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#152 Oct 25 2006 at 6:49 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
so thank you to everyone who helped out. i did all my quests in the deathknell and am now completing quests in brill. thank god i got all that sorted. and here i was wondering why i was dying left and right. anyhoo, i now have another question. as a warlock i am relying mostly on spells for combat but everytime i use them the enemy keeps getting hits on me repeatidly. am i too close to them when i am casting? or is it just b/c of the few second delay it takes to cast it? also at what level can i start traveling to the other continents? thanks is advance. you guys are great.

There are severally ways to play a warlock. It rather depends on how you spend your talent points. But you won’t start getting talent points until level ten, so that’s something that’s still ahead of you. For now just understand that you will be gaining more skills as you gain levels. And this will give you more option.

In general, warlocks do a lot of their killing with DoTs (Damage over Time spells). I generally try to toss out one of my longer casting spells to start the fight. You may have time to cast, or mostly cast, a second spell before the mob is in your face. Then you can cast your instant cast spells, which getting hit won’t interrupt. At this point I will often use my wand, as being hit won’t disrupt its casting.

If you don’t have a wand yet, which I expect you don’t, try to find one as soon as possible. Check the auction house in Undercity. If you can’t find a low level wand for sale try asking in the trade channel if an enchanter is available to make you a low level wand. Try to keep a wand that is close to your level. Wands do damage without using manna so they can be a very useful tool.

As for being too close, if possible do try to cast your first spell at maximum range. It can buy you a few more seconds of casting time. Check your spell icon on your toolbar. There should be a red dot on it if you are out of range. As soon as you get within range that dot should vanish.

As you gain levels you will also get new pets. At level ten you can do a quest to get your void walker. This will be your tank pet. He doesn’t do much damage, but he can take a lot more hits than you little imp. You will still pull mobs off him when you start attacking, but he will buy you time to get your spells off before the mob comes for you. So things will get better.

Warlocks are the only class that can use spells to constantly increase their hit points and manna during a battle. It gives the class a lot of flexibility. And if you spend your talent points right, at level 40 you’ll be able to solo doing something called drain tanking. That’s when playing my warlock became very easy for me. In short, you have a lot of fun abilities to look forward to.

Edited, Oct 25th 2006 at 7:51am PDT by Calabar
#153 Oct 25 2006 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent

I have a few quick questions. Why can't I talk in chats in-game? I keep receiving a message stating I don't have permission to speak.

Are DCs, and freezes/crashes common? I keep getting "Disconnected" or my PC crashes while playing. FFXI, never DCs on my connection. Maybe something is wronge?

#154 Oct 25 2006 at 1:36 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
SothsayerAtlantis wrote:

I have a few quick questions. Why can't I talk in chats in-game? I keep receiving a message stating I don't have permission to speak.

Are DCs, and freezes/crashes common? I keep getting "Disconnected" or my PC crashes while playing. FFXI, never DCs on my connection. Maybe something is wronge?

Are you on the 10 Day Trial Version?

Regarding the DC's, what type of internet access are you using? Cable? DSL? Dialup?

Regarding the PC crashes, maybe you need a new PC?
#155 Oct 25 2006 at 1:45 PM Rating: Good
invisiblenumbers wrote:
also at what level can i start traveling to the other continents?

Actually, you can travel to other continents at just about any level.

As an Undead hordie, you can go to the tower in front of Undercity and take a zeppelin to Orgrimmar (lower platform) or Stranglethorn Vale (upper platform).

If you decide to run an Alliance character, Night elves can take the boat from Auberdeen to The Wetlands on the Eastern Continent.
#156 Oct 25 2006 at 1:59 PM Rating: Default
3,478 posts
I would just like to thank everyone for getting this thread to page 4.

Rate ups to everyone that contributed by helping out here. It is a good thing when we can all pitch in and help some players out. It is even better when it is all consolidated into one thread.

Here's a drink to each and every one of you Smiley: chug.
#157 Oct 25 2006 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent

Yes, I am on the 10 day trial. My second day.

I use a DSL, with a router. Never had any trouble with FFXI, if that matters.

Also, can I use my PC controller?

Edited, Oct 25th 2006 at 3:20pm PDT by SothsayerAtlantis
#158 Oct 25 2006 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts

Yes, I am on the 10 day trial. My second day.

IIRC this is why you cant chat... Could be wrong though

I use a DSL, with a router. Never had any trouble with FFXI, if that matters.

Your router might be causing you to drop the internet connection. Try asking about it in the technical forums...

Also, can I use my PC controller?

Dont know what that is. Can anyone else answer this?

#159 Oct 25 2006 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
A PC-controller? Well, I think you can use it with World of Warcraft. Plug it in and see if you can't select keybindings for some of the buttons in-game.

For the best experience though, I strongly recommend using your mouse and keyboard. It might take some time getting used to, but you really are at a disadvantage if you don't have the rapid 360º movement of the mouse.

I don't remember if the trial has a limitation on chats. When you hit Enter, what channel are you talking in? Perhaps you're set to a channel where you have been muted.

Alternatively, hit Enter, type /say and write something (/say test), then hit Enter again. Also try "/1 test" to see if you are allowed to speak in the General Chat (default channel 1).
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#160 Oct 25 2006 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
791 posts
Ok...I played FFXI for a few years, took a break to play WoW at launch, and then got back to FFXI...but now, I just don't have time for FFXI anymore, but I still crave an MMO to mess around with.

So yeah, I'm thinking about picking WoW back up. However, it's been a while since I've played, so I was wondering; is the game still newb friendly? Will I be able to enjoy myself, while playing pretty casually, in this day and age of Azeroth?
#161 Oct 25 2006 at 3:35 PM Rating: Default
3,478 posts
Heya RadekGenjii,

Yes, this game is still as casual friendly as it was at release. While currently the lvl 60 content is catered toward the hardcore players (that's supposed to change with the release of the xpak) the leveling content in WoW is very much designed with the casual player in mind.

Edited, Oct 25th 2006 at 4:35pm PDT by Webjunky
#162 Oct 25 2006 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
791 posts
Webjunky the Braindead wrote:
Heya RadekGenjii,

Yes, this game is still as casual friendly as it was at release. While currently the lvl 60 content is catered toward the hardcore players (that's supposed to change with the release of the xpak) the leveling content in WoW is very much designed with the casual player in mind.

Edited, Oct 25th 2006 at 4:35pm PDT by Webjunky

What about the current WoW community? The only real examples of WoW players I've seen recently have been the ones that bash FFXI...on the main FFXI forum.
#163 Oct 25 2006 at 5:26 PM Rating: Default
3,478 posts
The current WoW community? Well, there are MILLIONS of players so really, I could make broad, sweeping generalizations, but I'd never be right.

There are a few of every crowd in an MMO as large as this.

Edited, Oct 25th 2006 at 6:28pm PDT by Webjunky
#164 Oct 25 2006 at 11:13 PM Rating: Good
2,588 posts
some channels are muted in the trial. i think /s /w and /p should work, though.
#165 Oct 26 2006 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent

Thanks for the info. again! Just a few more. ^^

The chat thing, seems to be all around. I'v tried several channels. But don't seem to have permission. Also Yell doesn't seem to work either. I type a /yell and nothing appears after I tap enter. Should I make a GM call? How do I do that also? For future reference. If I can use the channels I could figure out a lot about this game, make it more enjoyable. But if I can't due to Trial, then I can get over it.

Have any of you been a long time FFXI player? In FFXI I can lvl a job to 75 in a few months. Some people take year or more. Depending on PT Invite popularity and what not. How long does it take to reach lvl 60 in WoW?(soon 70 ^^) I ask because in LoD you could lvl fast on Bale runs, and just have to stand next to the other players... I want LvLing to last a while and require lots of effort. Not a quick fix.

Also, I'v started training. If I train in one weapon class, and Job/class can I change classes(jobs) anytime I want? Or is it like Diablo. Where once you spend a point it's gone forever. Unless you make a new Char. Basicly, can I train all or most weapon classes on a single char.? Also jobs?

Now for Groups. I'm used to FFXI parties. With a tank, DD, mages, and pullers. How do WoW Groups work? Are there tanks, healers, nukers, and what not? Differ much? Do you camp spots, and pull Mobs back to a tank or is it more nomadic, like a pack of wolves?

Lastly, how does the auto-refresh, and auto-regen work? I seem to regenerate my HP and MP very quickly after a fight. I'm LvL 5 Hunter Dwarve. If this regeneration always like this, or is there some sort of nerf as you lvl up? If it stays the same, is there any reason to carry healing items? If I learn a mage job, can I heal or caste spells on others like FFXI?

Thanks to all those who have helped my adventures so far. And Thank you to all those who may help in the future!

#166 Oct 26 2006 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
How long does it take to reach lvl 60 in WoW?

It varies alot depending on how you go about levelling.

You can get to 60 pretty fast by either grinding alot or knowing which quests to do and the most efficient order of doing them. The people who grind all the way to 60 are missing out on alot of great content though.
For me, the fun was all about exploring new places, going to BGs once in a while, levelling up professions etc.
It all depends on how you do it. I hit 60 on my first character in 17 days played which isnt exactly fast but i had alot of fun doing it, so i didnt mind.

Basicly, can I train all or most weapon classes on a single char.? Also jobs?

Each class has certain types of weapons they can learn. You seek out the trainer to learn it if your class allows it and then you can level it up. What weapons you can use depends on what class you are.

As far as Jobs(Class) go, you cant change that and there is no sub class either.
You can however change the talent points you get each level, starting from level 10, which makes a huge impact on what your character can do and its play style. It will cost you a fee to change those though. It starts out at 5g i think and then rises each time for do it again although it will become cheaper if you dont do it for a while. I think it is each month?

Now for Groups. I'm used to FFXI parties. With a tank, DD, mages, and pullers. How do WoW Groups work? Are there tanks, healers, nukers, and what not?

Groups works pretty much like you described it. You have a tank, healer and damage dealers + crowd control etc. Tanks job is holding aggro, healer to keep people alive without getting much aggro as DD tries to take down the monster without aggroing them.
You can have alot of fun though with odd groups. Sometimes seemingly foolish group setups can turn out to work great but this is mostly in non end game instances in my experience

Lastly, how does the auto-refresh, and auto-regen work? I seem to regenerate my HP and MP very quickly after a fight. I'm LvL 5 Hunter Dwarve. If this regeneration always like this, or is there some sort of nerf as you lvl up? If it stays the same, is there any reason to carry healing items? If I learn a mage job, can I heal or caste spells on others like FFXI?

You regen pretty fast in WOW in my oppinion although the total downtime depends on which class you play.
A mage has alot of downtime while soloing but they can conjure their own food and water while my druid had almost no downtime while levelling. It varies.

Mages can buff other players with Arcane Intellect which raises the players Int. They can also conjure food/water for them and the ever popular portal to one of the major cities. Other classes has other buffs, priests increases Sta, druids increases all stats and resistances etc.

If i were you i would read up on the skills and spells each class gets to get a feel for what they can do because a mage in WOW is not nescessarily the same as a mage in another rpg.

Welcome to WOW, its a great game. Have fun:)
#167 Oct 26 2006 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
The chat thing, seems to be all around. I'v tried several channels. But don't seem to have permission. Also Yell doesn't seem to work either. I type a /yell and nothing appears after I tap enter. Should I make a GM call? How do I do that also? For future reference. If I can use the channels I could figure out a lot about this game, make it more enjoyable. But if I can't due to Trial, then I can get over it.

Yeah, these features are disabled in the 10-day trial.

Have any of you been a long time FFXI player? In FFXI I can lvl a job to 75 in a few months. Some people take year or more. Depending on PT Invite popularity and what not. How long does it take to reach lvl 60 in WoW?(soon 70 ^^) I ask because in LoD you could lvl fast on Bale runs, and just have to stand next to the other players... I want LvLing to last a while and require lots of effort. Not a quick fix.

Same story as FFXI, it all depends on how hardcore you are. But, I recently re-rolled on a new server and within 1 week someone had already hit the level cap. But, if you're an average and competent gamer - say, you play around 3 hours a night, you could hit the cap in probably 2 months or so. WoW is very forgiving though, so grinding to 60 isn't particularily difficult, but is somewhat time-consuming. If you were to compare grinding to the cap in WoW to FFXI, there is no comparison. Grinding is WoW is FAR, FAR easier than it is in FFXI.

Also, I'v started training. If I train in one weapon class, and Job/class can I change classes(jobs) anytime I want? Or is it like Diablo. Where once you spend a point it's gone forever. Unless you make a new Char. Basicly, can I train all or most weapon classes on a single char.? Also jobs?

Well, in WoW you cannot switch 'jobs' or as it would pertain to WoW, you cannot change classes. If you roll a warrior, you cannot change to a Priest, or any other class for that matter. You will always be a warrior.

As far as weaponskills go, most classes (barring the warrior) can only use certain type of weapons. Rogues can only use daggers, 1-handed swords, 1-handed maces, guns, and bows. Warriors can use anything. It all depends on your class. You can train for additional skills in each of the main cities, just ask a guard where the nearest weaponmaster is.

That said - there are talents for every class that you can use to customize your character's playstyle. Every class has three talent trees to chose from which will allow you to play different roles (kinda like jobs in a way). For example, if you make a priest, there are three talent trees - Holy, Discipline, and Shadow. If you dump a lot of your talent points into shadow you be a worse healer, but you'll do much more damage and your spells will be focused around shadow damage abilities. Likewise, holy specializes on healing and healing effeciency. Disipline is kind of in the middle of the road and pretty much gives you more staying power. From level 10 and beyond you gain 1 talent point per level to invest. It's usually best to kinda do a hybrid type thing and put the majority of your points in one tree and the remaining in a tree that supports the other. It's not a huge deal though, if you ***** up and invest in stupid talents or whatever, you can always talk to your class trainer, unlearn your talents (for a modest fee) and redo your spec if you need.

Now for Groups. I'm used to FFXI parties. With a tank, DD, mages, and pullers. How do WoW Groups work? Are there tanks, healers, nukers, and what not? Differ much? Do you camp spots, and pull Mobs back to a tank or is it more nomadic, like a pack of wolves?

Yup, group dynamics in this MMO are the same. You still have your holy triumverate. Tank, DD (referred to as DPS in wow - Damage per second), and healers. Groups can be a little more flexible, but the rule still stands.

Lastly, how does the auto-refresh, and auto-regen work? I seem to regenerate my HP and MP very quickly after a fight. I'm LvL 5 Hunter Dwarve. If this regeneration always like this, or is there some sort of nerf as you lvl up? If it stays the same, is there any reason to carry healing items? If I learn a mage job, can I heal or caste spells on others like FFXI?

How quickly your health/mana regens decreases as you level. By the time you hit 30 you will barely gain anything per tick by default. This can be offset by gear, class, and spec but that's a different story. The game does get harder as you go.

Edited, Oct 26th 2006 at 1:17pm PDT by DRTACO
#168 Oct 26 2006 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
224 posts
How does the loot system work in an instance? I've only done a few of them and everytime I get shafted (or at least I think I do). As a Hunter I am in the backline firing away and it seems everyone else is picking up loot left and right off of the dead corpses.

Do I need to make an effort and run to the loot faster to get my share of cloths and vendor trash OR is it even and it just seems unfair because there are 5 people in the group?
Something witty.
#169 Oct 26 2006 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
Glucian wrote:
How does the loot system work in an instance? I've only done a few of them and everytime I get shafted (or at least I think I do). As a Hunter I am in the backline firing away and it seems everyone else is picking up loot left and right off of the dead corpses.

Do I need to make an effort and run to the loot faster to get my share of cloths and vendor trash OR is it even and it just seems unfair because there are 5 people in the group?

Well, first off, when you join a group, make sure the group settings are set to 'group loot' (or something similar, drawing a blank here). Almost always it'll either be set to group loot or Master looter. With group loot, the system takes turns deciding who gets to loot the 'trash' off of each mob (like grey item, cloth, silver, that sort of thing) and if any green loot or above drops a box will appear that'll let you roll need/greed/pass - self-explainitory.

So, generally - you'll be able to loot a corpse 1 in every 5 kills or something like that. Unless of course, the loot settings are set to 'free-for-all', then it's more like Diablo2, whoever is the quickest, gets the loot.

Edited, Oct 26th 2006 at 1:19pm PDT by DRTACO
#170 Oct 26 2006 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
Well the DEFAULT group option is called 'group loot'. Basically, it's like round robin in that when mobs drop, who can loot it goes around to each person in order. This is the most fair way.

If a green or better item drops, then everyone in the group has the option of rolling for it if they just want to sell it or just to have it (GREED roll) or if it is an item you can use and it is a gear upgrade you can NEED roll it.

It is a good idea to discuss loot rules before your group gets started. At higher levels different servers have different general rules (EX: Some servers have '1 need, 1 set' rules - you are allowed 1 of a class set item and 1 of another blue item that you need)
#171 Oct 26 2006 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
224 posts
Thanks for the responses. I don't want to be a loot ***** but I save every copper for now so I can get a mount in a few levels (hopefully).

One more question: Where is the AH link on Alla?

I have read about it a few times but can't seem to find an active link. I want to know how much some greens may be or the better types of hides/skins I am starting to see from skinning.

Something witty.
#172 Oct 26 2006 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
I have read about it a few times but can't seem to find an active link. I want to know how much some greens may be or the better types of hides/skins I am starting to see from skinning.

Hmm...I've never seen a link to an AH page that I assume would show the current auctions.../shrug

But, personally I use a little addon called auctioneer which you can get from

Once installed, go to the AH, have the addon scan the listings (takes like 5 mins or so) - and then, when you mouse over any item in your inventory it'll tell you how much said item will sell to vendors and how much it 'recommends' you charge for this item on the AH. Pretty useful while farming, it'll help you know which grays to keep and which to toss, since some gray are worth like 10c, which is just a waste of space IMO.

It's a nice time-saver, to me anyway.

Edited, Oct 26th 2006 at 1:43pm PDT by DRTACO
#173 Oct 26 2006 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
Glucian wrote:

One more question: Where is the AH link on Alla?

I have read about it a few times but can't seem to find an active link. I want to know how much some greens may be or the better types of hides/skins I am starting to see from skinning.


I am not sure what you mean by the "AH link", but I know that for each item, there will usually be an average value listed. I am assuming that the value is generate by an average of buyout prices by everyone that submits WoWReader data, so it would be cross server and thus not really accurate to your servers economy.
#174 Oct 26 2006 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent


Do you DC is you go AFK for to long or can you stay afk all night loooooooong?

#175 Oct 27 2006 at 12:08 AM Rating: Good
510 posts

I also wanted to thank everyone for this thread. Four or five times now I've come here to ask a question only to see it's already been answered by someone earlier.

From a "still-kinda-newbie" perspective, I'd also like to recommend the auctioneer add-on. I'm making a lot more money now that I have it.

To all the FFXI converts:

Parties are similar to how they worked in FFXI, (with pullers, tanks, healers, and DDs) but there are some key differences that still get me in trouble.

1) Healing

This may just be my own experience, but I've noticed that healers take a lot more crap in this game than they did in FFXI. Just a warning before-hand so you know what to expect when rolling a healing class. I think it may be caused by the fact that partying is more of an option than a forced issue, so people aren't as nice to other players as they could be.

(Disclaimer: I say this from past experience. It's possible that I've just had bad luck on my server which is PVP so may have more a$$hats than a normal one)

2) Targets

I used to have <stpc> tags in all my macros so it's a bad habit of mine to select a spell and then expect to be able to select the target. This does not always work in WoW. If I have an enemy targeted and select a spell that can only be cast on friendly targets, then yes, I must then select my target. If, however, I already had a friendly target and then select the spell it automatically casts on that. This sounds like a simple concept to remember but I'm constantly ******** up when chaos ensues.

3) Chaos

Yeah... parties are much more chaotic in this game. In FFXI you just had to sit there and wait for the puller to come back with something (and that something was supposed to be singular). In WoW, you all move together and very often are taking on multiple targets. It's still hard for me to figure out what to do in these situations. I play a druid which can tank, dd, and heal. It's frustrating when your party is fighting 5 or 6 things at once.

4) Looting

This isn't too complicated for the most part but there can be some arguments and drama with the need/greed system depending on who you're grouped with. I think it's a bit different than FFXI simply because good drops were so rare in FFXI... you almost never dealt with this unless you were in a BCNM or something. Expect to deal with loot drama more often here.

Anyway, these were just a few things that I've had trouble adjusting to and wanted to let any other FFXI players know what to watch out for.
#176 Oct 27 2006 at 5:57 AM Rating: Decent
2,588 posts
if you leave your toon standing around it goes to <afk> after 5 minutes and disconnects after 15 or so.

cash looted off mobs is always distributed evenly among the party, no matter who loots it. in the chat it will say "your share of the loot is XXs". items with grey names (vendor trash) and white names (trade items) are looted in turns. green and above get rolled for.

talk about loot rules before your run!

hp/mana regen at low levels is extremely fast. at higher levels you will need to eat/drink or use bandages to heal efficiently.

if you can play several roles (druid, pala, shaman, priest), decide on what to play when the party starts out. then stick to that except in emergencies. otherwise you will always be switching form/gear and get nothing done.

if you are a druid and there is a priest healing, go cat and do damage. only in emergencies where you pull aggro, switch to bear and tank it out.

if you are a shaman and there is someone else healing, whip out the twohander and start smacking things.

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