select a different weapon. It's not that big a deal.
#42 Dec 06 2006 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
228 posts
My goal is to make Survival just as powerful as a MM Hunter, I'll have to do it through gear somehow. Thanks for pointing somethings out for me. Overall I think we did get shafted a bit, but I'm really happy with the Beast tree and the new MM abilites. Just don't see the same love for Survival I guess.

Good Luck to ya in game. :)
#43 Dec 06 2006 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
853 posts
Well - I seem to be doing as much damage now as before, with a slightly better crit rate in addition. Now if I can just fix the bug that isn't allowing me to see any new abilities at the trainers ...

-- My aimed shot got dropped to rank 1 in the respec, and now none of the trainers will let me get the higher ranks. Multishot rank 5, etc.. nothing shows at the trainer.
#44 Dec 06 2006 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
2,634 posts
-- My aimed shot got dropped to rank 1 in the respec, and now none of the trainers will let me get the higher ranks. Multishot rank 5, etc.. nothing shows at the trainer.

Yeah unfortunatly all respecs do that. It really sucks to shell out an extra 10g for abilities but thats just the way it is.
#45 Dec 06 2006 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you to the people who werent complete ******** about this and i will continue my hnter
to the rest of you (the asses) why do u post on the forums if u dont want information or to help ppl seriously its not like im tiight there talking to you or anything like that
#46 Dec 06 2006 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,487 posts
lauisifer wrote:
Yeah unfortunatly all respecs do that. It really sucks to shell out an extra 10g for abilities but thats just the way it is.

It's not that expensive. Ever since the talent restructurings, skills gained from talents are cheap from trainers for all ranks.
#47 Dec 06 2006 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
2,489 posts
As a hunter, i at first thought this way. Until i specced marks. I have 1200 rap and 5 more dps then i did preivious. (i gained 5 dps lost 100 rap) It's in no way a nerf. if anything i'm stronger then before. I've yet to try survival, but the lack of scatter shot and silencing shot makes me not want it. Those 2 abilities make marks worth it.

#48 Dec 06 2006 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
199 posts
Survival got nerfed hard (well at least LR did). The deep survival talents just aren't nearly as good as those in BM or MM. If you were BM or MM before the patch, you are likely pleased with the results. I have tested out deep marks and I love Silencing shot and the new arcane shot. It felt like playing with a brand new class. And with PvP gear easier to get (I didn't say easy, just easier), I expect MM get even better. With beast within, BM looked really tempting too. If you were deep survival, I would chose (and learn to like) either BM or MM until survival gets reviewed (it's needed). Use this as an opportunity to broaden your horizons. Who knows, you may like it.

If you aren't 60 yet, the changes were mostly neutral. If anything, you benefit from arcane shot becoming a useful ability. You can still solo stuff and do decent enough in BGs.

Edited, Dec 6th 2006 7:31pm by Kirsanov
#49 Dec 06 2006 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
OopsIKilledIt wrote:
Look at what warriors and shamans got

Stop right there!

Shamans-dual wield

Now there will be one-sided speccing.

Magic damage? Dual-wield spell maces.

Healer? Dual-wield heal maces.

Melee'er? Dual Wield Kickass AXEZORZ!

Simply put, Shaman with dual wield are scary. One-sided speccing for all but Elemental overall, but scary.

The only reason you'd want Elemental is for the Chain Lightning and Lightning Bolt cast reduction. Though... that's significant DPS.

I say, dual wield or caster. Casters aren't as scary as dual-wield is, though.


...I admit, Shamans got the shaft on content. However, they might own *** now.
#50 Dec 07 2006 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
My 3/45/3 hunter is hulked up more than ever. In raids I was always in the top 10 dps, and now i'm in the top 5. Full DS helps, but I actually came away with more rap. I relied on surefooted for +hit, but an accurascope made up the difference.

I miss deterrence & the stamina buff, but I love silencing shot in bg's. I'm very happy with the whole thing, and working on some GM weapons.

Sorry to everyone who is not having as much fun as I am.
#51 Dec 07 2006 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
sry double post

Edited, Dec 7th 2006 11:32am by RatedownEpunchingbag
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