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No nude patch for 1.11 -sniff-Follow

#27 Jun 21 2006 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
362 posts
I doesn't work anymore and I played with if for a while and I still can't figure it out.

Nuff said.
#28 Jun 21 2006 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
TseTsuo that was one of the funniest things i've ever seen
#29 Jun 21 2006 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
As a European, I have to say that coming from a country that created Baywatch I find all of this anti-nudity in games highly amusing.

I don't beleive that such a thread would have gotten this far out of hand had it been European based, a few laughs and that would be that.

Incidentally, the internet wouldn't have become the powerful organism it is today had it not been fueled by **** in its onset, so I rather think that something as sophisticated as WoW utilising the best that a modern internet and its associated hardware can deliver has sort of an obligation to be modded to accept its heritage!


Edited, Jun 21st 2006 at 12:50pm EDT by xyriach
#30 Jun 21 2006 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
8,832 posts
According to the theory of evolution our heritage is ripe with the throwing of *****.

As you can see we are just accepting our heritage as well.
#31 Jun 21 2006 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
Mazra wrote:
Warchief SeomanP wrote:
When I ********** I do it to pictures and movies of real life women not pixels.

I did not need to know that.

I did NOT need to know that!

When I **********, I do it while thinking of Mazra.
Problem is, I don't know what he looks I imagine the avatar he used to have with the smiley face saying, "Kill yourself" hovering over my head...
Oh yeah.

#32 Jun 21 2006 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
*Waits for someone to link porno*
#33 Jun 21 2006 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
That thread owned all.
#34 Jun 21 2006 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
Oh noooo you can see naked people in WoW... I can't believe the reaction from you people. What in the hell is wrong with wanting to see naked people?? It's in our nature. And it's not like being nude in WoW is hurting anyone. Now go back to voting for Bush and reading the bible. It's like the Hot Coffie fiasco; it's ok to gun down people left and right but then someone came up with a nude mod OMG!! Disaster!! Outrageous... gimme a break.

Back on topic:

I've been trying to find something that works with 1.11, but so far no luck =/ Let me know if you find something that works.

PS: Would you all be so enraged if the player using the mod mas a girl? I think not. You automatically assume that it's a guy.
#35 Jun 21 2006 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
Oh noooo you can see naked people in WoW... I can't believe the reaction from you people. What in the hell is wrong with wanting to see naked people?? It's in our nature. And it's not like being nude in WoW is hurting anyone. Now go back to voting for Bush and reading the bible. It's like the Hot Coffie fiasco; it's ok to gun down people left and right but then someone came up with a nude mod OMG!! Disaster!! Outrageous... gimme a break.

Back on topic:

I've been trying to find something that works with 1.11, but so far no luck =/ Let me know if you find something that works.

PS: Would you all be so enraged if the player using the mod mas a girl? I think not. You automatically assume that it's a guy.

The only people outraged are trolls like you, the rest of us are just pointing out that on the sad-scale, real **** is atleast a few notches above WoW Night Elf pixel-bewbs. No one said "ZOMG YOU SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO DO THAT!" just stating out opinions.
#36 Jun 21 2006 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
I know its only naked cartoons and theres nothing wrong with that but meny players includeing myself have a femail toon (also known as a shim) but i do feel rather put off by the thought of another player following me around or stareing at me while AFK while spanking the monkey.

#37 Jun 21 2006 at 7:00 PM Rating: Default
So hentai isn't real **** then?
#38 Jun 21 2006 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
who said it wasn't?

if you DO wanna be a ***** and be all ****, technically all I hear **** used as is for real people, hentai would be....well hentai, toons skrewing.
#39 Jun 21 2006 at 7:31 PM Rating: Default
hahaha, the way you put it just made me laugh :P

Anyway, everyones points aside, and back on topic (for those of us low enough for this mod): I tried manually replacing the textures in the MPQ file but get a funny error there as well, one german guy claims that he got it to work with 1.11, this is how: Use that and let me know how it turns out.

BTW plenty of other skinners out there doing more than just nude mods, none of their stuff works now either =/
#40 Jun 21 2006 at 7:35 PM Rating: Default
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If this thread gets to page 2 I will cry.
#41 Jun 21 2006 at 7:42 PM Rating: Default
You better book an appointment with Dr. Phil straight away pal :P
#42 Jun 21 2006 at 7:50 PM Rating: Good
I don't speak German, so I have no idea what that says. And I don't really care what you think about me wanting to see a naked night elf. If there were really elfs I wouldn't be wanting to fix the patch. :P So instead of making this a OMG your such a perv thread lets try to help out the perv community and get the patch fixed.
#43 Jun 21 2006 at 8:04 PM Rating: Default
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I like how people are trying to attack those laughing at their pathetic nude patches as having some irrational disdain for nudity. Nothing wrong with nudity, everything wrong with pixelated nudity.

Or are you going to try to pass off your dancing, and horribly disfigured, NE as "igh art?"
#44 Jun 21 2006 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
most people here I suspect are hypocrites. They have a problem with pixelated nudity and thinking of nudity as natural. If they see a nude beach, they are looking at a sexual act, or group sex, even if those on the beach are simply at the beach like regular beachgoers. This is because they equate a nude figure walking, jumping or fighting(as, in World of Warcraft) with "pornography" (see their posts for confirmation). Yet all these people are very familiar with sexual acts and nudity themselves, as many are married or have a partner. I give you the hypocrites...

AAAHAHAHA. Way to circumlocute. There should be a [:prize:] avatar.

If you want to look at naked people, just frigging admit it. Don't give out this highbrow 'nudity is natural' crap: that stuff is what credits artists who want to use nude figures in their work, not teenagers who want to use a nude patch in WoW. Seriously, just drop that jive.
Gratuitous nudity is porno, because people like it for its prurience. It's SOFTCORE porno, but it's still nakedness for the sake of titillation. Michelangelo's David was nudity for the sake of beauty, and comes under the defense of naturalism: a naked Night Elf is nudity for the sake of sexual content, and does not. Don't be a weiner, if you just want to see bewbies go ahead and admit it, it's not like everyone is going to come down with a case of the vapors.

Calling a spade a spade doesn't make one a hypocrite. It IS porno, although it's on the weak end of the spectrum. The further conclusions you come to after that are up to you, and that's where hypocrisy comes in.
Personally I think that excusing lascivious desires, like seeing a naked NE, under an aesthetic defense is much more hypocritical. If you fap to bewbs, you fap to bewbs. It's not like that's a news flash to anybody.

Personally the idea of naked gnomes terrifies me. It's like 'creepy little guy on the subway' x 10.
#45 Jun 21 2006 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
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Michelangelo's David was nudity for the sake of beauty, and comes under the defense of naturalism

I disagree. I'll admit my art background is limited, but I believe I have enough familiarity to make an educated statement. Most "high art" is really nudity for the same of nudity.

I think those who argue otherwise are following an innate desire to idealise.
#46 Jun 21 2006 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
Michelangelo's David was nudity for the sake of beauty, and comes under the defense of naturalism

I disagree. I'll admit my art background is limited, but I believe I have enough familiarity to make an educated statement. Most "high art" is really nudity for the same of nudity.

I think those who argue otherwise are following an innate desire to idealise.

I don't might be right, I guess we would have to ask Michelangelo for that one...but...

I've done 3D art with human figures for a few years now, and I've done nudity both ways. I've done it because I was being sexual, but I've done more than one picture with naked figures because clothes would have ruined the picture; the lines of muscle and bone looked more appealing than the same image done with a clothed figure. Admittedly I rarely showed actual naughty bits in those pictures, mostly because I didn't want to be prurient or take away from the point.

Hell, the human body IS attractive. When it's healthy and fit, it's a beautiful thing, although it's easy to argue that the beauty is based on the fact that it's taboo: if everyone ran around naked, would nudity still be as appealing? I really don't know.

I think it's unfair to say that all nudity in art is just for the sake of nudity though. It's like saying that flowers in art are just for the sake of putting flowers in the picture, or the use of certain words or phrases in Shakespeare is throwaway and just serves to make up the right number of syllables for iambic pentameter. I'm not so naive as to think that it's NEVER the case, but I don't think it's categorically true...sometimes imagery serves meaning, as well as reaction. I know I sound like a fartsy artiste, but there it is.

Either way, in my opinion, nudity for the sake of nudity by an artist who's trying to say something is not the same thing as nudity in WoW for the sake of seeing teets. Maybe it just comes down to credibility, but I still don't like the parallel.

Art debates are difficult, like politics and abortion, because so much of it is personal opinion. What's art to Bob is porno to Tom, probably because the two will have different ideas of what is and isn't will see the beauty in a naked figure, while the other will have a more visceral reaction and see it as **** because it turned him on. I seriously can't see someone using a nude patch to admire the symmetric beauty of the naked Night Elf figure though. ;)

By the way: are the male figures also naked in the patch, or just the females? I'm just curious. <.<

Smiley: lol

Edited, Jun 21st 2006 at 9:43pm EDT by Sioux
#47 Jun 21 2006 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
For the love of....

Art throughout the ages has been obsessed with the human form for several reasons, cheif of these being that it is one thing that all people share. We all have an interest in the human form because we all have one.

Others would include our predispostion to be sexually engaged by attractive forms and our biological drive to find them.

Humans, like any animal, are preprogrammed to reproduce, we don't have any choice in the matter its in there. So we naturally strive for what we interprate to be our idealism of beauty.

This, in civilised society has turned itself into more than admiration and desire and into something infinately more complex. For a start, we are constantly shown images of women that simply could not exisit. A list celebs have said time and again that after a publisher has finished with their photos that they hardly recognise themselves, meaning that those we hold on the highest pedistals of attraction simply do not exisit.

In WoW, the characters (certainly humans and elves) have been given some of the more desirable traits of human sexuality in an effort I would presume to make thme more attractive to players (or programmers). As a result, you would expect there to be some people out there who would see beyond the fact that they are looking at characters composed of binary and light and see something they desire.

This is no more strange or freakish than finding someone intensely likeable because we've read the words they type or felt some kind of connection with them aross the internet.

If you read this and agree then a connection has been made, if you read this and disagree then a connection has been made, if you read this and feel nothing then a connection has still been made because you've read it.

I would venture that people who have nudity mods and find elves attractive are simply doing what the majority of guys do which is focus on the outter layer of someone they find attractive. They've probably run into or chatted with a player of the opposite sex and felt a desire which has translated itself into a desire for the character, not the person behind it.

As such, a sexual desire because of this is no more strange than people calling sexlines, buying posters or atually falling in love with real people who can quite often be more ficticous than anything you will encounter in WoW and often more dangerous.

(Rant ends....)
#48 Jun 21 2006 at 8:48 PM Rating: Default
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I wasn't trying to say that all nudity is for the sake of nudity. There can be an artistic aesthetic about it.

I trying to say that people give way too much credit to high art. Is there something to the form and stance of David. Is there some depth in the fact that the artist chose to portray him not after slaying Goliath, but rather await ing his arrival? Yeah, but it's still a naked man.

I really do believe people over idealise many specific peices of art. I see little difference between a book such as The Da Vinci Code (so ignorantly titled >.<) and Gulliver's Travels. I think Shakesspeare is a hack compared to sophocles (Though he isn't relaly that great), and that a slub on the street might be able to paint a work with as much supposed mood as "Night Cafe at the Place Lamartine."
#49 Jun 21 2006 at 8:55 PM Rating: Default
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Xyriach wrote:
As such, a sexual desire because of this is no more strange than people calling sexlines, buying posters or atually falling in love with real people who can quite often be more ficticous than anything you will encounter in WoW and often more dangerous.

There are socially unacceptable sexual niches and they are socially unaaceptable for a reason.

Xyriach I unofrtunately know too many of the things I should not; one of which happens to come in handy here. You see the arguement you make is one that could be made for any fetish, but pelase try to defend some of the more grotesque ones to me. Please research the term "vore" and then see how your arguement holds up.

You only accept it as a valid contetion because you see nothing wrong with this desire.

I'm going to be terse though. These people jsut want to look at nekkid people. There are better places they could be doing it and we really don't want to hear them talk about it.
#50 Jun 21 2006 at 9:06 PM Rating: Good

I never said it was strange, not once. ;) I DID say that there's nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade. I don't know if the post was directed at me, but if it was, I'm not disagreeing with you. The only thing I took issue with was denial that the nude patches are used for the sake of prurience rather than art. There's nothing wrong with ****: my boyfriend has tons of **** on his computer, I don't feel threatened, I don't care about it. Men like naked women. That's ok, just don't tell me that Peter North is an artist.


Some people do give too much credit to high art, but really it comes down to the individual. If I look at David and see enough meaning that it makes me think about it for an hour, that's ok; if another guy takes one look and averts his eyes because there's a ***** there, that's his reaction to it and that's ok too. No one is really right or wrong in aesthetics, although it's an incredibly fruitful basis for argument.

Idealizing art just because it's 'art', or to play up to a self-image or peer image, is uncool, and I agree with that. I remember many a great poem destroyed in my high school English classes by teachers informing us of the meaning, and implying meaning where I personally thought it was contrived.

There are really two levels to any work of art: there's what you see and what you think. If you just stop at what you see that's ok, although it's more entertaining and enriching to think about it as well. That goes for any artistic work, in any medium really. Good art will appeal immediately to more than one level, and the ability to make good art is not confined to a certain circle of people at all. I'm sure there are people on the street with a lot of artistic merit, it's really just how you dance to the beat, and whether you can make other people feel it too. It's really more about the observer than the artist.

I feel so Andy Warhol now, I'm gonna have to take a shower after this.

And calling Shakespeare a hack is just cold. I'm wounded here, you didn't have to go that far. ;)

Please research the term "vore" and then see how your arguement holds up.

Oh and you had to go there too. Oh jeezus. Smiley: laugh

Edited, Jun 21st 2006 at 10:08pm EDT by Sioux
#51 Jun 21 2006 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
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And calling Shakespeare a hack is just cold. I'm wounded here, you didn't have to go that far. ;)

My literary teachers say there's two levels to shakespeare. There's the entertainment (Witches, Sex, Violence!) and then there's teh art. To be honest all I see is entertainment.

The Taming of the Shrew
is a comedy just like Robot Chicen. Except that Robot Chicken is funnier at this point in time.

Romeo and Juliet is overly simplistic, the characters' conflicts are bland. It's on par with the movie A Walk to Remember (originally as book just as bad), and I think the most recent movie of the book Prirde and Prejudice is better than the play.

Macbeth is alrighty.

I know I didn't go into much depth about why I don't like shakespeare, but I don't feel like writing and essay and trying to force my ideas into words.

Let's just say I believe that there's a "scholar niche" where the acedemic types find a story to their liking and embelish it's greatness just like there's a romantic niche with those poorly written love stories or a drama niche with those sloppy soap operas. I don't it's any different other than the appearance of nobility.
I feel so Andy Warhol now, I'm gonna have to take a shower after this.

Andy Warhol... beter take two.
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