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why raid citys?Follow

#1 Nov 20 2006 at 10:43 PM Rating: Default
why would u peep wana raid orgrimmar, undercity or thunderbluff, i mean its really pointless and causing people alot of pain, they are all harmless (and usally on my server, who ever dared going into orgrimamr gets farmed for honor by 10 lvl 60s) but really why would u raid other places when we did nothing 2 u (probobly somthin like farm u or sumthin) but really, tell me just wana kno^^
#2 Nov 20 2006 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
122 posts
It's called world PvP. Why? Because it's fun. You don't like it? Find a game that doesn't have it.

Isn't it fact that in major cities, players cannot attack you unless you willingly flag for PvP? If so, then just don't flag. Boom, problem solved, thanks for posting.

And besides, even if your capital city is under attack and there's no way to stop players from attacking you, would it kill you to log off for an hour/go to another city/go to another area?

Two more points. Don't lump all the alliance together as one big stereotypical, mindless, horde city-raiding mass, and the horde raid alliance cities as well.

Edited, Today 12:03am by Hacima
#3 Nov 20 2006 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Because it's fun.

And for example, if there's an Alliance raid on Orgrimmar, it doesn't mean anything if you aren't flagged for PVP. If you're Horde, they can't hurt you unless you're flagged.
#4 Nov 21 2006 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
And horde seem to always be in IF on Steamwheedle, they may as well start renting rooms at the inn. At least on that server i can just catch the train and watch them mope because i wont flag.
#5 Nov 21 2006 at 9:38 AM Rating: Good
It's already been said: world PvP is part of World of Warcraft. Occasional raids into major cities keep things interesting. You'll also find a lot of higher-level people tend to hang around the major cities anyway, so they can still repel invasions, and with linked city chat, reinforcements can come from the other cities.

I'd rather get them attacking a major city (except perhaps Darnassus- it's usually almost devoid of high-level players, and takes too long to fly to) than attacking the lowbie areas. I've seen high-level Horde raids on Sentinel Hill in Westfall of all places. They sit there and camp all the NPCs, including the quest givers, or kill the Defias Traitor over and over again, making it impossible for questing players to complete their quests. I've also seen raids into Auberdine during low server population periods- basically choosing one of the towns which is least likely to face opposition in. As soon as a few 60 Alliance arrive, they disappear.

Let's not forget the Alliance-side raids either, most commonly the Crossroads of all places. It takes longer to get to from Orgrimmar than Razor Hill, so gives Alliance players that raid towns more time to have fun at the expense of the people trying to quest there. I've also seen one small raid into Bloodhoof Village in Mulgore, but that takes a long time to get to- you have to pass Xroads to get to it. I did see a raid on Brill once- only 10 Alliance, and it's close to Undercity, so the people that planned it gave up rather quickly when a large mass of lvl 60s showed up. I was on an undead character that time, and one guy thought it funny to keep killing the NPC I needed to turn my quests in to. The biggest raids I ever saw was a 30-man Horde raid on Darnassus around 9-10pm server time, guaranteeing not many 60s would come right away, and a 40-man Alliance PUG raid on Xroads.

World PvP is part of the game, whether you're on a PvE server or PvP. How much of it affects you depends largely on whether you flag or not, especially if the raids are on friendly ground (which they usually are). As has been mentioned, you could always just move to another location until the carnage has been completed.

Edited, Today 9:41am by Wondroustremor
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#6 Nov 22 2006 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
"And horde seem to always be in IF on Steamwheedle, they may as well start renting rooms at the inn."
lol. Yeah, I could say the same thing about Darkshire, at least for my server. Some people must have no lives at all cuz one 60 shaman sat ontop of one of the roofs killing everyone that entered the town for nearly 4 hours!!

Edited, Nov 22nd 2006 11:35am by samenwisen
#7 Nov 22 2006 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
853 posts
Meh - XR is a direct flight from Org. Astranaar - the favourite Horde target on Uldum - only has one flight connection - to Auberdine, an even lower level town. Ah well.
Town raids are just fun, especially when you get 2 decent sized groups of sixties going at each other. It's the way Alterac Valley used to be before it became an honor farm.
#8 Nov 22 2006 at 5:46 PM Rating: Default
354 posts
I guess I do it 'cos it's kinda fun. If I have a spare half an hour waiting for my raid group to form, I'll go down to Org, take my armour off (so I don't get a massive bill if I get killed) and then run around. Usually they don't even bother to kill me and I can stand on the bank roof for a while.
#9 Dec 11 2006 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
Why cry about people killing you and your townsfolk, when this is your sig?

Alliance suck, Horde ROCKZ
Own, or be owned
Join us or face our doom

Hmmm... If you look at line #2 there... and #3... you've answered your own question.. don't like it? Switch sides...
#10 Dec 11 2006 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
Because we seek to educate the Horde in proper grammar, but kidding aside did you notice that your sig says "face our doom"? Not to be nit picky or anything but that pretty much just kills the message of your sig.
#11 Dec 11 2006 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
There's also that whole +honor for killing faction leaders. Say your horde buddies attack Darnassus; Not only is it a nice break from the normal raids, if you kill high priestess what'sherface, you all get +honor. Maybe not much, seeing as it's divided by about twenty of you, but it's still +honor.

And, of course, it's fun. Last time I saw a major raid of Darn, I had a ball collecting screen shots of me dancing with some level 60 undead. Then there's all the whining on the general chan. You'd think they hadn't realized yet that all the NPCs will respawn in a couple minutes.

But seriously. You're not so ignorant to assume only Alliance does city raids, right? You do realize both sides do it equally, correct?
#12 Dec 11 2006 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
293 posts
Lol once on my server there was a whole lot of horde in Stormwind Dwarven Distract ganking all the lowbies and basically anyone who wasn't lvl 60. Then we had to get all our lvl 60's there to get them back hehe. Good fun. Although I wasn't there to see it, I was off somewhere else questing, but the good old LFG channel informed me about it.
#13 Dec 11 2006 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
couple weeks ago bout 15/20 horde arrived in Ironforge on Dethecus, and just lived in the AH, they would all die, then rez up aoe kill all the people in there and the auctioneres. then die and do it again. i swear they were there for 2 hours. was great fun! (i was on the alliance blasting blizzard into the ah it's like shooting fish in a barrel)
#14 Dec 11 2006 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
My old guild about when I was lvl eh 37? We all went to Tauren Mill and started to raid it. We had a nooby guild and a 55+ guild. It was literally a war. Nooby and 60 horde vs nooby and 60 alliance. We had about 70 people and more people came horde and alliance alike. That's what I call a real war. Funny thing is the 40+ got on mounts until they hit the enemies. Classical
#15 Dec 12 2006 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
This is a part of world of warcraft I don't get. A bunch of people getting together to kill NPCs in a town that generally doesn't have any high level people like astrannar, thesslamar, or sentenal hill.

PVP is important, but don't you think you should be fighting players? not NPCs. especially with the new honor system.

The last raid on astrannar led to retailation from the alliance on crossroads. In both battles did not involve any players from the opposing team. Seems kind of pointless if you have a party of 5 level 60 chars and you aren't fighting the guards and at least a couple players.
#16 Dec 12 2006 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
That just depends on what makes the game fun for you... people typically go kill the NPC's to get a reaction from the Horde/Alliance nearby. If they're just doing it to kill NPC's, 'eh... it seems like a waste of time, but to me, the 30 people dueling inside of IF for 3 hours each seems like a waste too, but it's their money and their game. Whatever makes it fun for them is what matters.
#17 Dec 12 2006 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
Well i raid cities for one simple reason TO kill all horde that i see. I dare any horde to step in front of me flaged. IM from the zuljin server Look for a pally named Lburna.

I give a shout-out to all my horde killin Alliance

Edited, Dec 12th 2006 11:57am by DeboLburna
#18 Dec 14 2006 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
AWWWW Poor guy.. Doesn't like being owned..

And honestly, you think that the horde have never done anything and are harmless? BAH.

And yes, I'll admit, I camp and gank and proud of it!

#19 Dec 14 2006 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
there are a few quests of course that involve killing NPCs in the opposing faction areas. The Alliance 'Barov' quest comes to mind. Typically players kill NPC's to try and get things rolling though. Why? I don't know, maybe to bring back old memories of Orc Vs Human Warcraft games of past. Just something more to do. I'm not sure about PvP servers (probably always flagged there), but on regular sevrers just don't flag by attacking them and they can't kill you. Just one more aspect of the game.

Now when we went in to kill Alexi Barvo we automatically flag because he is PVP, and of course the Horde came in and waited till we were distracted with that and killed us. But after we ressurected, I think they realised what we were doing and left us be.
#20 Dec 15 2006 at 5:10 AM Rating: Decent
killing an important alliance hero will reward a raid of 40 400 hk...... ive seen a t2.5/t3 raid camp that preist guy in SW cathedral and well they gained a total of 10k+ honer. Another reason is simply fun and to provoke the other side and making the server a little funner. Ret killed thrall on arthas and mal'ganis just because they love to pvp. I could explain a litle more but you get the point. For honer n fun thats it
#21 Dec 19 2006 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
I really don't see the sport on a normal PVE server where you and 4 buddies all lvl 60 go arround killing NPCs in astrannar especially killing venders and quest guys that are hard to agro.

There are 2 things I noticed.

1) They never attack the level 55 elites. Whimps.

2) They don't stick around when real players show up.

If you are going to do PVP fight a player. When the players show up, don't run back to Duratar.
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