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No nude patch for 1.11 -sniff-Follow

#77 Jun 22 2006 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
Sales of Manhunt went through the roof following a murder that was linked to the game, sales of Ninja Turtles did exactly the same following a kid getting impailed on a BBQ fork.

Manhunt? Last I heard it was a **** poor game nobody bought and all the violence in the world couldn't save it.

As for the nude patch, ah, whatever floats your boat I say.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2006 at 2:44pm EDT by Yunoh
#78 Jun 22 2006 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
Xyriach I unofrtunately know too many of the things I should not; one of which happens to come in handy here. You see the arguement you make is one that could be made for any fetish, but pelase try to defend some of the more grotesque ones to me. Please research the term "vore" and then see how your arguement holds up.

Is this a serious point?

"Vorarephilia (also referred to as voraphilia, vore, voreaphilia ,and phagophilia) is the interest/sexual fetish in which a person fantasizes about eating another person and/or creature, or being eaten." From Wikipedia

I'm sure that you don't need a psych degree to figure out the reasoning behind one person fantasising about being consumed by another, after all, the very act of suxual union between mammals could be interpreted as a variation on this theme, with one person absorbing the other into them.

Furthermore, canibalism, (which I'm sure you would have had infinately more luck with as an example of something indefensable as a sexual fetish and would seem to be the root of the above), is little more than an extension of a biological throwback where the young were eaten after birth when it was a fair conclusion that they wouldn't make it through lack of feeding, much as hamsters will do and many other creatures. The sexual element in this comes when it is applied to our own folklore, vampires and such consuming human life to provide an eternal existence of their own.

And who could say that vampires aren't portrayed as being sexy?

I trust this satisfies your curiosity as to my ability to justify points. :)

I will reiterate using yet another artistic reference. Let it be, let it be.
#79 Jun 22 2006 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
Vore? Psh, that's child's play compared to some stuff I've seen. *grin*

I was once a human being, anime was my undoing!
#80 Jun 22 2006 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
3,826 posts
I could care less about people putting mods on their games to see 'zomg green nipples' or w/e they want. Literally, it's fine with me.

HOWEVER, post this kind of bullsh[white][/white]it in the Offtopic, or hell, make a forum of your own somewhere, or use someones Alla journal. Share nude patches, art, whatever else you want.

Just keep it off the general forums and less flaming will happen, less rate downs, less clutter, and overall less BS.


#81 Jun 22 2006 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
This thread got totaly derailed.
#82 Jun 22 2006 at 2:01 PM Rating: Default
Manhunt? Last I heard it was a **** poor game nobody bought and all the violence in the world couldn't save it.

Had passed 11million in unit sales by the end of Q2 in 2004. Just for the record thats more units than there are of WoW in Europe.
#83 Jun 22 2006 at 2:02 PM Rating: Default
double post, darn mouse

Edited, Jun 22nd 2006 at 3:02pm EDT by xyriach
#84 Jun 22 2006 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
3,826 posts
Well, these posts usually start out on the bad foot.

Someone wants an updated nude patch
People make fun of them/flame them
Nude Patch People rebuttal is 'zomg, don't be afriad of nudity and sex'
People respond with 'it's not that, etc, yada yada'

Then it degrades from there. This is exactly what I'm tired of seeing, and these types of threads ALWAYS cause it to happen. then they stayed bumped for weeks, and 1-2 count posters come out of no-where to share there nude patches.

We need to give them a bastion so they can GTFO and we can all do what we please.

Oh, found this as well:

"Anyway. Reason this was removed so quickly.... was exploiting. You could remove the gates in AB, WSG and the invisible PVP barrier, and just go through the gates before the game started... and any other gate in the game, too!!

The farsight and eagleeye bugs were fixed, also. "

Edited, Jun 22nd 2006 at 3:13pm EDT by Chubbycox
#85 Jun 22 2006 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
I'm sorry to interrupt your commentary on art and literature, but fact is this thread was started by Techaman so this is an appropriate place to respond to his question. I also chose this thread to lengthen with this response, rather than the other similar thread also just started recently, since this one was posted first.

Techaman: Yes, I have things working in 1.11. I look forward to posting sometime soon to address the changes. Soon meaning at least several hours from now, and possibly a number of days from now (as I'm involved in another project, one of great importance that is expected to possibly be rather chaotic), but I most certainly expect it will be within a week. I'll try to get this done later today, but no promises.

Krylanna: The difference between GTA's Hot Coffee and Oblivion, and this, is that the content was put in the game by the developers in those games. Hot Coffee simply unlocked the hidden content, and I've found says "the ESRB cites hidden content in Oblivion as the reason for their latest move." In contrast, the way users have updated WoW is that the nudity was added by fans, so Blizzard didn't make the nudity and, to the best of our knowledge, no parent or child is buying nudity, hidden or otherwise, when they are buying WoW from a local department/electronics store. Therefore, it's not likely that ESRB would have a reason to be modifying the game's rating based on nudity added from a 3rd party source.

Duke Chubbycox: You're right that the conversations were miserable. I believe some of the problem is that people didn't want the topic discussed on Alla's general forums. Rightly or wrongly, due to various factors it seems the best thing would be for the conversation to move elsewhere. The problem is, no other home for such conversation had been previously established. I intend to see what I can do to remedy that this time 'round.

Others: I have found additional resources (forums, submissions) that weren't pointed to on Alla. If there is a desire to have such resources linked to so that more people can find the resources, or a desire to have such resources not linked to so that people aren't directed towards a personal site, please let me know. Otherwise, without input, I'll likely just link to whomever I feel like it.
Also, the free mirrors that I spent days looking for have shown they are not a great resource for future use, and that may in fact hinder my ability to spread my latest work (after I test it just a bit further) without crippling it. If anyone has some space and bandwidth that can, without violating any EULA's, hold this content, let me know. I'd prefer that my newest work not remain privately my own just because of a lack of a good way to distribute it.
#86 Jun 22 2006 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
3,826 posts
^ TOOGAM....

I literally have not seen you post since the last nudity thread.

Maybe this is the problem alot of us are having. All these posters come out of the woodwork (which means there must be some intrest in nudity patches) but we never see them contribute to the community in any other way, and they disappear for months until a new thread is made.

Just a thought.

Anyways, there has to be some forum somewhere with a plethora of info where you all can meet and discuss this.
#87 Jun 22 2006 at 3:25 PM Rating: Default
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Sioux wrote:
Allegory, I really respect you, I have since FFXI, but I deeply disagree with this one. I SO wish it were true, but there are bajillions of good novels that never make it to print...usually because they're inaccessible, too complex, or have too narrow an audience.

I likes ya too.

Perhaps I should have chosen my words better. Bump good up to great.

Writing a best seller usually involves using an open style that doesn't shut everyone out, and then picking a generic conflict or situation about which many people have thought.

The Da Vinci Code has scandalous materiel, the possibility that a primary religious figure isn't all that religious, and is written in a thriller style. I don't see that as hard to do.

I see a great work as one that is like a cake. There are several layers, plot, mood, meaning, characters, style, etc. and eahc of them is usually all the work of a good novel in itself.
I trust this satisfies your curiosity as to my ability to justify points.

Well I wasn't asking you to justify anything. What I wanted, and maybe carried out poorly, was for you to make the arguement you were making but for soemthing you didn't already approve of.

I wanted to irradicate belief bias, because that's the key problem in arguements like these. I should have done better.
#88 Jun 22 2006 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
I find it amazing how many trash players think the ToS is just an advisory document.
#89 Jun 22 2006 at 3:39 PM Rating: Default
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They can make that mistake, so long as I can make the mistake that the laws protecting them from violent retaliation are only a "suggestionn."
#90 Jun 22 2006 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
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allegory wrote:
and I certainly don't go around asking them to mods games to my particular tastes.

So why do you object to them wanting mods like that?

Clearly there's demand for it.

And even if you were the only person on the planet that had a particular taste (say...replacing Night Elf models with aborted Yak fetuses), there would be nothing wrong with asking help in creating such a mod.

allegory wrote:
I'm telling them that what they are doing is socially unacceptable, anoying, irritating.

Thanks? I'm sure they'll take that into consideration. Smiley: dubious

#91 Jun 22 2006 at 5:26 PM Rating: Default
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Trickybeck you're arguing an impasse. You cannot argue for their right to be allowed to ask for the mods while arguing against my right to say they shouldn't. Or you could view it as you telling me that I cannot tell people what they cannot do. I do not think you have any legal moves here.
Thanks? I'm sure they'll take that into consideration.

Words affect actions, otherwise why speak?

I have the possibility of achieving something either by making them feel so shunned that they simply leave. Or I might stifle the thread and so fewer people get word of the new mod. I'm not trying to convert them here so I don't need their cooperation to achieve anything; I'm using verbal force.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2006 at 6:32pm EDT by Allegory

Edited, Jun 22nd 2006 at 6:33pm EDT by Allegory
#92 Jun 22 2006 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
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#93 Jun 22 2006 at 5:41 PM Rating: Default
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KTurner that's great. Please draw more, I need more.
PMd you my credit card info and mailing address, send asap please.
#94 Jun 22 2006 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
12,905 posts
Allegory wrote:
KTurner that's great. Please draw more, I need more.
PMd you my credit card info and mailing address, send asap please.

Are you dutch?
#95 Jun 22 2006 at 5:44 PM Rating: Default
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If you want me to be, I'm up for roleplay.
#96 Jun 22 2006 at 6:54 PM Rating: Good
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Trickybeck you're arguing an impasse. You cannot argue for their right to be allowed to ask for the mods while arguing against my right to say they shouldn't.

First of all, I never said that you had no right to say he shouldn't. That's a strawman.

I simply argued that you had no basis for saying he shouldn't.

And why quell the discussion if it's not harming anyone?

Or I might stifle the thread and so fewer people get word of the new mod.
Why? How does it affect you?

Other than, you think it's "icky" or whatever.

I'm sure you'll come up with some contrived reason like "if less people can play wow nude then I'll encounter less immature people in the game." Smiley: rolleyes

#97 Jun 22 2006 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
#98 Jun 22 2006 at 7:46 PM Rating: Default
My thoughts are this on this topic. I will not bash down the OP or anyone else who used this patch, but I will say I find it stupid, and immature for one to use it. Well maybe I am bashing a lil. Basically you can ues it if you want, but WHY?! There is **** all over the friggin place. Wow is not ment for that. Its about playing with friends and meeting people and killing dragons an stuff. For someone to use the nude patch religously, gimme a break. Do yourself a favor stop stressing about the nude patch and find some real girls.
#99 Jun 22 2006 at 9:06 PM Rating: Default
For someone to use the nude patch religously, gimme a break. Do yourself a favor stop stressing about the nude patch and find some real girls.

Yeah there is no denying that it is a little weird. Honestly though, anyone who watches cartoon ****, especially a nude patch on WOW is a little weird. That is why Japanese **** is called Hentai.Hentai translates into Pervert in English.
#100 Jun 22 2006 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
Well I wasn't asking you to justify anything. What I wanted, and maybe carried out poorly, was for you to make the arguement you were making but for soemthing you didn't already approve of.

Unfortunately there are very few things in the universe that I actually work up the effort to disaprove of. Anything can be argued to the point of justifiation no matter how horrific; if you're willing to adopt a mindset for the discussion.

This thread got totaly derailed.

I would argue that it hasn't, no more than any other thread has gone into a debate about the pro's and cons of its usage. This particular mod has an ethical and philosophical dimension to it and so sparks conversation accordingly. Moreover one of the wonderful things about human communication is that it develops a fluid nature, which this particular thread seems to be doing well. IMHO

And why quell the discussion if it's not harming anyone?

Hear hear!

and less flaming will happen

Will someone provide me with an accurate definition of "flaming", my understanding at this juncture is that it would involve undermining or insulting anothers point of view. However, my understanding of the definition of the word "forum" would assume that such ativity was an axiom.

Anyhoo, there seem to be enough links to the requested nekkid mod now anyway, happy hunting/pruding/depraving whereever you are!

#101 Jun 22 2006 at 9:17 PM Rating: Default
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First of all, I never said that you had no right to say he shouldn't. That's a strawman.

That's the implication I got out of it. I suppose I misunderstood you then.
And why quell the discussion if it's not harming anyone?

Well we could have and entirely separate discussion on whether or not it is actually harming people, but I won't go there. Since this question is essentially the same as why it affects me I'll answer both now.

It's icky, it's annoying, I am a little bored, it makes room for interesting tangents like my discussion with Sioux, I get to have a little fun with those rushing to their defense, it contributes nothing to the forum community, I'm practicing typing using a dvorak setup to no satisfaction, it might be considered to violate the forum policies agaisnt pornography, it's socially unacceptable, and it kind of goes a little against my own personal views on sexuality.

A myriad of reasons.
"if less people can play wow nude then I'll encounter less immature people in the game."

And the above are the direct reasons. There's all sorts of possibilities like the one you mentioned. Maybe I'll be in a instance with a healer who doesn't pay attention to my hp because he's looking at my shaggy hide. Maybe I'll be forced to encounter art that has been influenced by the ideas here and becomes a horrible phenomenom. Maybe someone, in a quest to perfect the nudie patch will engender nuclear war. Though none of these really matter.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2006 at 10:19pm EDT by Allegory
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